9 years, 8 months ago.

Web Sockets @ WIFI

Hello experts,

I bought a HLK-RM04 WIFI module that takes seriell inputs from the micro controller and sends WIFI output to browsers. I got it running on Arduino and the webpage displays fine, although not very reliably (requires many browser clicks). Now I'm trying to build an IOT system with the FRDM-KL25Z and Web Sockets. Initial trials with Wifly failed. Can anyone give me some lines of code to get started. The module IP is at "" but it should work with DHCP too. What I need is a web page that shows the values of a few sensors (so far have a magnetic field strength sensor and an IR radiation sensor). The data should update every second or so, which should be possible with Web Sockets.

Any help appreciated... Thanks



how HLK-RM04 differ from Wifly module? Have you modified wifly sources?

There's no support for HLK-RM04 on mbed ,yet. It would be good if any of us would add it (port ethernet interface).

posted by Martin Kojtal 13 Oct 2014

I don't know, if and how the HLK-RM04 and the Wifly are different. No, I did not modify the Wifly code.


posted by Henry Ott 14 Oct 2014
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