9 years, 8 months ago.

ethernet vs cc3000

Hi all, I finally managed to make a program where I can change led colors from web, I started from wifi(avnet) using cc3000 and then I used the same application on ethernet platform (frdm-k64z).

Now issue is in cc3000 library i observed thatt I am able to auto-refresh the page, but in ethernet program when ever i give input to page (like submit a form by pressing the button on html page) the page get stucked.

I dont know both (wifi and ethernet) programs are using the same code(same html same cpp) the only difference is in the library ehternet is using EthernetInterface.h" while the wifi is using "cc3000.h"

kindly help me out

thanksin advance.

sorry I used internet explorer and now every thing is working fine :)

posted by zain aftab 08 Sep 2014
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