10 years, 2 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Problem solved. Thank you

Help - problems downloading binary files to ST Nucleo F030R8

I'm experiencing problems trying to download programs to Nucleo F030R8 and I wondered if anyone could point out my mistakes.

Each time I compile and download I get a message saying that "this device can perform faster if connected to a USB2.0 Port" /media/uploads/BrewSystems/image_1.png

When I download a program to Nucleo, LD1 on the board flashes green/red, but I can't see the downloaded binary using File Explorer. If I connect a serial terminal program and press the black reset button, then I get the message "pinmap not found for peripheral"

I've loaded the latest firmware to Nucleo (2.19 M3) and loaded the ST-Link drivers several times.

I've tried Chrome and Internet Explorer 11, but with no luck.

The virtual com port enumerates and works OK, as witnessed by the error message above.

If I look in device manager, all the drivers for STLink dongle, USB composite devices and Virtual COM ports appear to be OK and don't require updating.


I'm not finding this device as friendly as the original MBEDs!

Any help much appreciated.

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which example did you compile? I wonder why you received pinmap error. "If I connect a serial terminal program and press the black reset button, then I get the message "pinmap not found for peripheral"


posted by Martin Kojtal 10 Mar 2014

With your error the downloading is going fine, and your program runs, but it doesn't accept the pins for one of your peripherals.

posted by Erik - 10 Mar 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 2 months ago.

Martin, Erik, Many thanks for your answers which helped pin-point my problem. I had imported "SDFileSystem.h" into a Nucleo example program. I foolishly failed to notice that user LD2 shares a port pin with SPI SCK(PA_5). A quick removal of the offending LED and the example program with SD card file write now works.

I am still finding my way around the Nucleo; I have only previously used the LPC1768 and LPC11U24 and I am finding the Nucleo interface quite different. I'm also working on a new build Win7 PC and so this is also behaving different for me.

So far I find the following problems/differences:

1) After download, the downloaded bin file is not visible in Windows File Explorer like the original Mbed - is this to be expected?

2) After download the virtual COM port disappears. I have to disconnect/reconnect USB to re-establish COM port. This then gives the annoying message "this device can run faster if connected to a USB2.0 port" - Is this also to be expected?

3) I am getting virus scan problems with Chrome when downloading (never seen this before with original Mbed). This could be MS Security Essentials getting in the way. Funnily enough it doesn't occur with MS IE11.

I'm persisting with Nucleo F030R8 because the chip has the right memory size, power consumption and economical price for my intended application. However, I get the impression from ST documentation that users are encouraged to use their conventional tool chains; the ST Mbed interface/environment seems to need a little more refinement.

1. Yes. Only the two original mbeds you have, have a seperate flash to make that possible. All others, for example the Freescale ones, do not have that option and it will restart the connection directly after downloading a bin file.

2. Since the complete USB connection is restarted, yes. I haven't had that issue myself you mention of USB2.0 port, but then again most people have USB2 or faster ports ;). Although you shouldn't need to disconnect the USB physically (at least on the freescale ones), you should just need to close the connection in teraterm and re-open it. (alt + i, alt+n, enter, alt+b).

And yes you are completely correct that it seems like ST has done it bit too much barebone implementation. Currently it is being improved by some users (although imo that shouldn't be needed this much), but will take a while before all the most obvious issues are fixed.

posted by Erik - 11 Mar 2014