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00001 /*
00002 # This file is Copyright 2002 Dean Hall.
00003 # This file is part of the PyMite VM.
00004 # This file is licensed under the MIT License.
00005 # See the LICENSE file for details.
00006 */
00009 #ifndef __MODULE_H__
00010 #define __MODULE_H__
00013 /**
00014  * \file
00015  * \brief Module Object Type
00016  *
00017  * Module object type header.
00018  */
00021 /**
00022  * Creates a Module Obj for the given Code Obj.
00023  *
00024  * Use a func struct to represent the Module obj because
00025  * the module's construction code must execute later,
00026  * but set the type to OBJ_TYPE_MOD so that it is
00027  * not otherwise callable.
00028  *
00029  * @param   pco Ptr to code obj
00030  * @param   pmod Return by reference; ptr to new module obj
00031  * @return  Return status
00032  */
00033 PmReturn_t mod_new(pPmObj_t pco, pPmObj_t *pmod);
00035 /**
00036  * Imports a module of the given name.
00037  * Searches for an image with a matching name.
00038  * A code obj is created for the code image.
00039  * A module obj is created for the code obj.
00040  *
00041  * @param   pstr String obj containing name of code obj to load.
00042  * @param   pmod Return by reference; ptr to imported module
00043  * @return  Return status
00044  */
00045 PmReturn_t mod_import(pPmObj_t pstr, pPmObj_t *pmod);
00047 #endif /* __MODULE_H__ */