9 years, 9 months ago.

ethernet issue

Hi all, I managed to create a stand-alone application on AVNET Wi-GO module. I actually modified the WI-GO IOT-demo. Now when i turn on the WI-GO module, it gets the ip from dhcp server say, and when i put this ip on url it gives me a webpage.

Now I want to run this app on FRDM-K64Z, main challenge is to convert the wifi connectivity to the ethernet one. I already removed all the unnecessary libraries from the app, so my final app has all the libraries which are common between WI-GO and FRDM-k64Z.

I just now need some transformation mechanishm from cc3000 library to ethernet interface library

any suggestions kindly help me

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

The CC3000 and EthernetInterface libraries are almost identical in usage. Generally on the CC3000 you will have a special init function for each board, you can remove that one. Also remove the CC3000 lib and replace it by the EthernetInterface lib. Remove the CC3000 object (generally called wifi), and replace it by an EthernetInterface object (for example called 'eth'). Then also replace wifi.init() and wifi.connect() with eth.init() and eth.connect(). I think also the IP address functino is the same.

Accepted Answer

thanks erik, your answers are v helpful. I am using WIGO-IOT demo, and they made some changes in the cc3000 library. I need to do some more stuff as well. I will try to contact this forum again if i face some more problems

posted by zain aftab 03 Sep 2014