9 years ago.

Can the mbed team edit this page to warn about PA_13 and PA_14 being SWD pins

I assigned these pins as GPIO and couldn't use the ST-LINK interface. Thought I had bricked it but loaded blinky via the online compiler to restore it.

You basically cannot use these pins as GPIO and use the debugger. A warning describing this might be helpful to others if they come across this situation.

I think the pinout diagram should be updated to show this also.

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F411RET6 microcontroller.

I totally agree with your opinion!!
In addition, Nucleo series mbed boards are used same PCB.
This means that this is not only for F411RE but also all of Nucleo issue.

posted by Kenji Arai 11 May 2015
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