10 years ago.

"Hello World" of nRF51822 (for Android preferably)?


I have the Nordic nRF51822-mbed board, which seems to be working correctly. Well, I run some mbed examples like BLE_Beacon or BLE_HeartRate, and I can see the advertising data using my Nexus 5 and the nRF Master Controller app I downloaded from the app store. So kudos to the BLE development team for those examples! But I can't seem to make a connection to the nordic board to test passing of data.

I think a simple application demonstrating this capability would benefit the community. Can somebody point me in the right direction to make such an application? I would like to:

a) establish connection between nRF51822 and a smartphone (preferably Android) b) send a string value "Hello World" via connection c) display the string on Android phone (using nordic's apps or otherwise)

I guess because it is not application specific (i.e. does not match any GAP/GATT profiles) am I right in assuming that this simple example should be implemented with a custom profile? Or do we pretend that the Nordic board is something like a temperature sensor and pass data accordingly?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.


Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

I should add, that I know that BLE_HeartRate code is meant to be passing temperature reading data via bluetooth LE to a mobile phone; but currently there is an issue with establishing a connection using the Nordic board running BLE_HeartRate and using the Android App provided by Nordic (nRF Toolbox). But I still think the community can benefit (actually mostly me) from an example code which passes data without using the pre-existing GAP/GATT profiles; for sensors that cannot be described with the current GAP/GATT profiles.

Am I barking up the wrong tree?

posted by Oliver Gilmour 29 May 2014
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