A HTTP/HTTPS Client for the mbed networking/CyaSSL ssl library

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Fork of HTTPClient by Donatien Garnier

HTTP and HTTPS Client Class with wolfSSL, embedded SSL library.


The class was forked from http://mbed.org/users/donatien/code/HTTPClient/

It, now, accepts url both with "http://" and "https://".

Allocate caller thread with 16kbytes or larger stack for "https" requests.

Rest of the API stays compatible with HTTPClient.

For more about the library, see http://www.wolfssl.com. http://wolfssl.com/yaSSL/Docs.html.

Extended methods:

  • HTTPResult basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password); /* set id/passwd for basic Authentication */
  • void setHeader(char *header) ; /* set http headers */
  • HTTPResult setSSLversion(int minorV) ; /* set SSL/TLS version. 0: SSL3, 1: TLS1.0, 2: TLS1.1, 3: TLS1.2 */

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Apr 07 23:41:06 2014 +0000
Commit message:
just Indentation

Changed in this revision

HTTPClient.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HTTPClient.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HTTPClient.cpp	Mon Apr 07 23:30:35 2014 +0000
+++ b/HTTPClient.cpp	Mon Apr 07 23:41:06 2014 +0000
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
 #if 0
 //Enable debug
 #include <cstdio>
-#define DBG(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); 
-#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : WARN]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); 
-#define ERR(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : ERR]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); 
+#define DBG(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : DBG]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : WARN]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define ERR(x, ...) std::printf("[HTTPClient : ERR]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
 //Disable debug
-#define DBG(x, ...) 
+#define DBG(x, ...)
 #define WARN(x, ...)
-#define ERR(x, ...) 
+#define ERR(x, ...)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 #include "HTTPClient.h"
 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
-class TCPSocketConnection_fd: public TCPSocketConnection 
+class TCPSocketConnection_fd: public TCPSocketConnection
     int get_fd() {
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     int n ;
     int i ;
-    #define RECV_RETRY 3
+#define RECV_RETRY 3
     for(i=0; i<RECV_RETRY; i++) {
         n = m_sock.receive(buf, sz) ;
         if(n >= 0)return n  ;
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
 HTTPClient::HTTPClient() :
-m_basicAuthUser(NULL), m_basicAuthPassword(NULL), m_httpResponseCode(0)
+    m_basicAuthUser(NULL), m_basicAuthPassword(NULL), m_httpResponseCode(0)
-  //CyaSSL_Debugging_ON() ;
-  ctx = 0 ;
-  ssl = 0 ;
+    //CyaSSL_Debugging_ON() ;
+    ctx = 0 ;
+    ssl = 0 ;
@@ -106,41 +106,41 @@
 #if 0
 void HTTPClient::basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password) //Basic Authentification
-  m_basicAuthUser = user;
-  m_basicAuthPassword = password;
+    m_basicAuthUser = user;
+    m_basicAuthPassword = password;
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::get(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout /*= HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*/) //Blocking
-  return connect(url, HTTP_GET, NULL, pDataIn, timeout);
+    return connect(url, HTTP_GET, NULL, pDataIn, timeout);
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::get(const char* url, char* result, size_t maxResultLen, int timeout /*= HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*/) //Blocking
-  HTTPText str(result, maxResultLen);
-  return get(url, &str, timeout);
+    HTTPText str(result, maxResultLen);
+    return get(url, &str, timeout);
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::post(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout /*= HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*/) //Blocking
-  return connect(url, HTTP_POST, (IHTTPDataOut*)&dataOut, pDataIn, timeout);
+    return connect(url, HTTP_POST, (IHTTPDataOut*)&dataOut, pDataIn, timeout);
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::put(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout /*= HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*/) //Blocking
-  return connect(url, HTTP_PUT, (IHTTPDataOut*)&dataOut, pDataIn, timeout);
+    return connect(url, HTTP_PUT, (IHTTPDataOut*)&dataOut, pDataIn, timeout);
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::del(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout /*= HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT*/) //Blocking
-  return connect(url, HTTP_DELETE, NULL, pDataIn, timeout);
+    return connect(url, HTTP_DELETE, NULL, pDataIn, timeout);
 int HTTPClient::getHTTPResponseCode()
-  return m_httpResponseCode;
+    return m_httpResponseCode;
 void HTTPClient::setHeader(char * h)
@@ -177,654 +177,558 @@
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::connect(const char* url, HTTP_METH method, IHTTPDataOut* pDataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout) //Execute request
-  m_httpResponseCode = 0; //Invalidate code
-  m_timeout = timeout;
-  pDataIn->writeReset();
-  if( pDataOut )
-  {
-    pDataOut->readReset();
-  }
+    m_httpResponseCode = 0; //Invalidate code
+    m_timeout = timeout;
-  char scheme[8];
-  char host[32];
-  char path[64];
-  int ret ;
+    pDataIn->writeReset();
+    if( pDataOut ) {
+        pDataOut->readReset();
+    }
-  //First we need to parse the url (http[s]://host[:port][/[path]]) 
-  HTTPResult res = parseURL(url, scheme, sizeof(scheme), host, sizeof(host), &port, path, sizeof(path));
-  if(res != HTTP_OK)
-  {
-    ERR("parseURL returned %d", res);
-    return res;
-  }
+    char scheme[8];
+    char host[32];
+    char path[64];
+    int ret ;
-  if(port == 0) //TODO do handle HTTPS->443
-  {
-    if(strcmp(scheme, "http") == 0)
-      port = HTTP_PORT ;
-    else if(strcmp(scheme, "https") == 0)
-      port = HTTPS_PORT ;
-  }
+    //First we need to parse the url (http[s]://host[:port][/[path]])
+    HTTPResult res = parseURL(url, scheme, sizeof(scheme), host, sizeof(host), &port, path, sizeof(path));
+    if(res != HTTP_OK) {
+        ERR("parseURL returned %d", res);
+        return res;
+    }
-  DBG("Scheme: %s", scheme);
-  DBG("Host: %s", host);
-  DBG("Port: %d", port);
-  DBG("Path: %s", path);
+    if(port == 0) { //TODO do handle HTTPS->443
+        if(strcmp(scheme, "http") == 0)
+            port = HTTP_PORT ;
+        else if(strcmp(scheme, "https") == 0)
+            port = HTTPS_PORT ;
+    }
-  //Connect
-  DBG("Connecting socket to server");
-  sockfd = m_sock.get_fd() ;
-  #define MAX_RETRY 5
-  int retry ;
+    DBG("Scheme: %s", scheme);
+    DBG("Host: %s", host);
+    DBG("Port: %d", port);
+    DBG("Path: %s", path);
-  for(retry=0; retry<MAX_RETRY; retry++) {
-    int ret = m_sock.connect(host, port);
-    if(ret == 0)break ;
-  }
-  if(retry == MAX_RETRY)
-  {
-    m_sock.close();
-    ERR("Could not connect");
-    return HTTP_CONN;
-  }
+    //Connect
+    DBG("Connecting socket to server");
+    sockfd = m_sock.get_fd() ;
+#define MAX_RETRY 5
+    int retry ;
-  if(port == HTTPS_PORT) { 
-  /* Start SSL connect */
-    ctx = CyaSSL_CTX_new(
-    CyaTLSv1_2_client_method
-                      //CyaSSLv3_client_method
-    ());
-    if (ctx == NULL) {
-      ERR("unable to get ctx");
-      return HTTP_CONN;
+    for(retry=0; retry<MAX_RETRY; retry++) {
+        int ret = m_sock.connect(host, port);
+        if(ret == 0)break ;
-    CyaSSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
-    ssl = CyaSSL_new(ctx);
-    if (ssl == NULL) {
-       ERR("unable to get SSL object");
-       cyassl_free() ;
-       return HTTP_CONN;
+    if(retry == MAX_RETRY) {
+        m_sock.close();
+        ERR("Could not connect");
+        return HTTP_CONN;
-    CyaSSL_SetVersion(ssl, CYASSL_TLSV1_2) ;
-    CyaSSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd);
-    CyaSSL_SetIORecv(ctx, SocketReceive) ;
-    CyaSSL_SetIOSend(ctx, SocketSend) ;
-    DBG("ctx=%x, ssl=%x, ssl->ctx->CBIORecv, CBIOSend=%x, %x\n",
-    ctx, ssl, SocketReceive, SocketSend ) ;
-    if (CyaSSL_connect(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) {
-      ERR("SSL_connect failed");
-      cyassl_free() ;
-      return HTTP_CONN;
-    }
-  } /* SSL connect complete */
-  //Send request
-  DBG("Sending request");
-  char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
-  send_buf_p = send_buf ; // Reset send buffer ;
-  const char* meth = (method==HTTP_GET)?"GET":(method==HTTP_POST)?"POST":(method==HTTP_PUT)?"PUT":(method==HTTP_DELETE)?"DELETE":"";
-  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n", meth, path, host); //Write request
-  ret = send(buf);
-  if(ret)
-  {
-    m_sock.close();
-    ERR("Could not write request");
-    return HTTP_CONN;
-  }
+    if(port == HTTPS_PORT) {
+        /* Start SSL connect */
+        ctx = CyaSSL_CTX_new(
+                  CyaTLSv1_2_client_method
+                  //CyaSSLv3_client_method
+                  ());
+        if (ctx == NULL) {
+            ERR("unable to get ctx");
+            return HTTP_CONN;
+        }
+        CyaSSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
+        ssl = CyaSSL_new(ctx);
+        if (ssl == NULL) {
+            ERR("unable to get SSL object");
+            cyassl_free() ;
+            return HTTP_CONN;
+        }
-  //Send all headers
+        CyaSSL_SetVersion(ssl, CYASSL_TLSV1_2) ;
+        CyaSSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd);
+        CyaSSL_SetIORecv(ctx, SocketReceive) ;
+        CyaSSL_SetIOSend(ctx, SocketSend) ;
+        DBG("ctx=%x, ssl=%x, ssl->ctx->CBIORecv, CBIOSend=%x, %x\n",
+            ctx, ssl, SocketReceive, SocketSend ) ;
+        if (CyaSSL_connect(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) {
+            ERR("SSL_connect failed");
+            cyassl_free() ;
+            return HTTP_CONN;
+        }
+    } /* SSL connect complete */
-  //Send default headers
-  DBG("Sending headers");
-  if( pDataOut != NULL )
-  {
-    if( pDataOut->getIsChunked() )
-    {
-      ret = send("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
-      CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", pDataOut->getDataLen());
-      ret = send(buf);
-      CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-    }
-    char type[48];
-    if( pDataOut->getDataType(type, 48) == HTTP_OK )
-    {
-      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", type);
-      ret = send(buf);
-      CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+    //Send request
+    DBG("Sending request");
+    char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
+    send_buf_p = send_buf ; // Reset send buffer ;
+    const char* meth = (method==HTTP_GET)?"GET":(method==HTTP_POST)?"POST":(method==HTTP_PUT)?"PUT":(method==HTTP_DELETE)?"DELETE":"";
+    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n", meth, path, host); //Write request
+    ret = send(buf);
+    if(ret) {
+        m_sock.close();
+        ERR("Could not write request");
+        return HTTP_CONN;
-  }
-  //Add user headers
-  if(header) {
-    ret = send(header);
-    CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-  }
-  //Close headers
-  DBG("Headers sent");
-  ret = send("\r\n");
+    //Send all headers
-  size_t trfLen;
-  //Send data (if available)
-  if( pDataOut != NULL )
-  {
-    DBG("Sending data");
-    while(true)
-    {
-      size_t writtenLen = 0;
-      pDataOut->read(buf, CHUNK_SIZE, &trfLen);
-      buf[trfLen] = 0x0 ;
-      DBG("buf:%s", buf) ;
-      if( pDataOut->getIsChunked() )
-      {
-        //Write chunk header
-        char chunkHeader[16];
-        snprintf(chunkHeader, sizeof(chunkHeader), "%X\r\n", trfLen); //In hex encoding
-        ret = send(chunkHeader);
+    //Send default headers
+    DBG("Sending headers");
+    if( pDataOut != NULL ) {
+        if( pDataOut->getIsChunked() ) {
+            ret = send("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
+            CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+        } else {
+            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Length: %d\r\n", pDataOut->getDataLen());
+            ret = send(buf);
+            CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+        }
+        char type[48];
+        if( pDataOut->getDataType(type, 48) == HTTP_OK ) {
+            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", type);
+            ret = send(buf);
+            CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+        }
+    }
+    //Add user headers
+    if(header) {
+        ret = send(header);
-      }
-      else if( trfLen == 0 )
-      {
-        break;
-      }
-      if( trfLen != 0 )
-      {
-        ret = send(buf, trfLen);
-        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-      }
-      if( pDataOut->getIsChunked()  )
-      {
-        ret = send("\r\n"); //Chunk-terminating CRLF
-        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        writtenLen += trfLen;
-        if( writtenLen >= pDataOut->getDataLen() )
-        {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if( trfLen == 0 )
-      {
-        break;
-      }
-  }
-  ret = flush() ; // flush the send buffer ;
-  //Receive response
-  DBG("Receiving response");
+    //Close headers
+    DBG("Headers sent");
+    ret = send("\r\n");
+    CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-  ret = recv(buf, CHUNK_SIZE - 1, CHUNK_SIZE - 1, &trfLen); //Read n bytes
-  buf[trfLen] = '\0';
+    size_t trfLen;
-  char* crlfPtr = strstr(buf, "\r\n");
-  if(crlfPtr == NULL)
-  {
-    PRTCL_ERR();
-  }
-  int crlfPos = crlfPtr - buf;
-  buf[crlfPos] = '\0';
-  //Parse HTTP response
-  if( sscanf(buf, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d %*[^\r\n]", &m_httpResponseCode) != 1 )
-  {
-    //Cannot match string, error
-    ERR("Not a correct HTTP answer : %s\n", buf);
-    PRTCL_ERR();
-  }
+    //Send data (if available)
+    if( pDataOut != NULL ) {
+        DBG("Sending data");
+        while(true) {
+            size_t writtenLen = 0;
+            pDataOut->read(buf, CHUNK_SIZE, &trfLen);
+            buf[trfLen] = 0x0 ;
+            DBG("buf:%s", buf) ;
+            if( pDataOut->getIsChunked() ) {
+                //Write chunk header
+                char chunkHeader[16];
+                snprintf(chunkHeader, sizeof(chunkHeader), "%X\r\n", trfLen); //In hex encoding
+                ret = send(chunkHeader);
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+            } else if( trfLen == 0 ) {
+                break;
+            }
+            if( trfLen != 0 ) {
+                ret = send(buf, trfLen);
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+            }
-  if( (m_httpResponseCode < 200) || (m_httpResponseCode >= 300) )
-  {
-    //Did not return a 2xx code; TODO fetch headers/(&data?) anyway and implement a mean of writing/reading headers 
-    WARN("Response code %d", m_httpResponseCode);
-    PRTCL_ERR();
-  }
+            if( pDataOut->getIsChunked()  ) {
+                ret = send("\r\n"); //Chunk-terminating CRLF
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+            } else {
+                writtenLen += trfLen;
+                if( writtenLen >= pDataOut->getDataLen() ) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
-  DBG("Reading headers");
-  memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2) + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
-  trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
+            if( trfLen == 0 ) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
-  size_t recvContentLength = 0;
-  bool recvChunked = false;
-  //Now get headers
-  while( true )
-  {
-    crlfPtr = strstr(buf, "\r\n");
-    if(crlfPtr == NULL)
-    {
-      if( trfLen < CHUNK_SIZE - 1 )
-      {
-        size_t newTrfLen;
-        ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 1, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
-        trfLen += newTrfLen;
-        buf[trfLen] = '\0';
-        DBG("Read %d chars; In buf: [%s]", newTrfLen, buf);
-        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-        continue;
-      }
-      else
-      {
+    }
+    ret = flush() ; // flush the send buffer ;
+    CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+    //Receive response
+    DBG("Receiving response");
+    ret = recv(buf, CHUNK_SIZE - 1, CHUNK_SIZE - 1, &trfLen); //Read n bytes
+    CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+    buf[trfLen] = '\0';
+    char* crlfPtr = strstr(buf, "\r\n");
+    if(crlfPtr == NULL) {
-      }
-    crlfPos = crlfPtr - buf;
-    if(crlfPos == 0) //End of headers
-    {
-      DBG("Headers read");
-      memmove(buf, &buf[2], trfLen - 2 + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
-      trfLen -= 2;
-      break;
-    }
+    int crlfPos = crlfPtr - buf;
     buf[crlfPos] = '\0';
-    char key[32];
-    char value[32];
-    key[31] = '\0';
-    value[31] = '\0';
+    //Parse HTTP response
+    if( sscanf(buf, "HTTP/%*d.%*d %d %*[^\r\n]", &m_httpResponseCode) != 1 ) {
+        //Cannot match string, error
+        ERR("Not a correct HTTP answer : %s\n", buf);
+        PRTCL_ERR();
+    }
-    int n = sscanf(buf, "%31[^:]: %31[^\r\n]", key, value);
-    if ( n == 2 )
-    {
-      DBG("Read header : %s: %s\n", key, value);
-      if( !strcmp(key, "Content-Length") )
-      {
-        sscanf(value, "%d", &recvContentLength);
-        pDataIn->setDataLen(recvContentLength);
-      }
-      else if( !strcmp(key, "Transfer-Encoding") )
-      {
-        if( !strcmp(value, "Chunked") || !strcmp(value, "chunked") )
-        {
-          recvChunked = true;
-          pDataIn->setIsChunked(true);
-        }
-      }
-      else if( !strcmp(key, "Content-Type") )
-      {
-        pDataIn->setDataType(value);
-      }
-      memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2) + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
-      trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      ERR("Could not parse header");
-      PRTCL_ERR();
+    if( (m_httpResponseCode < 200) || (m_httpResponseCode >= 300) ) {
+        //Did not return a 2xx code; TODO fetch headers/(&data?) anyway and implement a mean of writing/reading headers
+        WARN("Response code %d", m_httpResponseCode);
+        PRTCL_ERR();
-  }
+    DBG("Reading headers");
-  //Receive data
-  DBG("Receiving data");
-  while(true)
-  {
-    size_t readLen = 0;
+    memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2) + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
+    trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
-    if( recvChunked )
-    {
-      //Read chunk header
-      bool foundCrlf;
-      do
-      {
-        foundCrlf = false;
-        crlfPos=0;
-        buf[trfLen]=0;
-        if(trfLen >= 2)
-        {
-          for(; crlfPos < trfLen - 2; crlfPos++)
-          {
-            if( buf[crlfPos] == '\r' && buf[crlfPos + 1] == '\n' )
-            {
-              foundCrlf = true;
-              break;
+    size_t recvContentLength = 0;
+    bool recvChunked = false;
+    //Now get headers
+    while( true ) {
+        crlfPtr = strstr(buf, "\r\n");
+        if(crlfPtr == NULL) {
+            if( trfLen < CHUNK_SIZE - 1 ) {
+                size_t newTrfLen;
+                ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 1, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
+                trfLen += newTrfLen;
+                buf[trfLen] = '\0';
+                DBG("Read %d chars; In buf: [%s]", newTrfLen, buf);
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                PRTCL_ERR();
-          }
+        }
+        crlfPos = crlfPtr - buf;
+        if(crlfPos == 0) { //End of headers
+            DBG("Headers read");
+            memmove(buf, &buf[2], trfLen - 2 + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
+            trfLen -= 2;
+            break;
-        if(!foundCrlf) //Try to read more
-        {
-          if( trfLen < CHUNK_SIZE )
-          {
-            size_t newTrfLen;
-            ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 0, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
-            trfLen += newTrfLen;
-            CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-            continue;
-          }
-          else
-          {
+        buf[crlfPos] = '\0';
+        char key[32];
+        char value[32];
+        key[31] = '\0';
+        value[31] = '\0';
+        int n = sscanf(buf, "%31[^:]: %31[^\r\n]", key, value);
+        if ( n == 2 ) {
+            DBG("Read header : %s: %s\n", key, value);
+            if( !strcmp(key, "Content-Length") ) {
+                sscanf(value, "%d", &recvContentLength);
+                pDataIn->setDataLen(recvContentLength);
+            } else if( !strcmp(key, "Transfer-Encoding") ) {
+                if( !strcmp(value, "Chunked") || !strcmp(value, "chunked") ) {
+                    recvChunked = true;
+                    pDataIn->setIsChunked(true);
+                }
+            } else if( !strcmp(key, "Content-Type") ) {
+                pDataIn->setDataType(value);
+            }
+            memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2) + 1); //Be sure to move NULL-terminating char as well
+            trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
+        } else {
+            ERR("Could not parse header");
-          }
-      } while(!foundCrlf);
-      buf[crlfPos] = '\0';
-      int n = sscanf(buf, "%x", &readLen);
-      if(n!=1)
-      {
-        ERR("Could not read chunk length");
-        PRTCL_ERR();
-      }
-      memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2)); //Not need to move NULL-terminating char any more
-      trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
-      if( readLen == 0 )
-      {
-        //Last chunk
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      readLen = recvContentLength;
-    DBG("Retrieving %d bytes", readLen);
+    //Receive data
+    DBG("Receiving data");
+    while(true) {
+        size_t readLen = 0;
-    do
-    {
-      pDataIn->write(buf, MIN(trfLen, readLen));
-      if( trfLen > readLen )
-      {
-        memmove(buf, &buf[readLen], trfLen - readLen);
-        trfLen -= readLen;
-        readLen = 0;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        readLen -= trfLen;
-      }
+        if( recvChunked ) {
+            //Read chunk header
+            bool foundCrlf;
+            do {
+                foundCrlf = false;
+                crlfPos=0;
+                buf[trfLen]=0;
+                if(trfLen >= 2) {
+                    for(; crlfPos < trfLen - 2; crlfPos++) {
+                        if( buf[crlfPos] == '\r' && buf[crlfPos + 1] == '\n' ) {
+                            foundCrlf = true;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if(!foundCrlf) { //Try to read more
+                    if( trfLen < CHUNK_SIZE ) {
+                        size_t newTrfLen;
+                        ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 0, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
+                        trfLen += newTrfLen;
+                        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+                        continue;
+                    } else {
+                        PRTCL_ERR();
+                    }
+                }
+            } while(!foundCrlf);
+            buf[crlfPos] = '\0';
+            int n = sscanf(buf, "%x", &readLen);
+            if(n!=1) {
+                ERR("Could not read chunk length");
+                PRTCL_ERR();
+            }
+            memmove(buf, &buf[crlfPos+2], trfLen - (crlfPos + 2)); //Not need to move NULL-terminating char any more
+            trfLen -= (crlfPos + 2);
-      if(readLen)
-      {
-        ret = recv(buf, 1, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &trfLen);
-        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-      }
-    } while(readLen);
+            if( readLen == 0 ) {
+                //Last chunk
+                break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            readLen = recvContentLength;
+        }
+        DBG("Retrieving %d bytes", readLen);
+        do {
+            pDataIn->write(buf, MIN(trfLen, readLen));
+            if( trfLen > readLen ) {
+                memmove(buf, &buf[readLen], trfLen - readLen);
+                trfLen -= readLen;
+                readLen = 0;
+            } else {
+                readLen -= trfLen;
+            }
-    if( recvChunked )
-    {
-      if(trfLen < 2)
-      {
-        size_t newTrfLen;
-        //Read missing chars to find end of chunk
-        ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 2 - trfLen, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
-        CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
-        trfLen += newTrfLen;
-      }
-      if( (buf[0] != '\r') || (buf[1] != '\n') )
-      {
-        ERR("Format error");
-        PRTCL_ERR();
-      }
-      memmove(buf, &buf[2], trfLen - 2);
-      trfLen -= 2;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      break;
+            if(readLen) {
+                ret = recv(buf, 1, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &trfLen);
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+            }
+        } while(readLen);
+        if( recvChunked ) {
+            if(trfLen < 2) {
+                size_t newTrfLen;
+                //Read missing chars to find end of chunk
+                ret = recv(buf + trfLen, 2 - trfLen, CHUNK_SIZE - trfLen - 1, &newTrfLen);
+                CHECK_CONN_ERR(ret);
+                trfLen += newTrfLen;
+            }
+            if( (buf[0] != '\r') || (buf[1] != '\n') ) {
+                ERR("Format error");
+                PRTCL_ERR();
+            }
+            memmove(buf, &buf[2], trfLen - 2);
+            trfLen -= 2;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
-  }
-  cyassl_free() ;
-  m_sock.close();
-  DBG("Completed HTTP transaction");
+    cyassl_free() ;
+    m_sock.close();
+    DBG("Completed HTTP transaction");
-  return HTTP_OK;
+    return HTTP_OK;
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::recv(char* buf, size_t minLen, size_t maxLen, size_t* pReadLen) //0 on success, err code on failure
-  DBG("Trying to read between %d and %d bytes", minLen, maxLen);
-  size_t readLen = 0;
-  if(!m_sock.is_connected())
-  {
-    WARN("Connection was closed by server");
-    return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server 
-  }
-  int ret;
-  if(port == HTTPS_PORT) {
-    DBG("Enter CyaSSL_read") ;
-    m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
-    readLen = CyaSSL_read(ssl, buf, maxLen);
-    if (readLen > 0) {
-      buf[readLen] = 0;
-      DBG("CyaSSL_read:%s\n", buf);
-    } else {
-      ERR("CyaSSL_read, ret = %d", readLen) ;
-      return HTTP_ERROR ;
+    DBG("Trying to read between %d and %d bytes", minLen, maxLen);
+    size_t readLen = 0;
+    if(!m_sock.is_connected()) {
+        WARN("Connection was closed by server");
+        return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server
+    }
+    int ret;
+    if(port == HTTPS_PORT) {
+        DBG("Enter CyaSSL_read") ;
+        m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
+        readLen = CyaSSL_read(ssl, buf, maxLen);
+        if (readLen > 0) {
+            buf[readLen] = 0;
+            DBG("CyaSSL_read:%s\n", buf);
+        } else {
+            ERR("CyaSSL_read, ret = %d", readLen) ;
+            return HTTP_ERROR ;
+        }
+        DBG("Read %d bytes", readLen);
+        *pReadLen = readLen;
+        return HTTP_OK;
+    }
+    while(readLen < maxLen) {
+        if(readLen < minLen) {
+            DBG("Trying to read at most %d bytes [Blocking]", minLen - readLen);
+            m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
+            ret = m_sock.receive_all(buf + readLen, minLen - readLen);
+        } else {
+            DBG("Trying to read at most %d bytes [Not blocking]", maxLen - readLen);
+            m_sock.set_blocking(false, 0);
+            ret = m_sock.receive(buf + readLen, maxLen - readLen);
+        }
+        if( ret > 0) {
+            readLen += ret;
+        } else if( ret == 0 ) {
+            break;
+        } else {
+            if(!m_sock.is_connected()) {
+                ERR("Connection error (recv returned %d)", ret);
+                *pReadLen = readLen;
+                return HTTP_CONN;
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(!m_sock.is_connected()) {
+            break;
+        }
     DBG("Read %d bytes", readLen);
     *pReadLen = readLen;
     return HTTP_OK;
-  }
-  while(readLen < maxLen)
-  {
-    if(readLen < minLen)
-    {
-      DBG("Trying to read at most %d bytes [Blocking]", minLen - readLen);
-      m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
-      ret = m_sock.receive_all(buf + readLen, minLen - readLen);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DBG("Trying to read at most %d bytes [Not blocking]", maxLen - readLen);
-      m_sock.set_blocking(false, 0);
-      ret = m_sock.receive(buf + readLen, maxLen - readLen);
-    }
-    if( ret > 0)
-    {
-      readLen += ret;
-    } 
-    else if( ret == 0 )
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if(!m_sock.is_connected())
-      {
-        ERR("Connection error (recv returned %d)", ret);
-        *pReadLen = readLen;
-        return HTTP_CONN;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        break;      
-      }
-    }
-    if(!m_sock.is_connected())
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  DBG("Read %d bytes", readLen);
-  *pReadLen = readLen;
-  return HTTP_OK;
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::send(char* buf, size_t len) //0 on success, err code on failure
-  HTTPResult ret ;
-  int cp_len ;
-  if(len == 0)
-  {
-    len = strlen(buf);
-  }
-  do {
-    if((SEND_BUF_SIZE - (send_buf_p - send_buf)) >= len){
-      cp_len = len ;
-    } else {
-      cp_len = send_buf_p - send_buf ;
+    HTTPResult ret ;
+    int cp_len ;
+    if(len == 0) {
+        len = strlen(buf);
-    memcpy(send_buf_p, buf, cp_len) ;
-    send_buf_p += cp_len ;
-    len -= cp_len ;
-    if(send_buf_p == send_buf + SEND_BUF_SIZE){
-      ret = flush() ;
-      if(ret)return(ret) ;
-    }
-  } while(len) ;
-  return HTTP_OK ;
+    do {
+        if((SEND_BUF_SIZE - (send_buf_p - send_buf)) >= len) {
+            cp_len = len ;
+        } else {
+            cp_len = send_buf_p - send_buf ;
+        }
+        memcpy(send_buf_p, buf, cp_len) ;
+        send_buf_p += cp_len ;
+        len -= cp_len ;
+        if(send_buf_p == send_buf + SEND_BUF_SIZE) {
+            ret = flush() ;
+            if(ret)return(ret) ;
+        }
+    } while(len) ;
+    return HTTP_OK ;
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::flush() //0 on success, err code on failure
-  int len ;
-  char * buf ;
-  buf = send_buf ;
-  len = send_buf_p - send_buf ;
-  send_buf_p = send_buf ; // reset send buffer
-  DBG("Trying to write %d bytes:%s\n", len, buf);
-  size_t writtenLen = 0;
-  if(!m_sock.is_connected())
-  {
-    WARN("Connection was closed by server");
-    return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server 
-  }
-  if(port == HTTPS_PORT) {
-    DBG("Enter CyaSSL_write") ;
-    if (CyaSSL_write(ssl, buf, len) != len) {
-      ERR("SSL_write failed");
-      return HTTP_ERROR ;
+    int len ;
+    char * buf ;
+    buf = send_buf ;
+    len = send_buf_p - send_buf ;
+    send_buf_p = send_buf ; // reset send buffer
+    DBG("Trying to write %d bytes:%s\n", len, buf);
+    size_t writtenLen = 0;
+    if(!m_sock.is_connected()) {
+        WARN("Connection was closed by server");
+        return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server
+    if(port == HTTPS_PORT) {
+        DBG("Enter CyaSSL_write") ;
+        if (CyaSSL_write(ssl, buf, len) != len) {
+            ERR("SSL_write failed");
+            return HTTP_ERROR ;
+        }
+        DBG("Written %d bytes", writtenLen);
+        return HTTP_OK;
+    }
+    m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
+    int ret = m_sock.send_all(buf, len);
+    if(ret > 0) {
+        writtenLen += ret;
+    } else if( ret == 0 ) {
+        WARN("Connection was closed by server");
+        return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server
+    } else {
+        ERR("Connection error (send returned %d)", ret);
+        return HTTP_CONN;
+    }
     DBG("Written %d bytes", writtenLen);
     return HTTP_OK;
-  }
-  m_sock.set_blocking(false, m_timeout);
-  int ret = m_sock.send_all(buf, len);
-  if(ret > 0)
-  {
-    writtenLen += ret;
-  }
-  else if( ret == 0 )
-  {
-    WARN("Connection was closed by server");
-    return HTTP_CLOSED; //Connection was closed by server
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ERR("Connection error (send returned %d)", ret);
-    return HTTP_CONN;
-  }
-  DBG("Written %d bytes", writtenLen);
-  return HTTP_OK;
 HTTPResult HTTPClient::parseURL(const char* url, char* scheme, size_t maxSchemeLen, char* host, size_t maxHostLen, uint16_t* port, char* path, size_t maxPathLen) //Parse URL
-  char* schemePtr = (char*) url;
-  char* hostPtr = (char*) strstr(url, "://");
-  if(hostPtr == NULL)
-  {
-    WARN("Could not find host");
-    return HTTP_PARSE; //URL is invalid
-  }
+    char* schemePtr = (char*) url;
+    char* hostPtr = (char*) strstr(url, "://");
+    if(hostPtr == NULL) {
+        WARN("Could not find host");
+        return HTTP_PARSE; //URL is invalid
+    }
+    if( maxSchemeLen < hostPtr - schemePtr + 1 ) { //including NULL-terminating char
+        WARN("Scheme str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxSchemeLen, hostPtr - schemePtr + 1);
+        return HTTP_PARSE;
+    }
+    memcpy(scheme, schemePtr, hostPtr - schemePtr);
+    scheme[hostPtr - schemePtr] = '\0';
-  if( maxSchemeLen < hostPtr - schemePtr + 1 ) //including NULL-terminating char
-  {
-    WARN("Scheme str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxSchemeLen, hostPtr - schemePtr + 1);
-    return HTTP_PARSE;
-  }
-  memcpy(scheme, schemePtr, hostPtr - schemePtr);
-  scheme[hostPtr - schemePtr] = '\0';
+    hostPtr+=3;
-  hostPtr+=3;
+    size_t hostLen = 0;
-  size_t hostLen = 0;
-  char* portPtr = strchr(hostPtr, ':');
-  if( portPtr != NULL )
-  {
-    hostLen = portPtr - hostPtr;
-    portPtr++;
-    if( sscanf(portPtr, "%hu", port) != 1)
-    {
-      WARN("Could not find port");
-      return HTTP_PARSE;
+    char* portPtr = strchr(hostPtr, ':');
+    if( portPtr != NULL ) {
+        hostLen = portPtr - hostPtr;
+        portPtr++;
+        if( sscanf(portPtr, "%hu", port) != 1) {
+            WARN("Could not find port");
+            return HTTP_PARSE;
+        }
+    } else {
+        *port=0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    *port=0;
-  }
-  char* pathPtr = strchr(hostPtr, '/');
-  if( hostLen == 0 )
-  {
-    hostLen = pathPtr - hostPtr;
-  }
+    char* pathPtr = strchr(hostPtr, '/');
+    if( hostLen == 0 ) {
+        hostLen = pathPtr - hostPtr;
+    }
-  if( maxHostLen < hostLen + 1 ) //including NULL-terminating char
-  {
-    WARN("Host str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxHostLen, hostLen + 1);
-    return HTTP_PARSE;
-  }
-  memcpy(host, hostPtr, hostLen);
-  host[hostLen] = '\0';
+    if( maxHostLen < hostLen + 1 ) { //including NULL-terminating char
+        WARN("Host str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxHostLen, hostLen + 1);
+        return HTTP_PARSE;
+    }
+    memcpy(host, hostPtr, hostLen);
+    host[hostLen] = '\0';
-  size_t pathLen;
-  char* fragmentPtr = strchr(hostPtr, '#');
-  if(fragmentPtr != NULL)
-  {
-    pathLen = fragmentPtr - pathPtr;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    pathLen = strlen(pathPtr);
-  }
+    size_t pathLen;
+    char* fragmentPtr = strchr(hostPtr, '#');
+    if(fragmentPtr != NULL) {
+        pathLen = fragmentPtr - pathPtr;
+    } else {
+        pathLen = strlen(pathPtr);
+    }
-  if( maxPathLen < pathLen + 1 ) //including NULL-terminating char
-  {
-    WARN("Path str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxPathLen, pathLen + 1);
-    return HTTP_PARSE;
-  }
-  memcpy(path, pathPtr, pathLen);
-  path[pathLen] = '\0';
+    if( maxPathLen < pathLen + 1 ) { //including NULL-terminating char
+        WARN("Path str is too small (%d >= %d)", maxPathLen, pathLen + 1);
+        return HTTP_PARSE;
+    }
+    memcpy(path, pathPtr, pathLen);
+    path[pathLen] = '\0';
-  return HTTP_OK;
+    return HTTP_OK;
--- a/HTTPClient.h	Mon Apr 07 23:30:35 2014 +0000
+++ b/HTTPClient.h	Mon Apr 07 23:41:06 2014 +0000
@@ -32,19 +32,18 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 ///HTTP client results
-enum HTTPResult
-  HTTP_PROCESSING, ///<Processing
-  HTTP_PARSE, ///<url Parse error
-  HTTP_DNS, ///<Could not resolve name
-  HTTP_PRTCL, ///<Protocol error
-  HTTP_NOTFOUND, ///<HTTP 404 Error
-  HTTP_REFUSED, ///<HTTP 403 Error
-  HTTP_ERROR, ///<HTTP xxx error
-  HTTP_TIMEOUT, ///<Connection timeout
-  HTTP_CONN, ///<Connection error
-  HTTP_CLOSED, ///<Connection was closed by remote host
-  HTTP_OK = 0, ///<Success
+enum HTTPResult {
+    HTTP_PROCESSING, ///<Processing
+    HTTP_PARSE, ///<url Parse error
+    HTTP_DNS, ///<Could not resolve name
+    HTTP_PRTCL, ///<Protocol error
+    HTTP_NOTFOUND, ///<HTTP 404 Error
+    HTTP_REFUSED, ///<HTTP 403 Error
+    HTTP_ERROR, ///<HTTP xxx error
+    HTTP_TIMEOUT, ///<Connection timeout
+    HTTP_CONN, ///<Connection error
+    HTTP_CLOSED, ///<Connection was closed by remote host
+    HTTP_OK = 0, ///<Success
 /**A simple HTTP Client
@@ -55,107 +54,106 @@
 class HTTPClient
-  ///Instantiate the HTTP client
-  HTTPClient();
-  ~HTTPClient();
+    ///Instantiate the HTTP client
+    HTTPClient();
+    ~HTTPClient();
 #if 0 //TODO add header handlers
-  /**
-  Provides a basic authentification feature (Base64 encoded username and password)
-  Pass two NULL pointers to switch back to no authentication
-  @param user username to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session
-  @param user password to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session
-  */
-  void basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password); //Basic Authentification
+    /**
+    Provides a basic authentification feature (Base64 encoded username and password)
+    Pass two NULL pointers to switch back to no authentication
+    @param user username to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session
+    @param user password to use for authentication, must remain valid durlng the whole HTTP session
+    */
+    void basicAuth(const char* user, const char* password); //Basic Authentification
-  //High Level setup functions
-  /** Execute a GET request on the URL
-  Blocks until completion
-  @param url : url on which to execute the request
-  @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
-  @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
-  @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
-  */
-  HTTPResult get(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
-  /** Execute a GET request on the URL
-  Blocks until completion
-  This is a helper to directly get a piece of text from a HTTP result
-  @param url : url on which to execute the request
-  @param result : pointer to a char array in which the result will be stored
-  @param maxResultLen : length of the char array (including space for the NULL-terminating char)
-  @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
-  @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
-  */
-  HTTPResult get(const char* url, char* result, size_t maxResultLen, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
+    //High Level setup functions
+    /** Execute a GET request on the URL
+    Blocks until completion
+    @param url : url on which to execute the request
+    @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
+    @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
+    @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
+    */
+    HTTPResult get(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
+    /** Execute a GET request on the URL
+    Blocks until completion
+    This is a helper to directly get a piece of text from a HTTP result
+    @param url : url on which to execute the request
+    @param result : pointer to a char array in which the result will be stored
+    @param maxResultLen : length of the char array (including space for the NULL-terminating char)
+    @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
+    @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
+    */
+    HTTPResult get(const char* url, char* result, size_t maxResultLen, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
+    /** Execute a POST request on the URL
+    Blocks until completion
+    @param url : url on which to execute the request
+    @param dataOut : a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be posted
+    @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
+    @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
+    @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
+    */
+    HTTPResult post(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
-  /** Execute a POST request on the URL
-  Blocks until completion
-  @param url : url on which to execute the request
-  @param dataOut : a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be posted
-  @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
-  @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
-  @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
-  */
-  HTTPResult post(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
-  /** Execute a PUT request on the URL
-  Blocks until completion
-  @param url : url on which to execute the request
-  @param dataOut : a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be put
-  @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
-  @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
-  @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
-  */
-  HTTPResult put(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
-  /** Execute a DELETE request on the URL
-  Blocks until completion
-  @param url : url on which to execute the request
-  @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
-  @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
-  @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
-  */
-  HTTPResult del(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
-  /** Get last request's HTTP response code
-  @return The HTTP response code of the last request
-  */
-  int getHTTPResponseCode();
-  void setHeader(char *header) ;
+    /** Execute a PUT request on the URL
+    Blocks until completion
+    @param url : url on which to execute the request
+    @param dataOut : a IHTTPDataOut instance that contains the data that will be put
+    @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
+    @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
+    @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
+    */
+    HTTPResult put(const char* url, const IHTTPDataOut& dataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
+    /** Execute a DELETE request on the URL
+    Blocks until completion
+    @param url : url on which to execute the request
+    @param pDataIn : pointer to an IHTTPDataIn instance that will collect the data returned by the request, can be NULL
+    @param timeout waiting timeout in ms (osWaitForever for blocking function, not recommended)
+    @return 0 on success, HTTP error (<0) on failure
+    */
+    HTTPResult del(const char* url, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout = HTTP_CLIENT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //Blocking
+    /** Get last request's HTTP response code
+    @return The HTTP response code of the last request
+    */
+    int getHTTPResponseCode();
+    void setHeader(char *header) ;
-  enum HTTP_METH
-  {
-    HTTP_GET,
-    HTTP_PUT,
-  };
+    enum HTTP_METH {
+        HTTP_GET,
+        HTTP_POST,
+        HTTP_PUT,
+        HTTP_DELETE,
+        HTTP_HEAD
+    };
+    HTTPResult connect(const char* url, HTTP_METH method, IHTTPDataOut* pDataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout); //Execute request
+    HTTPResult recv(char* buf, size_t minLen, size_t maxLen, size_t* pReadLen); //0 on success, err code on failure
+    HTTPResult send(char* buf, size_t len = 0); //0 on success, err code on failure
+    HTTPResult flush(void); //0 on success, err code on failure
+    HTTPResult parseURL(const char* url, char* scheme, size_t maxSchemeLen, char* host, size_t maxHostLen, uint16_t* port, char* path, size_t maxPathLen); //Parse URL
+    void cyassl_free(void) ;
-  HTTPResult connect(const char* url, HTTP_METH method, IHTTPDataOut* pDataOut, IHTTPDataIn* pDataIn, int timeout); //Execute request
-  HTTPResult recv(char* buf, size_t minLen, size_t maxLen, size_t* pReadLen); //0 on success, err code on failure
-  HTTPResult send(char* buf, size_t len = 0); //0 on success, err code on failure
-  HTTPResult flush(void); //0 on success, err code on failure
-  HTTPResult parseURL(const char* url, char* scheme, size_t maxSchemeLen, char* host, size_t maxHostLen, uint16_t* port, char* path, size_t maxPathLen); //Parse URL
-  void cyassl_free(void) ;
-  //Parameters
-  int m_timeout;
+    //Parameters
+    int m_timeout;
-  const char* m_basicAuthUser;
-  const char* m_basicAuthPassword;
-  int m_httpResponseCode;
+    const char* m_basicAuthUser;
+    const char* m_basicAuthPassword;
+    int m_httpResponseCode;
-  char * header ;
-  /* for CyaSSL */
-  int      sockfd;
-  uint16_t port;
-  struct CYASSL_CTX* ctx ;
-  struct CYASSL    * ssl ;
+    char * header ;
+    /* for CyaSSL */
+    int      sockfd;
+    uint16_t port;
+    struct CYASSL_CTX* ctx ;
+    struct CYASSL    * ssl ;
 //Including data containers here for more convenience