9 years, 8 months ago.

pinmap not found for peripheral


i got this error message on my STM nucleo L152RE.

My Code:

#include "mbed.h"

PwmOut mypwm(PA_8);

DigitalOut myled(LED1);

int main()
    printf("pwm set to %.2f %%\n", mypwm.read() * 100);
    while(1) {
        myled = !myled;

At the Pin Overview PA_8 is a possible option for the pwm.

Thanks, Florian

2 Answers

9 years, 8 months ago.

These are the pins available for PWM:

static const PinMap PinMap_PWM[] = {
//  {PA_0,  PWM_5,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM5)},  // TIM5_CH1
    {PA_1,  PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH2
//  {PA_1,  PWM_5,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM5)},  // TIM5_CH1
    {PA_2,  PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH3
//  {PA_2,  PWM_5,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM5)},  // TIM5_CH3
//  {PA_2,  PWM_9,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM9)},  // TIM9_CH1
    {PA_3,  PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH4
//  {PA_3,  PWM_5,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM5)},  // TIM5_CH4
//  {PA_3,  PWM_9,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM9)},  // TIM9_CH2
    {PA_6,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH1
//  {PA_6,  PWM_10, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM10)}, // TIM10_CH1
    {PA_7,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH2
//  {PA_7,  PWM_11, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM11)}, // TIM11_CH1
    {PB_0,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH3
    {PB_1,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH4
    {PB_3,  PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH2
    {PB_4,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH1
    {PB_5,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH2
    {PB_6,  PWM_4,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM4)},  // TIM4_CH1
    {PB_7,  PWM_4,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM4)},  // TIM4_CH2
    {PB_8,  PWM_4,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM4)},  // TIM4_CH3
//  {PB_8,  PWM_10, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM10)}, // TIM10_CH1
    {PB_9,  PWM_4,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM4)},  // TIM4_CH4
//  {PB_9,  PWM_11, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM11)}, // TIM11_CH1
    {PB_10, PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH3
    {PB_11, PWM_2,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM2)},  // TIM2_CH4
    {PB_12, PWM_10, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM10)}, // TIM10_CH1
    {PB_13, PWM_9,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM9)},  // TIM9_CH1
    {PB_14, PWM_9,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM9)},  // TIM9_CH2
    {PB_15, PWM_11, STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM11)}, // TIM11_CH1
    {PC_6,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH1
    {PC_7,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH2
    {PC_8,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH3
    {PC_9,  PWM_3,  STM_PIN_DATA(GPIO_Mode_AF, GPIO_OType_PP, GPIO_PuPd_UP, GPIO_AF_TIM3)},  // TIM3_CH4
    {NC,    NC,     0}

And yes you are correct that the pin overview says something else. So either the pinoverview is incorrect and needs to be changed, or a PWM option needs to be added for PA_8 (and possibly others).

Accepted Answer

Where could I found this table for my Controller/Board?

posted by Robert Steigemann 01 Nov 2019
9 years, 8 months ago.


There is a mistake in the L152RE pinout picture. There is no PWM on PA_8. It will be corrected.

Thanks for having noticed that.


i have a similar problem with a NUCLEO-L073RZ the code Serial device1(PA_14,PA_13); tx, rx does not work, it marks the same error, but the datasheet says this pin has the LowpowerUART, but the pinmap does not mark it (in the morpho header)

posted by Royce Richmond 02 Jun 2019