9 years, 7 months ago.

UART on mKit shared with USB-Serial pc output?

Is the UART on the IOpins usable separate from the debug USB Serial line?

funny things are happening. IS this uart used for the interface chip such that it can't be used unless the interface chip is off?

Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

still need help

posted by tap tap 02 Nov 2014

1 Answer

9 years, 7 months ago.

Hi tap tap,

which pins are you referring to? The default console output (USB-Serial) is through :


and according to the pinmap available for Serial for NRF51 targets:

static const PinMap PinMap_UART_TX[] = {
    {TX_PIN_NUMBER, UART_0, 1},
    { NC  , NC    , 0}

static const PinMap PinMap_UART_RX[] = {
    {RX_PIN_NUMBER, UART_0, 1},
    {NC   , NC    , 0}

which implies that you can't use any serial object. There's an issue opened on github mbed SDK repo for making available more pins as it should be possible.


Yes I was trying to use P0_9 and P0_11

So can I use a UART on this module at all as it sits right now? will StdIO go out over those pins as well with the Interface module off.

If I turn the "interface module" off with the witch on the board will that allow UART to work on these pins? I would imagine that I cannot use the USB Serial with the interface module off though.

On the FOTA version, how is the debug terminal setup? Does that use the nRF UART service to send UART RX/TX responses? I am actually trying to use this board as a simple BT4.0 to UART to talk to a UART on a KL25Z.

posted by tap tap 17 Oct 2014

I am still confused on this? Can someone answer the questions above please?

posted by tap tap 20 Oct 2014

can anyone give a comment on this?

posted by tap tap 02 Nov 2014

You did not describe your problem, what is happening? I am just confused from your description (not much familiar with onboard interface on/of)

posted by Martin Kojtal 03 Nov 2014