10 years, 6 months ago.

interfacing with dot net

hi all, I want to interface kl25z with dot net. I know there are some tutorials present on this site. I tried them, but I think the library provided is for lpc1768.. can any one tell me from where I can import the library of kl25z (#include "mbed.h")

thanks in advance

1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.

So you want to communicate between a .net application running on a PC and the mbed? That should work the same for the LPC1768 as KL25Z: You got some code running on your PC which doesn't need to know with which device he is communicating, and some on your KL25Z, but since 98% of the mbed code runs on all supported devices if it works on the LPC1768 it also probably works on the KL25Z.

One option is simply send it via Serial over USB to your PC, then make your .net application listen to the serial port. There are many examples online on how to make .net listen to your serial port, and sending Serial on mbed also should be doable.

Accepted Answer

yes, first i was trying to interface it using by the examples provided in this forum. then I created the serial ports on (mbed as well as .net C#) and let them to communicate. and they are running perfectly fine.


posted by zain aftab 16 Nov 2013