10 years ago.


Any plans to add FRDM-K64F support to this library?

Question relating to:

USBDevice is working to some level on my FRDM-K64F setup. However, I sometimes get in a state where USBDevice::configured() is frozen on "false", which locks the USBDevice:write() operation.

I do not know at this point if this is FRDM-K64F related or not. I'll update this post when I find out. Anybody else encountered this situation?

posted by H. Chanon 23 Sep 2014

1 Answer

10 years ago.


platform K64F is supported in USBDevice library. Did you receive any error while compiling for K64F?


Accepted Answer

It compiled but didn't run (LED blinking red). Since there is a list of boards supporting USBDevice and the K64F isn't on it I assumed it was not supported. Knowing it is supported I wil try to get it working. Thank you.

posted by Emil Johnsen 07 Jun 2014