10 years, 11 months ago.

Anybody else experiencing problems with compiler ?

Since at least one hour I am experiencing a problem with the compiler and file/project exporter. It simply does not work and seems to timeout. I was just wondering if I am the only one. Anybody else having similar problems ?

8 Answers

10 years, 11 months ago.

Same here, compiler having issues.

10 years, 11 months ago.

I guess it is time to take a break until this is fixed. I checked the service status but that does not say there is a problem. Ping rates and online status shows normal operation...

10 years, 11 months ago.

yeah..I am also facing the same problem

10 years, 11 months ago.

Yup. Can't even access it. Just hangs. Update: working now

10 years, 11 months ago.

Same here, cannot import a program. I've only been using mbed a week, am very impressed with the whole concept so far, are outages common?

This is the first I've ever seen. I've been using it for a couple of months, so no, in my experience, they are not.

posted by Leon Hart 29 Jun 2013

I want to confirm Greg's post. I now use mbed for over a year, and outages are extremely rare. Sure it happens, but at least for me it is a fraction of the time I require with offline compilers to get stuff working again when they won't do what I want them to do.

And indeed it works again :)

posted by Erik - 29 Jun 2013


Yes, we had a rare problem with one of our backend services today. We will take steps to protect ourselves against this kind of failure in the future.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

posted by Dan Ros 29 Jun 2013
10 years, 11 months ago.

I'm having the same problem as well. I can access it and save edits, but compiling isn't working right now.

10 years, 11 months ago.

wow this stinks. This is the first time I've ever tried to use the compiler and it was dead. Guess I wont do any work on my project today! :(

10 years, 11 months ago.

Maybe someone is trying to compile a MAHUSIVE code ;) Mine's been down but has just about got going again. Definitely a lot slower than normal, but its throwing out .bin files at least