10 years, 11 months ago.

Publishing library update doesn't re-generate API Documentation

I had just made changes to ms5611 library, committed and published. However, no API Documentation was created. It worked last time. What step did I miss?



Question relating to:

Hi Kevin, I don't think you've missed a step, looks like something isn't working. I assume this is the library you're referring to.

posted by Stephen Paulger 25 Jun 2013

Correct Stephen,

If you go back to the previous revision 5, the API Documentation is there if you go to History / 5:0d7b229474c6 and hit the "API Documentation at this revision" button

I had the same issue at revision 3. So, I immediately re-published again and the documentation showed up for rev 4. As a result, rev 4 is really just a waste of a revision.


posted by Kevin Braun 25 Jun 2013

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.


This seems to have happened on rare occasions when the program to generate the documentation was called before the source code that the documentation is generated from was ready to be read. We've put a couple of things in place to stop this from happening and your documentation is now visible, including for the older revisions.

Thanks for letting us know about this issue.


Accepted Answer