10 years, 10 months ago.

Could the documenation be updated to current situation?


I was redirected to this page because I'm going to start using the mbed (KL25-Z) in classroom. However, all documentation still only refers to the LPC board. The most outdated document is the Q&A, it's plain wrong in some places; for example, there is an RTOS available, source code is available, low power is possible (with KL25-Z), and debugging will be possible with offline toolchains that are now supported. Please do yourselves a favor and provide correct info to get the credits the mbed development deserves!


Question relating to:

Hello First Last,

could you be more specific, add links to those pages so we don't need to search for those links. I have checked the workshop link so far, seems to be only targeted for LPC. I assume because all those workshops took place some time ago when only mbed boards were supported.



posted by Martin Kojtal 05 Aug 2013

Hi Martin, I meant http://mbed.org/cookbook/Workshop, which has a Q&A document http://mbed.org/media/uploads/chris/mbedqa_v1.0.pdf . This document is completely outdated, even for the LPC boards.

posted by First Last 05 Aug 2013

1 Answer

10 years, 10 months ago.

Hi First Last,

Yes, That Q&A is out of date,

I think I wrote it back in 2009, and it was true until pretty recently. As you can imagine, with the massive changes that are constantly happening at mbed.org, keeping every document up to date is something of a challenge.

I have taken this document down, as in its current form it is not useful, and gives misinformation.

I will recreate the Q&A in a cookbook wiki page so that it is a live document that can be up to date more easily (by anyone!)

Thanks for point it out.

Regards, Chris

Accepted Answer