9 years, 11 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic

mbed-rtos and mbed-App-USBFlash Problem...

Hello there, Am trying to make a code by adding both "rtos" and "USBFlash" libraries but I get the following problem

Error: Invalid redeclaration of type name "BOOL" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/mbed-USB_Data/FatFileSystem/integer.h', '27'); return false;">FatFileSystem/integer.h:27</a>) in "mbed-rtos/rtx/os_tcb.h", Line: 14, Col: 28

I even tried using the example code giving with the "mbed-App-USBFlash", but when I add "rtos.h" library, I still get the above error

Anyone knows how to fix it, please ?

Solved the problem , had to import the updated USBHost and edit the code again ..

posted by Mohammed Almoosawi 02 Jul 2014