10 years, 1 month ago.

Want to locate file containing pinout.

How do I find out which pin-name is defined for a particular function ?

For example, I want to find out which pins are defined ( assigned ) for all UARTs.

My board : FRDM46Z.

I know about USBTX, USBRX from example file.

I would like to use uart1 & uart2 , but don't know which pins to use.

Please point me to the file. Thanks.

1 Answer

10 years, 1 month ago.

Here it is: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/file/4cda7c483b31/targets/hal/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KLXX/TARGET_KL46Z/PeripheralPins.c

This location is specific for the KLXX board. The other boards have those pins in the serial_api.c file (but the KLXX boards share one file with different pinouts).

Accepted Answer

Thank you very much for the info's.

Please excuse my ignorance, I have further question regarding the file.

const PinMap PinMap_UART_TX[] = {

{PTA2, UART_0, 2},

{PTA14, UART_0, 3},

{PTC4, UART_1, 3},

{PTD3, UART_2, 3},

{PTD5, UART_2, 3},

{PTD7, UART_0, 3},

{PTE0, UART_1, 3},

{PTE16, UART_2, 3},

{PTE20, UART_0, 4},

{PTE22, UART_2, 4},

{NC , NC , 0} };

In the PinMap_UART_TX[] , why does UART_0 have 4 different pins( PTA2, PTA14, PTD7 and PTE20) assigned to it ?

Does this mean that I can use any of these pin and I will get UART0 function ?

Thanks again for you help.

posted by samira samilan 20 Mar 2014

Correct, most of the hardware functions in ARM systems can be mapped onto more than one external pin. The list above provides the options for UART0 TX pins.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 20 Mar 2014

Just to be certain as addition on Wim's comment: of course there is still only a single UART0: You can only use one of those at the same time. (And one for UART1, UART2, etc).

posted by Erik - 20 Mar 2014