Practical library series : Configuration File


日本語版はこちら: 実用ライブラリシリーズ:設定ファイル


Some applications need variable configurations.

For example, The configuration of account information for Twitter...

It's not good for publish if I implemented a program with a account information for Twitter, and it's not secure.

So, in this document we will show you a configuration file helper class for local file system on mbed.

You can use a variable configuration with it.

Basic concept


  • Available 'Key' and the 'Value' configuration set.
  • Supported read and write.
  • You can write comments in a configuration file. The library will ignore the comments.


Class structure

The class is only


in this library.


The library project is ConfigFile. And the test program is ConfigFile_TestProgram.

The library project ConfigFile hasn't mbed library in the project. So you can import the link of the library.

You can run the test program ConfigFile_TestProgram if you want to check the functions.

How to use it?

Configuration file

We need a configuration file.

  • A comment line started by #.
  • Empty lines have not meaning.
  • Key=Value based configuration.
  • A space character in a side of a key and a value have a meaning.
# Configuration file for mbed.

MyKey1=This is a value for key1.
MyKey2=Value 2

Message1 = This is a test message no.1
 Message2  =  This is a test message no.2
  Message3   =   This is a test message no.3


This example codes read a file named input.cfg on mbed local file system.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "ConfigFile.h"
LocalFileSystem local("local");
ConfigFile cfg;

int main(void) {
    char *key = "MyKey";
    char value[BUFSIZ];
     * Read a configuration file from a mbed.
    if (!"/local/input.cfg")) {
        error("Failure to read a configuration file.\n");

     * Get a configuration value.
    if (cfg.getValue(key, &value[0], sizeof(value))) {
        printf("'%s'='%s'\n", key, value);
  • Ignore comments in a configuration file.
  • Ignore empty lines in a configuration file.
  • Keep spaces in side of keys and values.


This example codes write a configuration to a file.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "ConfigFile.h"
LocalFileSystem local("local");
ConfigFile cfg;

int main(void) {

     * Set a configuration value.
    if (!cfg.setValue("MyKey", "TestValue")) {
        error("Failure to set a value.\n");

     * Write to a file.
    if (!"/local/output.cfg")) {
        error("Failure to write a configuration file.\n");


You can use this library class if you want to read configuration variables or store a configuration variables.


22 Sep 2010

Good Utility,



Warm Regards,


23 Sep 2010

Dear Mr. Boseji-san

Thank you for your comments. :)

Best regards


22 Jun 2015
Hi Shin, I use this with an 8GB SanDisk micro SD card, on a Seeed Arch Max. Reading is fast, but writing takes about 4 seconds. Do you know what can be the reason for writing that slow? Best regards, Jack.
20 Sep 2016 . Edited: 20 Sep 2016
Hello, I used this library once, it worked very well... But now I am having problems when I am instantiating the USBSerial.h class and trying to use the ConfigFile in the same program... There is anything in the ConfigFile library that could be disturbing the USBSerial or vice-versa? I don't see the relation between the USB Pins in MBED LPC1768 and the LocalFileSystem... Best Regards,
11 Sep 2019

It looks like aline that is:



will work in a config_file,  but the line:

valx = -3.0


  will fail.  The space after the key, but before the '=' and the space after the '='

goof up the program. It does not ignore that whitespace. I guess I expected better handling of whitespace.

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