BaseJpegDeocde exampe program

Dependencies:   BaseJpegDecode Terminal BaseUsbHost mbed mbed-rtos

Fork of BaseJpegDecode by Norimasa Okamoto

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
Commit message:
update FATFileASystem and BaseJpegDecode

Changed in this revision

BaseJpegDecode.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FATFileSystem.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
FatFileSystemCpp.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
msc/msc.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
msc/msc.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/BaseJpegDecode.lib	Thu Nov 15 10:20:38 2012 +0000
+++ b/BaseJpegDecode.lib	Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FATFileSystem.lib	Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/FatFileSystemCpp.lib	Thu Nov 15 10:20:38 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/mbed.bld	Thu Nov 15 10:20:38 2012 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/msc/msc.cpp	Thu Nov 15 10:20:38 2012 +0000
+++ b/msc/msc.cpp	Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
@@ -1,390 +1,390 @@
-#include "msc.h"
-//#define __DEBUG
-#include "mydbg.h"
-#include "Utils.h"
-//#define WRITE_PROTECT
-msc::msc(const char* name, int drive): FATFileSystem(name)
-    DBG("drive=%d\n", drive);
-    m_name = name;
-    m_drive = drive;
-    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CBW) == 31);
-    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CSW) == 13);
-    m_numBlocks = 0;
-    m_BlockSize = 0;
-    m_lun = 0;
-    m_interface = 0;
-    m_pDev = NULL;
-    m_pEpBulkIn = NULL;
-    m_pEpBulkOut = NULL;
-int msc::disk_initialize()
-    DBG("m_BlockSize=%d\n", m_BlockSize);
-    if (m_BlockSize != 512) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;    
-int msc::disk_write(const char *buffer, int block_number)
-    DBG("buffer=%p block_number=%d\n", buffer, block_number);
-    int ret = MS_BulkSend(block_number, 1, (uint8_t*)buffer);
-    if (ret >= 0) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-int msc::disk_read(char *buffer, int block_number)
-    DBG("buffer=%p block_number=%d\n", buffer, block_number);
-    int ret = MS_BulkRecv(block_number, 1, (uint8_t*)buffer);
-    if (ret >= 0) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-int msc::disk_status()
-    DBG("\n");
-    return 0;
-int msc::disk_sync()
-    DBG("\n");
-    return 0;
-int msc::disk_sectors()
-    DBG("m_numBlocks=%d\n", m_numBlocks);
-    return m_numBlocks;
-int msc::setup(int timeout)
-    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-        m_pDev = m_pHost->getDeviceByClass(0x08, m_drive); // USB Mass Storage Class
-        if (m_pDev || i > 0) {
-            break;
-        }
-        UsbErr rc = Usb_poll();
-        if (rc == USBERR_PROCESSING) {
-            VERBOSE("%p USBERR_PROCESSING\n", this);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    DBG("m_pDev=%p\n", m_pDev);
-    if (m_pDev == NULL) {
-        VERBOSE("%p MSC DISK(%d) NOT FOUND\n", this, m_drive);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
-    ParseConfiguration();
-    GetMaxLUN();
-    int retry = 0;
-    Timer t;
-    t.start();
-    t.reset();
-    while(t.read_ms() < timeout) {
-        DBG("retry=%d t=%d\n", retry, t.read_ms());
-        if (retry > 80) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        int rc = TestUnitReady();
-        DBG("TestUnitReady(): %d\n", rc);
-        if (rc == USBERR_OK) {
-            DBG("m_CSW.bCSWStatus: %02X\n", m_CSW.bCSWStatus);
-            if (m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        GetSenseInfo();
-        retry++;
-        wait_ms(50);
-    }
-    if (t.read_ms() >= timeout) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    ReadCapacity();
-    Inquire();
-    return 0;
-void msc::_test()
-    ReadCapacity();
-    char buf[512];
-    for(int block = 0; block < m_numBlocks; block++) {
-    DBG("block=%d\n", block);
-        disk_read(buf, block);    
-    }
-    exit(1);
-int msc::ParseConfiguration()
-  UsbErr rc;
-  uint8_t ConfigDesc[9];
-  int index = 0;
-  DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
-  rc = m_pDev->GetDescriptor(USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, index, ConfigDesc, sizeof(ConfigDesc));
-  DBG_BYTES("ConfigDescriptor 9bytes", ConfigDesc, sizeof(ConfigDesc));
-  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[0] == 9);
-  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[1] == 0x02);
-  int wTotalLength = *((uint16_t*)&ConfigDesc[2]);
-  DBG("TotalLength: %d\n", wTotalLength);
-  int bConfigValue = ConfigDesc[5];
-  DBG_ASSERT(bConfigValue == 1);
-  DBG("ConfigValue: %d\n", bConfigValue);
-  DBG("MaxPower: %d mA\n", ConfigDesc[8]*2);   
-  uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[wTotalLength];
-  DBG_ASSERT(buf);
-  rc = m_pDev->GetDescriptor(USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, index, buf, wTotalLength);
-  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[1] == 0x02);
-  for (int pos = 0; pos < wTotalLength; pos += buf[pos]) {
-      DBG_BYTES("CFG", buf+pos, buf[pos]);
-      int type = buf[pos+1];
-      if (USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE == type) { // 0x04
-        DBG("InterfaceNumber: %d\n", buf[pos+2]);
-        DBG("AlternateSetting: %d\n", buf[pos+3]);
-        DBG("NumEndpoint: %d\n", buf[pos+4]);
-        DBG("InterfaceClass: %02X\n", buf[pos+5]);
-        DBG("InterfaceSubClass: %02X\n", buf[pos+6]);
-        DBG("InterfaceProtocol: %02X\n", buf[pos+7]);
-        DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos+6] == 0x06); // SCSI
-        DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos+7] == 0x50); // bulk only
-      } 
-      if (USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT == type) {
-          DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos] == 7);
-          uint8_t att = buf[pos+3];
-          if (att == 2) { // bulk
-              uint8_t ep = buf[pos+2];
-              bool dir = ep & 0x80; // true=IN
-              uint16_t size = LE16(buf+pos+4);
-              DBG("EndpointAddress: %02X\n", ep);
-              DBG("Attribute: %02X\n", att);
-              DBG("MaxPacketSize: %d\n", size); 
-              UsbEndpoint* pEp = new UsbEndpoint(m_pDev, ep, dir, USB_BULK, size);
-              DBG_ASSERT(pEp);
-              if (dir) {
-                  m_pEpBulkIn = pEp;
-              } else {
-                  m_pEpBulkOut = pEp;
-              } 
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  delete[] buf;
-  DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkIn);
-  DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkOut);
-  return 0;   
-int msc::BulkOnlyMassStorageReset()
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
-    UsbErr rc = m_pDev->controlReceive(0x21, 0xff, 0x0000, m_interface, NULL, 0); 
-    return rc;
-int msc::GetMaxLUN()
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_interface == 0);
-    uint8_t temp[1];
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
-    UsbErr rc = m_pDev->controlReceive(0xa1, 0xfe, 0x0000, m_interface, temp, sizeof(temp)); 
-    DBG_BYTES("GetMaxLUN", temp, sizeof(temp));
-    m_MaxLUN = temp[0];
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_MaxLUN <= 15);
-    return rc;
-int msc::TestUnitReady()
-    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 0;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x00;
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    StatusTransport();
-    return 0;
-int msc::GetSenseInfo()
-    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 18, 0x00};
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 18;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    uint8_t buf[18];
-    _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    StatusTransport();
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
-    return 0;
-int msc::ReadCapacity()
-    const uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
-                                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 8;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    uint8_t buf[8];
-    int rc = _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    DBG_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
-    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    StatusTransport();
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
-    m_numBlocks = BE32(buf);
-    m_BlockSize = BE32(buf+4);
-    DBG("m_numBlocks=%d m_BlockSize=%d\n", m_numBlocks, m_BlockSize);
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_BlockSize == 512);
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_numBlocks > 0);
-    return 0;
-int msc::Inquire()
-    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 36, 0x00};
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 36;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    uint8_t buf[36];
-    _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
-    StatusTransport();
-    return 0;
-int msc::MS_BulkRecv(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer)
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_BlockSize == 512);
-    DBG_ASSERT(num_blocks == 1);
-    DBG_ASSERT(user_buffer);
-    uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_READ_10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
-                                   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-    BE32(block_number, cdb+2);
-    BE16(num_blocks, cdb+7);
-    uint32_t len = m_BlockSize * num_blocks;
-    DBG_ASSERT(len <= 512);
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = len;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    int ret = _bulkRecv(user_buffer, len);
-    //DBG_HEX(user_buffer, len);
-    StatusTransport();
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
-    return ret;
-int msc::MS_BulkSend(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer)
-    return 0;
-    DBG_ASSERT(num_blocks == 1);
-    DBG_ASSERT(user_buffer);
-    uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_WRITE_10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
-                                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-    BE32(block_number, cdb+2);
-    BE16(num_blocks, cdb+7);
-    uint32_t len = m_BlockSize * num_blocks;
-    DBG_ASSERT(len <= 512);
-    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = len;
-    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x00; // data Out
-    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
-    int ret = _bulkSend(user_buffer, len);
-    //DBG_HEX(user_buffer, len);
-    StatusTransport();
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
-    return ret;
-#endif //WRITE_PROTECT    
-int msc::CommandTransport(const uint8_t* cdb, int size)
-    DBG_ASSERT(cdb);
-    DBG_ASSERT(size >= 6);
-    DBG_ASSERT(size <= 16);
-    m_CBW.bCBWLUN = m_lun;
-    m_CBW.bCBWCBLength = size;
-    memcpy(m_CBW.CBWCB, cdb, size);
-    m_CBW.dCBWSignature = 0x43425355;
-    m_CBW.dCBWTag = m_tag++;
-    m_CBW.bCBWLUN = 0;
-    //DBG_HEX((uint8_t*)&m_CBW, sizeof(CBW));
-    int rc = _bulkSend((uint8_t*)&m_CBW, sizeof(CBW));
-    return rc;
-int msc::StatusTransport()
-    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CSW) == 13);
-    int rc = _bulkRecv((uint8_t*)&m_CSW, sizeof(CSW));
-    //DBG_HEX((uint8_t*)&m_CSW, sizeof(CSW));
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWSignature == 0x53425355);
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWTag == m_CBW.dCBWTag);
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWDataResidue == 0);
-    return rc;
-int msc::_bulkRecv(uint8_t* buf, int size)
-    UsbErr rc = m_pEpBulkIn->transfer(buf, size);
-    while(m_pEpBulkIn->status() == USBERR_PROCESSING){
-        wait_us(1);
-    }
-    int ret = m_pEpBulkIn->status();
-    if (ret >= 0) {
-        return ret;
-    }
-    DBG("buf=%p size=%d ret=%d\n", buf, size, ret);
-    return ret;
-int msc::_bulkSend(uint8_t* buf, int size)
-    DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkOut);
-    UsbErr rc = m_pEpBulkOut->transfer(buf, size);
-    while(m_pEpBulkOut->status() == USBERR_PROCESSING){
-        wait_us(1);
-    }
-    int ret = m_pEpBulkOut->status();
-    if (ret >= 0) {
-        return ret;
-    }
-    DBG("buf=%p size=%d ret=%d\n", buf, size, ret);
-    return ret;
+#include "msc.h"
+//#define __DEBUG
+#include "mydbg.h"
+#include "Utils.h"
+//#define WRITE_PROTECT
+msc::msc(const char* name, int drive): FATFileSystem(name)
+    DBG("drive=%d\n", drive);
+    m_name = name;
+    m_drive = drive;
+    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CBW) == 31);
+    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CSW) == 13);
+    m_numBlocks = 0;
+    m_BlockSize = 0;
+    m_lun = 0;
+    m_interface = 0;
+    m_pDev = NULL;
+    m_pEpBulkIn = NULL;
+    m_pEpBulkOut = NULL;
+int msc::disk_initialize()
+    DBG("m_BlockSize=%d\n", m_BlockSize);
+    if (m_BlockSize != 512) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;    
+int msc::disk_write(const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t block_number)
+    DBG("buffer=%p block_number=%d\n", buffer, block_number);
+    int ret = MS_BulkSend(block_number, 1, (uint8_t*)buffer);
+    if (ret >= 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+int msc::disk_read(uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t block_number)
+    DBG("buffer=%p block_number=%d\n", buffer, block_number);
+    int ret = MS_BulkRecv(block_number, 1, (uint8_t*)buffer);
+    if (ret >= 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+int msc::disk_status()
+    DBG("\n");
+    return 0;
+int msc::disk_sync()
+    DBG("\n");
+    return 0;
+uint64_t msc::disk_sectors()
+    DBG("m_numBlocks=%d\n", m_numBlocks);
+    return m_numBlocks;
+int msc::setup(int timeout)
+    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+        m_pDev = m_pHost->getDeviceByClass(0x08, m_drive); // USB Mass Storage Class
+        if (m_pDev || i > 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        UsbErr rc = Usb_poll();
+        if (rc == USBERR_PROCESSING) {
+            VERBOSE("%p USBERR_PROCESSING\n", this);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    DBG("m_pDev=%p\n", m_pDev);
+    if (m_pDev == NULL) {
+        VERBOSE("%p MSC DISK(%d) NOT FOUND\n", this, m_drive);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
+    ParseConfiguration();
+    GetMaxLUN();
+    int retry = 0;
+    Timer t;
+    t.start();
+    t.reset();
+    while(t.read_ms() < timeout) {
+        DBG("retry=%d t=%d\n", retry, t.read_ms());
+        if (retry > 80) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        int rc = TestUnitReady();
+        DBG("TestUnitReady(): %d\n", rc);
+        if (rc == USBERR_OK) {
+            DBG("m_CSW.bCSWStatus: %02X\n", m_CSW.bCSWStatus);
+            if (m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        GetSenseInfo();
+        retry++;
+        wait_ms(50);
+    }
+    if (t.read_ms() >= timeout) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    ReadCapacity();
+    Inquire();
+    return 0;
+void msc::_test()
+    ReadCapacity();
+    uint8_t buf[512];
+    for(int block = 0; block < m_numBlocks; block++) {
+    DBG("block=%d\n", block);
+        disk_read(buf, block);    
+    }
+    exit(1);
+int msc::ParseConfiguration()
+  UsbErr rc;
+  uint8_t ConfigDesc[9];
+  int index = 0;
+  DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
+  rc = m_pDev->GetDescriptor(USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, index, ConfigDesc, sizeof(ConfigDesc));
+  DBG_BYTES("ConfigDescriptor 9bytes", ConfigDesc, sizeof(ConfigDesc));
+  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[0] == 9);
+  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[1] == 0x02);
+  int wTotalLength = *((uint16_t*)&ConfigDesc[2]);
+  DBG("TotalLength: %d\n", wTotalLength);
+  int bConfigValue = ConfigDesc[5];
+  DBG_ASSERT(bConfigValue == 1);
+  DBG("ConfigValue: %d\n", bConfigValue);
+  DBG("MaxPower: %d mA\n", ConfigDesc[8]*2);   
+  uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[wTotalLength];
+  DBG_ASSERT(buf);
+  rc = m_pDev->GetDescriptor(USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, index, buf, wTotalLength);
+  DBG_ASSERT(ConfigDesc[1] == 0x02);
+  for (int pos = 0; pos < wTotalLength; pos += buf[pos]) {
+      DBG_BYTES("CFG", buf+pos, buf[pos]);
+      int type = buf[pos+1];
+      if (USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE == type) { // 0x04
+        DBG("InterfaceNumber: %d\n", buf[pos+2]);
+        DBG("AlternateSetting: %d\n", buf[pos+3]);
+        DBG("NumEndpoint: %d\n", buf[pos+4]);
+        DBG("InterfaceClass: %02X\n", buf[pos+5]);
+        DBG("InterfaceSubClass: %02X\n", buf[pos+6]);
+        DBG("InterfaceProtocol: %02X\n", buf[pos+7]);
+        DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos+6] == 0x06); // SCSI
+        DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos+7] == 0x50); // bulk only
+      } 
+      if (USB_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT == type) {
+          DBG_ASSERT(buf[pos] == 7);
+          uint8_t att = buf[pos+3];
+          if (att == 2) { // bulk
+              uint8_t ep = buf[pos+2];
+              bool dir = ep & 0x80; // true=IN
+              uint16_t size = LE16(buf+pos+4);
+              DBG("EndpointAddress: %02X\n", ep);
+              DBG("Attribute: %02X\n", att);
+              DBG("MaxPacketSize: %d\n", size); 
+              UsbEndpoint* pEp = new UsbEndpoint(m_pDev, ep, dir, USB_BULK, size);
+              DBG_ASSERT(pEp);
+              if (dir) {
+                  m_pEpBulkIn = pEp;
+              } else {
+                  m_pEpBulkOut = pEp;
+              } 
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  delete[] buf;
+  DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkIn);
+  DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkOut);
+  return 0;   
+int msc::BulkOnlyMassStorageReset()
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
+    UsbErr rc = m_pDev->controlReceive(0x21, 0xff, 0x0000, m_interface, NULL, 0); 
+    return rc;
+int msc::GetMaxLUN()
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_interface == 0);
+    uint8_t temp[1];
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_pDev);
+    UsbErr rc = m_pDev->controlReceive(0xa1, 0xfe, 0x0000, m_interface, temp, sizeof(temp)); 
+    DBG_BYTES("GetMaxLUN", temp, sizeof(temp));
+    m_MaxLUN = temp[0];
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_MaxLUN <= 15);
+    return rc;
+int msc::TestUnitReady()
+    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 0;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x00;
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    StatusTransport();
+    return 0;
+int msc::GetSenseInfo()
+    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 18, 0x00};
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 18;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    uint8_t buf[18];
+    _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    StatusTransport();
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
+    return 0;
+int msc::ReadCapacity()
+    const uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
+                                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 8;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    uint8_t buf[8];
+    int rc = _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    DBG_ASSERT(rc >= 0);
+    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    StatusTransport();
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
+    m_numBlocks = BE32(buf);
+    m_BlockSize = BE32(buf+4);
+    DBG("m_numBlocks=%d m_BlockSize=%d\n", m_numBlocks, m_BlockSize);
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_BlockSize == 512);
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_numBlocks > 0);
+    return 0;
+int msc::Inquire()
+    const uint8_t cdb[6] = {SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 36, 0x00};
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = 36;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    uint8_t buf[36];
+    _bulkRecv(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    DBG_HEX(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    StatusTransport();
+    return 0;
+int msc::MS_BulkRecv(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer)
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_BlockSize == 512);
+    DBG_ASSERT(num_blocks == 1);
+    DBG_ASSERT(user_buffer);
+    uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_READ_10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
+                                   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+    BE32(block_number, cdb+2);
+    BE16(num_blocks, cdb+7);
+    uint32_t len = m_BlockSize * num_blocks;
+    DBG_ASSERT(len <= 512);
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = len;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x80; // data In
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    int ret = _bulkRecv(user_buffer, len);
+    //DBG_HEX(user_buffer, len);
+    StatusTransport();
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
+    return ret;
+int msc::MS_BulkSend(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer)
+    return 0;
+    DBG_ASSERT(num_blocks == 1);
+    DBG_ASSERT(user_buffer);
+    uint8_t cdb[10] = {SCSI_CMD_WRITE_10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
+                                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+    BE32(block_number, cdb+2);
+    BE16(num_blocks, cdb+7);
+    uint32_t len = m_BlockSize * num_blocks;
+    DBG_ASSERT(len <= 512);
+    m_CBW.dCBWDataTraansferLength = len;
+    m_CBW.bmCBWFlags = 0x00; // data Out
+    CommandTransport(cdb, sizeof(cdb));
+    int ret = _bulkSend(user_buffer, len);
+    //DBG_HEX(user_buffer, len);
+    StatusTransport();
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.bCSWStatus == 0x00);
+    return ret;
+#endif //WRITE_PROTECT    
+int msc::CommandTransport(const uint8_t* cdb, int size)
+    DBG_ASSERT(cdb);
+    DBG_ASSERT(size >= 6);
+    DBG_ASSERT(size <= 16);
+    m_CBW.bCBWLUN = m_lun;
+    m_CBW.bCBWCBLength = size;
+    memcpy(m_CBW.CBWCB, cdb, size);
+    m_CBW.dCBWSignature = 0x43425355;
+    m_CBW.dCBWTag = m_tag++;
+    m_CBW.bCBWLUN = 0;
+    //DBG_HEX((uint8_t*)&m_CBW, sizeof(CBW));
+    int rc = _bulkSend((uint8_t*)&m_CBW, sizeof(CBW));
+    return rc;
+int msc::StatusTransport()
+    DBG_ASSERT(sizeof(CSW) == 13);
+    int rc = _bulkRecv((uint8_t*)&m_CSW, sizeof(CSW));
+    //DBG_HEX((uint8_t*)&m_CSW, sizeof(CSW));
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWSignature == 0x53425355);
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWTag == m_CBW.dCBWTag);
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_CSW.dCSWDataResidue == 0);
+    return rc;
+int msc::_bulkRecv(uint8_t* buf, int size)
+    UsbErr rc = m_pEpBulkIn->transfer(buf, size);
+    while(m_pEpBulkIn->status() == USBERR_PROCESSING){
+        wait_us(1);
+    }
+    int ret = m_pEpBulkIn->status();
+    if (ret >= 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    DBG("buf=%p size=%d ret=%d\n", buf, size, ret);
+    return ret;
+int msc::_bulkSend(uint8_t* buf, int size)
+    DBG_ASSERT(m_pEpBulkOut);
+    UsbErr rc = m_pEpBulkOut->transfer(buf, size);
+    while(m_pEpBulkOut->status() == USBERR_PROCESSING){
+        wait_us(1);
+    }
+    int ret = m_pEpBulkOut->status();
+    if (ret >= 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    DBG("buf=%p size=%d ret=%d\n", buf, size, ret);
+    return ret;
--- a/msc/msc.h	Thu Nov 15 10:20:38 2012 +0000
+++ b/msc/msc.h	Wed Dec 05 12:41:25 2012 +0000
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-#ifndef MSC_H
-#define MSC_H
-#include "UsbHostMgr.h"
-#include "UsbEndpoint.h"
-#include "UsbBaseClass.h"
-#include "FATFileSystem.h"
-#define  SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE      0x03
-#define  SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY    0x00
-#define  SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY            0x12
-#define  SCSI_CMD_READ_10            0x28
-#define  SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY      0x25
-#define  SCSI_CMD_WRITE_10           0x2A
-#pragma pack(push,1)
-typedef struct stcbw {
-    uint32_t dCBWSignature;
-    uint32_t dCBWTag;
-    uint32_t dCBWDataTraansferLength;
-    uint8_t bmCBWFlags;
-    uint8_t bCBWLUN;
-    uint8_t bCBWCBLength;
-    uint8_t CBWCB[16];
-} CBW;
-typedef struct stcsw {
-    uint32_t dCSWSignature;
-    uint32_t dCSWTag;
-    uint32_t dCSWDataResidue;
-    uint8_t  bCSWStatus;
-} CSW;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-class msc : public FATFileSystem, public UsbBaseClass {
-    msc(const char* name = NULL, int drive = 0);
-    virtual int disk_initialize();
-    virtual int disk_write(const char *buffer, int block_number);
-    virtual int disk_read(char *buffer, int block_number);    
-    virtual int disk_status();
-    virtual int disk_sync();
-    virtual int disk_sectors();
-    int setup(int timeout = 9000);
-    void _test();
-    int ParseConfiguration();
-    int BulkOnlyMassStorageReset();
-    int GetMaxLUN();
-    int ReadCapacity();
-    int GetSenseInfo();
-    int TestUnitReady();
-    int Inquire();
-    int MS_BulkRecv(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer);
-    int MS_BulkSend(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer);
-    int CommandTransport(const uint8_t* cdb, int size);
-    int StatusTransport();
-    int _bulkRecv(uint8_t* buf, int size);
-    int _bulkSend(uint8_t* buf, int size);
-    const char* m_name;
-    int m_drive;
-    uint32_t m_numBlocks;
-    int m_BlockSize;
-    int m_lun;
-    int m_MaxLUN;
-    int m_interface;
-    uint32_t m_tag;
-    CBW m_CBW;
-    CSW m_CSW;
-    UsbDevice* m_pDev;
-    UsbEndpoint* m_pEpBulkIn;
-    UsbEndpoint* m_pEpBulkOut;
-#endif // MSC_H
+#ifndef MSC_H
+#define MSC_H
+#include "UsbHostMgr.h"
+#include "UsbEndpoint.h"
+#include "UsbBaseClass.h"
+#include "FATFileSystem.h"
+#define  SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE      0x03
+#define  SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY    0x00
+#define  SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY            0x12
+#define  SCSI_CMD_READ_10            0x28
+#define  SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY      0x25
+#define  SCSI_CMD_WRITE_10           0x2A
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+typedef struct stcbw {
+    uint32_t dCBWSignature;
+    uint32_t dCBWTag;
+    uint32_t dCBWDataTraansferLength;
+    uint8_t bmCBWFlags;
+    uint8_t bCBWLUN;
+    uint8_t bCBWCBLength;
+    uint8_t CBWCB[16];
+} CBW;
+typedef struct stcsw {
+    uint32_t dCSWSignature;
+    uint32_t dCSWTag;
+    uint32_t dCSWDataResidue;
+    uint8_t  bCSWStatus;
+} CSW;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+class msc : public FATFileSystem, public UsbBaseClass {
+    msc(const char* name = NULL, int drive = 0);
+    virtual int disk_initialize();
+    virtual int disk_write(const uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t block_number);
+    virtual int disk_read(uint8_t *buffer, uint64_t block_number);    
+    virtual int disk_status();
+    virtual int disk_sync();
+    virtual uint64_t disk_sectors();
+    int setup(int timeout = 9000);
+    void _test();
+    int ParseConfiguration();
+    int BulkOnlyMassStorageReset();
+    int GetMaxLUN();
+    int ReadCapacity();
+    int GetSenseInfo();
+    int TestUnitReady();
+    int Inquire();
+    int MS_BulkRecv(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer);
+    int MS_BulkSend(uint32_t block_number, int num_blocks, uint8_t* user_buffer);
+    int CommandTransport(const uint8_t* cdb, int size);
+    int StatusTransport();
+    int _bulkRecv(uint8_t* buf, int size);
+    int _bulkSend(uint8_t* buf, int size);
+    const char* m_name;
+    int m_drive;
+    uint32_t m_numBlocks;
+    int m_BlockSize;
+    int m_lun;
+    int m_MaxLUN;
+    int m_interface;
+    uint32_t m_tag;
+    CBW m_CBW;
+    CSW m_CSW;
+    UsbDevice* m_pDev;
+    UsbEndpoint* m_pEpBulkIn;
+    UsbEndpoint* m_pEpBulkOut;
+#endif // MSC_H