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Fork of nrf51-sdk by Nordic Semiconductor

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
Commit message:
Synchronized with git rev 709d3cdb
Author: Liyou Zhou
Change version number in README

Changed in this revision Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_services/ble_dfu/ble_dfu.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_conn_params.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51_bitfields.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_gpio.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/config/pstorage_platform.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_init_template.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_types.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/hci_transport/hci_mem_pool_internal.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/scheduler/app_scheduler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/util/app_util.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # nrf51-sdk
-Module to contain files provided by the nordic nRF51 SDK. The latest version of this module uses files from Nordic SDK 8.1.0. The files are extracted from [here] (
+Module to contain files provided by the nordic nRF51 SDK. The latest version of this module uses files from Nordic SDK 9.0.0. The files are extracted from [here](
 ## Changes made to Nordic files
 The files are kept the same as much as possible to the Nordic SDK. Modifications are made in order to integrate with mbed.
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_services/ble_dfu/ble_dfu.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_services/ble_dfu/ble_dfu.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
 typedef struct
+    uint8_t *                    p_data;                                /**< Pointer to the received packet. This will point to a word aligned memory location.*/
     uint8_t                      len;                                   /**< Length of the packet received. */
-    uint8_t *                    p_data;                                /**< Pointer to the received packet. This will point to a word aligned memory location.*/
 } ble_dfu_pkt_write_t;
 /**@brief   Packet receipt notification request structure.
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_conn_params.cpp	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_conn_params.cpp	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -349,6 +349,7 @@
 uint32_t ble_conn_params_change_conn_params(ble_gap_conn_params_t * new_params)
     uint32_t err_code;
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
-/* Attention! 
-*  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA’s Bluetooth profile 
+/* Attention!
+*  To maintain compliance with Nordic Semiconductor ASA’s Bluetooth profile
 *  qualification listings, this section of source code must not be modified.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "nordic_common.h"
 #include "app_error.h"
+#include "ble.h"
 uint8_t ble_srv_report_ref_encode(uint8_t                    * p_encoded_buffer,
                                   const ble_srv_report_ref_t * p_report_ref)
@@ -58,4 +58,100 @@
     p_utf8->length = (uint16_t)strlen(p_ascii);
     p_utf8->p_str  = (uint8_t *)p_ascii;
\ No newline at end of file
+/**@brief Function for setting security requirements of a characteristic.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  level required security level.
+ *
+ * @return     encoded security level and security mode.
+ */
+static inline ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t set_security_req(security_req_t level)
+    ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t perm;
+    switch (level)
+    {
+        case SEC_NO_ACCESS:
+            BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_NO_ACCESS(&perm);
+        break;
+        case SEC_OPEN:
+            BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&perm);
+        break;
+        case SEC_JUST_WORKS:
+            BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_ENC_NO_MITM(&perm);
+        break;
+        case SEC_MITM:
+        break;
+        case SEC_SIGNED:
+        break;
+        case SEC_SIGNED_MITM:
+        break;
+    }
+    return(perm);
+uint32_t characteristic_add(uint16_t                   service_handle,
+                            ble_add_char_params_t *    p_char_props,
+                            ble_gatts_char_handles_t * p_char_handle)
+    ble_gatts_char_md_t char_md;
+    ble_gatts_attr_t    attr_char_value;
+    ble_uuid_t          char_uuid;
+    ble_gatts_attr_md_t attr_md;
+    if (p_char_props->uuid_type == 0)
+    {
+        char_uuid.type = BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        char_uuid.type = p_char_props->uuid_type;
+    }
+    char_uuid.uuid = p_char_props->uuid;
+    memset(&attr_md, 0, sizeof(attr_md));
+    attr_md.read_perm  = set_security_req(p_char_props->read_access);
+    attr_md.write_perm = set_security_req(p_char_props->write_access);
+    attr_md.rd_auth    = (p_char_props->is_defered_read ? 1 : 0);
+    attr_md.wr_auth    = (p_char_props->is_defered_write ? 1 : 0);
+    attr_md.vlen       = (p_char_props->is_var_len ? 1 : 0);
+    attr_md.vloc       = (p_char_props->is_value_local ? BLE_GATTS_VLOC_USER : BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK);
+    memset(&char_md, 0, sizeof(char_md));
+    if ((p_char_props->char_props.notify == 1)||(p_char_props->char_props.indicate == 1))
+    {
+        ble_gatts_attr_md_t cccd_md;
+        memset(&cccd_md, 0, sizeof(cccd_md));
+        cccd_md.write_perm = set_security_req(p_char_props->cccd_write_access);
+        BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_OPEN(&cccd_md.read_perm);
+        cccd_md.vloc       = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;
+        char_md.p_cccd_md  = &cccd_md;
+    }
+    char_md.char_props = p_char_props->char_props;
+    memset(&attr_char_value, 0, sizeof(attr_char_value));
+    attr_char_value.p_uuid    = &char_uuid;
+    attr_char_value.p_attr_md = &attr_md;
+    attr_char_value.max_len   = p_char_props->max_len;
+    if (p_char_props->p_init_value != NULL)
+    {
+        attr_char_value.init_len  = p_char_props->init_len;
+        attr_char_value.p_value   = p_char_props->p_init_value;
+    }
+    return sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add(service_handle,
+                                           &char_md,
+                                           &attr_char_value,
+                                           p_char_handle);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/common/ble_srv_common.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
  * @defgroup ble_sdk_srv_common Common service definitions
  * @{
  * @ingroup ble_sdk_srv
- * @brief Constants, type definitions and functions that are common to all services.
+ * @brief Constants, type definitions, and functions that are common to all services.
 #ifndef BLE_SRV_COMMON_H__
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include "ble_types.h"
 #include "app_util.h"
+#include "ble.h"
 #include "ble_gap.h"
 #include "ble_gatt.h"
@@ -68,8 +69,6 @@
 #define BLE_UUID_RUNNING_SPEED_AND_CADENCE                       0x1814     /**< Running Speed and Cadence service UUID. */
 #define BLE_UUID_SCAN_PARAMETERS_SERVICE                         0x1813     /**< Scan Parameters service UUID. */
 #define BLE_UUID_TX_POWER_SERVICE                                0x1804     /**< TX Power service UUID. */
-#define BLE_UUID_IPSP_SERVICE                                    0x1820     /**< Internet Protocol Support service UUID. */
 /** @} */
 /** @defgroup UUID_CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic UUID definitions
@@ -158,19 +157,20 @@
 #define BLE_SRV_ENCODED_REPORT_REF_LEN                           2          /**< The length of an encoded Report Reference Descriptor. */
 #define BLE_CCCD_VALUE_LEN                                       2          /**< The length of a CCCD value. */
-/**@brief Type definition for error handler function which will be called in case of an error in
+/**@brief Type definition for error handler function that will be called in case of an error in
  *        a service or a service library module. */
 typedef void (*ble_srv_error_handler_t) (uint32_t nrf_error);
 /**@brief Value of a Report Reference descriptor. 
- * @details This is mapping information which maps the parent characteristic to the Report ID(s) and
+ * @details This is mapping information that maps the parent characteristic to the Report ID(s) and
  *          Report Type(s) defined within a Report Map characteristic.
 typedef struct
-    uint8_t report_id;                                  /**< Non-zero value if these is more than one instance of the same Report Type */
-    uint8_t report_type;                                /**< Type of Report characteristic @if (SD_S110) (see @ref BLE_HIDS_REPORT_TYPE) @endif */
+    uint8_t report_id;                                  /**< Non-zero value if there is more than one instance of the same Report Type */
+    uint8_t report_type;                                /**< Type of Report characteristic (see @ref BLE_HIDS_REPORT_TYPE) */
 } ble_srv_report_ref_t;
 /**@brief UTF-8 string data type.
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
     uint8_t * p_str;                                    /**< String data. */
 } ble_srv_utf8_str_t;
 /**@brief Security settings structure.
  * @details This structure contains the security options needed during initialization of the
  *          service.
@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@
 /**@brief Security settings structure.
  * @details This structure contains the security options needed during initialization of the
- *          service. It can be used when the charecteristics contains cccd.
+ *          service. It can be used when the characteristics contains cccd.
 typedef struct
-    ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t cccd_write_perm;
+    ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t cccd_write_perm;            /**< Write permissions for Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. */
     ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t read_perm;                  /**< Read permissions. */
     ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t write_perm;                 /**< Write permissions. */
 } ble_srv_cccd_security_mode_t;
@@ -209,7 +210,8 @@
  * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded CCCD is stored.
- * @return      TRUE if notification is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @retval      TRUE If notification is enabled.
+ * @retval      FALSE Otherwise.
 static __INLINE bool ble_srv_is_notification_enabled(uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
@@ -222,7 +224,8 @@
  * @param[in]   p_encoded_data   Buffer where the encoded CCCD is stored.
- * @return      TRUE if indication is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
+ * @retval      TRUE If indication is enabled.
+ * @retval      FALSE Otherwise.
 static __INLINE bool ble_srv_is_indication_enabled(uint8_t * p_encoded_data)
@@ -240,13 +243,65 @@
 uint8_t ble_srv_report_ref_encode(uint8_t *                    p_encoded_buffer,
                                   const ble_srv_report_ref_t * p_report_ref);
-/**@brief Function for making UTF-8 structure refer to an ASCII string.
+/**@brief Function for making a UTF-8 structure refer to an ASCII string.
  * @param[out]  p_utf8   UTF-8 structure to be set.
  * @param[in]   p_ascii  ASCII string to be referred to.
 void ble_srv_ascii_to_utf8(ble_srv_utf8_str_t * p_utf8, char * p_ascii);
+/**@brief Security Access enumeration.
+ * @details This enumeration gives the possible requirements for accessing a characteristic value.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    SEC_NO_ACCESS    = 0,            /**< Not possible to access. */
+    SEC_OPEN         = 1,            /**< Access open. */
+    SEC_JUST_WORKS   = 2,            /**< Access possible with 'Just Works' security at least. */
+    SEC_MITM         = 3,            /**< Access possible with 'MITM' security at least. */
+    SEC_SIGNED       = 4,            /**< Access possible with 'signed' security at least. */
+    SEC_SIGNED_MITM  = 5             /**< Access possible with 'signed and MITM' security at least. */
+/**@brief Add characteristic parameters structure.
+ * @details This structure contains the parameters needed to use the @ref characteristic_add function.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    uint16_t                    uuid;                     /**< Characteristic UUID (16 bits UUIDs).*/
+    uint8_t                     uuid_type;                /**< Base UUID. If 0, the Bluetooth SIG UUID will be used. Otherwise, this should be a value returned by @ref sd_ble_uuid_vs_add when adding the base UUID.*/
+    uint16_t                    max_len;                  /**< Maximum length of the characteristic value.*/
+    uint16_t                    init_len;                 /**< Initial length of the characteristic value.*/
+    uint8_t *                   p_init_value;             /**< Initial encoded value of the characteristic.*/
+    bool                        is_var_len;               /**< Indicates if the characteristic value has variable length.*/
+    ble_gatt_char_props_t       char_props;               /**< Characteristic properties.*/
+    bool                        is_defered_read;          /**< Indicate if deferred read operations are supported.*/
+    bool                        is_defered_write;         /**< Indicate if deferred write operations are supported.*/
+    security_req_t              read_access;              /**< Security requirement for reading the characteristic value.*/
+    security_req_t              write_access;             /**< Security requirement for writing the characteristic value.*/
+    security_req_t              cccd_write_access;        /**< Security requirement for writing the characteristic's CCCD.*/
+    bool                        is_value_local;           /**< Indicate if the content of the characteristic is to be stored locally or in the stack.*/
+} ble_add_char_params_t;
+/**@brief Function for adding a characteristic to a given service. 
+ *
+ * If no pointer is given for the initial value,
+ * the initial length parameter will be ignored and the initial length will be 0.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  service_handle Handle of the service to which the characteristic is to be added.
+ * @param[in]  p_char_props   Information needed to add the characteristic.
+ * @param[out] p_char_handle  Handle of the added characteristic.
+ *
+ * @retval      NRF_SUCCESS If the characteristic was added successfully. Otherwise, an error code is returned.
+ */
+uint32_t characteristic_add(uint16_t                   service_handle,
+                            ble_add_char_params_t *    p_char_props,
+                            ble_gatts_char_handles_t * p_char_handle);
 #endif // BLE_SRV_COMMON_H__
 /** @} */
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@
         #include "nrf51.h"
         #include "nrf51_bitfields.h"
         #include "nrf51_deprecated.h"
+    #elif defined (NRF52)
+        #include "nrf52.h"
+        #include "nrf52_bitfields.h"
+        #include "nrf51_to_nrf52.h"
         #error "Device family must be defined. See nrf.h."
-    #endif /* NRF51 */
+    #endif /* NRF51, NRF52 */
     #include "compiler_abstraction.h"
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
- */
+ */
 #ifndef NRF51_H
 #define NRF51_H
@@ -271,27 +271,6 @@
 /* ================================================================================ */
-/* ================                       PU                       ================ */
-/* ================================================================================ */
-  * @brief Patch unit. (PU)
-  */
-typedef struct {                                    /*!< PU Structure                                                          */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[448];
-  __IO uint32_t  REPLACEADDR[8];                    /*!< Address of first instruction to replace.                              */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[24];
-  __IO uint32_t  PATCHADDR[8];                      /*!< Relative address of patch instructions.                               */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED2[24];
-  __IO uint32_t  PATCHEN;                           /*!< Patch enable register.                                                */
-  __IO uint32_t  PATCHENSET;                        /*!< Patch enable register.                                                */
-  __IO uint32_t  PATCHENCLR;                        /*!< Patch disable register.                                               */
-} NRF_PU_Type;
-/* ================================================================================ */
 /* ================                      AMLI                      ================ */
 /* ================================================================================ */
@@ -344,11 +323,11 @@
   __IO uint32_t  INTENCLR;                          /*!< Interrupt enable clear register.                                      */
   __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[61];
   __I  uint32_t  CRCSTATUS;                         /*!< CRC status of received packet.                                        */
-  __I  uint32_t  CD;                                /*!< Carrier detect.                                                       */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5;
   __I  uint32_t  RXMATCH;                           /*!< Received address.                                                     */
   __I  uint32_t  RXCRC;                             /*!< Received CRC.                                                         */
   __I  uint32_t  DAI;                               /*!< Device address match index.                                           */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[60];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[60];
   __IO uint32_t  PACKETPTR;                         /*!< Packet pointer. Decision point: START task.                           */
   __IO uint32_t  FREQUENCY;                         /*!< Frequency.                                                            */
   __IO uint32_t  TXPOWER;                           /*!< Output power.                                                         */
@@ -367,22 +346,22 @@
   __IO uint32_t  TEST;                              /*!< Test features enable register.                                        */
   __IO uint32_t  TIFS;                              /*!< Inter Frame Spacing in microseconds.                                  */
   __I  uint32_t  RSSISAMPLE;                        /*!< RSSI sample.                                                          */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7;
   __I  uint32_t  STATE;                             /*!< Current radio state.                                                  */
   __IO uint32_t  DATAWHITEIV;                       /*!< Data whitening initial value.                                         */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[2];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8[2];
   __IO uint32_t  BCC;                               /*!< Bit counter compare.                                                  */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8[39];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9[39];
   __IO uint32_t  DAB[8];                            /*!< Device address base segment.                                          */
   __IO uint32_t  DAP[8];                            /*!< Device address prefix.                                                */
   __IO uint32_t  DACNF;                             /*!< Device address match configuration.                                   */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9[56];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[56];
   __IO uint32_t  OVERRIDE0;                         /*!< Trim value override register 0.                                       */
   __IO uint32_t  OVERRIDE1;                         /*!< Trim value override register 1.                                       */
   __IO uint32_t  OVERRIDE2;                         /*!< Trim value override register 2.                                       */
   __IO uint32_t  OVERRIDE3;                         /*!< Trim value override register 3.                                       */
   __IO uint32_t  OVERRIDE4;                         /*!< Trim value override register 4.                                       */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[561];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[561];
   __IO uint32_t  POWER;                             /*!< Peripheral power control.                                             */
 } NRF_RADIO_Type;
@@ -413,14 +392,16 @@
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_ERROR;                      /*!< Error detected.                                                       */
   __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[7];
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_RXTO;                       /*!< Receiver timeout.                                                     */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[111];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[46];
+  __IO uint32_t  SHORTS;                            /*!< Shortcuts for UART.                                                   */
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[64];
   __IO uint32_t  INTENSET;                          /*!< Interrupt enable set register.                                        */
   __IO uint32_t  INTENCLR;                          /*!< Interrupt enable clear register.                                      */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[93];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[93];
   __IO uint32_t  ERRORSRC;                          /*!< Error source. Write error field to 1 to clear error.                  */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[31];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8[31];
   __IO uint32_t  ENABLE;                            /*!< Enable UART and acquire IOs.                                          */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9;
   __IO uint32_t  PSELRTS;                           /*!< Pin select for RTS.                                                   */
   __IO uint32_t  PSELTXD;                           /*!< Pin select for TXD.                                                   */
   __IO uint32_t  PSELCTS;                           /*!< Pin select for CTS.                                                   */
@@ -429,11 +410,11 @@
                                                          Once read the character is consumed. If read when no character
                                                           available, the UART will stop working.                               */
   __O  uint32_t  TXD;                               /*!< TXD register.                                                         */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10;
   __IO uint32_t  BAUDRATE;                          /*!< UART Baudrate.                                                        */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[17];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[17];
   __IO uint32_t  CONFIG;                            /*!< Configuration of parity and hardware flow control register.           */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[675];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED12[675];
   __IO uint32_t  POWER;                             /*!< Peripheral power control.                                             */
 } NRF_UART_Type;
@@ -596,32 +577,28 @@
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_STOPPED;                    /*!< SPI transaction has stopped.                                          */
   __I  uint32_t  RESERVED3[2];
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_ENDRX;                      /*!< End of RXD buffer reached.                                            */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4;
-  __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_END;                        /*!< End of RXD buffer and TXD buffer reached.                             */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[3];
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_ENDTX;                      /*!< End of TXD buffer reached.                                            */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[10];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[10];
   __IO uint32_t  EVENTS_STARTED;                    /*!< Transaction started.                                                  */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[44];
-  __IO uint32_t  SHORTS;                            /*!< Shortcuts for SPIM.                                                   */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8[64];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[109];
   __IO uint32_t  INTENSET;                          /*!< Interrupt enable set register.                                        */
   __IO uint32_t  INTENCLR;                          /*!< Interrupt enable clear register.                                      */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9[125];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[125];
   __IO uint32_t  ENABLE;                            /*!< Enable SPIM.                                                          */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED8;
   SPIM_PSEL_Type PSEL;                              /*!< Pin select configuration.                                             */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[4];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED9[4];
   __IO uint32_t  FREQUENCY;                         /*!< SPI frequency.                                                        */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED12[3];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[3];
   SPIM_RXD_Type RXD;                                /*!< RXD EasyDMA configuration and status.                                 */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED13;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED11;
   SPIM_TXD_Type TXD;                                /*!< TXD EasyDMA configuration and status.                                 */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED14;
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED12;
   __IO uint32_t  CONFIG;                            /*!< Configuration register.                                               */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED15[26];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED13[26];
   __IO uint32_t  ORC;                               /*!< Over-read character.                                                  */
-  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED16[654];
+  __I  uint32_t  RESERVED14[654];
   __IO uint32_t  POWER;                             /*!< Peripheral power control.                                             */
 } NRF_SPIM_Type;
@@ -1200,7 +1177,6 @@
 #define NRF_POWER_BASE                  0x40000000UL
 #define NRF_CLOCK_BASE                  0x40000000UL
 #define NRF_MPU_BASE                    0x40000000UL
-#define NRF_PU_BASE                     0x40000000UL
 #define NRF_AMLI_BASE                   0x40000000UL
 #define NRF_RADIO_BASE                  0x40001000UL
 #define NRF_UART0_BASE                  0x40002000UL
@@ -1240,7 +1216,6 @@
 #define NRF_POWER                       ((NRF_POWER_Type          *) NRF_POWER_BASE)
 #define NRF_CLOCK                       ((NRF_CLOCK_Type          *) NRF_CLOCK_BASE)
 #define NRF_MPU                         ((NRF_MPU_Type            *) NRF_MPU_BASE)
-#define NRF_PU                          ((NRF_PU_Type             *) NRF_PU_BASE)
 #define NRF_AMLI                        ((NRF_AMLI_Type           *) NRF_AMLI_BASE)
 #define NRF_RADIO                       ((NRF_RADIO_Type          *) NRF_RADIO_BASE)
 #define NRF_UART0                       ((NRF_UART_Type           *) NRF_UART0_BASE)
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51_bitfields.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/device/nrf51_bitfields.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -4598,186 +4598,6 @@
 #define PPI_CHG_CH0_Included (1UL) /*!< Channel included. */
-/* Peripheral: PU */
-/* Description: Patch unit. */
-/* Register: PU_PATCHADDR */
-/* Description: Relative address of patch instructions. */
-/* Bits 24..0 : Relative address of patch instructions. */
-#define PU_PATCHADDR_PATCHADDR_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCHADDR field. */
-/* Register: PU_PATCHEN */
-/* Description: Patch enable register. */
-/* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHEN_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-/* Register: PU_PATCHENSET */
-/* Description: Patch enable register. */
-/* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH7_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH6_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH5_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH4_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH3_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH2_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH1_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENSET_PATCH0_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable patch on write. */
-/* Register: PU_PATCHENCLR */
-/* Description: Patch disable register. */
-/* Bit 7 : Patch 7 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Pos (7UL) /*!< Position of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH7 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH7_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 6 : Patch 6 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH6 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH6_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 5 : Patch 5 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Pos (5UL) /*!< Position of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH5 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH5_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 4 : Patch 4 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH4 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH4_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 3 : Patch 3 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH3 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH3_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 2 : Patch 2 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Pos (2UL) /*!< Position of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH2 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH2_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 1 : Patch 1 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Pos (1UL) /*!< Position of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH1 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH1_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
-/* Bit 0 : Patch 0 enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Msk (0x1UL << PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of PATCH0 field. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Patch disabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Patch enabled. */
-#define PU_PATCHENCLR_PATCH0_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable patch on write. */
 /* Peripheral: QDEC */
 /* Description: Rotary decoder. */
@@ -5134,13 +4954,6 @@
 #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_CRCError (0UL) /*!< Packet received with CRC error. */
 #define RADIO_CRCSTATUS_CRCSTATUS_CRCOk (1UL) /*!< Packet received with CRC ok. */
-/* Register: RADIO_CD */
-/* Description: Carrier detect. */
-/* Bit 0 : Carrier detect. */
-#define RADIO_CD_CD_Pos (0UL) /*!< Position of CD field. */
-#define RADIO_CD_CD_Msk (0x1UL << RADIO_CD_CD_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CD field. */
 /* Register: RADIO_RXMATCH */
 /* Description: Received address. */
@@ -5962,15 +5775,6 @@
 /* Peripheral: SPIM */
 /* Description: SPI master with easyDMA 1. */
-/* Register: SPIM_SHORTS */
-/* Description: Shortcuts for SPIM. */
-/* Bit 17 : Shortcut between END event and START task. */
-#define SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Pos (17UL) /*!< Position of END_START field. */
-#define SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Msk (0x1UL << SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END_START field. */
-#define SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */
-#define SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */
 /* Register: SPIM_INTENSET */
 /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */
@@ -5988,13 +5792,6 @@
 #define SPIM_INTENSET_ENDTX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */
 #define SPIM_INTENSET_ENDTX_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */
-/* Bit 6 : Enable interrupt on END event. */
-#define SPIM_INTENSET_END_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of END field. */
-#define SPIM_INTENSET_END_Msk (0x1UL << SPIM_INTENSET_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */
-#define SPIM_INTENSET_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */
-#define SPIM_INTENSET_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */
-#define SPIM_INTENSET_END_Set (1UL) /*!< Enable interrupt on write. */
 /* Bit 4 : Enable interrupt on ENDRX event. */
 #define SPIM_INTENSET_ENDRX_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of ENDRX field. */
 #define SPIM_INTENSET_ENDRX_Msk (0x1UL << SPIM_INTENSET_ENDRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDRX field. */
@@ -6026,13 +5823,6 @@
 #define SPIM_INTENCLR_ENDTX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */
 #define SPIM_INTENCLR_ENDTX_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */
-/* Bit 6 : Disable interrupt on END event. */
-#define SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Pos (6UL) /*!< Position of END field. */
-#define SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Msk (0x1UL << SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of END field. */
-#define SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Interrupt disabled. */
-#define SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Interrupt enabled. */
-#define SPIM_INTENCLR_END_Clear (1UL) /*!< Disable interrupt on write. */
 /* Bit 4 : Disable interrupt on ENDRX event. */
 #define SPIM_INTENCLR_ENDRX_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of ENDRX field. */
 #define SPIM_INTENCLR_ENDRX_Msk (0x1UL << SPIM_INTENCLR_ENDRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of ENDRX field. */
@@ -6677,6 +6467,21 @@
 /* Peripheral: UART */
 /* Description: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter. */
+/* Register: UART_SHORTS */
+/* Description: Shortcuts for UART. */
+/* Bit 4 : Shortcut between NCTS event and STOPRX task. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Pos (4UL) /*!< Position of NCTS_STOPRX field. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Msk (0x1UL << UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of NCTS_STOPRX field. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_NCTS_STOPRX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */
+/* Bit 3 : Shortcut between CTS event and STARTRX task. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Pos (3UL) /*!< Position of CTS_STARTRX field. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Msk (0x1UL << UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Pos) /*!< Bit mask of CTS_STARTRX field. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Disabled (0UL) /*!< Shortcut disabled. */
+#define UART_SHORTS_CTS_STARTRX_Enabled (1UL) /*!< Shortcut enabled. */
 /* Register: UART_INTENSET */
 /* Description: Interrupt enable set register. */
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_gpio.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_gpio.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
- */
+ */
 #ifndef NRF_GPIO_H__
 #define NRF_GPIO_H__
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/config/pstorage_platform.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/config/pstorage_platform.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -60,16 +60,16 @@
 #define PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_END     pstorage_flash_page_end()
-#define PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS   1                                                           /**< Maximum number of applications that can be registered with the module, configurable based on system requirements. */
+#define PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES       1                                                           /**< Number of flash pages allocated for the pstorage module excluding the swap page, configurable based on system requirements. */
 #define PSTORAGE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE     0x0010                                                      /**< Minimum size of block that can be registered with the module. Should be configured based on system requirements, recommendation is not have this value to be at least size of word. */
                                     * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)                                 /**< Start address for persistent data, configurable according to system requirements. */
 #define PSTORAGE_DATA_END_ADDR      ((PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_END - 1) * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)  /**< End address for persistent data, configurable according to system requirements. */
 #define PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR          PSTORAGE_DATA_END_ADDR                                      /**< Top-most page is used as swap area for clear and update. */
 #define PSTORAGE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE     PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE                                    /**< Maximum size of block that can be registered with the module. Should be configured based on system requirements. And should be greater than or equal to the minimum size. */
-#define PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE     2                                                           /**< Maximum number of flash access commands that can be maintained by the module for all applications. Configurable. */
+#define PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE     10                                                          /**< Maximum number of flash access commands that can be maintained by the module for all applications. Configurable. */
 /** Abstracts persistently memory block identifier. */
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -40,23 +40,27 @@
 #include "nrf.h"
 #include "nrf_soc.h"
 #include "app_util.h"
+#include "app_error.h"
-#define INVALID_OPCODE     0x00                            /**< Invalid op code identifier. */
-#define SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE 1024                            /**< Maximum write size allowed for a single call to \ref sd_flash_write as specified in the SoC API. */
-#define RAW_MODE_APP_ID    (PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS + 1) /**< Application id for raw mode. */
-#define SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES   3                               /**< Number of times to try a softdevice flash operation when the @ref NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR sys_evt is received. */
+#define INVALID_OPCODE             0x00                                /**< Invalid op code identifier. */
+#define SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE         PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE            /**< Maximum write size allowed for a single call to \ref sd_flash_write as specified in the SoC API. */
+#define RAW_MODE_APP_ID            (PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES + 1)         /**< Application id for raw mode. */
+#define SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES           3                                   /**< Number of times to try a softdevice flash operation when the @ref NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR sys_evt is received. */
+#define MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE        (1 << 0)                            /**< Flag for checking if the tail restore area has been written to swap page. */     
+#define MASK_SINGLE_PAGE_OPERATION (1 << 1)                            /**< Flag for checking if command is a single flash page operation. */
+#define MASK_MODULE_INITIALIZED    (1 << 2)                            /**< Flag for checking if the module has been initialized. */
+#define MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY    (1 << 3)                            /**< Flag for checking if flash API returned NRF_ERROR_BUSY. */
  * @defgroup api_param_check API Parameters check macros.
  * @details Macros that verify parameters passed to the module in the APIs. These macros
- *          could be mapped to nothing in final versions of code to save execution and size.
+ *          could be mapped to nothing in final code versions to save execution and size.
  * @{
- * @brief Check if the input pointer is NULL, if it is returns NRF_ERROR_NULL.
+/**@brief Check if the input pointer is NULL, if so it returns NRF_ERROR_NULL.
 #define NULL_PARAM_CHECK(PARAM)                                                                   \
         if ((PARAM) == NULL)                                                                      \
@@ -64,19 +68,17 @@
             return NRF_ERROR_NULL;                                                                \
- * @brief Verifies the module identifier supplied by the application is within permissible
+/**@brief Verifies that the module identifier supplied by the application is within permissible
  *        range.
 #define MODULE_ID_RANGE_CHECK(ID)                                                                 \
-        if ((((ID)->module_id) >= PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS) ||                                   \
+        if ((((ID)->module_id) >= PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES) ||                                       \
             (m_app_table[(ID)->module_id].cb == NULL))                                            \
         {                                                                                         \
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
- * @brief Verifies the block identifier supplied by the application is within the permissible
+/**@brief Verifies that the block identifier supplied by the application is within the permissible
  *        range.
 #define BLOCK_ID_RANGE_CHECK(ID)                                                                  \
@@ -86,8 +88,7 @@
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
- * @brief Verifies the block size requested by the application can be supported by the module.
+/**@brief Verifies that the block size requested by the application can be supported by the module.
 #define BLOCK_SIZE_CHECK(X)                                                                       \
         if (((X) > PSTORAGE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) || ((X) < PSTORAGE_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE))                   \
@@ -95,19 +96,16 @@
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
- * @brief Verifies block size requested by Application in registration API.
+/**@brief Verifies the block size requested by the application in registration API.
 #define BLOCK_COUNT_CHECK(COUNT, SIZE)                                                            \
         if (((COUNT) == 0) ||                                                                     \
-            ((m_next_page_addr + ((COUNT) *(SIZE)) > PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR)) ||                      \
+            ((m_next_page_addr + ((COUNT) *(SIZE)) > PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR)))                        \
         {                                                                                         \
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
-        }
+        }        
- * @brief Verifies size parameter provided by application in API.
+/**@brief Verifies the size parameter provided by the application in API.
 #define SIZE_CHECK(ID, SIZE)                                                                      \
         if(((SIZE) == 0) || ((SIZE) > MODULE_BLOCK_SIZE(ID)))                                     \
@@ -115,8 +113,7 @@
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
- * @brief Verifies offset parameter provided by application in API.
+/**@brief Verifies the offset parameter provided by the application in API.
 #define OFFSET_CHECK(ID, OFFSET, SIZE)                                                            \
         if(((SIZE) + (OFFSET)) > MODULE_BLOCK_SIZE(ID))                                           \
@@ -126,12 +123,10 @@
- * @brief Verifies the module identifier supplied by the application is registered for raw mode.
+/**@brief Verifies the module identifier supplied by the application.
-#define MODULE_RAW_ID_RANGE_CHECK(ID)                                                             \
-        if ((PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS+1 != ((ID)->module_id)) ||                                 \
-            (m_raw_app_table.cb == NULL))                                                         \
+#define MODULE_RAW_HANDLE_CHECK(ID)                                                               \
+        if ((((ID)->module_id) != RAW_MODE_APP_ID))                                               \
         {                                                                                         \
             return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;                                                       \
@@ -141,15 +136,15 @@
 /**@} */
-/**@brief    Verify module's initialization status.
+/**@brief Verify module's initialization status.
- * @details   Verify module's initialization status. Returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE in case a
- *            module API is called without initializing the module.
+ * @details  Verify module's initialization status. Returns NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE when a
+ *           module API is called without initializing the module.
 #define VERIFY_MODULE_INITIALIZED()                                                               \
         do                                                                                        \
         {                                                                                         \
-            if (!m_module_initialized)                                                            \
+            if (!(m_flags & MASK_MODULE_INITIALIZED))                                             \
             {                                                                                     \
                  return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE;                                                  \
             }                                                                                     \
@@ -158,178 +153,494 @@
 /**@brief Macro to fetch the block size registered for the module. */
 #define MODULE_BLOCK_SIZE(ID) (m_app_table[(ID)->module_id].block_size)
-/** @brief States for the Update/Clear swap backup state machine. */
+/**@brief Main state machine of the component. */
 typedef enum
-    STATE_INIT,                /**< State for indicating that swap can be used when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_DATA_TO_SWAP_WRITE,  /**< State for doing backup of data page into the swap page when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_DATA_ERASE,          /**< State for erasing data page when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_HEAD_RESTORE,        /**< State for restoring head (beginning) of backed up data from swap to data page when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_TAIL_RESTORE,        /**< State for restoring tail (end) of backed up data from swap to data page when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_NEW_BODY_WRITE,      /**< State for writing body (middle) data to the data page when using update/clear API. */
-    STATE_SWAP_ERASE,          /**< State for erasing the swap page when using the update/clear API. */
-    STATE_COMPLETE,            /**< State for indicating that update/clear sequence is completed internal in the module when using the update/clear API. */
-    STATE_SWAP_DIRTY           /**< State for initializing the swap region on module initialization. */
-} swap_backup_state_t;
+    STATE_IDLE,                                                        /**< State for being idle (no command execution in progress). */
+    STATE_STORE,                                                       /**< State for storing data when using store/update API. */
+    STATE_DATA_ERASE_WITH_SWAP,                                        /**< State for erasing the data page when using update/clear API when use of swap page is required. */
+    STATE_DATA_ERASE,                                                  /**< State for erasing the data page when using update/clear API without the need to use the swap page. */
+    STATE_ERROR                                                        /**< State entered when command processing is terminated abnormally. */
+} pstorage_state_t;  
+/**@brief Sub state machine contained by @ref STATE_DATA_ERASE_WITH_SWAP super state machine. */
+typedef enum
+    STATE_ERASE_SWAP,                                                  /**< State for erasing the swap page when using the update/clear API. */   
+    STATE_WRITE_DATA_TO_SWAP,                                          /**< State for writing the data page into the swap page when using update/clear API. */
+    STATE_ERASE_DATA_PAGE,                                             /**< State for erasing data page when using update/clear API. */
+    STATE_RESTORE_TAIL,                                                /**< State for restoring tail (end) of backed up data from swap to data page when using update/clear API. */
+    STATE_RESTORE_HEAD,                                                /**< State for restoring head (beginning) of backed up data from swap to data page when using update/clear API. */
+    SWAP_SUB_STATE_MAX                                                 /**< Enumeration upper bound. */   
+} flash_swap_sub_state_t;
- * @brief Application registration information.
+/**@brief Application registration information.
- * @details Define application specific information that application needs to maintain to be able
+ * @details Defines application specific information that the application needs to maintain to be able 
  *          to process requests from each one of them.
 typedef struct
-    pstorage_ntf_cb_t    cb;             /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of result of flash access.  */
-    pstorage_block_t     base_id;        /**< Base block id assigned to the module. */
-    pstorage_size_t      block_size;     /**< Size of block for the module. */
-    pstorage_size_t      block_count;    /**< Number of block requested by application. */
-    pstorage_size_t      num_of_pages;   /**< Variable to remember how many pages have been allocated for this module. This information is used for clearing of block, so that application does not need to have knowledge of number of pages its using. */
+    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;                                              /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of result of flash access.  */
+    pstorage_block_t  base_id;                                         /**< Base block ID assigned to the module. */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_size;                                      /**< Size of block for the module. */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_count;                                     /**< Number of blocks requested by the application. */
 } pstorage_module_table_t;
- * @brief Application registration information.
+/**@brief Application registration information.
- * @details Define application specific information that application registered for raw mode.
+ * @details Defines application specific information that the application registered for raw mode.
 typedef struct
-    pstorage_ntf_cb_t      cb;             /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of result of flash access.  */
-    uint16_t               num_of_pages;   /**< Variable to remember how many pages have been allocated for this module. This information is used for clearing of block, so that application does not need to have knowledge of number of pages its using. */
+    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;                                              /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of the result of flash access.  */
 } pstorage_raw_module_table_t;
- * @brief Defines command queue element.
+/**@brief Defines command queue element.
  * @details Defines command queue element. Each element encapsulates needed information to process
  *          a flash access command.
 typedef struct
-    uint8_t              op_code;       /**< Identifies flash access operation being queued. Element is free if op-code is INVALID_OPCODE. */
-    uint8_t              n_tries;     /**< Number of times this command has been retried after failing. */
-    pstorage_size_t      size;          /**< Identifies size in bytes requested for the operation. */
-    pstorage_size_t      offset;        /**< Offset requested by the application for access operation. */
-    pstorage_handle_t    storage_addr;  /**< Address/Identifier for persistent memory. */
-    uint8_t *            p_data_addr;   /**< Address/Identifier for data memory. This is assumed to be resident memory. */
+    uint8_t           op_code;                                         /**< Identifies the flash access operation being queued. Element is free if op-code is INVALID_OPCODE. */
+    pstorage_size_t   size;                                            /**< Identifies the size in bytes requested for the operation. */
+    pstorage_size_t   offset;                                          /**< Offset requested by the application for the access operation. */
+    pstorage_handle_t storage_addr;                                    /**< Address/Identifier for persistent memory. */
+    uint8_t *         p_data_addr;                                     /**< Address/Identifier for data memory. This is assumed to be resident memory. */
 } cmd_queue_element_t;
- * @brief Defines command queue, an element is free if op_code field is not invalid.
+/**@brief   Defines command queue, an element is free if the op_code field is not invalid.
- * @details Defines commands enqueued for flash access. At any point of time, this queue has one or
- *          more flash access operation pending if the count field is not zero. When the queue is
- *          not empty, the rp (read pointer) field points to the flash access command in progress
- *          or to requested next. The queue implements a simple first in first out algorithm.
- *          Data addresses are assumed to be resident.
+ * @details Defines commands enqueued for flash access. At any point in time, this queue has one or
+ *          more flash access operations pending if the count field is not zero. When the queue is
+ *          not empty, the rp (read pointer) field points to the flash access command in progress 
+ *          or, if none is in progress, the command to be requested next. The queue implements a 
+ *          simple first in first out algorithm. Data addresses are assumed to be resident.
 typedef struct
-    uint8_t              rp;                           /**< Read pointer, pointing to flash access that is ongoing or to be requested next. */
-    uint8_t              count;                        /**< Number of elements in the queue.  */
-    bool                 flash_access;                 /**< Flag to ensure an flash event received is for an request issued by the module. */
-    cmd_queue_element_t  cmd[PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE]; /**< Array to maintain flash access operation details. */
+    uint8_t             rp;                                            /**< Read pointer, pointing to flash access that is ongoing or to be requested next. */
+    uint8_t             count;                                         /**< Number of elements in the queue.  */
+    cmd_queue_element_t cmd[PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE];                  /**< Array to maintain flash access operation details. */
 } cmd_queue_t;
-static cmd_queue_t         m_cmd_queue;                  /**< Flash operation request queue. */
-static pstorage_size_t     m_next_app_instance;          /**< Points to the application module instance that can be allocated next. */
-static uint32_t            m_next_page_addr;             /**< Points to the flash address that can be allocated to a module next, this is needed as blocks of a module can span across flash pages. */
-static pstorage_size_t     m_round_val;                  /**< Round value for multiple round operations. For erase operations, the round value will contain current round counter which is identical to number of pages erased. For store operations, the round value contains current round of operation * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE to ensure each store to the SoC Flash API is within the SoC limit. */
-static bool                m_module_initialized = false; /**< Flag for checking if module has been initialized. */
-static swap_backup_state_t m_swap_state;                 /**< Swap page state. */
-static pstorage_module_table_t m_app_table[PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS]; /**< Registered application information table. */
+static cmd_queue_t             m_cmd_queue;                            /**< Flash operation request queue. */
+static pstorage_size_t         m_next_app_instance;                    /**< Points to the application module instance that can be allocated next. */
+static uint32_t                m_next_page_addr;                       /**< Points to the flash address that can be allocated to a module next. This is needed as blocks of a module that can span across flash pages. */
+static pstorage_state_t        m_state;                                /**< Main state tracking variable. */
+static flash_swap_sub_state_t  m_swap_sub_state;                       /**< Flash swap erase when swap used state tracking variable. */
+static uint32_t                m_head_word_size;                       /**< Head restore area size in words. */
+static uint32_t                m_tail_word_size;                       /**< Tail restore area size in words. */
+static uint32_t                m_current_page_id;                      /**< Variable for tracking the flash page being processed. */
+static uint32_t                m_num_of_command_retries;               /**< Variable for tracking flash operation retries upon flash operation failures. */
+static pstorage_module_table_t m_app_table[PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES];     /**< Registered application information table. */
+static uint32_t                m_num_of_bytes_written;                 /**< Variable for tracking the number of bytes written by the store operation. */
+static uint32_t                m_app_data_size;                        /**< Variable for storing the application command size parameter internally. */
+static uint32_t                m_flags = 0;                            /**< Storage for boolean flags for state tracking. */
 static pstorage_raw_module_table_t m_raw_app_table;                    /**< Registered application information table for raw mode. */
+// Required forward declarations.
+static void cmd_process(void);
+static void store_operation_execute(void);
+static void app_notify(uint32_t result, cmd_queue_element_t * p_elem);
+static void cmd_queue_element_init(uint32_t index);
+static void cmd_queue_dequeue(void);
+static void sm_state_change(pstorage_state_t new_state);
+static void swap_sub_state_state_change(flash_swap_sub_state_t new_state); 
- * @brief Routine called to actually issue the flash access request to the SoftDevice.
+/**@brief Function for consuming a command queue element.
+ *
+ * @details Function for consuming a command queue element, which has been fully processed.
+ */
+static void command_queue_element_consume(void)
+    // Initialize/free the element as it is now processed.    
+    cmd_queue_element_init(m_cmd_queue.rp);
+    // Adjust command queue state tracking variables.
+    --(m_cmd_queue.count);   
+    if (++(m_cmd_queue.rp) == PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE)
+    {
+        m_cmd_queue.rp = 0;
+    }    
+/**@brief Function for executing the finalization procedure for the command executed.
+ *
+ * @details Function for executing the finalization procedure for command executed, which includes 
+ *          notifying the application of command completion, consuming the command queue element, 
+ *          and changing the internal state.
+ */
+static void command_end_procedure_run(void)
+    app_notify(NRF_SUCCESS, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]);
+    command_queue_element_consume();
+    sm_state_change(STATE_IDLE);
+/**@brief Function for idle state entry actions.
+ *
+ * @details Function for idle state entry actions, which include resetting relevant state data and 
+ *          scheduling any possible queued flash access operation.
+ */
+static void state_idle_entry_run(void)
+    m_num_of_command_retries = 0;
+    m_num_of_bytes_written   = 0;
+    // Schedule any possible queued flash access operation.
+    cmd_queue_dequeue();
+/**@brief Function for notifying an application of command completion and transitioning to an error 
+ *        state.
+ *
+ * @param[in] result Result code of the operation for the application.
+ */
+static void app_notify_error_state_transit(uint32_t result)
+    app_notify(result, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]);
+    sm_state_change(STATE_ERROR);                
+/**@brief Function for processing flash API error code.
- * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS    on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+ * @param[in] err_code Error code from the flash API.
+ */
+static void flash_api_err_code_process(uint32_t err_code)
+    switch (err_code)
+    {
+        case NRF_SUCCESS:
+            break;
+        case NRF_ERROR_BUSY:
+            // Flash access operation was not accepted and must be reissued upon flash operation 
+            // complete event.
+            m_flags |= MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY;        
+            break;
+        default:
+            // Complete the operation with appropriate result code and transit to an error state. 
+            app_notify_error_state_transit(err_code);
+            break;
+    }
+/**@brief Function for writing data to flash.
+ *
+ * @param[in] p_dst         Pointer to start of flash location to be written.
+ * @param[in] p_src         Pointer to buffer with data to be written.
+ * @param[in] size_in_words Number of 32-bit words to write. 
-static uint32_t cmd_process(void);
+static void flash_write(uint32_t * const       p_dst, 
+                        uint32_t const * const p_src, 
+                        uint32_t               size_in_words)
+    flash_api_err_code_process(sd_flash_write(p_dst, p_src, size_in_words));    
+/**@brief Function for writing data to flash upon store command.
+ *
+ * @details Function for writing data to flash upon executing store command. Data is written to 
+ *          flash in reverse order, meaning starting at the end. If the data that is to be written 
+ *          is greater than the flash page size, it will be fragmented to fit the flash page size.
+ */
+static void store_cmd_flash_write_execute(void)
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    if (p_cmd->size > SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE)    
+    {
+        const uint32_t offset = p_cmd->size - PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+        flash_write((uint32_t *)(p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id + p_cmd->offset + offset),
+                    (uint32_t *)(p_cmd->p_data_addr + offset), 
+                    PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));   
+        m_num_of_bytes_written = PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        flash_write((uint32_t *)(p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id + p_cmd->offset),
+                    (uint32_t *)(p_cmd->p_data_addr), 
+                    p_cmd->size / sizeof(uint32_t));   
+        m_num_of_bytes_written = p_cmd->size;        
+    }    
+/**@brief Function for store state entry action.
+ *
+ * @details Function for store state entry action, which includes writing data to a flash page.
+ */
+static void state_store_entry_run(void)
+    store_cmd_flash_write_execute();    
- * @brief Routine to notify application of any errors.
+/**@brief Function for data erase with swap state entry actions.
- * @param[in] result Result of event being notified.
+ * @details Function for data erase with swap state entry actions. This includes adjusting relevant 
+ *          state and data variables and transitioning to the correct sub state.
-static void app_notify(uint32_t result, cmd_queue_element_t * p_elem);
+static void state_data_erase_swap_entry_run(void)
+    m_flags &= ~MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE;
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd        = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    const pstorage_block_t      cmd_block_id = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;
+    const uint32_t clear_start_page_id = cmd_block_id / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+    m_current_page_id                  = clear_start_page_id;      
+    // @note: No need to include p_cmd->offset when calculating clear_end_page_id as:
+    // - clear API does not include offset parameter
+    // - update and store APIs are limited to operate on single block boundary thus the boolean 
+    // clause ((m_head_word_size == 0) && is_more_than_one_page) below in this function  will never 
+    // evaluate as true as if is_more_than_one_page == true m_head_word_size is always != 0        
+    const uint32_t clear_end_page_id  = (cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size - 1u) / 
+                                        PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+    if (clear_start_page_id == clear_end_page_id)
+    {
+        m_flags |= MASK_SINGLE_PAGE_OPERATION;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        m_flags &= ~MASK_SINGLE_PAGE_OPERATION;
+    }
+    if ((m_head_word_size == 0) && !(m_flags & MASK_SINGLE_PAGE_OPERATION))
+    {        
+        // No head restore required and clear/update area is shared by multiple flash pages, which 
+        // means the current flash page does not have any tail area to restore. You can proceed with 
+        // data page erase directly as no swap is needed for the current flash page.
+        swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_DATA_PAGE);        
+    }
+    else
+    {     
+        swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_SWAP);
+    }               
+/**@brief Function for erasing flash page.
+ *
+ * @param[in] page_number Page number of the page to be erased.
+ */
+static void flash_page_erase(uint32_t page_number)
+    flash_api_err_code_process(sd_flash_page_erase(page_number));
+/**@brief Function for data erase state entry action.
+ *
+ * @details Function for data erase state entry action, which includes erasing the data flash page.
+ */
+static void state_data_erase_entry_run(void)
+    flash_page_erase(m_current_page_id);                          
+/**@brief Function for dispatching the correct application main state entry action.
+ */
+static void state_entry_action_run(void)
+    switch (m_state)
+    {
+        case STATE_IDLE:
+            state_idle_entry_run();
+            break;
+        case STATE_STORE:
+            state_store_entry_run();
+            break;
+            state_data_erase_swap_entry_run();
+            break;
+        case STATE_DATA_ERASE:
+            state_data_erase_entry_run();        
+            break;
+        default:
+            // No action needed.
+            break;
+    }
- * @defgroup utility_functions Utility internal functions.
- * @{
- * @details Utility functions needed for interfacing with flash through SoC APIs.
- * SoC APIs are non blocking and provide the result of flash access through an event.
+/**@brief Function for changing application main state and dispatching state entry action.
+ *
+ * @param[in] new_state New application main state to transit to.
+ */
+static void sm_state_change(pstorage_state_t new_state)
+    m_state = new_state;
+    state_entry_action_run();
+/**@brief Function for swap erase state entry action.
+ *
+ * @details Function for swap erase state entry action, which includes erasing swap flash 
+ *          page.
+ */
+static void state_swap_erase_entry_run(void)
+    flash_page_erase(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);                
+/**@brief Function for write data to the swap state entry action.
- * @note Only one flash access operation is permitted at a time by SoC. Hence a queue is
- * maintained by this module.
+ * @details Function for write data to the swap state entry action, which includes writing the 
+ *          current data page to the swap flash page.
+static void state_write_data_swap_entry_run(void)
+    // @note: There is room for further optimization here as there is only need to write the
+    // whole flash page to swap area if there is both head and tail area to be restored. In any 
+    // other case we can omit some data from the head or end of the page as that is the clear area.
+    flash_write((uint32_t *)(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR), 
+                (uint32_t *)(m_current_page_id * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE), 
+                PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));    
+/**@brief Function for erase data page state entry action.
+ *
+ * @details Function for erase data page state entry action, which includes erasing the data flash 
+ *          page.
+ */
+static void state_erase_data_page_entry_run(void)
+    flash_page_erase(m_current_page_id);
- * @brief Initializes command queue element.
+/**@brief Function for restore tail state entry action.
+ *
+ * @details Function for restore tail state entry action, which includes writing the tail section 
+ *          back from swap to the data page.
+ */
+static void state_restore_tail_entry_run(void)
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd        = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];    
+    const pstorage_block_t      cmd_block_id = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;                            
+    const uint32_t tail_offset = (cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size + p_cmd->offset) % 
+                                 PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; 
+    flash_write((uint32_t *)(cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size + p_cmd->offset),
+                (uint32_t *)(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR + tail_offset),
+                m_tail_word_size);
+/**@brief Function for restore head state entry action.
- * @param[in] index Element index being initialized.
+ * @details Function for restore head state entry action, which includes writing the head section 
+ *          back from swap to the data page.
+ */
+static void state_restore_head_entry_run(void)
+    flash_write((uint32_t *)((m_current_page_id - 1u) * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE),
+                (uint32_t *)PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR,
+                m_head_word_size);
+/**@brief Function for dispatching the correct swap sub state entry action.
+ */
+static void swap_sub_state_entry_action_run(void)
+    static void (* const swap_sub_state_sm_lut[SWAP_SUB_STATE_MAX])(void) = 
+    {
+        state_swap_erase_entry_run,
+        state_write_data_swap_entry_run,
+        state_erase_data_page_entry_run,
+        state_restore_tail_entry_run,
+        state_restore_head_entry_run
+    };
+    swap_sub_state_sm_lut[m_swap_sub_state]();
+/**@brief Function for changing the swap sub state and dispatching state entry action.
+ *
+ * @param[in] new_state New swap sub state to transit to.
+ */   
+static void swap_sub_state_state_change(flash_swap_sub_state_t new_state)
+    m_swap_sub_state = new_state;
+    swap_sub_state_entry_action_run();    
+/**@brief Function for initializing the command queue element.
+ *
+ * @param[in] index Index of the element to be initialized.
 static void cmd_queue_element_init(uint32_t index)
     // Internal function and checks on range of index can be avoided.
     m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].op_code                = INVALID_OPCODE;
     m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].size                   = 0;
-    m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].storage_addr.module_id = PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS;
+    m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].storage_addr.module_id = PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES;
     m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].storage_addr.block_id  = 0;
     m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].p_data_addr            = NULL;
     m_cmd_queue.cmd[index].offset                 = 0;
- * @brief Initializes command queue.
+/**@brief Function for initializing the command queue.
 static void cmd_queue_init(void)
-    uint32_t cmd_index;
+    m_cmd_queue.rp    = 0;
+    m_cmd_queue.count = 0;
-    m_round_val              = 0;
-    m_swap_state             = STATE_INIT;
-    m_cmd_queue.rp           = 0;
-    m_cmd_queue.count        = 0;
-    m_cmd_queue.flash_access = false;
-    for (cmd_index = 0; cmd_index < PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE; cmd_index++)
+    for (uint32_t cmd_index = 0; cmd_index < PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE; ++cmd_index)
- * @brief Routine to enqueue a flash access operation.
+/**@brief Function for enqueuing, and possibly dispatching, a flash access operation.
- * @param[in] opcode         Identifies operation requested to be enqueued.
- * @param[in] p_storage_addr Identiifes module and flash address on which operation is requested.
- * @param[in] p_data_addr    Identifies data address for flash access.
+ * @param[in] opcode         Identifies the operation requested to be enqueued.
+ * @param[in] p_storage_addr Identifies the module and flash address on which the operation is 
+ *                           requested.
+ * @param[in] p_data_addr    Identifies the data address for flash access.
  * @param[in] size           Size in bytes of data requested for the access operation.
  * @param[in] offset         Offset within the flash memory block at which operation is requested.
- * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS    on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- *
- * @note All paramater check should be performed before requesting in an enqueue.
+ * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS      Upon success.
+ * @retval    NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM Upon failure, when no space is available in the command queue. 
 static uint32_t cmd_queue_enqueue(uint8_t             opcode,
                                   pstorage_handle_t * p_storage_addr,
@@ -337,90 +648,62 @@
                                   pstorage_size_t     size,
                                   pstorage_size_t     offset)
-    uint32_t retval;
-    uint8_t  write_index = 0;
+    uint32_t err_code;
     if (m_cmd_queue.count != PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE)
-        // Enqueue the command if it is queue is not full.
-        write_index = m_cmd_queue.rp + m_cmd_queue.count;
+        // Enqueue the command if it the queue is not full.
+        uint32_t write_index = m_cmd_queue.rp + m_cmd_queue.count;
-        if (write_index >= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE)
+        if (write_index >= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE) 
             write_index -= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE;
         m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].op_code      = opcode;
-        m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].n_tries      = 0;
         m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].p_data_addr  = p_data_addr;
         m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].storage_addr = (*p_storage_addr);
         m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].size         = size;
         m_cmd_queue.cmd[write_index].offset       = offset;
-        retval                                    = NRF_SUCCESS;
-        if (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == false)
+        m_cmd_queue.count++;
+        if (m_state == STATE_IDLE)
-            retval = cmd_process();
-            if (retval == NRF_ERROR_BUSY)
-            {
-                // In case of busy error code, it is possible to attempt to access flash.
-                retval = NRF_SUCCESS;
-            }
-        }
-        m_cmd_queue.count++;
+            cmd_process(); 
+        }            
+        err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;        
-        retval = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;
+        err_code = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;
-    return retval;
+    return err_code;
- * @brief Dequeues a command element.
- *
- * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS    on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+/**@brief Function for dequeing a possible pending flash access operation.
-static uint32_t cmd_queue_dequeue(void)
+static void cmd_queue_dequeue(void)
-    uint32_t retval;
-    retval = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    // If any flash operation is enqueued, schedule.
-    if ((m_cmd_queue.count > 0) && (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == false))
+    if ((m_cmd_queue.count != 0)) 
-        retval = cmd_process();
-        if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            // Flash could be accessed by modules other than Bond Manager, hence a busy error is
-            // acceptable, but any other error needs to be indicated to the bond manager.
-            if (retval == NRF_ERROR_BUSY)
-            {
-                // In case of busy error code, it is possible to attempt to access flash.
-                retval = NRF_SUCCESS;
-            }
-        }
+        cmd_process();
-    else
-    {
-        // No flash access request pending.
-    }
-    return retval;
- * @brief Routine to notify application of any errors.
+/**@brief Function for notifying an application of command completion.
- * @param[in] result Result of event being notified.
- * @param[in] p_elem Pointer to the element for which this result was received. 
+ * @param[in] result Result code of the operation for the application.
+ * @param[in] p_elem Pointer to the command queue element for which this result was received. 
 static void app_notify(uint32_t result, cmd_queue_element_t * p_elem)
     pstorage_ntf_cb_t ntf_cb;
-    uint8_t           op_code = p_elem->op_code;
+    const uint8_t     op_code = p_elem->op_code;
     if (p_elem->storage_addr.module_id == RAW_MODE_APP_ID)
@@ -433,478 +716,618 @@
         ntf_cb = m_app_table[p_elem->storage_addr.module_id].cb;
-    // Indicate result to client.
-    // For PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE no size is returned as the size field is used only internally
-    // for clients registering multiple pages.
-    ntf_cb(&p_elem->storage_addr,
-           op_code,
-           result,
-           p_elem->p_data_addr,
-           p_elem->size);
+    ntf_cb(&p_elem->storage_addr, op_code, result, p_elem->p_data_addr, m_app_data_size);
+/**@brief Function for evaluating if a data page swap is required for the tail section on the 
+ *        current page.
+ *
+ * @retval true  If data page swap is required.
+ * @retval false If data page swap is not required.
+ */
+static bool is_tail_data_page_swap_required(void)
+    bool ret_value;
+    // Extract id of the last page command is executed upon.
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd        = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    const pstorage_block_t      cmd_block_id = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;        
+    const uint32_t              last_page_id = (cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size + p_cmd->offset - 1u) / 
+                                               PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;    
+    // If tail section area exists and the current page is the last page then tail data page swap is 
+    // required.    
+    if ((m_tail_word_size != 0) && (m_current_page_id == last_page_id))
+    {
+        ret_value = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ret_value = false;    
+    }
+    return ret_value;
+/**@brief Function for performing post processing for the update and clear commands.
+ *
+ * @details Function for performing post processing for the update and clear commands, which implies 
+ *          executing the correct execution path depending on the command. 
+ */
+static void clear_post_processing_run(void)
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]; 
+    if (p_cmd->op_code != PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE)
+    {
+        command_end_procedure_run();    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        store_operation_execute();                    
+    }
+/**@brief Function for doing swap sub state exit action.
+ */
+static void swap_sub_sm_exit_action_run(void)
+    clear_post_processing_run();
+/**@brief Function for evaluating if the page erase operation is required for the current page.
+ *
+ * @retval true  If page erase is required.
+ * @retval false If page erase is not required. 
+ */
+static bool is_page_erase_required(void)
+    bool ret;
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd                      = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    const pstorage_block_t      cmd_block_id               = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;        
+    const uint32_t              id_last_page_to_be_cleared = (cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size + 
+                                                             p_cmd->offset - 1u) / 
+                                                             PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+    // True if:
+    // - current page is not the last page OR
+    // - current page is the last page AND no tail exists
+    if ((m_current_page_id < id_last_page_to_be_cleared) ||
+        ((m_current_page_id == id_last_page_to_be_cleared) && (m_tail_word_size == 0)))         
+    {
+        ret = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ret = false;
+    }
+    return ret;
- * @brief Handles Flash Access Result Events declared in pstorage_platform.h.
- *
- * @param[in] sys_evt System event to be handled.
+/**@brief Function for reissuing the last flash operation request, which was rejected by the flash 
+ *        API, in swap sub sate.
-void pstorage_sys_event_handler(uint32_t sys_evt)
+static void swap_sub_state_err_busy_process(void)
-    uint32_t retval = NRF_SUCCESS;
+    // Reissue the request by doing a self transition to the current state.    
+    m_flags &= ~MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY;
+    swap_sub_state_state_change(m_swap_sub_state);        
-    // Its possible the flash access was not initiated by bond manager, hence
-    // event is processed only if the event triggered was for an operation requested by the
-    // bond manager.
-    if (m_cmd_queue.flash_access == true)
+/**@brief Function for doing restore head state action upon flash operation success event.
+ *
+ * @details Function for doing restore head state action upon flash operation success event, which 
+ *          includes making a state transition depending on the current state.
+ */
+static void head_restore_state_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {            
+        if (is_tail_data_page_swap_required())
+        {
+            // Additional data page needs to be swapped for tail section as we are clearing a block, 
+            // which is shared between 2 flash pages.
+            // Adjust variables to ensure correct state transition path is taken after the tail 
+            // section swap has completed.
+            m_head_word_size = 0;   
+            m_flags         |= MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE;        
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_SWAP);        
+        }
+        else if (is_page_erase_required())
+        {
+            // Additional page erase operation is required.
+            // Adjust variable to ensure correct state transition path is taken after the additional 
+            // page erase operation has completed.
+            m_head_word_size = 0;
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_DATA_PAGE);        
+        }            
+        else if (m_tail_word_size != 0)
+        {
+            // Proceed with restoring tail from swap to data page. 
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_RESTORE_TAIL);
+        }
+        else
+        {            
+            // Swap statemachine execution end reached.
+            swap_sub_sm_exit_action_run();        
+        }
+    }
+    else
-        cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd;
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        swap_sub_state_err_busy_process();        
+    }
-        m_cmd_queue.flash_access = false;
+/**@brief Function for doing restore tail state action upon flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void tail_restore_state_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {
+        swap_sub_sm_exit_action_run();        
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        swap_sub_state_err_busy_process();        
+    }    
-        if (m_swap_state == STATE_SWAP_DIRTY)
+/**@brief Function for doing data page erase state action upon a flash operation success event.
+ *
+ * @details Function for doing data page erase state action upon a flash operation success event, 
+ *          which includes making a state transit to a new state depending on the current state.
+ */
+static void data_page_erase_state_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {
+        ++m_current_page_id;   
+        if (m_head_word_size != 0)
+        {            
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_RESTORE_HEAD);
+        }
+        else if (is_page_erase_required())
-            if (sys_evt == NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_SUCCESS)
+            // Additional page erase operation is required.    
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_DATA_PAGE);                
+        }                
+        else if (m_tail_word_size != 0)
+        {                    
+            if (!(m_flags & MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE)) 
-                m_swap_state = STATE_INIT;
+                // Tail area restore is required and we have not yet written the relevant data page 
+                // to swap area. Start the process of writing the data page to swap.
+                m_flags |= MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE;            
+                swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_SWAP);            
-                // If clearing the swap fails, set the application back to un-initialized, to give
-                // the application a chance for a retry.
-                m_module_initialized = false;
+                // Tail area restore is required and we have already written the relevant data page 
+                // to swap area. Proceed by restoring the tail area.
+                swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_RESTORE_TAIL);            
+        }            
+        else
+        {
+            swap_sub_sm_exit_action_run();        
+        }        
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        swap_sub_state_err_busy_process();        
+    }
-            // Schedule any queued flash access operations.
-            retval = cmd_queue_dequeue();
-            if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]);
-            }
-            return;
+/**@brief Function for doing data to swap write state action upon flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void data_to_swap_write_state_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {
+        // If the operation is executed only on 1 single flash page it automatically means that tail 
+        // area is written to the swap, which we store to flags.     
+        if (m_flags & MASK_SINGLE_PAGE_OPERATION)
+        {
+            m_flags |= MASK_TAIL_SWAP_DONE;        
-        switch (sys_evt)
-        {
-            {
-                p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
-                m_round_val++;
-                const bool store_finished =
-                    ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE) &&
-                     ((m_round_val * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE) >= p_cmd->size));
-                const bool update_finished =
-                    ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE) &&
-                     (m_swap_state == STATE_COMPLETE));
-                const bool clear_block_finished =
-                    ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE) &&
-                     (m_swap_state == STATE_COMPLETE));
+        swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_ERASE_DATA_PAGE);    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        swap_sub_state_err_busy_process();        
+    }        
-                const bool clear_all_finished =
-                    ((p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE) &&
-                     ((m_round_val * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE) >= p_cmd->size) &&
-                     (m_swap_state == STATE_INIT));
-                if (update_finished ||
-                    clear_block_finished ||
-                    clear_all_finished ||
-                    store_finished)
-                {
-                    uint8_t queue_rp = m_cmd_queue.rp;
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_INIT;
-                    m_round_val = 0;
-                    m_cmd_queue.count--;
-                    m_cmd_queue.rp++;
-                    if (m_cmd_queue.rp >= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE)
-                    {
-                        m_cmd_queue.rp -= PSTORAGE_CMD_QUEUE_SIZE;
-                    }
-                    app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[queue_rp]);
-                    // Initialize/free the element as it is now processed.
-                    cmd_queue_element_init(queue_rp);
-                }
-                // Schedule any queued flash access operations.
-                retval = cmd_queue_dequeue();
-                if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
-                {
-                    app_notify(retval, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-                // Current command timed out and was not started in SoftDevice.
-                p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
-                ASSERT(p_cmd->n_tries < SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES);
-                if (++p_cmd->n_tries == SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES)
-                {
-                    // If we have already attempted SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES times, give up.
-                    app_notify(NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT, &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp]);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Retry operation
-                    retval = cmd_process();
-                    if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS && retval != NRF_ERROR_BUSY)
-                    {
-                        app_notify(retval, p_cmd);
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                // No implementation needed.
-                break;
-        }
+/**@brief Function for doing swap erase state action upon flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void swap_erase_state_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {        
+        swap_sub_state_state_change(STATE_WRITE_DATA_TO_SWAP);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        swap_sub_state_err_busy_process();        
-/** @brief Function for handling flash accesses when using swap.
+/**@brief Function for dispatching the correct state action for data erase with a swap composite 
+*         state upon a flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void swap_sub_state_sm_run(void)
+    static void (* const swap_sub_state_sm_lut[SWAP_SUB_STATE_MAX])(void) = 
+    {
+        swap_erase_state_run,
+        data_to_swap_write_state_run,
+        data_page_erase_state_run,
+        tail_restore_state_run,
+        head_restore_state_run
+    };
+    swap_sub_state_sm_lut[m_swap_sub_state]();    
+/**@brief Function for reissuing the last flash operation request, which was rejected by the flash 
+ *        API, in main sate.
+ */
+static void main_state_err_busy_process(void)
+    // Reissue the request by doing a self transition to the current state.    
+    m_flags &= ~MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY;
+    sm_state_change(m_state);                    
+/**@brief Function for doing erase state action upon flash operation success event.
- * __________________________________________________________
- * |                       Page                             |
- * |________________________________________________________|
- * | head | affected body (to be updated or cleared) | tail |
- * |______|__________________________________________|______|
- *
- * @param[in] p_cmd          Queue element being processed.
- * @param[in] page_number    The affected page number.
- * @param[in] head_word_size Size of the head in number of words.
- * @param[in] tail_word_size Size of the tail in number of words.
- *
- * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS    on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+ * @details Function for doing erase state action upon flash operation success event, which includes 
+ *          making a state transition depending on the current state.
-static uint32_t swap_state_process(cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd,
-                                   uint32_t              page_number,
-                                   uint32_t              head_word_size,
-                                   uint32_t              tail_word_size)
+static void erase_sub_state_sm_run(void)
-    uint32_t retval = NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL;
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {        
+        // Clear operation request has succeeded.
+        ++m_current_page_id;                        
+        if (!is_page_erase_required())
+        {
+            clear_post_processing_run();
+        }
+        else
+        {   
+            // All required flash pages have not yet been erased, issue erase by doing a self 
+            // transit. 
+            sm_state_change(m_state);        
+        }                              
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        main_state_err_busy_process();
+    }
-    // Adjust entry point to state machine if needed. When we update has no head or tail its
-    // no need for using the swap.
-    if (m_swap_state == STATE_INIT)
-    {
-        if ((head_word_size == 0) && (tail_word_size == 0))
+/**@brief Function for doing store state action upon flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void store_sub_state_sm_run(void)
+    if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
+    {        
+        // As write operation request has succeeded, adjust the size tracking state information 
+        // accordingly.
+        cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];    
+        p_cmd->size                -= m_num_of_bytes_written;
+        if (p_cmd->size == 0)
-            // Only skip swap usage if the new data fills a whole flash page.
-            m_swap_state = STATE_DATA_ERASE;
+            command_end_procedure_run();
-            // Else start backing up application data to swap.
-            m_swap_state = STATE_DATA_TO_SWAP_WRITE;
+            store_cmd_flash_write_execute();
-    switch (m_swap_state)
+    else
-            // Backup previous content into swap page.
-            retval = sd_flash_write((uint32_t *)(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR),
-                                    (uint32_t *)(page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE),
-                                    PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                m_swap_state = STATE_DATA_ERASE;
-            }
+        // As operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the request.
+        main_state_err_busy_process();
+    }
+/**@brief Function for doing action upon flash operation success event.
+ */
+static void flash_operation_success_run(void)
+    switch (m_state)
+    {                   
+        case STATE_STORE:
+            store_sub_state_sm_run();
         case STATE_DATA_ERASE:
-            // Clear the application data page.
-            retval = sd_flash_page_erase(page_number);
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                if (head_word_size == 0)
-                {
-                    if (tail_word_size == 0)
-                    {
-                        if (p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE)
-                        {
-                            m_swap_state = STATE_COMPLETE;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            m_swap_state = STATE_NEW_BODY_WRITE;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        m_swap_state = STATE_TAIL_RESTORE;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_HEAD_RESTORE;
-                }
-            }
+            erase_sub_state_sm_run();
+            swap_sub_state_sm_run();                        
+            break;                        
+        default:
+            // No implementation needed.
+            break;
+    }                    
-        case STATE_HEAD_RESTORE:
-            // Restore head from swap to application data page.
-            retval = sd_flash_write((uint32_t *)(page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE),
-                                    (uint32_t *)PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR,
-                                    head_word_size);
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                if (tail_word_size == 0)
-                {
-                    if (p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE)
-                    {
-                        m_swap_state = STATE_SWAP_ERASE;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        m_swap_state = STATE_NEW_BODY_WRITE;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_TAIL_RESTORE;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
+/**@brief Function for doing action upon flash operation failure event.
+ *
+ * @details Function for doing action upon flash operation failure event, which includes retrying 
+ *          the last operation or if retry count has been reached completing the operation with 
+ *          appropriate result code and transitioning to an error state.
+ *
+ * @note    The command is not removed from the command queue, which will result to stalling of the 
+ *          command pipeline and the appropriate application recovery procedure for this is to reset 
+ *          the system by issuing @ref pstorage_init which will also result to flushing of the 
+ *          command queue.
+ */
+static void flash_operation_failure_run(void)
+    if (++m_num_of_command_retries != SD_CMD_MAX_TRIES)
+    {
+        // Retry the last operation by doing a self transition to the current state.
+        if (m_state != STATE_DATA_ERASE_WITH_SWAP)
+        {
+            sm_state_change(m_state);        
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            swap_sub_state_state_change(m_swap_sub_state);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Complete the operation with appropriate result code and transit to an error state.     
+        app_notify_error_state_transit(NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT);        
+    }   
-        case STATE_TAIL_RESTORE:
-            // Restore tail from swap to application data page.
-            retval = sd_flash_write((uint32_t *)((page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) +
-                                                 (head_word_size * sizeof(uint32_t)) +
-                                                 p_cmd->size),
-                                    (uint32_t *)(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR +
-                                                 (head_word_size * sizeof(uint32_t)) +
-                                                 p_cmd->size),
-                                    tail_word_size);
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                if (p_cmd->op_code == PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE)
-                {
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_SWAP_ERASE;
-                }
-                else
+/**@brief Function for handling flash access result events.
+ *
+ * @param[in] sys_evt System event to be handled.
+ */
+void pstorage_sys_event_handler(uint32_t sys_evt)
+    if (m_state != STATE_IDLE && m_state != STATE_ERROR)
+    {        
+        switch (sys_evt)
+        {
+                flash_operation_success_run();
+                break;
+            case NRF_EVT_FLASH_OPERATION_ERROR:            
+                if (!(m_flags & MASK_FLASH_API_ERR_BUSY))
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_NEW_BODY_WRITE;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case STATE_NEW_BODY_WRITE:
-            // Write new data (body) to application data page.
-            retval = sd_flash_write((uint32_t *)((page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) +
-                                                 (head_word_size * sizeof(uint32_t))),
-                                    (uint32_t *)p_cmd->p_data_addr,
-                                    p_cmd->size / sizeof(uint32_t));
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                if ((head_word_size == 0) && (tail_word_size == 0))
-                {
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_COMPLETE;
+                    flash_operation_failure_run();
-                    m_swap_state = STATE_SWAP_ERASE;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
+                    // As our last flash operation request was rejected by the flash API reissue the 
+                    // request by doing same code execution path as for flash operation sucess 
+                    // event. This will promote code reuse in the implementation.                    
+                    flash_operation_success_run();
+                }                
+                break;
+            default:
+                // No implementation needed.
+                break;
+        }
+    }
-        case STATE_SWAP_ERASE:
-            // Clear the swap page for subsequent use.
-            retval = sd_flash_page_erase(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-            if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-            {
-                m_swap_state = STATE_COMPLETE;
-            }
-            break;
+/**@brief Function for calculating the tail area size in number of 32-bit words.
+ *
+ * @param[in] cmd_end_of_storage_address End of storage area within the scope of the command.
+ * @param[in] end_of_storage_address     End of allocated storage area for the application.
+ */
+static void tail_word_size_calculate(pstorage_size_t cmd_end_of_storage_address, 
+                                     pstorage_size_t end_of_storage_address)
+    // Two different cases to resolve when calculating correct size for restore tail section:
+    // 1) End of storage area and command end area are in the same page.
+    // 2) End of storage area and command end area are not in the same page.
+    const uint32_t end_of_storage_area_page         = end_of_storage_address     / 
+                                                      PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+    const uint32_t command_end_of_storage_area_page = cmd_end_of_storage_address / 
+                                                      PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-        default:
-            break;
+    if (end_of_storage_area_page == command_end_of_storage_area_page)
+    {
+        //lint -e{573} suppress "Signed-unsigned mix with divide".
+        m_tail_word_size = (end_of_storage_address - cmd_end_of_storage_address) / sizeof(uint32_t);                                           
-    return retval;
+    else
+    {
+        //lint -e{573} suppress "Signed-unsigned mix with divide".    
+        m_tail_word_size = (PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE - 
+                           (cmd_end_of_storage_address % PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)) / 
+                           sizeof(uint32_t);               
+    }            
- * @brief Routine called to actually issue the flash access request to the SoftDevice.
- *
- * @retval    NRF_SUCCESS    on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+/**@brief Function for executing the clear operation.
-static uint32_t cmd_process(void)
+static void clear_operation_execute(void)
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd        = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    const pstorage_block_t      cmd_block_id = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;
+    const pstorage_size_t  block_size    = m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].block_size;
+    const pstorage_size_t  block_count   = m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].block_count;
+    const pstorage_block_t block_base_id = m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].base_id;  
+    const bool is_start_address_page_aligned = (cmd_block_id % PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == 0;
+    // Calculate the end (1 beyond allocated area) for complete storage area and to the area only 
+    // within scope of this command.
+    const pstorage_block_t end_of_storage_address     = block_base_id + (block_size * block_count); 
+    const pstorage_block_t cmd_end_of_storage_address = cmd_block_id + p_cmd->size + p_cmd->offset;
+    // Zero tail to make sure no extra erase is done erroneously.
+    m_tail_word_size = 0;        
+    // If the following is true no swap access is needed:
+    // - 1st logical test covers the case of: clear/update 1 complete single page.
+    // - 2nd logical test covers the case of: 
+    //   1) Clear/update last allocated page and page is not full (page can't be shared between 
+    //      multiple clients so the end of the page is unused area).
+    //   2) Clear/update all allocated storage.
+    if ((is_start_address_page_aligned && (p_cmd->size == PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)) ||
+        (is_start_address_page_aligned && (cmd_end_of_storage_address == end_of_storage_address) && 
+        (p_cmd->offset == 0)) || (p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id == RAW_MODE_APP_ID)) 
+    {
+        // Nothing to put to the swap and we can just erase the pages(s).         
+        m_current_page_id = cmd_block_id / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+        sm_state_change(STATE_DATA_ERASE);                        
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Not all the blocks for the module can be cleared, we need to use swap page for storing 
+        // data temporarily.                        
+        m_head_word_size = ((cmd_block_id + p_cmd->offset) % PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) / 
+                           sizeof(uint32_t);
+        const bool is_cmd_end_address_page_aligned = ((cmd_end_of_storage_address % 
+                                                      PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) == 0);
+        if ((cmd_end_of_storage_address != end_of_storage_address) && 
+            !is_cmd_end_address_page_aligned)
+        {
+            // When command area is not equal to end of the storage allocation area and not ending 
+            // to page boundary there is a need to restore the tail area.
+            tail_word_size_calculate(cmd_end_of_storage_address, end_of_storage_address);
+        }
+        sm_state_change(STATE_DATA_ERASE_WITH_SWAP);         
+    }        
+/**@brief Function for executing the store operation.
+ */
+static void store_operation_execute(void)
+    sm_state_change(STATE_STORE);
+/**@brief Function for executing the update operation.
+ */ 
+static void update_operation_execute(void)
-    uint32_t              retval;
-    uint32_t              storage_addr;
-    cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd;
+    clear_operation_execute();
-    retval = NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN;
-    p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
-    storage_addr = p_cmd->storage_addr.block_id;
+/**@brief Function for dispatching the flash access operation.
+ */  
+static void cmd_process(void)
+    const cmd_queue_element_t * p_cmd = &m_cmd_queue.cmd[m_cmd_queue.rp];
+    m_app_data_size                   = p_cmd->size;
     switch (p_cmd->op_code)
-        {
-            uint32_t  size;
-            uint32_t  offset;
-            uint8_t * p_data_addr = p_cmd->p_data_addr;
-            offset        = (m_round_val * SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE);
-            size          = p_cmd->size - offset;
-            p_data_addr  += offset;
-            storage_addr += (p_cmd->offset + offset);
-            if (size < SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE)
-            {
-                retval = sd_flash_write(((uint32_t *)storage_addr),
-                                        (uint32_t *)p_data_addr,
-                                        size / sizeof(uint32_t));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                retval = sd_flash_write(((uint32_t *)storage_addr),
-                                        (uint32_t *)p_data_addr,
-                                        SOC_MAX_WRITE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));
-            }
-        }
-        break;
+        case PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE:                   
+            store_operation_execute();       
+            break;
-        {
-            // Calculate page number before clearing.
-            uint32_t page_number;
-            pstorage_size_t block_size =
-                m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].block_size;
-            pstorage_size_t block_count =
-                m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].block_count;
-            pstorage_block_t base_address =
-                m_app_table[p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id].base_id;
-            // If the whole module should be cleared.
-            if (((base_address == storage_addr) && (block_size * block_count == p_cmd->size)) ||
-                (p_cmd->storage_addr.module_id == RAW_MODE_APP_ID))
-            {
-                page_number = ((storage_addr / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) + m_round_val);
-                retval = sd_flash_page_erase(page_number);
-            }
-            // If one block is to be erased.
-            else
-            {
-                page_number = (storage_addr / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-                uint32_t head_word_size = (
-                    storage_addr -
-                    (page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
-                    ) / sizeof(uint32_t);
-                uint32_t tail_word_size = (
-                    ((page_number + 1) * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) -
-                    (storage_addr + p_cmd->size)
-                    ) / sizeof(uint32_t);
-                retval = swap_state_process(p_cmd,
-                                            page_number,
-                                            head_word_size,
-                                            tail_word_size);
-            }
-        }
-        break;
+            clear_operation_execute();
+            break;
-        {
-            uint32_t page_number = (storage_addr / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-            uint32_t head_word_size = (
-                storage_addr + p_cmd->offset -
-                (page_number * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
-                ) / sizeof(uint32_t);
-            uint32_t tail_word_size = (
-                ((page_number + 1) * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) -
-                (storage_addr + p_cmd->offset + p_cmd->size)
-                ) / sizeof(uint32_t);
-            retval = swap_state_process(p_cmd, page_number, head_word_size, tail_word_size);
-        }
-        break;
+            update_operation_execute();
+            break;
-            // Should never reach here.
+            // No action required.
-    if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        m_cmd_queue.flash_access = true;
-    }
-    return retval;
-/** @} */
 uint32_t pstorage_init(void)
-    uint32_t retval;
     m_next_app_instance = 0;
     m_next_page_addr    = PSTORAGE_DATA_START_ADDR;
-    m_round_val         = 0;
-    for (uint32_t index = 0; index < PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS; index++)
+    m_current_page_id   = 0;
+    for (uint32_t index = 0; index < PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES; index++)
         m_app_table[index].cb           = NULL;
         m_app_table[index].block_size   = 0;
-        m_app_table[index].num_of_pages = 0;
         m_app_table[index].block_count  = 0;
     m_raw_app_table.cb           = NULL;
-    m_raw_app_table.num_of_pages = 0;
-    m_module_initialized         = true;
-    m_swap_state                 = STATE_INIT;
-    retval = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    m_swap_state = STATE_SWAP_DIRTY;
-    // Erase swap region in case it is dirty.
-    retval = sd_flash_page_erase(PSTORAGE_SWAP_ADDR / PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
-    if (retval == NRF_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        m_cmd_queue.flash_access = true;
-        m_module_initialized     = true;
-    }
-    return retval;
+    m_state                     = STATE_IDLE;
+    m_num_of_command_retries    = 0;
+    m_flags                     = 0;
+    m_num_of_bytes_written      = 0;
+    m_flags                    |= MASK_MODULE_INITIALIZED;
+    return NRF_SUCCESS;
 uint32_t pstorage_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
                            pstorage_handle_t       * p_block_id)
-    uint16_t page_count;
-    uint32_t total_size;
@@ -912,13 +1335,12 @@
     BLOCK_COUNT_CHECK(p_module_param->block_count, p_module_param->block_size);
-    // Block size should be a multiple of word size.
     if (!((p_module_param->block_size % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0))
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    if (m_next_app_instance == PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS)
+    if (m_next_app_instance == PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES)
         return NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM;
@@ -931,26 +1353,12 @@
     m_app_table[m_next_app_instance].block_size  = p_module_param->block_size;
     m_app_table[m_next_app_instance].block_count = p_module_param->block_count;
-    // Calculate number of flash pages allocated for the device.
-    page_count = 0;
-    total_size = p_module_param->block_size * p_module_param->block_count;
-    do
-    {
-        page_count++;
-        if (total_size > PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
-        {
-            total_size -= PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            total_size = 0;
-        }
-        m_next_page_addr += PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
-    }
-    while (total_size > 0);
-    m_app_table[m_next_app_instance].num_of_pages = page_count;
-    m_next_app_instance++;
+    // Calculate number of flash pages allocated for the device and adjust next free page address.
+    const uint32_t page_count = CEIL_DIV((p_module_param->block_size * p_module_param->block_count), 
+                                         PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
+    m_next_page_addr         += page_count * PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
+    ++m_next_app_instance;
     return NRF_SUCCESS;
@@ -988,16 +1396,12 @@
-    SIZE_CHECK(p_dest, size);
-    OFFSET_CHECK(p_dest, offset,size);
-    // Verify word alignment.
-    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src)) || (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)))
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
-    }
-    if ((!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_dest->block_id)))
+    SIZE_CHECK(p_dest, size);    
+    OFFSET_CHECK(p_dest, offset, size);
+    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src))                    || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)) || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_dest->block_id)))
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
@@ -1019,13 +1423,9 @@
     SIZE_CHECK(p_dest, size);
     OFFSET_CHECK(p_dest, offset, size);
-    // Verify word alignment.
-    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src)) || (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)))
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
-    }
-    if ((!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_dest->block_id)))
+    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src))                    || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)) || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_dest->block_id)))
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
@@ -1047,13 +1447,9 @@
     SIZE_CHECK(p_src, size);
     OFFSET_CHECK(p_src, offset, size);
-    // Verify word alignment.
-    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_dest)) || (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)))
-    {
-        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
-    }
-    if ((!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_src->block_id)))
+    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_dest))                   || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)) || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_src->block_id)))
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
@@ -1068,8 +1464,6 @@
 uint32_t pstorage_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest, pstorage_size_t size)
-    uint32_t retval;
@@ -1080,6 +1474,7 @@
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
+    // Check is the area starting from block_id multiple of block_size.
     if (
             ((p_dest->block_id - m_app_table[p_dest->module_id].base_id) %
@@ -1090,9 +1485,25 @@
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
-    retval = cmd_queue_enqueue(PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE, p_dest, NULL, size, 0);
+    // Check is requested size multiple of registered block size or 0.
+    if (((size % m_app_table[p_dest->module_id].block_size) != 0) || (size == 0))    
+    {        
+        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;        
+    }
-    return retval;
+    const uint32_t registered_allocation_size = m_app_table[p_dest->module_id].block_size * 
+                                                m_app_table[p_dest->module_id].block_count;
+    const pstorage_block_t clear_request_end_address = p_dest->block_id + size;
+    const pstorage_block_t allocation_end_address    = m_app_table[p_dest->module_id].base_id + 
+                                                       registered_allocation_size;
+    // Check if request would lead to a buffer overrun.                                                       
+    if (clear_request_end_address > allocation_end_address)
+    {        
+        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;            
+    }
+    return cmd_queue_enqueue(PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE, p_dest, NULL, size, 0);
@@ -1108,7 +1519,6 @@
 uint32_t pstorage_raw_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
                                pstorage_handle_t       * p_block_id)
@@ -1137,29 +1547,38 @@
+    if (size == 0)
+    {
+        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;        
+    }
     // Verify word alignment.
-    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src)) || (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)))
+    if ((!is_word_aligned(p_src))                    || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)size))   ||     
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(uint32_t)offset)) || 
+        (!is_word_aligned((void *)(p_dest->block_id))))
         return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
     return cmd_queue_enqueue(PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE, p_dest, p_src, size, offset);
 uint32_t pstorage_raw_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest, pstorage_size_t size)
-    uint32_t retval;
+    if ((!is_word_aligned((uint32_t *)p_dest->block_id)))
+    {
+        return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR;
+    }    
-    retval = cmd_queue_enqueue(PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE, p_dest, NULL, size, 0);
-    return retval;
+    return cmd_queue_enqueue(PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE, p_dest, NULL, size, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
  * @ingroup app_common
  * @brief Abstracted flash interface.
- * @details In order to ensure that the SDK and application be moved to alternate persistent storage
- *          options other than the default provided with NRF solution, an abstracted interface is provided
- *          by the module to ensure SDK modules and application can be ported to alternate option with ease.
+ * @details  An abstracted interface is provided by the module to easily port the application and 
+ *           SDK modules to an alternate option. This ensures that the SDK and application are moved 
+ *           to alternate persistent storage instead of the one provided by default.
 #ifndef PSTORAGE_H__
@@ -50,19 +50,16 @@
 /**@defgroup ps_opcode Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes
  * @{
- * @brief    Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes. These are used to report any error during
- *           a persistent storage access operation or any general error that may occur in the
- *           interface.
+ * @brief    Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes. 
- * @details  Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes used in error notification callback
- *           registered with the interface to report any error during an persistent storage access
- *           operation or any general error that may occur in the interface.
+ * @details  Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes are used by Persistent storage operation 
+ *           completion callback @ref pstorage_ntf_cb_t to identify the operation type requested by 
+ *           the application.
-#define PSTORAGE_ERROR_OP_CODE    0x01  /**< General Error Code */
-#define PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE    0x02  /**< Error when Store Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_LOAD_OP_CODE     0x03  /**< Error when Load Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE    0x04  /**< Error when Clear Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE   0x05  /**< Update an already touched storage block */
+#define PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE    0x01  /**< Store Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_LOAD_OP_CODE     0x02  /**< Load Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE    0x03  /**< Clear Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE   0x04  /**< Update Operation type. */
 /**@} */
@@ -73,146 +70,148 @@
  * @details Data Types needed for interfacing with persistent memory.
-/**@brief Persistent Storage Error Reporting Callback
+/**@brief Persistent storage operation completion callback function type.
- * @details Persistent Storage Error Reporting Callback that is used by the interface to report
- *          success or failure of a flash operation. Therefore, for any operations, application 
- *          can know when the procedure was complete. For store operation, since no data copy 
- *          is made, receiving a success or failure notification, indicated by the reason 
- *          parameter of callback is an indication that the resident memory could now be reused 
- *          or freed, as the case may be.
+ * @details The persistent storage operation completion callback is used by the interface to report
+ *          success or failure of a flash operation. Since data is not copied for a store operation, 
+ *          a callback is an indication that the resident memory can now be reused or freed.
- * @param[in] handle   Identifies module and block for which callback is received.
- * @param[in] op_code  Identifies the operation for which the event is notified.
- * @param[in] result   Identifies the result of flash access operation.
- *                     NRF_SUCCESS implies, operation succeeded.
- * @param[in] p_data   Identifies the application data pointer. In case of store operation, this 
- *                     points to the resident source of application memory that application can now 
- *                     free or reuse. In case of clear, this is NULL as no application pointer is 
- *                     needed for this operation.
- * @param[in] data_len Length data application had provided for the operation.
- * 
+ * @param[in] handle   Identifies the module and block for the callback that is received.
+ * @param[in] op_code  Identifies the operation for the event that is notified.
+ * @param[in] result   Identifies the result of a flash access operation. NRF_SUCCESS implies 
+ *                     operation succeeded.
+ *
+ *                     @note Unmanaged (abnormal behaviour) error codes from the SoftDevice flash 
+ *                     access API are forwarded as is and are expected to be handled by the 
+ *                     application. For details refer to the implementation file and corresponding 
+ *                     SoftDevice flash API documentation.
+ *                     
+ * @param[in] p_data   Identifies the application data pointer. For a store operation, this points 
+ *                     to the resident source of application memory that the application can now 
+ *                     free or reuse. When there is a clear operation, this is NULL since no 
+ *                     application pointer is needed for this operation.
+ * @param[in] data_len Length data the application provided for the operation. 
-typedef void (*pstorage_ntf_cb_t)(pstorage_handle_t *  p_handle,
-                                  uint8_t              op_code,
-                                  uint32_t             result,
-                                  uint8_t *            p_data,
-                                  uint32_t             data_len);
+typedef void (*pstorage_ntf_cb_t)(pstorage_handle_t * p_handle,
+                                  uint8_t             op_code,
+                                  uint32_t            result,
+                                  uint8_t *           p_data,
+                                  uint32_t            data_len);
+/**@brief Struct containing module registration context. */
 typedef struct
-    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;             /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of any error occurring in persistent memory management */
-    pstorage_size_t   block_size;     /**< Desired block size for persistent memory storage, for example, if a module has a table with 10 entries, each entry is size 64 bytes,
-                                       *   it can request 10 blocks with block size 64 bytes. On the other hand, the module can also request one block of size 640 based on
-                                       *   how it would like to access or alter memory in persistent memory.
-                                       *   First option is preferred when single entries that need to be updated often when having no impact on the other entries.
-                                       *   While second option is preferred when entries of table are not changed on individually but have common point of loading and storing
+    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;             /**< Persistent storage operation completion callback function @ref pstorage_ntf_cb_t.  */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_size;     /**< Desired block size for persistent memory storage. For example, if a module has a table with 10 entries, and each entry is 64 bytes in size,
+                                       *   it can request 10 blocks with a block size of 64 bytes. The module can also request one block that is 640 bytes depending 
+                                       *   on how it would like to access or alter the memory in persistent memory.
+                                       *   The first option is preferred when it is a single entry that needs to be updated often and doesn't impact the other entries.
+                                       *   The second option is preferred when table entries are not changed individually but have a common point of loading and storing
                                        *   data. */
-    pstorage_size_t   block_count;    /** Number of blocks requested by the module, minimum values is 1. */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_count;    /** Number of blocks requested by the module; minimum values is 1. */
 } pstorage_module_param_t;
 /**@} */
 /**@defgroup pstorage_routines Persistent Storage Access Routines
  * @{
- * @brief Functions/Interface SDK modules use to persistently store data.
+ * @brief Functions/Interface SDK modules used to persistently store data.
- * @details Interface for Application & SDK module to load/store information persistently.
- *          Note: that while implementation of each of the persistent storage access function
- *          depends on the system and can specific to system/solution, the signature of the
+ * @details Interface for the Application and SDK modules to load/store information persistently.
+ *          Note: While implementation of each of the persistent storage access functions
+ *          depends on the system and is specific to system/solution, the signature of the
  *          interface routines should not be altered.
-/**@brief Module Initialization Routine.
+/**@brief Function for initializing the module.
- * @details Initializes module. To be called once before any other APIs of the module are used.
+ * @details Function for initializing the module. This function is called once before any other APIs 
+ *          of the module are used.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success.
 uint32_t pstorage_init(void);
-/**@brief Register with persistent storage interface.
+/**@brief Function for registering with persistent storage interface.
- * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration param.
- * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier to identify persistent memory blocks in case 
- *                            registration succeeds. Application is expected to use the block ids 
+ * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration parameter.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier to identify persistent memory blocks when 
+ *                            registration succeeds. Application is expected to use the block IDs 
  *                            for subsequent operations on requested persistent memory. Maximum 
- *                            registrations permitted is determined by configuration parameter 
- *                            PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS. 
- *             In case more than one memory blocks are requested, the identifier provided here is
- *             the base identifier for the first block and to identify subsequent block,
- *             application shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with this base identifier
- *             and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and application
- *             wishes to store memory in 6th block, it shall use
- *             \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with based id and provide a block number of 5.
- *             This way application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ *                            registrations permitted is determined by the configuration of the 
+ *                            parameter PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES. If more than one memory block is 
+ *                            requested, the identifier provided here is the base identifier for the 
+ *                            first block and used to identify the subsequent block. The application 
+ *                            uses \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with this base identifier and 
+ *                            block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and the 
+ *                            application wishes to store memory in the 6th block, it shall use
+ *                            \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base ID and provide a 
+ *                            block number of 5. This way the application is only expected to 
+ *                            remember the base block identifier.
- * @note       To register an area with a total size (block count * block size) larger than the
- *             page size (usually 1024 bytes), the block size must be a divisor of the page size 
- *             (page size % block size == 0).
- *
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case no more registrations can be supported.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. Additional registrations can't be 
+ *                                     supported.
 uint32_t pstorage_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
                            pstorage_handle_t *       p_block_id);
- * @brief Function to get block id with reference to base block identifier provided at time of
- *        registration.
+/**@brief Function for getting block ID with reference to base block identifier provided at the time 
+ *        of registration.
- * @details Function to get block id with reference to base block identifier provided at time of
- *          registration.
- *          In case more than one memory blocks were requested when registering, the identifier
- *          provided here is the base identifier for the first block and to identify subsequent
- *          block, application shall use this routine to get block identifier providing input as
- *          base identifier and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and
- *          application wishes to store memory in 6th block, it shall use
- *          \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with based id and provide a block number of 5.
- *          This way application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ * @details Function to get the block ID with reference to base block identifier provided at the 
+ *          time of registration.
+ *          If more than one memory block was requested when registering, the identifier provided 
+ *          here is the base identifier for the first block which is used to identify subsequent
+ *          blocks. The application shall use this routine to get the block identifier, providing 
+ *          input as base identifier and block number. Therefore, if 10 blocks of size 64 are 
+ *          requested and the application wishes to store memory in the 6th block, it shall use
+ *          \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base ID and provide a block number of 5.
+ *          This way the application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
- * @param[in]  p_base_id  Base block id received at the time of registration.
+ * @param[in]  p_base_id  Base block ID received at the time of registration.
  * @param[in]  block_num  Block Number, with first block numbered zero.
- * @param[out] p_block_id Block identifier for the block number requested in case the API succeeds.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id Block identifier for the block number requested when the API succeeds.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
 uint32_t pstorage_block_identifier_get(pstorage_handle_t * p_base_id,
                                        pstorage_size_t     block_num,
                                        pstorage_handle_t * p_block_id);
-/**@brief Routine to persistently store data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address
- *        in storage module at 'p_dest' address; Equivalent to Storage Write.
+/**@brief Function for persistently storing data of length 'size' contained in the 'p_src' address
+ *        in the storage module at 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Write.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be stored persistently.
  * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. API assumes this to be resident
- *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API.
- * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Should be word aligned.
+ *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API. Must be word 
+ *                    aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned and size + 
+ *                    offset must be <= block size.                      
  * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    write 20 bytes at offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
- *                    Should be word aligned.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_src' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
- * @warning    No copy of the data is made, and hence memory provided for data source to be written
- *             to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
- *             is complete. End of this procedure is notified to the application using the
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for the data source that is to 
+ *             be written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
  *             notification callback registered by the application.
 uint32_t pstorage_store(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
@@ -220,28 +219,30 @@
                         pstorage_size_t     size,
                         pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to update persistently stored data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address
- *        in storage module at 'p_dest' address.
+/**@brief Function for updating persistently stored data of length 'size' contained in the 'p_src' 
+ *        address in the storage module at 'p_dest' address.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be updated.
  * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. API assumes this to be resident
  *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API.
- * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Should be word aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned and size + 
+ *                    offset must be <= block size.
  * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    write 20 bytes at offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
- *                    Should be word aligned.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12 bytes, then this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_src' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
- * @warning    No copy of the data is made, and hence memory provided for data source to be written
- *             to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
- *             is complete. End of this procedure is notified to the application using the
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for the data source that is to 
+ *             be written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
  *             notification callback registered by the application.
 uint32_t pstorage_update(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
@@ -249,68 +250,150 @@
                          pstorage_size_t     size,
                          pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to load persistently stored data of length 'size' from 'p_src' address
- *        to 'p_dest' address; Equivalent to Storage Read.
+/**@brief Function for loading persistently stored data of length 'size' from 'p_src' address
+ *        to 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Read.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where persistently stored data is to be loaded.
- * @param[in]  p_src  Source from where data is to be loaded from persistent memory.
+ * @param[in]  p_src  Source where data is loaded from persistent memory.
  * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be loaded from persistent memory expressed in bytes.
  *                    Should be word aligned.
- * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when loading from the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    load 20 bytes from offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
+ * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes, to be applied when loading from the block.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    load 20 bytes from offset of 12 bytes, then this field should be set to 12.
  *                    Should be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_dst' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
 uint32_t pstorage_load(uint8_t *           p_dest,
                        pstorage_handle_t * p_src,
                        pstorage_size_t     size,
                        pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to clear data in persistent memory.
+/**@brief Function for clearing data in persistent memory.
- * @param[in]  p_base_id Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to cleared;
- *                       Equivalent to an Erase Operation.
- *
+ * @param[in]  p_base_id Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to be cleared;
+ *                       equivalent to an Erase Operation.
  * @param[in]  size      Size of data to be cleared from persistent memory expressed in bytes.
  *                       This parameter is to provision for clearing of certain blocks
  *                       of memory, or all memory blocks in a registered module. If the total size 
  *                       of the application module is used (blocks * block size) in combination with
  *                       the identifier for the first block in the module, all blocks in the 
- *                       module will be erased.
+ *                       module will be erased. Must be multiple of block size.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_dst' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
  * @note       Clear operations may take time. This API however, does not block until the clear
- *             procedure is complete. Application is notified of procedure completion using
- *             notification callback registered by the application. 'result' parameter of the
- *             callback suggests if the procedure was successful or not.
+ *             procedure is complete. The application is notified of procedure completion using
+ *             a notification callback registered by the application. The 'result' parameter of the
+ *             callback indicates if the procedure was successful or not.
 uint32_t pstorage_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_base_id, pstorage_size_t size);
- * @brief API to get status of number of pending operations with the module.
+/**@brief Function for getting the number of pending operations with the module.
+ *
+ * @param[out] p_count Number of storage operations pending with the module. If 0, there are no 
+ *                     outstanding requests.
- * @param[out] p_count Number of storage operations pending with the module, if 0,
- *                     there are no outstanding requests.
- *
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
 uint32_t pstorage_access_status_get(uint32_t * p_count);
+/**@brief Function for registering with the persistent storage interface.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration parameter.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier used to identify persistent memory blocks upon 
+ *                            successful registration. The application is expected to use the block 
+ *                            IDs for subsequent operations on requested persistent memory. When 
+ *                            more than one memory block is requested, this identifier is the base 
+ *                            identifier for the first block and used to identify subsequent blocks. 
+ *                            The application shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with 
+ *                            this base identifier and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 
+ *                            64 are requested and the application wishes to store memory in the 6th 
+ *                            block, it shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base 
+ *                            ID and provide a block number of 5. Therefore, the application is only 
+ *                            expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
+                               pstorage_handle_t *       p_block_id);
+/**@brief Function for persistently storing data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address in 
+ *        storage module at 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Write.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be stored persistently.
+ * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. The API assumes this is resident
+ *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API. Must be word 
+ *                    aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned.
+ * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12 bytes, this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ *
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for data source that is to be 
+ *             written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
+ *             notification callback registered by the application.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_store(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
+                            uint8_t *           p_src,
+                            pstorage_size_t     size,
+                            pstorage_size_t     offset);
+/**@brief Function for clearing data in persistent memory in raw mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_dest Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to be cleared.
+ *                    Equivalent to an Erase Operation.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be cleared from persistent memory expressed in bytes. 
+ *                    Not used.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ *
+ * @note       Clear operations may take time. This API, however, does not block until the clear
+ *             procedure is complete. The application is notified of procedure completion using
+ *             a notification callback registered by the application. The 'result' parameter of the
+ *             callback indicates if the procedure was successful or not.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest, pstorage_size_t size);
 /**@} */
 /**@} */
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_init_template.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_init_template.c	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
     //              error is returned.
     while (i < p_init_packet->softdevice_len)
-        if (p_init_packet->softdevice[i] == DFU_SOFTDEVICE_ANY ||
-            p_init_packet->softdevice[i++] == SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION->firmware_id)
+        if (p_init_packet->softdevice[i]   == DFU_SOFTDEVICE_ANY ||
+            p_init_packet->softdevice[i++] == SD_FWID_GET(MBR_SIZE))
             return NRF_SUCCESS;
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_types.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/dfu_types.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -44,32 +44,32 @@
 #define DFU_TYPES_H__
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include "nrf51.h"
+#include "nrf_sdm.h"
+#include "nrf.h"
 #include "app_util.h"
-/**@brief Structure holding SoftDevice information to be used by the Bootloader/DFU. 
- *        Only size field is used.
- */
-typedef struct
-    uint8_t  info_size;                                                                                 /**< Not used. */
-    uint8_t  reserved1[3];                                                                              /**< Not used. */
-    uint32_t magic_number;                                                                              /**< Not used. */
-    uint32_t softdevice_size;                                                                           /**< Size field containing the size of installed SoftDevice. */
-    uint16_t firmware_id;                                                                               /**< Firmware id. */
-    uint8_t  reserved2[2];                                                                                 /**< Not used. */
-#define SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION_BASE     0x0003000                                                       /**< Location in the SoftDevice image which holds the SoftDevice informations. */
-#define SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION          ((SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION_Type *) SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION_BASE)   /**< Make SoftDevice information accessible through the structure. */
 #define NRF_UICR_BOOT_START_ADDRESS     (NRF_UICR_BASE + 0x14)                                          /**< Register where the bootloader start address is stored in the UICR register. */
-#define CODE_REGION_1_START             SOFTDEVICE_INFORMATION->softdevice_size                         /**< This field should correspond to the size of Code Region 0, (which is identical to Start of Code Region 1), found in UICR.CLEN0 register. This value is used for compile safety, as the linker will fail if application expands into bootloader. Runtime, the bootloader will use the value found in UICR.CLEN0. */
+#define CODE_REGION_1_START             SD_SIZE_GET(MBR_SIZE)                                           /**< This field should correspond to the size of Code Region 0, (which is identical to Start of Code Region 1), found in UICR.CLEN0 register. This value is used for compile safety, as the linker will fail if application expands into bootloader. Runtime, the bootloader will use the value found in UICR.CLEN0. */
+#define SOFTDEVICE_REGION_START         MBR_SIZE                                                        /**< This field should correspond to start address of the bootloader, found in UICR.RESERVED, 0x10001014, register. This value is used for sanity check, so the bootloader will fail immediately if this value differs from runtime value. The value is used to determine max application size for updating. */
-#define SOFTDEVICE_REGION_START         0x00001000                                                      /**< This field should correspond to start address of the bootloader, found in UICR.RESERVED, 0x10001014, register. This value is used for sanity check, so the bootloader will fail immediately if this value differs from runtime value. The value is used to determine max application size for updating. */
+#ifdef NRF51
+#ifdef SIGNING
+#define BOOTLOADER_REGION_START         0x00039C00                                                    /**< This field should correspond to start address of the bootloader, found in UICR.RESERVED, 0x10001014, register. This value is used for sanity check, so the bootloader will fail immediately if this value differs from runtime value. The value is used to determine max application size for updating. */
+#define BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS     0x0003D800                                                    /**< The field specifies the page location of the bootloader settings address. */
 #define BOOTLOADER_REGION_START         0x0003C000                                                      /**< This field should correspond to start address of the bootloader, found in UICR.RESERVED, 0x10001014, register. This value is used for sanity check, so the bootloader will fail immediately if this value differs from runtime value. The value is used to determine max application size for updating. */
 #define BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS     0x0003FC00                                                      /**< The field specifies the page location of the bootloader settings address. */
+#define CODE_PAGE_SIZE                  0x0400                                                          /**< Size of a flash codepage. Used for size of the reserved flash space in the bootloader region. Will be runtime checked against NRF_UICR->CODEPAGESIZE to ensure the region is correct. */
+#elif NRF52
+#define BOOTLOADER_REGION_START         0x0003B000                                                      /**< This field should correspond to start address of the bootloader, found in UICR.RESERVED, 0x10001014, register. This value is used for sanity check, so the bootloader will fail immediately if this value differs from runtime value. The value is used to determine max application size for updating. */
+#define BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS     0x0007F000                                                      /**< The field specifies the page location of the bootloader settings address. */
+#define CODE_PAGE_SIZE                  0x1000                                                          /**< Size of a flash codepage. Used for size of the reserved flash space in the bootloader region. Will be runtime checked against NRF_UICR->CODEPAGESIZE to ensure the region is correct. */
+#error No target defined
 #define DFU_REGION_TOTAL_SIZE           (BOOTLOADER_REGION_START - CODE_REGION_1_START)                 /**< Total size of the region between SD and Bootloader. */
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
 #define DFU_BANK_0_REGION_START         CODE_REGION_1_START                                             /**< Bank 0 region start. */
 #define DFU_BANK_1_REGION_START         (DFU_BANK_0_REGION_START + DFU_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE_BANKED)           /**< Bank 1 region start. */
-#define CODE_PAGE_SIZE                  0x0400                                                          /**< Size of a flash codepage. Used for size of the reserved flash space in the bootloader region. Will be runtime checked against NRF_UICR->CODEPAGESIZE to ensure the region is correct. */
 #define EMPTY_FLASH_MASK                0xFFFFFFFF                                                      /**< Bit mask that defines an empty address in flash. */
 #define INVALID_PACKET                  0x00                                                            /**< Invalid packet identifies. */
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/hci_transport/hci_mem_pool_internal.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/bootloader_dfu/hci_transport/hci_mem_pool_internal.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
-#define TX_BUF_SIZE       4u    /**< TX buffer size in bytes. */
-#define RX_BUF_SIZE       32u   /**< RX buffer size in bytes. */
+#define TX_BUF_SIZE       32u    /**< TX buffer size in bytes. */
+#define RX_BUF_SIZE       600u   /**< RX buffer size in bytes. */
-#define RX_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE 8u     /**< RX buffer element size. */
+#define RX_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE 2u     /**< RX buffer element size. */
 #endif // MEM_POOL_INTERNAL_H__
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/scheduler/app_scheduler.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/scheduler/app_scheduler.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
  *     scheduler's queue. The app_sched_execute() function will pull this event and call its
  *     handler in the main context.
- * @if (SD_S110 && !SD_S310)
+ * @if (PERIPHERAL)
  * For an example usage of the scheduler, see the implementations of
  * @ref ble_sdk_app_hids_mouse and @ref ble_sdk_app_hids_keyboard.
  * @endif
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include "app_error.h"
+#include "app_util.h"
 #define APP_SCHED_EVENT_HEADER_SIZE 8       /**< Size of app_scheduler.event_header_t (only for use inside APP_SCHED_BUF_SIZE()). */
--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/util/app_util.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/libraries/util/app_util.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -53,30 +53,66 @@
     UNIT_10_MS    = 10000                               /**< Number of microseconds in 10 milliseconds. */
+/**@brief Implementation specific macro for delayed macro expansion used in string concatenation
+* @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
+* @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
+#define STRING_CONCATENATE_IMPL(lhs, rhs) lhs ## rhs
+/**@brief Macro used to concatenate string using delayed macro expansion
+* @note This macro will delay concatenation until the expressions have been resolved
+* @param[in]   lhs   Left hand side in concatenation
+* @param[in]   rhs   Right hand side in concatenation
+// Disable lint-warnings/errors for STATIC_ASSERT
+//lint --emacro(10,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(18,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(19,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(30,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(37,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(42,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(26,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(102,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(533,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(534,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(132,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(414,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(578,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(628,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(648,STATIC_ASSERT)
+//lint --emacro(830,STATIC_ASSERT)
 /**@brief Macro for doing static (i.e. compile time) assertion.
- *
- * @note If the assertion fails when compiling using Keil, the compiler will report error message
- *       "error: #94: the size of an array must be greater than zero" (while gcc will list the
- *       symbol static_assert_failed, making the error message more readable).
- *       If the supplied expression can not be evaluated at compile time, Keil will report
- *       "error: #28: expression must have a constant value".
- *
- * @note The macro is intentionally implemented not using do while(0), allowing it to be used
- *       outside function blocks (e.g. close to global type- and variable declarations).
- *       If used in a code block, it must be used before any executable code in this block.
- *
- * @param[in]   EXPR   Constant expression to be verified.
- */
+* @note If the EXPR isn't resolvable, then the error message won't be shown.
+* @note The output of STATIC_ASSERT_MSG will be different across different compilers.
+* @param[in] EXPR Constant expression to be verified.
+#if defined ( __COUNTER__ )
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#define STATIC_ASSERT(EXPR) typedef char __attribute__((unused)) static_assert_failed[(EXPR) ? 1 : -1]
-#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
-#define STATIC_ASSERT(EXPR) extern char static_assert_failed[(EXPR) ? 1 : -1] 
+    ;enum { STRING_CONCATENATE(static_assert_, __COUNTER__) = 1/(!!(EXPR)) }
-#define STATIC_ASSERT(EXPR) typedef char static_assert_failed[(EXPR) ? 1 : -1]
+    ;enum { STRING_CONCATENATE(assert_line_, __LINE__) = 1/(!!(EXPR)) }
 /**@brief type for holding an encoded (i.e. little endian) 16 bit unsigned integer. */
 typedef uint8_t uint16_le_t[2];