10 years, 10 months ago.

How to copy mbed FRDM KL25Z file into BOOtLOADER Drive?

Hello All,

Could you please help me to copy the mbed FRDM KL25Z file into BOOTLOADER drive.

Thanks and Best Regards Kuber

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1 Answer

10 years, 10 months ago.

click download select all (CTRL-A) and copy (CTRL-C) next open a new empty file and paste(CTRL-V) then save file , open file explorer drag a file to MBED drive

Accepted Answer

Dear Prasarnjit,

Thank you for the answer. Yes. I did it in the same way and I saved in the *.txt format. Is that right?

Thanks and Best Regards Kuber

posted by Kuberappa Sajjan 04 Aug 2013