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HTTP Client

Table of Contents

  1. Packages
  2. Library


Precompiled version:



The HttpClient is composed of:

  • The actual client (HttpClient)
  • Classes that act as a data repository, each of which deriving from the HttpData class (HttpText for short text content, HttpFile for file I/O, HttpMap for key/value pairs, and HttpStream for streaming purposes)

HTTP Client Data Containers

  • HttpText
  • HttpMap
  • HttpFile
  • HttpStream


#include "HttpClient.h"



Instantiate the HTTP client.


HttpResult get(const char* uri, HttpData* pDataIn) //Blocking
HttpResult get(const char* uri, HttpData* pDataIn, void (*pMethod)(HttpResult)); //Non blocking
HttpResult get(const char* uri, HttpData* pDataIn, T* pItem, void (T::*pMethod)(HttpResult)) //Non blocking

Executes a GET request on the URI uri. pDataIn is a pointer to an HttpData instance that will collect the data returned by the request. pDataIn can be NULL.

If a callback is provided, the function returns immediately and calls the callback on completion or error, otherwise it blocks until completion.

HttpResult post(const char* uri, const HttpData& dataOut, HttpData* pDataIn) //Blocking
HttpResult post(const char* uri, const HttpData& dataOut, HttpData* pDataIn, void (*pMethod)(HttpResult)) //Non blocking
HttpResult post(const char* uri, const HttpData& dataOut, HttpData* pDataIn, T* pItem, void (T::*pMethod)(HttpResult)) //Non blocking  

Executes a POST request on the URI uri. dataOut is a HttpData instance that contains the data that will be posted. pDataIn is a pointer to an HttpData instance that will collect the data returned by the request. pDataIn can be NULL.

If a callback is provided, the function returns immediately and calls the callback on completion or error, otherwise it blocks until completion.

void setOnResult( void (*pMethod)(HttpResult) )
void setOnResult( T* pItem, void (T::*pMethod)(HttpResult) )
void doGet(const char* uri, HttpData* pDataIn)
void doPost(const char* uri, const HttpData& dataOut, HttpData* pDataIn)

Alternatively, you can set a callback function for all requests using setOnResult, and then call the non-blocking doGet and doPost methods.


void setTimeout(int ms)

Sets the time in milliseconds before a request should be considered as having timed out.

int getHttpResponseCode()

After completion of the request, get the HTTP response code sent back by the server.

void basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password)

Provides a basic authentification feature (Base64 encoded username and password).

void setRequestHeader(const string& header, const string& value)

Set a specific request header.

string& getResponseHeader(const string& header)

Get specific response header.

void resetRequestHeaders()

Request headers are not cleared after each request, to force this use that function.

Result codes

enum HttpResult
  HTTP_PARSE, //URI Parse error
  HTTP_DNS, //Could not resolve name
  HTTP_PRTCL, //Protocol error
  HTTP_NOTFOUND, //404 Error
  HTTP_REFUSED, //403 Error
  HTTP_ERROR, //xxx error
  HTTP_TIMEOUT, //Connection timeout
  HTTP_CONN //Connection error


Have a look at the Working with the networking stack and Twitter examples.

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