Grove Air Quality Sensor

Sensor to minitor indoor air condition

Hello World

Import programSeeed_Grove_Air_Quality_Sensor_Example

This sensor is designed for comprehensive monitor over indoor air condition. It's responsive to a wide scope of harmful gases, as carbon monixide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde and so on. Due to the measuring mechanism, this sensor can not output specific data to describe target gases' concentrations quantitatively. But it's still competent enough to be used in applications that require only qualitative results, like auto refresher sprayers and auto air cycling systems.


Import libraryGrove_Air_Quality_Sensor_Library

Grove Air Quality Sensor library. Simple interrupt driven library that polls the sensor every 2 seconds and reports on the air quality.



This sensor is designed for comprehensive monitor over indoor air condition. It's responsive to a wide scope of harmful gases, as carbon monoxide, alcohol, acetone, thinner, formaldehyde and so on. Due to the measuring mechanism, this sensor can not output specific data to describe target gases' concentrations quantitatively. But it's still competent enough to be used in applications that require only qualitative results, like auto refresher sprayers and auto air cycling systems.


  • Responsive to a wide scope of target gases
  • Cost efficient
  • Durable


  • Require relatively clean air as an initial condition.
  • Long time exposure to highly polluted air can significantly weaken its sensitivity.


As described in Introduction, this sensor does better in providing qualitative results over a wide scope of target gases. In this demo, we define 4 statuses for reference in the .cpp file. They are:

a. air fresh : indicating a good air condition

b. low pollution : indicating a rather low concentration of target gases exist.

c. high pollution (without "Force signal active" message printed on serial monitor) : you should be aware of the pollution level and think if some measures should be taken.

d. high pollution(with "Force signal active" message printed on serial monitor) : instant measures should be taken to improve the air quality.

We encapsulated the judge structure in the library. You can find your way to modify the thresholds in it.

code example

Repository: Seeed_Grove_Air_Quality_Sensor_Example