10 years, 5 months ago.

C code for .o files

I need to modify some of the functions in the projects, such as the write function of the AnalogOut class but I cannot find where these are defined. I know these are obtained from .o files during compilation but is there c code available?

regards b

1 Answer

10 years, 5 months ago.

Yes, what you are looking at is the prcompiled version, the raw source code is here: http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/. In the online compiler simply throw away the mbed lib, import that one, and you can modify most things (I don't know if everything related to startup/memory mapping is modifiable in the online compiler, but what you want shouldn't be a problem).

First time compilation takes longer, since it has to compile the entire mbed lib, but since afterwards it only does an incremental compilation it doesn't cost much extra time.

For what you want: targets / hal / NXP / LPC1768 / analogout_api.c, assuming thats the part you want to modify. Otherwise just look around in that lib.