10 years ago.

Lack of support for Nordic nRF51822

I note that including this library causes grief when trying to compile for Nordic nRF51822 platform in RTX_Conf_CTM.h as the platform defines appear to be missing.

Is this platform expected to be supported?

Can we have the define values for:


Question relating to:

Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard. cmsis, rtos, RTX

Is this scheduled to work anytime soon?

posted by Prashant Vaibhav 26 May 2015

1 Answer

10 years ago.

Hello Jerod Klink,

we look into this, report back once it gets its support . Thanks for reporting.


Accepted Answer

One addition, please use less generic headline, RTOS support for NRF for example would be much more descriptive.

posted by Martin Kojtal 29 May 2014

Any idea when this is scheduled for?

posted by Jerod Klink 06 Jun 2014

There's pull request to add also GCC for nordic target, along with RTOS. Once GCC will be fully functional, it will be accepted.

posted by Martin Kojtal 06 Jun 2014

Could I understand the schedule/timeline for this to happen? It's imperative to know whether this is working in a few weeks or a few months; design decisions/tooling need to be made. Thanks.

posted by Jerod Klink 09 Jun 2014

RTOS support should be added soon, it's ready as I saw it in the pull request, but the problematic is gcc exporter which is currently not working. I can advise to split that pul lrequest into two, so RTOS support gets in.

posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Jun 2014

What is the status of this? I am currently able to build the "Hello World" app, but it appears to be crashing (it lights the leds, but they don't blink).

In offline mode, using gcc, I get:

ToolException: /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region RAM overflowed with stack

Any suggestions?

posted by Brian Webb 20 Jul 2014

@Brian, hello world RTOS app? Does it crash in the online IDE? What's the revision of mbed lib? Using beta or normal mode? Without further details, nobody will be able to help you.

posted by Martin Kojtal 21 Jul 2014

Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I got side tracked on another project...

If I just import this program: http://mbed.org/teams/mbed/code/rtos_basic/ and compile for the nRF51822 it lights both LEDs and that's it, they don't blink.

I've been unable to get any nRF51822 program to run on the offline SDK using gcc, but I think that's a known problem.

posted by Brian Webb 05 Aug 2014