9 years, 6 months ago.

How to connect second mbed with PC by serial communication .

First mbed device(LPC11U24) can connect with my PC by serial communication,but the second one(STM32F401) can not do it. The PC does not recognize the second one as serial device, in spite of the connection between the device and my PC. Then I searched the solution to the problem, and find this↓ page. (http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration)

The article of Troubleshooting says that "If you have multiple mbed microcontrollers, but the serial port only appears for one of them" and "Make sure you run the installer for every mbed; windows loads the driver based on the serial number, so it needs to be run for each mbed you use".

But I can't understand what it saying and what I have to do in detail. For example,I dont know how to "run the installer for every mbed" or what "the installer " is. In addition I forgot what I did when I set up the first mbed.

Please tell me the solution. Thanks.

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

It says right there on top what the installer is, and a link to it.

However STM ones use different drivers, just follow the instructions: https://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST/wiki/Nucleo-Firmware (At the bottom of the page).

Accepted Answer

I succeed it. Thank you !!

posted by Hirokazu Ishida 25 Oct 2014