9 years, 6 months ago.

FRDM_TSI.lib with FRDM-K20D5 errs?

FYI - for mbed/Frdm_TSI.lib revision 5 with a FRDM-K20D50 platform

I'm getting a lot of errors Error: Identifier "TSI_GENCS_MODE" is undefined in "TSI/TSISensor.cpp", Line: 108, Col: 22

Anybody else tried this? :)

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.


TSI lib is implemented for newer TSI peripheral which is "simplified" TSI peripheral. Therefore you receive all those errors.

It would require to create an layer above to abstract the interface and split implementation for older TSI and new TSI. Feel free to send a pull request with this improvement.


Accepted Answer

Hi, thanks for the quick answer. I've been reading through the data sheets TSI registers and started could see that they weren't the same.

I was wondering what do you mean "Feel free to send a pull request with this improvement." - is that to make a request of the mbed team to support the K20, and if so how would i do it?


posted by neil hancock 10 Nov 2014

To fork the TSI library which is shared here, edit it to support K20 and send a pull request from your fork. https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Collaboration/Pull-requests

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Nov 2014