9 years, 11 months ago.

Probleme update u-blox c027


after an successful update with the " C027_GPSTransparentSerial_UBLOX_C027.bin", download the from the website.I can't connected the C027 for a new updating.

if the C027 is powered white a barrel jack the memory does not connect. but if it connected with usb only, the memory is connects.

the LED indicates the GPS signal flashes.

how I can rest my cart ?

Question relating to:

The u-blox-C027 is a complete starter kit that allows quick prototyping of a variety of applications for the Internet of Things. The application board has a MAX-M8Q GPS/GNSS receiver and …

I use already mac os x. now it's works in mac too, after an successful update using windows

posted by amzil rida 19 Jun 2014
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