11 years, 2 months ago.

Serial port over USB connection between windows xp and mbed


I tried to connect the mbed to a windows pc via a serial over usb connection using the examples provided by mbed. However non are working at this moment. Quite strange because when I started about a year ago working with mbed I encountered no problem at all using the usb connection.

Still I got a mbed board with the old binary and it is still working. When I hookip another mbed board with a binary compiled at this moment the serial connection is not working.

The usb connection is ok, because it shows up as a flash drive and I am able to program the mbed. When opening TeraTerm and typing a character the status led is flickering indicating the mbed receives the character.

So I am out of options and maybe the mbed team can help me out.

Which code are you using? Specifically, are you using a USBserial connection or a regular serial connection. You need the regular one, and quite often those two are confused.

Just because there are many new commits to the mbed library doesn't mean it is broken, especially since serial over USB is really used alot. So even if you didnt confuse serial and USBSerial, it is handy to post your code.

posted by Erik - 04 Mar 2013

2 Answers

11 years, 2 months ago.

You need to install the serial driver for every new mbed. See here:


I did all the possible solutions which I could find, including your suggestion. I think the problem is more within the modifications in the libraries provided by mbed. From the history I can see a lot modifications to the libraries.

But thanks for your answer.

posted by Edwin Steffens 04 Mar 2013

Then you should post your program and specific steps to reproduce the issue (including library versions etc). Right now your question is lacking details.

posted by Igor Skochinsky 04 Mar 2013

I tried this example at http://mbed.org/handbook/SerialPC. The mbed has the most recent firmware version running. I installed the most recent serial driver for windows Xp and use Teraterm 4.77. The mbed shows up in the devicemanager as com10. I expect when I compile the same source at two different points in time the same result. If not something must be wrong in either the libraries, firmware or hardware. Compiling is done with the online compiler.

So if someone else will try to see if they come up with other results or have a solution, I would be thankful.

posted by Edwin Steffens 04 Mar 2013

That code should work. It is really used alot, if there was something wrong with serial over USB you should see really many complaints about it.

Do you have different mbed types? If yes, did you compile it for the correct one? How about TeraTerm settings? Baud rate correct at 9600? (Although generally it returns unreadable chars when that is wrong). No parity?

posted by Erik - 04 Mar 2013
11 years, 2 months ago.

when you connect to the tera term via serial.It automatically detects the serial setting for mbed.