10 years, 6 months ago.

microcontroller comparisons

I already am the owner of a Ruggeduino, Rugged Circuit's idiotproofed Arduino, and I've played with it some. But I want to learn about other microcontroller platforms. Unfortunately, I've become thoroughly confused by the very variety I'd like to learn about. I haven't a clue about how different microcontrollers compare with each other. What I want most to understand most is what applications the different platforms are best at, compared to the others. Nowhere (I.e. Circuit Cellar, Elektor, Nuts&Volts, and numerous online sites like this one) can I find an attempt, even, to present this kind of information to a beginner (scientific, but not EE background) like myself.

For instance,is the Arduino family capable of supporting the sort of projects I'm interested in, like home LED and dawn imitation lighting (whatever it's called. I have sleep issues.), controlling DIY instrumentation (portable magnetometer for minerals prospecting, laser rangefinder, for example) and other tools that might be useful in my life?

Does anyone out there know of a site or article that attempts to compare uController platforms with regard to performance, features and the types of projects where each are especially useful?

And no, I don't want to read about how platform such-and-such is the only one that any (beginning, expert, "serious") developer should or may ever need for any purpose. I don't believe such statements should be taken seriously.

Mark, Your question tells me you are not ready to understand a qualified answer to your question, in my mind there is not an answer, there are too many variables. One day when you are planning your new project and find that you don't have the resource available on your Arduino. Then you wont need to ask, you will know the answer.


posted by David Fletcher 05 Dec 2013
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