
Dependents of wave_player

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

central ctrl
Dance Dance Revolution program for main mbed
Dance Dance Revolution program for secondary mbed
An mBED smart waterpack.
hack gt final code
Cat food dispenser demo.
Program is a work in progress
An implementation of "BrickBreaker" for the mbed platform using the uLCD-4DGL display and a 5-Way joystick Breaker, brick, brickbreaker, game, joystick, uLCD
Gatech ECE 4180 Lab 4 Deal or No Deal Game -Alex Ferrara -Luke LeFeve
A implementation of a simple bomberman game
Frogger in progress. Currently the digital input is non-functioning. Cars do not erase path, death-thread not complete.
Faizan and Pages fun little game
A game by Ibrahim Khan and Saad Khan mbed, touchpad, uLCD
DuckHunt game using IMU sensor and uLCD display
completed with EvolutionOfWar
Revenge of the Mouse
Rocket threading between missiles game, using touch keypad, audio amp, sd card, ulcd, ulcd sd graphics
Lab 4 for ECE4180, final verison
Frogger for mbed
ECE 4180 - Lab 4 Tower of Hanoi
Final Edit
A Stock Exchange Game using IO devices, the 128x128 uLCD, and other components economics, game, mbed, stocks
For Student Project
Wirelessly controlled robot through Xbee
RTOS, Mutex Locks, Threading
Tetris game for mbed. game, tetris