9 years, 7 months ago.

The STM CMSIS interface

The STM CMSIS interface was changed and I have to change all programs which are using it :-( The new interface has no driver for the 32 bit timer TIM5 !

Why do you not declare the old interface deprecated for some time ?

Question relating to:

mbed library sources mbed

2 Answers

9 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Peter, the change was introduced by ST to standartize drivers for their platforms. You can start checking the github mbed repository , for changes. You would have noticed this change and raised this question there.

Can you point directly to the old source which yo uhave used in your programs . I wonder why there's no driver for that timer. You still can use older mbed lib (or current one).

You can raise this on github, please provide more details (for users like me who are not familiar with your programs - how you used that timer, why did you use directly the driver and what API was there and it's not anymore).


9 years, 7 months ago.

While I don't know the specifics of this one, my explanation in general for such stuff is that the authors of those peripheral libraries simply hate humanity. The functions, their names, their arguments, etc seem to randomly be changed every so often.

Similar people who have ever worked with Cadence IC should have come to the same conclusion, it is the only one that makes sense.

And since I still cannot edit answers (seriously...), it would be nice if they actually are standardizing those drivers, since my experience was that you are way better of just directly addressing registers: The header files of hunderds of lines don't exactly make it easier, and directly addressing register was actually portable between targets.

posted by Erik - 09 Nov 2014