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Dependencies:   mbed SRF05 Servo CMPS03

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00001 #include "VS1002.h"
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /* ==================================================================
00007  * Constructor
00008  * =================================================================*/
00009 VS1002::VS1002(
00010 PinName mmosi, PinName mmiso, PinName ssck, PinName ccs, const char *name,
00011          PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs, PinName rst,
00012          PinName dreq, PinName dcs, PinName vol)
00013     :
00014      _sd(mmosi, mmiso, ssck, ccs, name),
00015      _spi(mosi, miso, sck), 
00016      _CS(cs), 
00017      _RST(rst), 
00018      _DREQ(dreq),
00019      _DCS(dcs), 
00020      _VOL(vol) {
00022     }    
00024 /*===================================================================
00025  * Functions
00026  *==================================================================*/
00028 void VS1002::cs_low(void)
00029 {
00030     _CS = 0;                                
00031 }
00032 void VS1002::cs_high(void)
00033 {
00034     _CS = 1;                                
00035 }
00036 void VS1002::dcs_low(void)
00037 {
00038     _DCS = 0;
00039 }
00040 void VS1002::dcs_high(void)
00041 {
00042     _DCS = 1;
00043 }
00044 void VS1002::sci_en(void)                    //SCI enable
00045 {
00046     cs_high();
00047     dcs_high();
00048     cs_low();
00049 }
00050 void VS1002::sci_dis(void)                    //SCI disable
00051 {
00052     cs_high();
00053 }
00054 void VS1002::sdi_en(void)                    //SDI enable
00055 {
00056     dcs_high();
00057     cs_high();
00058     dcs_low();
00059 }
00060 void VS1002::sdi_dis(void)                    //SDI disable
00061 {
00062     dcs_high();
00063 }
00064 void VS1002::reset(void)                    //hardware reset
00065 {
00066     wait(0.01);
00067     _RST = 0;
00068     wait(0.01);
00069     _RST = 1;
00070     wait(0.10);
00071 }
00072 void VS1002::power_down(void)                //hardware and software reset
00073 {
00074     cs_low();
00075     reset();
00076     sci_write(0x00, SM_PDOWN);
00077     wait(0.01);
00078     reset();
00079 }
00080 void VS1002::sci_initialise(void)
00081 {
00082     _RST = 1;                                //no reset
00083     _spi.format(8,0);                        //spi 8bit interface, steady state low
00084     _spi.frequency(1000000);                //rising edge data record, freq. 1Mhz
00086     cs_low();
00087     for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
00088     {
00089     _spi.write(0xFF);                        //clock the chip a bit
00090     }
00091     cs_high();
00092     dcs_high();
00093     wait_us(5);
00094  //   fprintf(stderr, "Timeout waiting for v1.x card\n");
00096 }
00097 void VS1002::sdi_initialise(void)
00098 {
00099     _spi.format(8,0);
00100     _spi.frequency(7000000);                //set to 7MHz
00102     cs_high();
00103     dcs_high();
00104 }
00105 void VS1002::sci_write(unsigned char address, unsigned short int data)
00106 {
00107     sci_en();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
00109     while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
00110     _spi.write(0x02);                        //SCI write
00111     _spi.write(address);                    //register address
00112     _spi.write((data >> 8) & 0xFF);            //write out first half of data word
00113     _spi.write(data & 0xFF);                //write out second half of data word
00115     sci_dis();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
00116     wait_us(5);
00117 }
00118 void VS1002::sdi_write(unsigned char datum)
00119 {
00120     sdi_en();
00122     while(!_DREQ);
00123     _spi.write(datum);
00125     sci_dis();
00126 }
00127 unsigned short int VS1002::read(unsigned short int address)
00128 {
00129     cs_low();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
00131     while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
00132     _spi.write(0x03);                        //SCI write
00133     _spi.write(address);                    //register address
00134     unsigned short int received = _spi.write(0x00);    //write out dummy byte
00135     received <<= 8;
00136     received += _spi.write(0x00);            //write out dummy byte
00138     cs_high();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
00140     return received;                        //return received word
00141 }
00142 void VS1002::sine_test_activate(unsigned char wave)
00143 {
00144     cs_high();                                //enables SDI/disables SCI
00146     while(!_DREQ);                            //wait unitl data request is high
00147     _spi.write(0x53);                        //SDI write
00148     _spi.write(0xEF);                        //SDI write
00149     _spi.write(0x6E);                        //SDI write
00150     _spi.write(wave);                        //SDI write
00151     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00152     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00153     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00154     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00156     cs_low();                                //enables SCI/disables SDI
00157 }
00158 void VS1002::sine_test_deactivate(void)
00159 {
00160     cs_high();
00162     while(!_DREQ);
00163     _spi.write(0x45);                        //SDI write
00164     _spi.write(0x78);                        //SDI write
00165     _spi.write(0x69);                        //SDI write
00166     _spi.write(0x74);                        //SDI write
00167     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00168     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00169     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00170     _spi.write(0x00);                        //filler byte
00171 }
00172 void VS1002::volume(void)
00173 {
00174  #ifdef FIXED_VOL
00175     unsigned char volumize = (0 * 255); // FIXED VOL (not support volume input)
00176  #else
00177     unsigned char volumize = (0 * 255);
00178  #endif
00179     while(!_DREQ);
00181     unsigned short int attenuation = ((256 * volumize) + volumize);
00182     sci_write(0x0B, attenuation);
00183 }
00185 void VS1002::play_song(int song_number)
00186 {
00187     /*====== Song Select ======*/
00189 //    char list[10000] = {0};
00190     char list[1000] = {0};
00191     char str[16] = {"/sd/"};
00192     unsigned int startplace = 0;
00193     unsigned int endplace = 0;
00194     unsigned int play = 0;
00195     num_of_files = 0;
00197     DIR *d;
00198     struct dirent *p;
00199     d = opendir("/sd");
00200     if(d != NULL) 
00201            {
00202                while((p = readdir(d)) != NULL) 
00203            {
00204                strcat(list, "*");
00205                strcat(list, p->d_name);
00206                fprintf(stderr,"\n\rFilename:%s", p->d_name);
00207                num_of_files++;
00208            }
00209     }
00210     else 
00211     {
00212          perror("Could not open directory!");
00213     }
00214     strcat(list, "*");                                //terminating *
00215     if(num_of_files < song_number)
00216     {
00217         return;
00218     }
00219     while(play != song_number)
00220     {
00221         char symbol = list[startplace];
00222         startplace++;
00223         if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
00224         {
00225             play++;
00226         }                        
00227     }
00228     play = 0;
00229     while(play != (song_number+1))
00230     {
00231         char symbol = list[endplace];
00232         endplace++;    
00233         if(symbol == 0x2A)                        //0x2A = "*"    
00234         {
00235             play++;
00236         }
00237     }
00239     strncat(str, &list[startplace], endplace-startplace);
00240     str[(endplace-startplace)+3] = '\0';
00242 //printf("list: %s\r\n",list); //debug      
00244     /*====== File Transfer ======*/
00246      // return if not MP3 file
00247     if (!((strstr(str,"MP3")!=NULL)||(strstr(str,"mp3")!=NULL))) return;
00248     // display filename.mp3
00249     fprintf(stderr, "\n\rNow Playing: %s\r\n",str);
00251     FILE *song;
00252     unsigned char array[512];
00254     song = fopen(str, "rb");
00256     if(!song) 
00257     {
00258         exit(1);
00259     }
00261        while(!feof(song))
00262     {
00263            fread(&array, 1, 512, song);
00264            for(int i=0; i<512; i++)
00265            {
00266 #ifndef FS_ONLY
00267             sdi_write(array[i]);
00268         //    printf(".");
00269 #endif
00270            }
00271 #ifndef FS_ONLY
00272             volume();
00273 #endif
00274        }
00275     for(int n=0; n<2048; n++)
00276        {
00277 #ifndef FS_ONLY
00278            sdi_write(0x00);
00279 #endif
00280        }
00281     fclose(song);                                //close the file
00282 }