10 years, 10 months ago.

Problem exporting to Code_Red Red suite


I am using the MBED-LPC1768.
I have exported the program on July 24.
It was not possible to build a program that has been exported to Red_Suite for the program online compiler.
Same result in the "new created program".

I have been successful in the program that was exported to the 10th July.

The difference.

-July 10

  • 1. Size of the zip file : 160kb
  • 2. Contents of mbed folder in the zip file : only LPC1768 folder

-july 24

  • 1. Size of the zip file : 560kb
  • 2. Contents of mbed folder in the zip file : KL25Z,LPC11U24,LPC2368,LPC812,LPC1768 folder

Common Items

  • Compiler : nomal mode ( not beta-mode)

2 Answers

10 years, 10 months ago.

Hello sh koyoma,

We have updated the exporters so you should be able to successfully export now.



Accepted Answer
sh koyama
10 years, 10 months ago.

Hello Stephen Paulger,

Thanks for the quick response.
It was confirmed that to export the program, I was able to build successfully on XpressoIDE.

I'm so happy.
Thank you all!
