9 years, 11 months ago.

Connectivity issues on FRDM-K64F


When Ethernet support for FRDM-K64F was announced, I tried the basic "Hello World" at the Ethernet Handbook page, which uses TCP, and it worked OK. However, I tried examples from other protocols, and even stripping them to the basics I cannot get any other kind of connection: SMTP, Websocket, etc. Basically, I declare an ethernet object, connect it, and then I declare the protocol object (like TCP, websocket, SMTP), and try to connect it. I used some printf lines to follow when I connect the ethernet object and the protocol object. Except for the first program I have tried, I cannot even connect ethernet when I declare any other protocol. The line that should print the IP Address is never executed. If I comment out the line that connects the protocol, keeping the object declaration, the ethernet connection works, showing its IP.

Did anyone else try to use ethernet on K64F? Any similar issues?

Hi Antonio, thanks for reporting. I will try to run some of the protocols we support in the next days.

posted by Martin Kojtal 08 Jun 2014

I'm also trying to use ethernet on K64F and have not been able to get anything useful to work reliably.

posted by Emil Johnsen 10 Jun 2014
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