Dependents of TextLCD

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Program namijenjen zabavi, a omogućuje korisniku ovisno o donacijama njegova tri prijatelja pustiti određenu pjesmu s Jukebox-a pošto svaka pjesma ima svoju cijenu.
CS435 Final Project
Turn ON & OFF an LED via Bluetooth using the HC06 module
Easiest Hello World example!
Relay tester over LCD screen
Control a RC car via Bluetooth indicating the direction of movement in a LCD using the NUCLEO board STM32F411re
This is program to simulate the functions of a car.
Dryer timer with dew point control and 4-20mA analogue output signal
Dryer timer with analogue input from a dew point sensor.
menu con motor dc, motor paso, servo, keypad y lcd
Simple Test Program to check ACK from i2c Devices connected to an MBED board and then to report their addresses EEPROM, I2C, Nucleo, RTC, sensors, test
Mali senzor temperature koji očitava temperaturu okoline pomoću LM35 senzora, ispisuje ju na 16x2 LCD displej te serijski na računalo. LED dioda blica ovisno o temperaturi(veća temperatura=brže blicanje) te tipkalom …
Mali mjerač temperature koji očitava temperaturu okoline pomoću LM35 senzora, ispisuje ju na 16x2 LCD displej te serijski na računalo. LED dioda blica ovisno o temperaturi(veća temperatura=brže blicanje) te tipkalom …
Program upravlja brzinom vrtnje istosmjernog motora preko PWM izlaza mbeda koji je spojen na bazu 2N222A tranzistora koji se ponaša kao sklopka. Širina impulsa, a preko nje i brzina motora …
Pametna kuca upravljana mobilnim uređajem preko bluetootha.
Simple code for multiple sensor test using K64f
Referenciamento do eixo Z
The example program for mbed pin-compatible platforms Blinky, mbed, mbed_blinky, mbedblinky
codigo fonte
sensor, led, lcd, bluetooth and buzzer
MPPT with GA, simulation full gen
Uso de Librería para pantallas LCD de varias dimensiones.
Test brzine reakcije na vizualne podražaje; Brzina pritiska tipkala u trenutku paljenja LED diode
Demo for button and backlight use with Arduino LCD Keypad Shield (HD44780) and similar 16x2 hardware clones. Press 'Up' or 'Down' button to ON or OFF backlight. Build and test … AnalogIn, HD44780, keypad, LCD, Nucleo, pwm, shield, stm32, TextLCD
This program is about using a temperature sensor and displaying the temperature on the LCD screen. Not only that when the temperature drops below 25, but the heater is also …
University of Essex CE713