10 years ago.

can this platform behave like I2C slave ?

hi there, i've seen that I2CSLAVE is not activated in mbed/device;h lib is it possible to activate it by passing this define from 0 to 1 ?

or do I have to forget mbed and develop my application away from it ? thanks for your support Rico

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Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32L152RET6 microcontroller.

oups.. thanks to patch #319 it seems that by doing an update on mbed folder , the SLAVEI2C is recognized ! very cool ;-))

> Edited on july 29th :

unfortunately it's not the case .. I've tried the "simple I2C slave responder" code and nothing happened ... :-/ even by activating the #define DEVICE_I2CSLAVE 0 ->1

need more investigation..

posted by rico La 05 Jun 2014
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