10 years, 8 months ago.

How can I show which compiler was used?

I am copying some projects from mbed to LPCXpresso to allow me to work offline. I want to be able to compile the projects either online or offline and I would like to indicate which compiler was used as part of the sign-on message. I thought I could use the compiler predefines __arm__ and __GNUC__ and wrote the following code:

    pc.printf("\nKeypad library test harness (Version %s, %s %s) ",
        VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);
#ifdef __arm__
    pc.printf("Cloud Compiler\n");
#ifdef __GNUC__

Unfortunately, I get the same message for both online and offline builds:

Keypad library test harness (Version 0.43, Sep 28 2013 17:03:45) Cloud Compiler

It seems that both constants are defined in both compilers! Does anybody know how to do this?

1 Answer

10 years, 8 months ago.

Hello Paul Griffith,

here's a list of many compiler's macros: http://sourceforge.net/p/predef/wiki/Compilers/

for online compiler


for GCC



Accepted Answer

Thanks Martin,

CC_ARM was what I needed.


posted by Paul Griffith 28 Sep 2013