9 years, 7 months ago.

Can't find "cmsis_os.h" when compiling with latest mbed-rtos for LPC1768

mBed LPC1768

To reproduce do the following:

New Program select mbed_blinky template import library using wizard: mbed-rtos


errors: Error: Cannot open source input file "cmsis_os.h": No such file or directory in "mbed-rtos/rtos/Mutex.h", Line: 26, Col: 22

This worked for an older version of mbed-rtos. Am I missing something?

2 Answers

9 years, 7 months ago.

Can you revert to version 47? Looks like there were some recent changes that broke support for other targets.in the IDE highlight mbed-rtos and in the right most panel click on revisions. In the revision list right click on version 47 and switch working copy to this version.

Thanks for reporting this

Glad to help, thanks

posted by Jim Glover 08 Nov 2014

This problem is coming up again. I exported my project to GCC and I use the official - up to date mbed-dev library. And when I comment the include, later the linker complain about not finding the .o file..

posted by M J. 04 Apr 2017
6 years, 8 months ago.

I am having the same problem as Mariwan J.

Try 'mbed OS Blinky LED HelloWorld' in the list of programs when creating a new program. mbed-rtos is superseded by mbed OS 5; which comes with RTOS built in.

posted by Jan Jongboom 22 Sep 2017