mbed library sources

Dependents:   frdm_kl05z_gpio_test

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
Commit message:
Synchronized with git revision 8a63c226ddf4d9f200f99343cbe8668a89b261bf

Full URL: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/commit/8a63c226ddf4d9f200f99343cbe8668a89b261bf/

[LPC4337] add support

Changed in this revision

targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/LPC43xx.sct Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4330/LPC43xx.sct Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4330/startup_LPC43xx.s Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4337/LPC4337.sct Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4337/startup_LPC4337.s Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/startup_LPC43xx.s Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/PinNames.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4330/PinNames.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4330/device.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4337/PinNames.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4337/device.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/analogout_api.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/device.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/LPC43xx.sct	Thu Sep 11 13:15:08 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-LR_IROM1 0x14000000 0x00400000  {    ; load region size_region
-  ER_IROM1 0x14000000 0x00400000  {  ; load address = execution address
-   *.o (RESET, +First)
-   *(InRoot$$Sections)
-   .ANY (+RO)
-  }
-  ; 8_byte_aligned(69 vect * 4 bytes) =  8_byte_aligned(0x0114) = 0x0118
-  ; 128KB - 0x0118 = 0x0001FEE8
-  RW_IRAM1 0x10000118 0x1FEE8  {
-   .ANY (+RW +ZI)
-  }
-  RW_IRAM2 0x10080000 0x12000 {  ; RW data
-   .ANY (IRAM2)
-  }
-  RW_IRAM3 0x20000000 0x8000  {  ; RW data
-  }
-  RW_IRAM4 0x20008000 0x4000  {  ; RW data
-  }
-  RW_IRAM5 0x2000C000 0x4000  {  ; RW data
-  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4330/LPC43xx.sct	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+LR_IROM1 0x14000000 0x00400000  {    ; load region size_region
+  ER_IROM1 0x14000000 0x00400000  {  ; load address = execution address
+   *.o (RESET, +First)
+   *(InRoot$$Sections)
+   .ANY (+RO)
+  }
+  ; 8_byte_aligned(69 vect * 4 bytes) =  8_byte_aligned(0x0114) = 0x0118
+  ; 128KB - 0x0118 = 0x0001FEE8
+  RW_IRAM1 0x10000118 0x1FEE8  {
+   .ANY (+RW +ZI)
+  }
+  RW_IRAM2 0x10080000 0x12000 {  ; RW data
+   .ANY (IRAM2)
+  }
+  RW_IRAM3 0x20000000 0x8000  {  ; RW data
+  }
+  RW_IRAM4 0x20008000 0x4000  {  ; RW data
+  }
+  RW_IRAM5 0x2000C000 0x4000  {  ; RW data
+  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4330/startup_LPC43xx.s	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+; * @brief: LPC18xx/43xx M3/M4 startup code
+; *
+; * @note
+; * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+; * All rights reserved.
+; *
+; * @par
+; * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+; * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+; * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+; * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+; * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+; * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+; * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+; * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+; * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+; * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+; * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+; * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+; * specified use without further testing or modification.
+; *
+; * @par
+; * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+; * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+; * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+; * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+; * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+; * this code.
+; */
+; __initial_sp    EQU     0x10020000  ; Top of first RAM segment for LPC43XX (IRAM1)
+__initial_sp    EQU     0x10092000  ; Top of first RAM segment for LPC43XX (IRAM2)
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+Sign_Value		EQU		0x5A5A5A5A
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              	; 0 Top of Stack
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             	; 1 Reset Handler
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               	; 2 NMI Handler
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         	; 3 Hard Fault Handler
+                DCD     MemManage_Handler         	; 4 MPU Fault Handler
+                DCD     BusFault_Handler          	; 5 Bus Fault Handler
+                DCD     UsageFault_Handler        	; 6 Usage Fault Handler
+                DCD     Sign_Value                	; 7 Reserved
+                DCD     UnHandled_Vector           	; 8 Reserved
+                DCD     UnHandled_Vector           	; 9 Reserved
+                DCD     UnHandled_Vector          	; 10 Reserved
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               	; 11 SVCall Handler
+                DCD     DebugMon_Handler          	; 12 Debug Monitor Handler
+                DCD     UnHandled_Vector          	; 13 Reserved
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            	; 14 PendSV Handler
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           	; 15 SysTick Handler
+                ; External Interrupts
+				DCD		DAC_IRQHandler	 			; 16 D/A Converter
+				DCD		MX_CORE_IRQHandler			; 17 M0/M4 IRQ handler (LPC43XX ONLY)
+				DCD		DMA_IRQHandler				; 18 General Purpose DMA
+				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 19 Reserved
+				DCD		FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler		; 20 ORed flash bank A, flash bank B, EEPROM interrupts
+				DCD		ETH_IRQHandler				; 21 Ethernet
+				DCD		SDIO_IRQHandler				; 22 SD/MMC
+				DCD		LCD_IRQHandler				; 23 LCD
+				DCD		USB0_IRQHandler				; 24 USB0
+				DCD		USB1_IRQHandler				; 25 USB1
+				DCD		SCT_IRQHandler				; 26 State Configurable Timer
+				DCD		RIT_IRQHandler				; 27 Repetitive Interrupt Timer
+				DCD		TIMER0_IRQHandler			; 28 Timer0
+				DCD		TIMER1_IRQHandler			; 29 Timer1
+				DCD		TIMER2_IRQHandler			; 30 Timer2
+				DCD		TIMER3_IRQHandler			; 31 Timer3
+				DCD		MCPWM_IRQHandler			; 32 Motor Control PWM
+				DCD		ADC0_IRQHandler				; 33 A/D Converter 0
+				DCD		I2C0_IRQHandler				; 34 I2C0
+				DCD		I2C1_IRQHandler				; 35 I2C1
+				DCD		SPI_IRQHandler				; 36 SPI (LPC43XX ONLY)
+				DCD		ADC1_IRQHandler				; 37 A/D Converter 1
+				DCD		SSP0_IRQHandler				; 38 SSP0
+				DCD		SSP1_IRQHandler				; 39 SSP1
+				DCD		UART0_IRQHandler			; 40 UART0
+				DCD		UART1_IRQHandler			; 41 UART1
+				DCD		UART2_IRQHandler			; 42 UART2
+				DCD		UART3_IRQHandler			; 43 UART3
+				DCD		I2S0_IRQHandler				; 44 I2S0
+				DCD		I2S1_IRQHandler				; 45 I2S1
+				DCD		SPIFI_IRQHandler			; 46 SPI Flash Interface
+				DCD		SGPIO_IRQHandler			; 47 SGPIO (LPC43XX ONLY)
+				DCD		GPIO0_IRQHandler			; 48 GPIO0
+				DCD		GPIO1_IRQHandler			; 49 GPIO1
+				DCD		GPIO2_IRQHandler			; 50 GPIO2
+				DCD		GPIO3_IRQHandler			; 51 GPIO3
+				DCD		GPIO4_IRQHandler			; 52 GPIO4
+				DCD		GPIO5_IRQHandler			; 53 GPIO5
+				DCD		GPIO6_IRQHandler			; 54 GPIO6
+				DCD		GPIO7_IRQHandler			; 55 GPIO7
+				DCD		GINT0_IRQHandler			; 56 GINT0
+				DCD		GINT1_IRQHandler			; 57 GINT1
+				DCD		EVRT_IRQHandler				; 58 Event Router
+				DCD		CAN1_IRQHandler				; 59 C_CAN1
+ 				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 60 Reserved
+				DCD		VADC_IRQHandler 			; 61 VADC
+				DCD		ATIMER_IRQHandler			; 62 ATIMER
+				DCD		RTC_IRQHandler				; 63 RTC
+ 				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 64 Reserved
+				DCD		WDT_IRQHandler				; 65 WDT
+				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 66 M0s
+				DCD		CAN0_IRQHandler				; 67 C_CAN0
+				DCD 	QEI_IRQHandler				; 68 QEI
+;                IF      :LNOT::DEF:NO_CRP
+;                AREA    |.ARM.__at_0x02FC|, CODE, READONLY
+;CRP_Key         DCD     0xFFFFFFFF
+;                ENDIF
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset Handler
+Reset_Handler   PROC
+                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
+                IMPORT  SystemInit
+                IMPORT  __main
+                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                BLX     R0
+                LDR     R0, =__main
+                BX      R0
+                ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)                
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler          [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler        [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler          [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+UnHandled_Vector	PROC
+                EXPORT  UnHandled_Vector          [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT DAC_IRQHandler 	    	[WEAK]
+                EXPORT MX_CORE_IRQHandler	    [WEAK]
+				EXPORT DMA_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
+                EXPORT FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT ETH_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT SDIO_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT LCD_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT USB0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT USB1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT SCT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT RIT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT TIMER0_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT TIMER1_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT TIMER2_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT TIMER3_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT MCPWM_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT ADC0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT I2C0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT I2C1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+                EXPORT SPI_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT ADC1_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
+				EXPORT SSP0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT SSP1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT UART0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT UART1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT UART2_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT UART3_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT I2S0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT I2S1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT SPIFI_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT SGPIO_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO0_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO1_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO2_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO3_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO4_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO5_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO6_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT GPIO7_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT GINT0_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT GINT1_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
+				EXPORT EVRT_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
+				EXPORT CAN1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT VADC_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT ATIMER_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT RTC_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT WDT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT CAN0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+				EXPORT QEI_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+                END
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4337/LPC4337.sct	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+LR_IROM1 0x1A000000 0x00080000  {    ; load region size_region
+  ER_IROM1 0x1A000000 0x00080000  {  ; load address = execution address
+   *.o (RESET, +First)
+   *(InRoot$$Sections)
+   .ANY (+RO)
+  }
+;  ER_IROM2 0x1B000000 0x00080000  {  ; load address = execution address
+;   .ANY (+RO)
+;  }
+  ; 8_byte_aligned(69 vect * 4 bytes) =  8_byte_aligned(0x0114) = 0x0118
+  RW_IRAM1 0x10000000+0x118 0x8000-0x118  {
+   .ANY (+RW +ZI)
+  }
+;  RW_IRAM2 0x10080000 0xA000 {  ; RW data
+;   .ANY (IRAM2)
+;  }
+;  RW_IRAM3 0x20000000 0x10000 {  ; RW data
+;  }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/TARGET_LPC4337/startup_LPC4337.s	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+; * @brief: LPC18xx/43xx M3/M4 startup code
+; *
+; * @note
+; * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
+; * All rights reserved.
+; *
+; * @par
+; * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+; * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+; * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
+; * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
+; * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
+; * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
+; * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
+; * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
+; * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
+; * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
+; * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
+; * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
+; * specified use without further testing or modification.
+; *
+; * @par
+; * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+; * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
+; * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
+; * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
+; * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
+; * this code.
+; */
+;__initial_sp    EQU     0x1008A000  ; Top of 2nd RAM segment for LPC4337
+__initial_sp    EQU     0x10008000  ; Top of 1st RAM segment for LPC4337
+                PRESERVE8
+                THUMB
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
+                EXPORT  __Vectors
+Sign_Value      EQU     0x5A5A5A5A
+__Vectors   DCD __initial_sp                ; 0 Top of Stack
+            DCD Reset_Handler               ; 1 Reset Handler
+            DCD NMI_Handler                 ; 2 NMI Handler
+            DCD HardFault_Handler           ; 3 Hard Fault Handler
+            DCD MemManage_Handler           ; 4 MPU Fault Handler
+            DCD BusFault_Handler            ; 5 Bus Fault Handler
+            DCD UsageFault_Handler          ; 6 Usage Fault Handler
+            DCD Sign_Value                  ; 7 Reserved
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 8 Reserved
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 9 Reserved
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 10 Reserved
+            DCD SVC_Handler                 ; 11 SVCall Handler
+            DCD DebugMon_Handler            ; 12 Debug Monitor Handler
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 13 Reserved
+            DCD PendSV_Handler              ; 14 PendSV Handler
+            DCD SysTick_Handler             ; 15 SysTick Handler
+        ; External Interrupts
+            DCD DAC_IRQHandler              ; 16 D/A Converter
+            DCD MX_CORE_IRQHandler          ; 17 M0/M4 IRQ handler (LPC43XX ONLY)
+            DCD DMA_IRQHandler              ; 18 General Purpose DMA
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 19 Reserved
+            DCD FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler      ; 20 ORed flash bank A, flash bank B, EEPROM interrupts
+            DCD ETH_IRQHandler              ; 21 Ethernet
+            DCD SDIO_IRQHandler             ; 22 SD/MMC
+            DCD LCD_IRQHandler              ; 23 LCD
+            DCD USB0_IRQHandler             ; 24 USB0
+            DCD USB1_IRQHandler             ; 25 USB1
+            DCD SCT_IRQHandler              ; 26 State Configurable Timer
+            DCD RIT_IRQHandler              ; 27 Repetitive Interrupt Timer
+            DCD TIMER0_IRQHandler           ; 28 Timer0
+            DCD TIMER1_IRQHandler           ; 29 Timer1
+            DCD TIMER2_IRQHandler           ; 30 Timer2
+            DCD TIMER3_IRQHandler           ; 31 Timer3
+            DCD MCPWM_IRQHandler            ; 32 Motor Control PWM
+            DCD ADC0_IRQHandler             ; 33 A/D Converter 0
+            DCD I2C0_IRQHandler             ; 34 I2C0
+            DCD I2C1_IRQHandler             ; 35 I2C1
+            DCD SPI_IRQHandler              ; 36 SPI (LPC43XX ONLY)
+            DCD ADC1_IRQHandler             ; 37 A/D Converter 1
+            DCD SSP0_IRQHandler             ; 38 SSP0
+            DCD SSP1_IRQHandler             ; 39 SSP1
+            DCD UART0_IRQHandler            ; 40 UART0
+            DCD UART1_IRQHandler            ; 41 UART1
+            DCD UART2_IRQHandler            ; 42 UART2
+            DCD UART3_IRQHandler            ; 43 UART3
+            DCD I2S0_IRQHandler             ; 44 I2S0
+            DCD I2S1_IRQHandler             ; 45 I2S1
+            DCD SPIFI_IRQHandler            ; 46 SPI Flash Interface
+            DCD SGPIO_IRQHandler            ; 47 SGPIO (LPC43XX ONLY)
+            DCD GPIO0_IRQHandler            ; 48 GPIO0
+            DCD GPIO1_IRQHandler            ; 49 GPIO1
+            DCD GPIO2_IRQHandler            ; 50 GPIO2
+            DCD GPIO3_IRQHandler            ; 51 GPIO3
+            DCD GPIO4_IRQHandler            ; 52 GPIO4
+            DCD GPIO5_IRQHandler            ; 53 GPIO5
+            DCD GPIO6_IRQHandler            ; 54 GPIO6
+            DCD GPIO7_IRQHandler            ; 55 GPIO7
+            DCD GINT0_IRQHandler            ; 56 GINT0
+            DCD GINT1_IRQHandler            ; 57 GINT1
+            DCD EVRT_IRQHandler             ; 58 Event Router
+            DCD CAN1_IRQHandler             ; 59 C_CAN1
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 60 Reserved
+            DCD VADC_IRQHandler             ; 61 VADC
+            DCD ATIMER_IRQHandler           ; 62 ATIMER
+            DCD RTC_IRQHandler              ; 63 RTC
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 64 Reserved
+            DCD WDT_IRQHandler              ; 65 WDT
+            DCD UnHandled_Vector            ; 66 M0s
+            DCD CAN0_IRQHandler             ; 67 C_CAN0
+            DCD QEI_IRQHandler              ; 68 QEI
+;                IF      :LNOT::DEF:NO_CRP
+;                AREA    |.ARM.__at_0x02FC|, CODE, READONLY
+;CRP_Key         DCD     0xFFFFFFFF
+;                ENDIF
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
+; Reset Handler
+Reset_Handler   PROC
+                EXPORT  Reset_Handler           [WEAK]
+                IMPORT  __main
+                IMPORT  SystemInit
+                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+                BLX     R0
+                LDR     R0, =__main
+                BX      R0
+                ENDP
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
+NMI_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler       [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler       [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler        [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler      [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SVC_Handler     PROC
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler             [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                PROC
+                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler        [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+PendSV_Handler  PROC
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler          [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+SysTick_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler         [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+UnHandled_Vector    PROC
+                EXPORT  UnHandled_Vector        [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+Default_Handler PROC
+                EXPORT DAC_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT MX_CORE_IRQHandler       [WEAK]
+                EXPORT DMA_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler   [WEAK]
+                EXPORT ETH_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SDIO_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT LCD_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT USB0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT USB1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SCT_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT RIT_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT TIMER0_IRQHandler        [WEAK]
+                EXPORT TIMER1_IRQHandler        [WEAK]
+                EXPORT TIMER2_IRQHandler        [WEAK]
+                EXPORT TIMER3_IRQHandler        [WEAK]
+                EXPORT MCPWM_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT ADC0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT I2C0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT I2C1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SPI_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT ADC1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SSP0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SSP1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT UART0_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT UART1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT UART2_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT UART3_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT I2S0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT I2S1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SPIFI_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT SGPIO_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO0_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO2_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO3_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO4_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO5_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO6_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GPIO7_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GINT0_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT GINT1_IRQHandler         [WEAK]
+                EXPORT EVRT_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT CAN1_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT VADC_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT ATIMER_IRQHandler        [WEAK]
+                EXPORT RTC_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT WDT_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                EXPORT CAN0_IRQHandler          [WEAK]
+                EXPORT QEI_IRQHandler           [WEAK]
+                B       .
+                ENDP
+                ALIGN
+                END
--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/startup_LPC43xx.s	Thu Sep 11 13:15:08 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-; * @brief: LPC18xx/43xx M3/M4 startup code
-; *
-; * @note
-; * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
-; * All rights reserved.
-; *
-; * @par
-; * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
-; * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
-; * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
-; * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
-; * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
-; * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
-; * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
-; * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
-; * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
-; * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
-; * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
-; * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
-; * specified use without further testing or modification.
-; *
-; * @par
-; * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-; * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
-; * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
-; * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
-; * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
-; * this code.
-; */
-; __initial_sp    EQU     0x10020000  ; Top of first RAM segment for LPC43XX (IRAM1)
-__initial_sp    EQU     0x10092000  ; Top of first RAM segment for LPC43XX (IRAM2)
-                PRESERVE8
-                THUMB
-; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
-                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
-                EXPORT  __Vectors
-Sign_Value		EQU		0x5A5A5A5A
-__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              	; 0 Top of Stack
-                DCD     Reset_Handler             	; 1 Reset Handler
-                DCD     NMI_Handler               	; 2 NMI Handler
-                DCD     HardFault_Handler         	; 3 Hard Fault Handler
-                DCD     MemManage_Handler         	; 4 MPU Fault Handler
-                DCD     BusFault_Handler          	; 5 Bus Fault Handler
-                DCD     UsageFault_Handler        	; 6 Usage Fault Handler
-                DCD     Sign_Value                	; 7 Reserved
-                DCD     UnHandled_Vector           	; 8 Reserved
-                DCD     UnHandled_Vector           	; 9 Reserved
-                DCD     UnHandled_Vector          	; 10 Reserved
-                DCD     SVC_Handler               	; 11 SVCall Handler
-                DCD     DebugMon_Handler          	; 12 Debug Monitor Handler
-                DCD     UnHandled_Vector          	; 13 Reserved
-                DCD     PendSV_Handler            	; 14 PendSV Handler
-                DCD     SysTick_Handler           	; 15 SysTick Handler
-                ; External Interrupts
-				DCD		DAC_IRQHandler	 			; 16 D/A Converter
-				DCD		MX_CORE_IRQHandler			; 17 M0/M4 IRQ handler (LPC43XX ONLY)
-				DCD		DMA_IRQHandler				; 18 General Purpose DMA
-				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 19 Reserved
-				DCD		FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler		; 20 ORed flash bank A, flash bank B, EEPROM interrupts
-				DCD		ETH_IRQHandler				; 21 Ethernet
-				DCD		SDIO_IRQHandler				; 22 SD/MMC
-				DCD		LCD_IRQHandler				; 23 LCD
-				DCD		USB0_IRQHandler				; 24 USB0
-				DCD		USB1_IRQHandler				; 25 USB1
-				DCD		SCT_IRQHandler				; 26 State Configurable Timer
-				DCD		RIT_IRQHandler				; 27 Repetitive Interrupt Timer
-				DCD		TIMER0_IRQHandler			; 28 Timer0
-				DCD		TIMER1_IRQHandler			; 29 Timer1
-				DCD		TIMER2_IRQHandler			; 30 Timer2
-				DCD		TIMER3_IRQHandler			; 31 Timer3
-				DCD		MCPWM_IRQHandler			; 32 Motor Control PWM
-				DCD		ADC0_IRQHandler				; 33 A/D Converter 0
-				DCD		I2C0_IRQHandler				; 34 I2C0
-				DCD		I2C1_IRQHandler				; 35 I2C1
-				DCD		SPI_IRQHandler				; 36 SPI (LPC43XX ONLY)
-				DCD		ADC1_IRQHandler				; 37 A/D Converter 1
-				DCD		SSP0_IRQHandler				; 38 SSP0
-				DCD		SSP1_IRQHandler				; 39 SSP1
-				DCD		UART0_IRQHandler			; 40 UART0
-				DCD		UART1_IRQHandler			; 41 UART1
-				DCD		UART2_IRQHandler			; 42 UART2
-				DCD		UART3_IRQHandler			; 43 UART3
-				DCD		I2S0_IRQHandler				; 44 I2S0
-				DCD		I2S1_IRQHandler				; 45 I2S1
-				DCD		SPIFI_IRQHandler			; 46 SPI Flash Interface
-				DCD		SGPIO_IRQHandler			; 47 SGPIO (LPC43XX ONLY)
-				DCD		GPIO0_IRQHandler			; 48 GPIO0
-				DCD		GPIO1_IRQHandler			; 49 GPIO1
-				DCD		GPIO2_IRQHandler			; 50 GPIO2
-				DCD		GPIO3_IRQHandler			; 51 GPIO3
-				DCD		GPIO4_IRQHandler			; 52 GPIO4
-				DCD		GPIO5_IRQHandler			; 53 GPIO5
-				DCD		GPIO6_IRQHandler			; 54 GPIO6
-				DCD		GPIO7_IRQHandler			; 55 GPIO7
-				DCD		GINT0_IRQHandler			; 56 GINT0
-				DCD		GINT1_IRQHandler			; 57 GINT1
-				DCD		EVRT_IRQHandler				; 58 Event Router
-				DCD		CAN1_IRQHandler				; 59 C_CAN1
- 				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 60 Reserved
-				DCD		VADC_IRQHandler 			; 61 VADC
-				DCD		ATIMER_IRQHandler			; 62 ATIMER
-				DCD		RTC_IRQHandler				; 63 RTC
- 				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 64 Reserved
-				DCD		WDT_IRQHandler				; 65 WDT
-				DCD		UnHandled_Vector			; 66 M0s
-				DCD		CAN0_IRQHandler				; 67 C_CAN0
-				DCD 	QEI_IRQHandler				; 68 QEI
-;                IF      :LNOT::DEF:NO_CRP
-;                AREA    |.ARM.__at_0x02FC|, CODE, READONLY
-;CRP_Key         DCD     0xFFFFFFFF
-;                ENDIF
-                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
-; Reset Handler
-Reset_Handler   PROC
-                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
-                IMPORT  SystemInit
-                IMPORT  __main
-                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
-                BLX     R0
-                LDR     R0, =__main
-                BX      R0
-                ENDP
-; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)                
-NMI_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler         [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler          [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler        [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SVC_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler          [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-PendSV_Handler  PROC
-                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SysTick_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-UnHandled_Vector	PROC
-                EXPORT  UnHandled_Vector          [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-Default_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT DAC_IRQHandler 	    	[WEAK]
-                EXPORT MX_CORE_IRQHandler	    [WEAK]
-				EXPORT DMA_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
-                EXPORT FLASHEEPROM_IRQHandler	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT ETH_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT SDIO_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT LCD_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT USB0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT USB1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT SCT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT RIT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT TIMER0_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT TIMER1_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT TIMER2_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT TIMER3_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT MCPWM_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT ADC0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT I2C0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT I2C1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-                EXPORT SPI_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT ADC1_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
-				EXPORT SSP0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT SSP1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT UART0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT UART1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT UART2_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT UART3_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT I2S0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT I2S1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT SPIFI_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT SGPIO_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO0_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO1_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO2_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO3_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO4_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO5_IRQHandler     	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO6_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT GPIO7_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT GINT0_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT GINT1_IRQHandler	        [WEAK]
-				EXPORT EVRT_IRQHandler		    [WEAK]
-				EXPORT CAN1_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT VADC_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT ATIMER_IRQHandler    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT RTC_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT WDT_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT CAN0_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-				EXPORT QEI_IRQHandler	    	[WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                ALIGN
-                END
--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/PinNames.h	Thu Sep 11 13:15:08 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-/* mbed Microcontroller Library
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "cmsis.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef enum {
-} PinDirection;
-#define PORT_SHIFT  5
-#define NO_GPIO     15
-// On the LPC43xx the MCU pin name and the GPIO pin name are not the same.
-// Encode SCU and GPIO offsets as a pin identifier
-#define MBED_PIN(group, num, port, pin)  ((SCU_OFF(group,num) << 16) + GPIO_OFF(port,pin))
-// Decode pin identifier into register, port and pin values
-#define MBED_GPIO_REG(MBED_PIN)  (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x2000 + ((MBED_PIN >> (PORT_SHIFT - 2)) & 0x0000003C))
-#define MBED_GPIO_PORT(MBED_PIN) ((MBED_PIN >> PORT_SHIFT) & 0x0000000F)
-#define MBED_GPIO_PIN(MBED_PIN)  (MBED_PIN & 0x0000001F)
-typedef enum {
-    // LPC43xx Pin Names
-    // All pins defined. Package determines which are available.
-    //          LBGA256  TFBGA180 TFBGA100 LQFP208  LQFP144
-    // GPIO0    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:6]   [15:0]   [15:0]
-    //                            [4:0]
-    // GPIO1    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]
-    // GPIO2    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [15:0]
-    // GPIO3    [15:0]   [15:0]   [7]      [15:0]   [15:0]
-    //                            [5:3]
-    //                            [1:0]
-    // GPIO4    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [11]
-    // GPIO5    [26:0]   [26:0]   [11:0]   [25:0]   [18]
-    //                                              [16:0]
-    // GPIO6    [30:0]   [30:28]           [30:20]
-    //                   [26:25]           [5:0]
-    // GPIO7    [25:0]   [4:0]             [25:23]
-    //                                     [21:17]
-    //          ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
-    // Total    164      117      49       131      83
-    // Groups 0x00 - 0x0F : Digital pins
-    // * Digital pins support up to 8 functions
-    //   Use func=0 for GPIO0-GPIO4, func=4 for GPIO5-GPIO7
-    // * High-drive pins default to 4 mA but can support 8, 14, 20 mA
-    P0_0  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 0, 0, 0),    // GPIO0[0]
-    P0_1  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 1, 0, 1),    // GPIO0[1]
-    P1_0  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 0, 0, 4),    // GPIO0[4]
-    P1_1  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 1, 0, 8),    // GPIO0[8]
-    P1_2  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 2, 0, 9),    // GPIO0[9]
-    P1_3  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 3, 0, 10),   // GPIO0[10]
-    P1_4  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 4, 0, 11),   // GPIO0[11]
-    P1_5  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 5, 1, 8),    // GPIO1[8]
-    P1_6  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 6, 1, 9),    // GPIO1[9]
-    P1_7  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 7, 1, 0),    // GPIO1[0]
-    P1_8  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 8, 1, 1),    // GPIO1[1]
-    P1_9  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 9, 1, 2),    // GPIO1[2]
-    P1_10 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 10, 1, 3),   // GPIO1[3]
-    P1_11 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 11, 1, 4),   // GPIO1[4]
-    P1_12 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 12, 1, 5),   // GPIO1[5]
-    P1_13 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 13, 1, 6),   // GPIO1[6]
-    P1_14 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 14, 1, 7),   // GPIO1[7]
-    P1_15 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 15, 0, 2),   // GPIO0[2]
-    P1_16 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 16, 0, 3),   // GPIO0[3]
-    P1_17 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 17, 0, 12),  // GPIO0[12] high-drive
-    P1_18 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 18, 0, 13),  // GPIO0[13]
-    P1_19 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 19, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P1_20 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 20, 0, 15),  // GPIO0[15]
-    P2_0  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 0, 5, 0),    // GPIO5[0]
-    P2_1  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 1, 5, 1),    // GPIO5[1]
-    P2_2  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 2, 5, 2),    // GPIO5[2]
-    P2_3  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 3, 5, 3),    // GPIO5[3]  high-drive
-    P2_4  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 4, 5, 4),    // GPIO5[4]  high-drive
-    P2_5  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 5, 5, 5),    // GPIO5[5]  high-drive
-    P2_6  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 6, 5, 6),    // GPIO5[6]
-    P2_7  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 7, 0, 7),    // GPIO0[7]
-    P2_8  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 8, 5, 7),    // GPIO5[7]
-    P2_9  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 9, 1, 10),   // GPIO1[10]
-    P2_10 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 10, 0, 14),  // GPIO0[14]
-    P2_11 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 11, 1, 11),  // GPIO1[11]
-    P2_12 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 12, 1, 12),  // GPIO1[12]
-    P2_13 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 13, 1, 13),  // GPIO1[13]
-    P3_0  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P3_1  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 1, 5, 8),    // GPIO5[8]
-    P3_2  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 2, 5, 9),    // GPIO5[9]
-    P3_3  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 3, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P3_4  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 4, 1, 14),   // GPIO1[14]
-    P3_5  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 5, 1, 15),   // GPIO1[15]
-    P3_6  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 6, 0, 6),    // GPIO0[6]
-    P3_7  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 7, 5, 10),   // GPIO5[10]
-    P3_8  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 8, 5, 11),   // GPIO5[11]
-    P4_0  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 0, 2, 0),    // GPIO2[0]
-    P4_1  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 1, 2, 1),    // GPIO2[1]
-    P4_2  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 2, 2, 2),    // GPIO2[2]
-    P4_3  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 3, 2, 3),    // GPIO2[3]
-    P4_4  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 4, 2, 4),    // GPIO2[4]
-    P4_5  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 5, 2, 5),    // GPIO2[5]
-    P4_6  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 6, 2, 6),    // GPIO2[6]
-    P4_7  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 7, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P4_8  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 8, 5, 12),   // GPIO5[12]
-    P4_9  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 9, 5, 13),   // GPIO5[13]
-    P4_10 = MBED_PIN(0x04, 10, 5, 14),  // GPIO5[14]
-    P5_0  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 0, 2, 9),    // GPIO2[9]
-    P5_1  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 1, 2, 10),   // GPIO2[10]
-    P5_2  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 2, 2, 11),   // GPIO2[11]
-    P5_3  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 3, 2, 12),   // GPIO2[12]
-    P5_4  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 4, 2, 13),   // GPIO2[13]
-    P5_5  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 5, 2, 14),   // GPIO2[14]
-    P5_6  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 6, 2, 15),   // GPIO2[15]
-    P5_7  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 7, 2, 7),    // GPIO2[7]
-    P6_0  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P6_1  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 1, 3, 0),    // GPIO3[0]
-    P6_2  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 2, 3, 1),    // GPIO3[1]
-    P6_3  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 3, 3, 2),    // GPIO3[2]
-    P6_4  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 4, 3, 3),    // GPIO3[3]
-    P6_5  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 5, 3, 4),    // GPIO3[4]
-    P6_6  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 6, 0, 5),    // GPIO0[5]
-    P6_7  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 7, 5, 15),   // GPIO5[15]
-    P6_8  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 8, 5, 16),   // GPIO5[16]
-    P6_9  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 9, 3, 5),    // GPIO3[5]
-    P6_10 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 10, 3, 6),   // GPIO3[6]
-    P6_11 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 11, 3, 7),   // GPIO3[7]
-    P6_12 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 12, 2, 8),   // GPIO2[8]
-    P7_0  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 0, 3, 8),    // GPIO3[8]
-    P7_1  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 1, 3, 9),    // GPIO3[9]
-    P7_2  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 2, 3, 10),   // GPIO3[10]
-    P7_3  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 3, 3, 11),   // GPIO3[11]
-    P7_4  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 4, 3, 12),   // GPIO3[12]
-    P7_5  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 5, 3, 13),   // GPIO3[13]
-    P7_6  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 6, 3, 14),   // GPIO3[14]
-    P7_7  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 7, 3, 15),   // GPIO3[15]
-    P8_0  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, 4, 0),    // GPIO4[0]  high-drive
-    P8_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 1),    // GPIO4[1]  high-drive
-    P8_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 2),    // GPIO4[2]  high-drive
-    P8_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 3),    // GPIO4[3]
-    P8_4  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 4, 4, 4),    // GPIO4[4]
-    P8_5  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 5, 4, 5),    // GPIO4[5]
-    P8_6  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 6, 4, 6),    // GPIO4[6]
-    P8_7  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 7, 4, 7),    // GPIO4[7]
-    P8_8  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    P9_0  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 12),   // GPIO4[12]
-    P9_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 13),   // GPIO4[13]
-    P9_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 14),   // GPIO4[14]
-    P9_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 3, 4, 15),   // GPIO4[15]
-    P9_4  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 4, 5, 17),   // GPIO5[17]
-    P9_5  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 5, 5, 18),   // GPIO5[18]
-    P9_6  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 6, 4, 11),   // GPIO4[11]
-    PA_0  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    PA_1  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 1, 4, 8),    // GPIO4[8]  high-drive
-    PA_2  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 2, 4, 9),    // GPIO4[9]  high-drive
-    PA_3  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 3, 4, 10),   // GPIO4[10] high-drive
-    PA_4  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 4, 5, 19),   // GPIO5[19]
-    PB_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 0, 5, 20),  // GPIO5[20]
-    PB_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 1, 5, 21),  // GPIO5[21]
-    PB_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 2, 5, 22),  // GPIO5[22]
-    PB_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 3, 5, 23),  // GPIO5[23]
-    PB_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 4, 5, 24),  // GPIO5[24]
-    PB_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 5, 5, 25),  // GPIO5[25]
-    PB_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 6, 5, 26),  // GPIO5[26]
-    PC_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    PC_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 1, 6, 0),   // GPIO6[0]
-    PC_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 2, 6, 1),   // GPIO6[1]
-    PC_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 3, 6, 2),   // GPIO6[2]
-    PC_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 4, 6, 3),   // GPIO6[3]
-    PC_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 5, 6, 4),   // GPIO6[4]
-    PC_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 6, 6, 5),   // GPIO6[5]
-    PC_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 7, 6, 6),   // GPIO6[6]
-    PC_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 8, 6, 7),   // GPIO6[7]
-    PC_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 9, 6, 8),   // GPIO6[8]
-    PC_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 10, 6, 9),  // GPIO6[9]
-    PC_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 11, 6, 10), // GPIO6[10]
-    PC_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 12, 6, 11), // GPIO6[11]
-    PC_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 13, 6, 12), // GPIO6[12]
-    PC_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 14, 6, 13), // GPIO6[13]
-    PD_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 0, 6, 14),  // GPIO6[14]
-    PD_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 1, 6, 15),  // GPIO6[15]
-    PD_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 2, 6, 16),  // GPIO6[16]
-    PD_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 3, 6, 17),  // GPIO6[17]
-    PD_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 4, 6, 18),  // GPIO6[18]
-    PD_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 5, 6, 19),  // GPIO6[19]
-    PD_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 6, 6, 20),  // GPIO6[20]
-    PD_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 7, 6, 21),  // GPIO6[21]
-    PD_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 8, 6, 22),  // GPIO6[22]
-    PD_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 9, 6, 23),  // GPIO6[23]
-    PD_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 10, 6, 24), // GPIO6[24]
-    PD_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 11, 6, 25), // GPIO6[25]
-    PD_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 12, 6, 26), // GPIO6[26]
-    PD_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 13, 6, 27), // GPIO6[27]
-    PD_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 14, 6, 28), // GPIO6[28]
-    PD_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 15, 6, 29), // GPIO6[29]
-    PD_16  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 16, 6, 30), // GPIO6[30]
-    PE_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 0, 7, 0),   // GPIO7[0]
-    PE_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 1, 7, 1),   // GPIO7[1]
-    PE_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 2, 7, 2),   // GPIO7[2]
-    PE_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 3, 7, 3),   // GPIO7[3]
-    PE_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 4, 7, 4),   // GPIO7[4]
-    PE_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 5, 7, 5),   // GPIO7[5]
-    PE_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 6, 7, 6),   // GPIO7[6]
-    PE_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 7, 7, 7),   // GPIO7[7]
-    PE_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 8, 7, 8),   // GPIO7[8]
-    PE_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 9, 7, 9),   // GPIO7[9]
-    PE_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 10, 7, 10), // GPIO7[10]
-    PE_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 11, 7, 11), // GPIO7[11]
-    PE_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 12, 7, 12), // GPIO7[12]
-    PE_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 13, 7, 13), // GPIO7[13]
-    PE_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 14, 7, 14), // GPIO7[14]
-    PE_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 15, 7, 15), // GPIO7[15]
-    PF_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    PF_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 1, 7, 16),  // GPIO7[16]
-    PF_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 2, 7, 17),  // GPIO7[17]
-    PF_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 3, 7, 18),  // GPIO7[18]
-    PF_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 4, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    PF_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 5, 7, 19),  // GPIO7[19]
-    PF_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 6, 7, 20),  // GPIO7[20]
-    PF_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 7, 7, 21),  // GPIO7[21]
-    PF_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 8, 7, 22),  // GPIO7[22]
-    PF_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 9, 7, 23),  // GPIO7[23]
-    PF_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 10, 7, 24), // GPIO7[24]
-    PF_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 11, 7, 25), // GPIO7[25]
-    // GPIO pins from MCU pins
-    GPIO0_0 = P0_0,
-    GPIO0_1 = P0_1 ,
-    GPIO0_2 = P1_15,
-    GPIO0_3 = P1_16,
-    GPIO0_4 = P1_0,
-    GPIO0_5 = P6_6,
-    GPIO0_6 = P3_6,
-    GPIO0_7 = P2_7,
-    GPIO0_8 = P1_1,
-    GPIO0_9 = P1_2,
-    GPIO0_10 = P1_3,
-    GPIO0_11 = P1_4,
-    GPIO0_12 = P1_17,
-    GPIO0_13 = P1_18,
-    GPIO0_14 = P2_10,
-    GPIO0_15 = P1_20,
-    GPIO1_0 = P1_7,
-    GPIO1_1 = P1_8,
-    GPIO1_2 = P1_9,
-    GPIO1_3 = P1_10,
-    GPIO1_4 = P1_11,
-    GPIO1_5 = P1_12,
-    GPIO1_6 = P1_13,
-    GPIO1_7 = P1_14,
-    GPIO1_8 = P1_5,
-    GPIO1_9 = P1_6,
-    GPIO1_10 = P2_9,
-    GPIO1_11 = P2_11,
-    GPIO1_12 = P2_12,
-    GPIO1_13 = P2_13,
-    GPIO1_14 = P3_4,
-    GPIO1_15 = P3_5,
-    GPIO2_0 = P4_0,
-    GPIO2_1 = P4_1,
-    GPIO2_2 = P4_2,
-    GPIO2_3 = P4_3,
-    GPIO2_4 = P4_4,
-    GPIO2_5 = P4_5,
-    GPIO2_6 = P4_6,
-    GPIO2_7 = P5_7,
-    GPIO2_8 = P6_12,
-    GPIO2_9 = P5_0,
-    GPIO2_10 = P5_1,
-    GPIO2_11 = P5_2,
-    GPIO2_12 = P5_3,
-    GPIO2_13 = P5_4,
-    GPIO2_14 = P5_5,
-    GPIO2_15 = P5_6,
-    GPIO3_0 = P6_1,
-    GPIO3_1 = P6_2,
-    GPIO3_2 = P6_3,
-    GPIO3_3 = P6_4,
-    GPIO3_4 = P6_5,
-    GPIO3_5 = P6_9,
-    GPIO3_6 = P6_10,
-    GPIO3_7 = P6_11,
-    GPIO3_8 = P7_0,
-    GPIO3_9 = P7_1,
-    GPIO3_10 = P7_2,
-    GPIO3_11 = P7_3,
-    GPIO3_12 = P7_4,
-    GPIO3_13 = P7_5,
-    GPIO3_14 = P7_6,
-    GPIO3_15 = P7_7,
-    GPIO4_0 = P8_0,
-    GPIO4_1 = P8_1,
-    GPIO4_2 = P8_2,
-    GPIO4_3 = P8_3,
-    GPIO4_4 = P8_4,
-    GPIO4_5 = P8_5,
-    GPIO4_6 = P8_6,
-    GPIO4_7 = P8_7,
-    GPIO4_8 = PA_1,
-    GPIO4_9 = PA_2,
-    GPIO4_10 = PA_3,
-    GPIO4_11 = P9_6,
-    GPIO4_12 = P9_0,
-    GPIO4_13 = P9_1,
-    GPIO4_14 = P9_2,
-    GPIO4_15 = P9_3,
-    GPIO5_0 = P2_0,
-    GPIO5_1 = P2_1,
-    GPIO5_2 = P2_2,
-    GPIO5_3 = P2_3,
-    GPIO5_4 = P2_4,
-    GPIO5_5 = P2_5,
-    GPIO5_6 = P2_6,
-    GPIO5_7 = P2_8,
-    GPIO5_8 = P3_1,
-    GPIO5_9 = P3_2,
-    GPIO5_10 = P3_7,
-    GPIO5_11 = P3_8,
-    GPIO5_12 = P4_8,
-    GPIO5_13 = P4_9,
-    GPIO5_14 = P4_10,
-    GPIO5_15 = P6_7,
-    GPIO5_16 = P6_8,
-    GPIO5_17 = P9_4,
-    GPIO5_18 = P9_5,
-    GPIO5_19 = PA_4,
-    GPIO5_20 = PB_0,
-    GPIO5_21 = PB_1,
-    GPIO5_22 = PB_2,
-    GPIO5_23 = PB_3,
-    GPIO5_24 = PB_4,
-    GPIO5_25 = PB_5,
-    GPIO5_26 = PB_6,
-    GPIO6_0 = PC_1,
-    GPIO6_1 = PC_2,
-    GPIO6_2 = PC_3,
-    GPIO6_3 = PC_4,
-    GPIO6_4 = PC_5,
-    GPIO6_5 = PC_6,
-    GPIO6_6 = PC_7,
-    GPIO6_7 = PC_8,
-    GPIO6_8 = PC_9,
-    GPIO6_9 = PC_10,
-    GPIO6_10 = PC_11,
-    GPIO6_11 = PC_12,
-    GPIO6_12 = PC_13,
-    GPIO6_13 = PC_14,
-    GPIO6_14 = PD_0,
-    GPIO6_15 = PD_1,
-    GPIO6_16 = PD_2,
-    GPIO6_17 = PD_3,
-    GPIO6_18 = PD_4,
-    GPIO6_19 = PD_5,
-    GPIO6_20 = PD_6,
-    GPIO6_21 = PD_7,
-    GPIO6_22 = PD_8,
-    GPIO6_23 = PD_9,
-    GPIO6_24 = PD_10,
-    GPIO6_25 = PD_11,
-    GPIO6_26 = PD_12,
-    GPIO6_27 = PD_13,
-    GPIO6_28 = PD_14,
-    GPIO6_29 = PD_15,
-    GPIO6_30 = PD_16,
-    GPIO7_0 = PE_0,
-    GPIO7_1 = PE_1,
-    GPIO7_2 = PE_2,
-    GPIO7_3 = PE_3,
-    GPIO7_4 = PE_4,
-    GPIO7_5 = PE_5,
-    GPIO7_6 = PE_5,
-    GPIO7_7 = PE_7,
-    GPIO7_8 = PE_8,
-    GPIO7_9 = PE_9,
-    GPIO7_10 = PE_10,
-    GPIO7_11 = PE_11,
-    GPIO7_12 = PE_12,
-    GPIO7_13 = PE_13,
-    GPIO7_14 = PE_14,
-    GPIO7_15 = PE_15,
-    GPIO7_16 = PF_1,
-    GPIO7_17 = PF_2,
-    GPIO7_18 = PF_3,
-    GPIO7_19 = PF_5,
-    GPIO7_20 = PF_6,
-    GPIO7_21 = PF_7,
-    GPIO7_22 = PF_8,
-    GPIO7_23 = PF_9,
-    GPIO7_24 = PF_10,
-    GPIO7_25 = PF_11,
-    // Map mbed pin names to LPC43xx board signals
-    // Group 0x18 : CLKn pins
-    SFP_CLK0  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 0, 0, 0),
-    SFP_CLK1  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 1, 0, 0),
-    SFP_CLK2  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 2, 0, 0),
-    SFP_CLK3  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 3, 0, 0),
-    // Group 0x19 : USB1, I2C0, ADC0, ADC1
-    SFP_USB1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 0, 0, 0),
-    SFP_I2C0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 1, 0, 0),
-    SFP_AIO0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 0), // ADC0 function select register
-    SFP_AIO1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 0, 0), // ADC1 function select register
-    SFP_AIO2  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 4, 0, 0), // Analog function select register
-    SFP_EMCD  = MBED_PIN(0x1A, 0, 0, 0), // EMC clock delay register
-    SFP_INS0  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 0, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 0 to 3
-    SFP_INS1  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 1, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 4 to 7
-    // Dedicated pin (no GPIO)
-    P_DED = MBED_PIN(0, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
-    // Not connected
-    NC = (int)0xFFFFFFFF,
-    // ---------- Micromint Bambino 200/200E/210/210E (LQFP144) ----------
-    // Base headers - J8, J9, J10 on Bambino 210/210E
-    //                n/p = not populated, n/a = not available
-    //              210E    210     200E    200
-    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
-    p15 = P7_4,  // J8-1    J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
-    p16 = P7_5,  // J8-2    J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
-    p17 = P4_1,  // J8-3    J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
-    p18 = P7_7,  // J8-4    J8-4    S4-5    S4-5
-    p19 = P4_3,  // J8-5*   J8-5*   S3-4    S3-3
-    p20 = P4_4,  // J8-6*   J8-6*   S1-5    S1-5
-    p20b = PF_8, // J8-6**  J8-6**  S3-5    S3-5
-                 // (*)  if p20 is configured as DAC, ADC is not available for p19
-                 // (**) requires JP2 mod
-    p21 = P6_5,  // J9-1    J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
-    p22 = P6_4,  // J9-2    J9-2    S2=4    S2-4
-    p23 = P1_7,  // J9-3    J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
-    p24 = P4_0,  // J9-4    J9-4    S3-7    S3-7
-    p25 = P6_9,  // J9-5    J9-5    S8-7    n/p
-    p26 = P5_5,  // J9-6    J9-6    S3-8    S3-8
-    p27 = P5_7,  // J9-7    J9-7    S3-9    S3-9
-    p28 = P7_6,  // J9-8    J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
-    p29 = P6_12, // J10-1   J10-1   S10-3   n/p
-    p30 = P5_0,  // J10-2   J10-2   S1-4    S1-4
-    p31 = P4_6,  // J10-3   J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
-    p32 = P4_8,  // J10-4   J10-4   S2-7    S2-7
-    p33 = P4_9,  // J10-5   J10-5   S2-8    S2-8
-    p34 = P4_10, // J10-6   J10-6   S2-9    S2-9
-    p37 = P2_3,  // J10-9   J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
-    p38 = P2_4,  // J10-10  J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
-    // Extended headers - J11, J12, J13, J14 on Bambino 210E
-    //              210E    210     200E    200
-    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
-    p47 = P6_3,  // J11-1   n/p     S7-5    n/p
-    p48 = P6_6,  // J11-2   n/p     S6-7    n/p
-    p49 = P6_7,  // J11-3   n/p     S6-8    n/p
-    p50 = P6_8,  // J11-4   n/p     S6-9    n/p
-    p53 = P2_2,  // J11-7   n/p     S7-7    n/p
-    p54 = P2_1,  // J11-8   n/p     S7-3    n/p
-    p55 = PF_10, // J12-1   n/p     n/a     n/a
-    p56 = PF_7,  // J12-2   n/p     n/a     n/a
-    p57 = P2_6,  // J12-3   n/p     S8-6    n/p
-    p58 = P2_8,  // J12-4   n/p     S8-3    n/p
-    p59 = P6_10, // J12-5   n/p     S7-8    n/p
-    p60 = P2_9,  // J12-6   n/p     S9-3    n/p
-    p61 = P7_3,  // J13-1   n/p     S7-9    n/p
-    p62 = P3_2,  // J13-2   n/p     S9-4    n/p
-    p63 = P7_2,  // J13-3   n/p     S4-7    S4-7
-    p64 = P3_1,  // J13-4   n/p     S9-5    n/p
-    p65 = P7_1,  // J13-5   n/p     S9-8    n/p
-    p66 = P7_0,  // J13-6   n/p     S9-9    n/p
-    p67 = P4_2,  // J13-7   n/p     S4-6    S4-6
-    p68 = P4_5,  // J13-8   n/p     S1-3    S1-3
-    p69 = P2_13, // J14-1   n/p     S9-7    n/p
-    p70 = P2_12, // J14-2   n/p     S9-6    n/p
-    p71 = P9_6,  // J14-3   n/p     S6-6    n/p
-    p72 = P9_5,  // J14-4   n/p     S7-4    n/p
-    p73 = P5_3,  // J14-5   n/p     S6-5    n/p
-    p74 = P1_8,  // J14-6   n/p     S6-4    n/p
-    p75 = P1_5,  // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
-    p76 = P1_4,  // J14-8   n/p     S10-7   n/p
-    p77 = P1_3,  // J14-9   n/p     S10-8   n/p
-    p78 = PF_4,  // J14-10  n/p     S10-9   n/p
-    // J16 - PMOD-SSP header (not populated, field installable)
-    p80 = P1_0,  // J16-1   J16-1   S1-6    S1-6
-    p81 = P1_2,  // J16-2   J16-2   S1-7    S1-7
-    p82 = P1_1,  // J16-3   J16-3   S1-8    S1-8
-    p83 = P3_0,  // J16-4   J16-4   S1-9    S1-9
-    // Arduino pins - J8, J9, J10
-    //              210E    210     200E    200
-    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
-    D0  = p21,  // J9-1     J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
-    D1  = p22,  // J9-2     J9-2    S2-4    S2-4
-    D2  = p23,  // J9-3     J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
-    D3  = p24,  // J9-4     J9-4    S3-7    S3-7
-    D4  = p25,  // J9-5     J9-5    S8-7    n/p
-    D5  = p26,  // J9-6     J9-6    S3-8    S3-8
-    D6  = p27,  // J9-7     J9-7    S3-9    S3-9
-    D7  = p28,  // J9-8     J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
-    D8  = p29,  // J10-1    J10-1   S10-1   n/p
-    D9  = p30,  // J10-2    J10-2   S1-4    S1-4
-    D10 = p31,  // J10-3    J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
-    D11 = p32,  // J10-4    J10-4   S2-7    S2-7
-    D12 = p33,  // J10-5    J10-5   S2-8    S2-8
-    D13 = p34,  // J10-6    J10-6   S2-9    S2-9
-    D16 = p37,  // J10-9    J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
-    D17 = p38,  // J10-10   J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
-    A0  = p15,  // J8-1     J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
-    A1  = p16,  // J8-2     J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
-    A2  = p17,  // J8-3     J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
-    A3  = p18,  // J8-4     J8-4    S3-4    S3-4
-    A4  = p19,  // J8-5*    J8-5*   S3-3    S3-3
-    A5  = p20,  // J8-6*    J8-6*   S1-5    S1-5
-    A5b = p20b, // J8-6**   J8-6**  S3-5    S3-5
-                // (*)  if A5 is configured as DAC, ADC is not available for A4
-                // (**) requires JP2 mod
-    // Extended Arduino pins - J11, J12, J13, J14
-    //             210E     210     200E    200
-    //             ----     ----    ----    ----
-    D20 = p61,  // J13-1    n/p     S7-9    n/p
-    D21 = p62,  // J13-2    n/p     S9-4    n/p
-    D22 = p63,  // J13-3    n/p     S4-7    S4-7
-    D23 = p64,  // J13-4    n/p     S9-5    n/p
-    D24 = p65,  // J13-5    n/p     S9-8    n/p
-    D25 = p66,  // J13-6    n/p     S9-9    n/p
-    D26 = p67,  // J13-7    n/p     S3-7    S3-7
-    D27 = p68,  // J13-8    n/p     S1-3    S1-3
-    D30 = p69,  // J14-1    n/p     S9-7    n/p
-    D31 = p70,  // J14-2    n/p     S9-6    n/p
-    D32 = p71,  // J14-3    n/p     S6-6    n/p
-    D33 = p72,  // J14-4    n/p     S7-4    n/p
-    D34 = p73,  // J14-5    n/p     S6-5    n/p
-    D35 = p74,  // J14-6    n/p     S6-4    n/p
-    D36 = p75,  // J14-7    n/p     S10-6   n/p
-    D37 = p76,  // J14-8    n/p     S10-7   n/p
-    D38 = p77,  // J14-9    n/p     S10-8   n/p
-    D39 = p78,  // J14-10   n/p     S10-9   n/p
-    D40 = p47,  // J11-1    n/p     S7-5    n/p
-    D41 = p48,  // J11-2    n/p     S6-7    n/p
-    D42 = p49,  // J11-3    n/p     S6-8    n/p
-    D43 = p50,  // J11-4    n/p     S6-9    n/p
-    D46 = p53,  // J11-7    n/p     S7-7    n/p
-    D47 = p54,  // J11-8    n/p     S7-3    n/p
-    D52 = p57,  // J12-3    n/p     S8-6    n/p
-    D53 = p58,  // J12-4    n/p     S8-3    n/p
-    D54 = p59,  // J12-5    n/p     S7-8    n/p
-    D55 = p60,  // J12-6    n/p     S9-3    n/p
-    A6  = p55,  // J12-1    n/p     n/a     n/a
-    A7  = p56,  // J12-2    n/p     n/a     n/a
-    // User interfaces: LEDs, buttons
-    //                   210E    210     200E    200
-    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
-    LED1 = P6_11,     // 210/210E/200e/200
-    LED2 = P2_5,      // 210/210E/200e/200
-    LED3 = P6_1,      // 210/210E only   S6-3    n/p
-    LED4 = P6_2,      // 210/210E only   S7-6    n/p
-    LED_GREEN = LED2,
-    LED_RED = LED3,
-    LED_BLUE = LED4,
-    BTN1 = P2_7,
-    // Serial pins - UART, SPI, I2C
-    //                   210E    210     200E    200
-    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
-    UART0_TX = P6_4,  // J9-2    J9-2    S2-4    S2-4
-    UART0_RX = P6_5,  // J9-1    J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
-    UART1_TX = P5_6,  // XBEE    n/p     S5-4/XBEE S5-4
-    UART1_RX = P1_14, // XBEE    n/p     S5-5/XBEE S5-5
-    UART2_TX = P2_10, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-4   n/p
-    UART2_RX = P2_11, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-5   n/p
-    UART3_TX = P2_3,  // J10-9   n/p     S4-8    S4-8
-    UART3_RX = P2_4,  // J10-10  n/p     S4-9    S4-9
-    COM1_TX = UART0_TX,
-    COM1_RX = UART0_RX,
-    COM2_TX = UART1_TX,
-    COM2_RX = UART1_RX,
-    COM3_TX = UART2_TX,
-    COM3_RX = UART2_RX,
-    COM4_TX = UART3_TX,
-    COM4_RX = UART3_RX,
-    //                   210E    210     200E    200
-    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
-    SPI0_SCK  = P3_0, // J16-4   n/p     S1-9    S1-9
-    SPI0_MISO = P1_1, // J16-3   n/p     S1-8    S1-8
-    SPI0_MOSI = P1_2, // J16-2   n/p     S1-7    S1-7
-    SPI0_SSEL = P1_0, // J16-1   n/p     S1-6    S1-6
-    SPI1_SCK  = PF_4, // J14-10  n/p     S10-9   n/p
-    SPI1_MISO = P1_3, // J14-9   n/p     S10-8   n/p
-    SPI1_MOSI = P1_4, // J14-8   n/p     S10-7   n/p
-    SPI1_SSEL = P1_5, // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
-    I2C0_SDA = P_DED, // J15-3   J15-3   S8-8    n/p
-    I2C0_SCL = P_DED, // J15-1   J15-1   S8-9    n/p
-    I2C1_SDA = P2_3,  // J10-9   J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
-    I2C1_SCL = P2_4,  // J10-10  J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
-    // Analog pins
-    ADC0 = P7_4,      // J8-1     J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
-    ADC1 = P7_5,      // J8-2     J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
-    ADC2 = P4_1,      // J8-3     J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
-    ADC3 = P7_7,      // J8-4     J8-4    S3-4    S3-4
-    ADC4 = P4_3,      // J8-5*    J8-5*   S3-3    S3-3
-    ADC5 = PF_8,      // J8-6**   J8-6**  S1-5    S1-5
-    ADC6 = PF_10,     // J12-1    n/p     n/a     n/a
-    ADC7 = PF_7,      // J12-2    n/p     n/a     n/a
-    DAC0 = P4_4,      // J8-6*    J8-6*   S3-5    S3-5
-                      // (*)  if DAC0 is configured, ADC4 is not available
-                      // (**) ADC5 requires JP2 mod
-    // USB pins
-    //                   210E    210     200E    200
-    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
-    USBTX = UART2_TX, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-4   n/p
-    USBRX = UART2_RX, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-5   n/p
-    // PWM pins
-    //                   210E    210     200E    200
-    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
-    PWM1 = P1_7,      // J9-3    J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
-    PWM2 = P7_6,      // J9-8    J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
-    PWM3 = P6_12,     // J10-1   J10-1   S10-3   n/p
-    PWM4 = P4_6,      // J10-3   J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
-    PWM5 = P7_5,      // J8-2    J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
-    PWM6 = P4_1,      // J8-3    J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
-    PWM7 = P7_7,      // J8-4    J8-4    S4-5    S4-5
-    PWM8 = P2_8,      // J12-4   n/p     S8-3    n/p
-    PWM9 = P2_9,      // J12-6   n/p     S9-3    n/p
-    PWM10 = P7_1,     // J13-5   n/p     S9-8    n/p
-    PWM11 = P7_0,     // J13-6   n/p     S9-9    n/p
-    PWM12 = P1_5,     // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
-    // ---------- End of Micromint Bambino ----------
-} PinName;
-typedef enum {
-    PullUp = 0,
-    PullDown = 3,
-    PullNone = 2,
-    Repeater = 1,
-    OpenDrain = 4,
-    PullDefault = PullDown
-} PinMode;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4330/PinNames.h	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "cmsis.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+} PinDirection;
+#define PORT_SHIFT  5
+#define NO_GPIO     15
+// On the LPC43xx the MCU pin name and the GPIO pin name are not the same.
+// Encode SCU and GPIO offsets as a pin identifier
+#define MBED_PIN(group, num, port, pin)  ((SCU_OFF(group,num) << 16) + GPIO_OFF(port,pin))
+// Decode pin identifier into register, port and pin values
+#define MBED_GPIO_REG(MBED_PIN)  (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x2000 + ((MBED_PIN >> (PORT_SHIFT - 2)) & 0x0000003C))
+#define MBED_GPIO_PORT(MBED_PIN) ((MBED_PIN >> PORT_SHIFT) & 0x0000000F)
+#define MBED_GPIO_PIN(MBED_PIN)  (MBED_PIN & 0x0000001F)
+typedef enum {
+    // LPC43xx Pin Names
+    // All pins defined. Package determines which are available.
+    //          LBGA256  TFBGA180 TFBGA100 LQFP208  LQFP144
+    // GPIO0    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:6]   [15:0]   [15:0]
+    //                            [4:0]
+    // GPIO1    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]
+    // GPIO2    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [15:0]
+    // GPIO3    [15:0]   [15:0]   [7]      [15:0]   [15:0]
+    //                            [5:3]
+    //                            [1:0]
+    // GPIO4    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [11]
+    // GPIO5    [26:0]   [26:0]   [11:0]   [25:0]   [18]
+    //                                              [16:0]
+    // GPIO6    [30:0]   [30:28]           [30:20]
+    //                   [26:25]           [5:0]
+    // GPIO7    [25:0]   [4:0]             [25:23]
+    //                                     [21:17]
+    //          ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
+    // Total    164      117      49       131      83
+    // Groups 0x00 - 0x0F : Digital pins
+    // * Digital pins support up to 8 functions
+    //   Use func=0 for GPIO0-GPIO4, func=4 for GPIO5-GPIO7
+    // * High-drive pins default to 4 mA but can support 8, 14, 20 mA
+    P0_0  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 0, 0, 0),    // GPIO0[0]
+    P0_1  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 1, 0, 1),    // GPIO0[1]
+    P1_0  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 0, 0, 4),    // GPIO0[4]
+    P1_1  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 1, 0, 8),    // GPIO0[8]
+    P1_2  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 2, 0, 9),    // GPIO0[9]
+    P1_3  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 3, 0, 10),   // GPIO0[10]
+    P1_4  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 4, 0, 11),   // GPIO0[11]
+    P1_5  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 5, 1, 8),    // GPIO1[8]
+    P1_6  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 6, 1, 9),    // GPIO1[9]
+    P1_7  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 7, 1, 0),    // GPIO1[0]
+    P1_8  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 8, 1, 1),    // GPIO1[1]
+    P1_9  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 9, 1, 2),    // GPIO1[2]
+    P1_10 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 10, 1, 3),   // GPIO1[3]
+    P1_11 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 11, 1, 4),   // GPIO1[4]
+    P1_12 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 12, 1, 5),   // GPIO1[5]
+    P1_13 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 13, 1, 6),   // GPIO1[6]
+    P1_14 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 14, 1, 7),   // GPIO1[7]
+    P1_15 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 15, 0, 2),   // GPIO0[2]
+    P1_16 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 16, 0, 3),   // GPIO0[3]
+    P1_17 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 17, 0, 12),  // GPIO0[12] high-drive
+    P1_18 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 18, 0, 13),  // GPIO0[13]
+    P1_19 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 19, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P1_20 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 20, 0, 15),  // GPIO0[15]
+    P2_0  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 0, 5, 0),    // GPIO5[0]
+    P2_1  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 1, 5, 1),    // GPIO5[1]
+    P2_2  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 2, 5, 2),    // GPIO5[2]
+    P2_3  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 3, 5, 3),    // GPIO5[3]  high-drive
+    P2_4  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 4, 5, 4),    // GPIO5[4]  high-drive
+    P2_5  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 5, 5, 5),    // GPIO5[5]  high-drive
+    P2_6  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 6, 5, 6),    // GPIO5[6]
+    P2_7  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 7, 0, 7),    // GPIO0[7]
+    P2_8  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 8, 5, 7),    // GPIO5[7]
+    P2_9  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 9, 1, 10),   // GPIO1[10]
+    P2_10 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 10, 0, 14),  // GPIO0[14]
+    P2_11 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 11, 1, 11),  // GPIO1[11]
+    P2_12 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 12, 1, 12),  // GPIO1[12]
+    P2_13 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 13, 1, 13),  // GPIO1[13]
+    P3_0  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P3_1  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 1, 5, 8),    // GPIO5[8]
+    P3_2  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 2, 5, 9),    // GPIO5[9]
+    P3_3  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 3, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P3_4  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 4, 1, 14),   // GPIO1[14]
+    P3_5  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 5, 1, 15),   // GPIO1[15]
+    P3_6  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 6, 0, 6),    // GPIO0[6]
+    P3_7  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 7, 5, 10),   // GPIO5[10]
+    P3_8  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 8, 5, 11),   // GPIO5[11]
+    P4_0  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 0, 2, 0),    // GPIO2[0]
+    P4_1  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 1, 2, 1),    // GPIO2[1]
+    P4_2  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 2, 2, 2),    // GPIO2[2]
+    P4_3  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 3, 2, 3),    // GPIO2[3]
+    P4_4  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 4, 2, 4),    // GPIO2[4]
+    P4_5  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 5, 2, 5),    // GPIO2[5]
+    P4_6  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 6, 2, 6),    // GPIO2[6]
+    P4_7  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 7, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P4_8  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 8, 5, 12),   // GPIO5[12]
+    P4_9  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 9, 5, 13),   // GPIO5[13]
+    P4_10 = MBED_PIN(0x04, 10, 5, 14),  // GPIO5[14]
+    P5_0  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 0, 2, 9),    // GPIO2[9]
+    P5_1  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 1, 2, 10),   // GPIO2[10]
+    P5_2  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 2, 2, 11),   // GPIO2[11]
+    P5_3  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 3, 2, 12),   // GPIO2[12]
+    P5_4  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 4, 2, 13),   // GPIO2[13]
+    P5_5  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 5, 2, 14),   // GPIO2[14]
+    P5_6  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 6, 2, 15),   // GPIO2[15]
+    P5_7  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 7, 2, 7),    // GPIO2[7]
+    P6_0  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P6_1  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 1, 3, 0),    // GPIO3[0]
+    P6_2  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 2, 3, 1),    // GPIO3[1]
+    P6_3  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 3, 3, 2),    // GPIO3[2]
+    P6_4  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 4, 3, 3),    // GPIO3[3]
+    P6_5  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 5, 3, 4),    // GPIO3[4]
+    P6_6  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 6, 0, 5),    // GPIO0[5]
+    P6_7  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 7, 5, 15),   // GPIO5[15]
+    P6_8  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 8, 5, 16),   // GPIO5[16]
+    P6_9  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 9, 3, 5),    // GPIO3[5]
+    P6_10 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 10, 3, 6),   // GPIO3[6]
+    P6_11 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 11, 3, 7),   // GPIO3[7]
+    P6_12 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 12, 2, 8),   // GPIO2[8]
+    P7_0  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 0, 3, 8),    // GPIO3[8]
+    P7_1  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 1, 3, 9),    // GPIO3[9]
+    P7_2  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 2, 3, 10),   // GPIO3[10]
+    P7_3  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 3, 3, 11),   // GPIO3[11]
+    P7_4  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 4, 3, 12),   // GPIO3[12]
+    P7_5  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 5, 3, 13),   // GPIO3[13]
+    P7_6  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 6, 3, 14),   // GPIO3[14]
+    P7_7  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 7, 3, 15),   // GPIO3[15]
+    P8_0  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, 4, 0),    // GPIO4[0]  high-drive
+    P8_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 1),    // GPIO4[1]  high-drive
+    P8_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 2),    // GPIO4[2]  high-drive
+    P8_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 3),    // GPIO4[3]
+    P8_4  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 4, 4, 4),    // GPIO4[4]
+    P8_5  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 5, 4, 5),    // GPIO4[5]
+    P8_6  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 6, 4, 6),    // GPIO4[6]
+    P8_7  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 7, 4, 7),    // GPIO4[7]
+    P8_8  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P9_0  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 12),   // GPIO4[12]
+    P9_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 13),   // GPIO4[13]
+    P9_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 14),   // GPIO4[14]
+    P9_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 3, 4, 15),   // GPIO4[15]
+    P9_4  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 4, 5, 17),   // GPIO5[17]
+    P9_5  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 5, 5, 18),   // GPIO5[18]
+    P9_6  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 6, 4, 11),   // GPIO4[11]
+    PA_0  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PA_1  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 1, 4, 8),    // GPIO4[8]  high-drive
+    PA_2  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 2, 4, 9),    // GPIO4[9]  high-drive
+    PA_3  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 3, 4, 10),   // GPIO4[10] high-drive
+    PA_4  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 4, 5, 19),   // GPIO5[19]
+    PB_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 0, 5, 20),  // GPIO5[20]
+    PB_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 1, 5, 21),  // GPIO5[21]
+    PB_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 2, 5, 22),  // GPIO5[22]
+    PB_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 3, 5, 23),  // GPIO5[23]
+    PB_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 4, 5, 24),  // GPIO5[24]
+    PB_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 5, 5, 25),  // GPIO5[25]
+    PB_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 6, 5, 26),  // GPIO5[26]
+    PC_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PC_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 1, 6, 0),   // GPIO6[0]
+    PC_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 2, 6, 1),   // GPIO6[1]
+    PC_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 3, 6, 2),   // GPIO6[2]
+    PC_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 4, 6, 3),   // GPIO6[3]
+    PC_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 5, 6, 4),   // GPIO6[4]
+    PC_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 6, 6, 5),   // GPIO6[5]
+    PC_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 7, 6, 6),   // GPIO6[6]
+    PC_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 8, 6, 7),   // GPIO6[7]
+    PC_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 9, 6, 8),   // GPIO6[8]
+    PC_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 10, 6, 9),  // GPIO6[9]
+    PC_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 11, 6, 10), // GPIO6[10]
+    PC_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 12, 6, 11), // GPIO6[11]
+    PC_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 13, 6, 12), // GPIO6[12]
+    PC_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 14, 6, 13), // GPIO6[13]
+    PD_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 0, 6, 14),  // GPIO6[14]
+    PD_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 1, 6, 15),  // GPIO6[15]
+    PD_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 2, 6, 16),  // GPIO6[16]
+    PD_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 3, 6, 17),  // GPIO6[17]
+    PD_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 4, 6, 18),  // GPIO6[18]
+    PD_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 5, 6, 19),  // GPIO6[19]
+    PD_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 6, 6, 20),  // GPIO6[20]
+    PD_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 7, 6, 21),  // GPIO6[21]
+    PD_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 8, 6, 22),  // GPIO6[22]
+    PD_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 9, 6, 23),  // GPIO6[23]
+    PD_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 10, 6, 24), // GPIO6[24]
+    PD_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 11, 6, 25), // GPIO6[25]
+    PD_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 12, 6, 26), // GPIO6[26]
+    PD_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 13, 6, 27), // GPIO6[27]
+    PD_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 14, 6, 28), // GPIO6[28]
+    PD_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 15, 6, 29), // GPIO6[29]
+    PD_16  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 16, 6, 30), // GPIO6[30]
+    PE_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 0, 7, 0),   // GPIO7[0]
+    PE_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 1, 7, 1),   // GPIO7[1]
+    PE_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 2, 7, 2),   // GPIO7[2]
+    PE_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 3, 7, 3),   // GPIO7[3]
+    PE_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 4, 7, 4),   // GPIO7[4]
+    PE_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 5, 7, 5),   // GPIO7[5]
+    PE_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 6, 7, 6),   // GPIO7[6]
+    PE_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 7, 7, 7),   // GPIO7[7]
+    PE_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 8, 7, 8),   // GPIO7[8]
+    PE_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 9, 7, 9),   // GPIO7[9]
+    PE_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 10, 7, 10), // GPIO7[10]
+    PE_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 11, 7, 11), // GPIO7[11]
+    PE_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 12, 7, 12), // GPIO7[12]
+    PE_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 13, 7, 13), // GPIO7[13]
+    PE_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 14, 7, 14), // GPIO7[14]
+    PE_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 15, 7, 15), // GPIO7[15]
+    PF_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PF_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 1, 7, 16),  // GPIO7[16]
+    PF_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 2, 7, 17),  // GPIO7[17]
+    PF_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 3, 7, 18),  // GPIO7[18]
+    PF_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 4, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PF_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 5, 7, 19),  // GPIO7[19]
+    PF_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 6, 7, 20),  // GPIO7[20]
+    PF_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 7, 7, 21),  // GPIO7[21]
+    PF_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 8, 7, 22),  // GPIO7[22]
+    PF_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 9, 7, 23),  // GPIO7[23]
+    PF_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 10, 7, 24), // GPIO7[24]
+    PF_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 11, 7, 25), // GPIO7[25]
+    // GPIO pins from MCU pins
+    GPIO0_0 = P0_0,
+    GPIO0_1 = P0_1 ,
+    GPIO0_2 = P1_15,
+    GPIO0_3 = P1_16,
+    GPIO0_4 = P1_0,
+    GPIO0_5 = P6_6,
+    GPIO0_6 = P3_6,
+    GPIO0_7 = P2_7,
+    GPIO0_8 = P1_1,
+    GPIO0_9 = P1_2,
+    GPIO0_10 = P1_3,
+    GPIO0_11 = P1_4,
+    GPIO0_12 = P1_17,
+    GPIO0_13 = P1_18,
+    GPIO0_14 = P2_10,
+    GPIO0_15 = P1_20,
+    GPIO1_0 = P1_7,
+    GPIO1_1 = P1_8,
+    GPIO1_2 = P1_9,
+    GPIO1_3 = P1_10,
+    GPIO1_4 = P1_11,
+    GPIO1_5 = P1_12,
+    GPIO1_6 = P1_13,
+    GPIO1_7 = P1_14,
+    GPIO1_8 = P1_5,
+    GPIO1_9 = P1_6,
+    GPIO1_10 = P2_9,
+    GPIO1_11 = P2_11,
+    GPIO1_12 = P2_12,
+    GPIO1_13 = P2_13,
+    GPIO1_14 = P3_4,
+    GPIO1_15 = P3_5,
+    GPIO2_0 = P4_0,
+    GPIO2_1 = P4_1,
+    GPIO2_2 = P4_2,
+    GPIO2_3 = P4_3,
+    GPIO2_4 = P4_4,
+    GPIO2_5 = P4_5,
+    GPIO2_6 = P4_6,
+    GPIO2_7 = P5_7,
+    GPIO2_8 = P6_12,
+    GPIO2_9 = P5_0,
+    GPIO2_10 = P5_1,
+    GPIO2_11 = P5_2,
+    GPIO2_12 = P5_3,
+    GPIO2_13 = P5_4,
+    GPIO2_14 = P5_5,
+    GPIO2_15 = P5_6,
+    GPIO3_0 = P6_1,
+    GPIO3_1 = P6_2,
+    GPIO3_2 = P6_3,
+    GPIO3_3 = P6_4,
+    GPIO3_4 = P6_5,
+    GPIO3_5 = P6_9,
+    GPIO3_6 = P6_10,
+    GPIO3_7 = P6_11,
+    GPIO3_8 = P7_0,
+    GPIO3_9 = P7_1,
+    GPIO3_10 = P7_2,
+    GPIO3_11 = P7_3,
+    GPIO3_12 = P7_4,
+    GPIO3_13 = P7_5,
+    GPIO3_14 = P7_6,
+    GPIO3_15 = P7_7,
+    GPIO4_0 = P8_0,
+    GPIO4_1 = P8_1,
+    GPIO4_2 = P8_2,
+    GPIO4_3 = P8_3,
+    GPIO4_4 = P8_4,
+    GPIO4_5 = P8_5,
+    GPIO4_6 = P8_6,
+    GPIO4_7 = P8_7,
+    GPIO4_8 = PA_1,
+    GPIO4_9 = PA_2,
+    GPIO4_10 = PA_3,
+    GPIO4_11 = P9_6,
+    GPIO4_12 = P9_0,
+    GPIO4_13 = P9_1,
+    GPIO4_14 = P9_2,
+    GPIO4_15 = P9_3,
+    GPIO5_0 = P2_0,
+    GPIO5_1 = P2_1,
+    GPIO5_2 = P2_2,
+    GPIO5_3 = P2_3,
+    GPIO5_4 = P2_4,
+    GPIO5_5 = P2_5,
+    GPIO5_6 = P2_6,
+    GPIO5_7 = P2_8,
+    GPIO5_8 = P3_1,
+    GPIO5_9 = P3_2,
+    GPIO5_10 = P3_7,
+    GPIO5_11 = P3_8,
+    GPIO5_12 = P4_8,
+    GPIO5_13 = P4_9,
+    GPIO5_14 = P4_10,
+    GPIO5_15 = P6_7,
+    GPIO5_16 = P6_8,
+    GPIO5_17 = P9_4,
+    GPIO5_18 = P9_5,
+    GPIO5_19 = PA_4,
+    GPIO5_20 = PB_0,
+    GPIO5_21 = PB_1,
+    GPIO5_22 = PB_2,
+    GPIO5_23 = PB_3,
+    GPIO5_24 = PB_4,
+    GPIO5_25 = PB_5,
+    GPIO5_26 = PB_6,
+    GPIO6_0 = PC_1,
+    GPIO6_1 = PC_2,
+    GPIO6_2 = PC_3,
+    GPIO6_3 = PC_4,
+    GPIO6_4 = PC_5,
+    GPIO6_5 = PC_6,
+    GPIO6_6 = PC_7,
+    GPIO6_7 = PC_8,
+    GPIO6_8 = PC_9,
+    GPIO6_9 = PC_10,
+    GPIO6_10 = PC_11,
+    GPIO6_11 = PC_12,
+    GPIO6_12 = PC_13,
+    GPIO6_13 = PC_14,
+    GPIO6_14 = PD_0,
+    GPIO6_15 = PD_1,
+    GPIO6_16 = PD_2,
+    GPIO6_17 = PD_3,
+    GPIO6_18 = PD_4,
+    GPIO6_19 = PD_5,
+    GPIO6_20 = PD_6,
+    GPIO6_21 = PD_7,
+    GPIO6_22 = PD_8,
+    GPIO6_23 = PD_9,
+    GPIO6_24 = PD_10,
+    GPIO6_25 = PD_11,
+    GPIO6_26 = PD_12,
+    GPIO6_27 = PD_13,
+    GPIO6_28 = PD_14,
+    GPIO6_29 = PD_15,
+    GPIO6_30 = PD_16,
+    GPIO7_0 = PE_0,
+    GPIO7_1 = PE_1,
+    GPIO7_2 = PE_2,
+    GPIO7_3 = PE_3,
+    GPIO7_4 = PE_4,
+    GPIO7_5 = PE_5,
+    GPIO7_6 = PE_5,
+    GPIO7_7 = PE_7,
+    GPIO7_8 = PE_8,
+    GPIO7_9 = PE_9,
+    GPIO7_10 = PE_10,
+    GPIO7_11 = PE_11,
+    GPIO7_12 = PE_12,
+    GPIO7_13 = PE_13,
+    GPIO7_14 = PE_14,
+    GPIO7_15 = PE_15,
+    GPIO7_16 = PF_1,
+    GPIO7_17 = PF_2,
+    GPIO7_18 = PF_3,
+    GPIO7_19 = PF_5,
+    GPIO7_20 = PF_6,
+    GPIO7_21 = PF_7,
+    GPIO7_22 = PF_8,
+    GPIO7_23 = PF_9,
+    GPIO7_24 = PF_10,
+    GPIO7_25 = PF_11,
+    // Map mbed pin names to LPC43xx board signals
+    // Group 0x18 : CLKn pins
+    SFP_CLK0  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 0, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK1  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 1, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK2  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 2, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK3  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 3, 0, 0),
+    // Group 0x19 : USB1, I2C0, ADC0, ADC1
+    SFP_USB1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 0, 0, 0),
+    SFP_I2C0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 1, 0, 0),
+    SFP_AIO0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 0), // ADC0 function select register
+    SFP_AIO1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 0, 0), // ADC1 function select register
+    SFP_AIO2  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 4, 0, 0), // Analog function select register
+    SFP_EMCD  = MBED_PIN(0x1A, 0, 0, 0), // EMC clock delay register
+    SFP_INS0  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 0, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 0 to 3
+    SFP_INS1  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 1, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 4 to 7
+    // Dedicated pin (no GPIO)
+    P_DED = MBED_PIN(0, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    // Not connected
+    NC = (int)0xFFFFFFFF,
+    // ---------- Micromint Bambino 200/200E/210/210E (LQFP144) ----------
+    // Base headers - J8, J9, J10 on Bambino 210/210E
+    //                n/p = not populated, n/a = not available
+    //              210E    210     200E    200
+    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
+    p15 = P7_4,  // J8-1    J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
+    p16 = P7_5,  // J8-2    J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
+    p17 = P4_1,  // J8-3    J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
+    p18 = P7_7,  // J8-4    J8-4    S4-5    S4-5
+    p19 = P4_3,  // J8-5*   J8-5*   S3-4    S3-3
+    p20 = P4_4,  // J8-6*   J8-6*   S1-5    S1-5
+    p20b = PF_8, // J8-6**  J8-6**  S3-5    S3-5
+                 // (*)  if p20 is configured as DAC, ADC is not available for p19
+                 // (**) requires JP2 mod
+    p21 = P6_5,  // J9-1    J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
+    p22 = P6_4,  // J9-2    J9-2    S2=4    S2-4
+    p23 = P1_7,  // J9-3    J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
+    p24 = P4_0,  // J9-4    J9-4    S3-7    S3-7
+    p25 = P6_9,  // J9-5    J9-5    S8-7    n/p
+    p26 = P5_5,  // J9-6    J9-6    S3-8    S3-8
+    p27 = P5_7,  // J9-7    J9-7    S3-9    S3-9
+    p28 = P7_6,  // J9-8    J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
+    p29 = P6_12, // J10-1   J10-1   S10-3   n/p
+    p30 = P5_0,  // J10-2   J10-2   S1-4    S1-4
+    p31 = P4_6,  // J10-3   J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
+    p32 = P4_8,  // J10-4   J10-4   S2-7    S2-7
+    p33 = P4_9,  // J10-5   J10-5   S2-8    S2-8
+    p34 = P4_10, // J10-6   J10-6   S2-9    S2-9
+    p37 = P2_3,  // J10-9   J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
+    p38 = P2_4,  // J10-10  J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
+    // Extended headers - J11, J12, J13, J14 on Bambino 210E
+    //              210E    210     200E    200
+    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
+    p47 = P6_3,  // J11-1   n/p     S7-5    n/p
+    p48 = P6_6,  // J11-2   n/p     S6-7    n/p
+    p49 = P6_7,  // J11-3   n/p     S6-8    n/p
+    p50 = P6_8,  // J11-4   n/p     S6-9    n/p
+    p53 = P2_2,  // J11-7   n/p     S7-7    n/p
+    p54 = P2_1,  // J11-8   n/p     S7-3    n/p
+    p55 = PF_10, // J12-1   n/p     n/a     n/a
+    p56 = PF_7,  // J12-2   n/p     n/a     n/a
+    p57 = P2_6,  // J12-3   n/p     S8-6    n/p
+    p58 = P2_8,  // J12-4   n/p     S8-3    n/p
+    p59 = P6_10, // J12-5   n/p     S7-8    n/p
+    p60 = P2_9,  // J12-6   n/p     S9-3    n/p
+    p61 = P7_3,  // J13-1   n/p     S7-9    n/p
+    p62 = P3_2,  // J13-2   n/p     S9-4    n/p
+    p63 = P7_2,  // J13-3   n/p     S4-7    S4-7
+    p64 = P3_1,  // J13-4   n/p     S9-5    n/p
+    p65 = P7_1,  // J13-5   n/p     S9-8    n/p
+    p66 = P7_0,  // J13-6   n/p     S9-9    n/p
+    p67 = P4_2,  // J13-7   n/p     S4-6    S4-6
+    p68 = P4_5,  // J13-8   n/p     S1-3    S1-3
+    p69 = P2_13, // J14-1   n/p     S9-7    n/p
+    p70 = P2_12, // J14-2   n/p     S9-6    n/p
+    p71 = P9_6,  // J14-3   n/p     S6-6    n/p
+    p72 = P9_5,  // J14-4   n/p     S7-4    n/p
+    p73 = P5_3,  // J14-5   n/p     S6-5    n/p
+    p74 = P1_8,  // J14-6   n/p     S6-4    n/p
+    p75 = P1_5,  // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
+    p76 = P1_4,  // J14-8   n/p     S10-7   n/p
+    p77 = P1_3,  // J14-9   n/p     S10-8   n/p
+    p78 = PF_4,  // J14-10  n/p     S10-9   n/p
+    // J16 - PMOD-SSP header (not populated, field installable)
+    p80 = P1_0,  // J16-1   J16-1   S1-6    S1-6
+    p81 = P1_2,  // J16-2   J16-2   S1-7    S1-7
+    p82 = P1_1,  // J16-3   J16-3   S1-8    S1-8
+    p83 = P3_0,  // J16-4   J16-4   S1-9    S1-9
+    // Arduino pins - J8, J9, J10
+    //              210E    210     200E    200
+    //              ----    ----    ----    ----
+    D0  = p21,  // J9-1     J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
+    D1  = p22,  // J9-2     J9-2    S2-4    S2-4
+    D2  = p23,  // J9-3     J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
+    D3  = p24,  // J9-4     J9-4    S3-7    S3-7
+    D4  = p25,  // J9-5     J9-5    S8-7    n/p
+    D5  = p26,  // J9-6     J9-6    S3-8    S3-8
+    D6  = p27,  // J9-7     J9-7    S3-9    S3-9
+    D7  = p28,  // J9-8     J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
+    D8  = p29,  // J10-1    J10-1   S10-1   n/p
+    D9  = p30,  // J10-2    J10-2   S1-4    S1-4
+    D10 = p31,  // J10-3    J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
+    D11 = p32,  // J10-4    J10-4   S2-7    S2-7
+    D12 = p33,  // J10-5    J10-5   S2-8    S2-8
+    D13 = p34,  // J10-6    J10-6   S2-9    S2-9
+    D16 = p37,  // J10-9    J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
+    D17 = p38,  // J10-10   J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
+    A0  = p15,  // J8-1     J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
+    A1  = p16,  // J8-2     J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
+    A2  = p17,  // J8-3     J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
+    A3  = p18,  // J8-4     J8-4    S3-4    S3-4
+    A4  = p19,  // J8-5*    J8-5*   S3-3    S3-3
+    A5  = p20,  // J8-6*    J8-6*   S1-5    S1-5
+    A5b = p20b, // J8-6**   J8-6**  S3-5    S3-5
+                // (*)  if A5 is configured as DAC, ADC is not available for A4
+                // (**) requires JP2 mod
+    // Extended Arduino pins - J11, J12, J13, J14
+    //             210E     210     200E    200
+    //             ----     ----    ----    ----
+    D20 = p61,  // J13-1    n/p     S7-9    n/p
+    D21 = p62,  // J13-2    n/p     S9-4    n/p
+    D22 = p63,  // J13-3    n/p     S4-7    S4-7
+    D23 = p64,  // J13-4    n/p     S9-5    n/p
+    D24 = p65,  // J13-5    n/p     S9-8    n/p
+    D25 = p66,  // J13-6    n/p     S9-9    n/p
+    D26 = p67,  // J13-7    n/p     S3-7    S3-7
+    D27 = p68,  // J13-8    n/p     S1-3    S1-3
+    D30 = p69,  // J14-1    n/p     S9-7    n/p
+    D31 = p70,  // J14-2    n/p     S9-6    n/p
+    D32 = p71,  // J14-3    n/p     S6-6    n/p
+    D33 = p72,  // J14-4    n/p     S7-4    n/p
+    D34 = p73,  // J14-5    n/p     S6-5    n/p
+    D35 = p74,  // J14-6    n/p     S6-4    n/p
+    D36 = p75,  // J14-7    n/p     S10-6   n/p
+    D37 = p76,  // J14-8    n/p     S10-7   n/p
+    D38 = p77,  // J14-9    n/p     S10-8   n/p
+    D39 = p78,  // J14-10   n/p     S10-9   n/p
+    D40 = p47,  // J11-1    n/p     S7-5    n/p
+    D41 = p48,  // J11-2    n/p     S6-7    n/p
+    D42 = p49,  // J11-3    n/p     S6-8    n/p
+    D43 = p50,  // J11-4    n/p     S6-9    n/p
+    D46 = p53,  // J11-7    n/p     S7-7    n/p
+    D47 = p54,  // J11-8    n/p     S7-3    n/p
+    D52 = p57,  // J12-3    n/p     S8-6    n/p
+    D53 = p58,  // J12-4    n/p     S8-3    n/p
+    D54 = p59,  // J12-5    n/p     S7-8    n/p
+    D55 = p60,  // J12-6    n/p     S9-3    n/p
+    A6  = p55,  // J12-1    n/p     n/a     n/a
+    A7  = p56,  // J12-2    n/p     n/a     n/a
+    // User interfaces: LEDs, buttons
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    LED1 = P6_11,     // 210/210E/200e/200
+    LED2 = P2_5,      // 210/210E/200e/200
+    LED3 = P6_1,      // 210/210E only   S6-3    n/p
+    LED4 = P6_2,      // 210/210E only   S7-6    n/p
+    LED_GREEN = LED2,
+    LED_RED = LED3,
+    LED_BLUE = LED4,
+    BTN1 = P2_7,
+    // Serial pins - UART, SPI, I2C
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    UART0_TX = P6_4,  // J9-2    J9-2    S2-4    S2-4
+    UART0_RX = P6_5,  // J9-1    J9-1    S2-5    S2-5
+    UART1_TX = P5_6,  // XBEE    n/p     S5-4/XBEE S5-4
+    UART1_RX = P1_14, // XBEE    n/p     S5-5/XBEE S5-5
+    UART2_TX = P2_10, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-4   n/p
+    UART2_RX = P2_11, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-5   n/p
+    UART3_TX = P2_3,  // J10-9   n/p     S4-8    S4-8
+    UART3_RX = P2_4,  // J10-10  n/p     S4-9    S4-9
+    COM1_TX = UART0_TX,
+    COM1_RX = UART0_RX,
+    COM2_TX = UART1_TX,
+    COM2_RX = UART1_RX,
+    COM3_TX = UART2_TX,
+    COM3_RX = UART2_RX,
+    COM4_TX = UART3_TX,
+    COM4_RX = UART3_RX,
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    SPI0_SCK  = P3_0, // J16-4   n/p     S1-9    S1-9
+    SPI0_MISO = P1_1, // J16-3   n/p     S1-8    S1-8
+    SPI0_MOSI = P1_2, // J16-2   n/p     S1-7    S1-7
+    SPI0_SSEL = P1_0, // J16-1   n/p     S1-6    S1-6
+    SPI1_SCK  = PF_4, // J14-10  n/p     S10-9   n/p
+    SPI1_MISO = P1_3, // J14-9   n/p     S10-8   n/p
+    SPI1_MOSI = P1_4, // J14-8   n/p     S10-7   n/p
+    SPI1_SSEL = P1_5, // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
+    I2C0_SDA = P_DED, // J15-3   J15-3   S8-8    n/p
+    I2C0_SCL = P_DED, // J15-1   J15-1   S8-9    n/p
+    I2C1_SDA = P2_3,  // J10-9   J10-9   S4-8    S4-8
+    I2C1_SCL = P2_4,  // J10-10  J10-10  S4-9    S4-9
+    // Analog pins
+    ADC0 = P7_4,      // J8-1     J8-1    S4-3    S4-3
+    ADC1 = P7_5,      // J8-2     J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
+    ADC2 = P4_1,      // J8-3     J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
+    ADC3 = P7_7,      // J8-4     J8-4    S3-4    S3-4
+    ADC4 = P4_3,      // J8-5*    J8-5*   S3-3    S3-3
+    ADC5 = PF_8,      // J8-6**   J8-6**  S1-5    S1-5
+    ADC6 = PF_10,     // J12-1    n/p     n/a     n/a
+    ADC7 = PF_7,      // J12-2    n/p     n/a     n/a
+    DAC0 = P4_4,      // J8-6*    J8-6*   S3-5    S3-5
+                      // (*)  if DAC0 is configured, ADC4 is not available
+                      // (**) ADC5 requires JP2 mod
+    // USB pins
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    USBTX = UART2_TX, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-4   n/p
+    USBRX = UART2_RX, // MBEDHDK MBEDHDK S10-5   n/p
+    // PWM pins
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    PWM1 = P1_7,      // J9-3    J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
+    PWM2 = P7_6,      // J9-8    J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
+    PWM3 = P6_12,     // J10-1   J10-1   S10-3   n/p
+    PWM4 = P4_6,      // J10-3   J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
+    PWM5 = P7_5,      // J8-2    J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
+    PWM6 = P4_1,      // J8-3    J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
+    PWM7 = P7_7,      // J8-4    J8-4    S4-5    S4-5
+    PWM8 = P2_8,      // J12-4   n/p     S8-3    n/p
+    PWM9 = P2_9,      // J12-6   n/p     S9-3    n/p
+    PWM10 = P7_1,     // J13-5   n/p     S9-8    n/p
+    PWM11 = P7_0,     // J13-6   n/p     S9-9    n/p
+    PWM12 = P1_5,     // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
+    // ---------- End of Micromint Bambino ----------
+} PinName;
+typedef enum {
+    PullUp = 0,
+    PullDown = 3,
+    PullNone = 2,
+    Repeater = 1,
+    OpenDrain = 4,
+    PullDefault = PullDown
+} PinMode;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4330/device.h	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef MBED_DEVICE_H
+#define MBED_DEVICE_H
+#define DEVICE_PORTIN           1
+#define DEVICE_PORTOUT          1
+#define DEVICE_PORTINOUT        1
+#define DEVICE_INTERRUPTIN      1
+#define DEVICE_ANALOGIN         1
+#define DEVICE_ANALOGOUT        1
+#define DEVICE_SERIAL           1
+//#define DEVICE_SERIAL_FC        1
+#define DEVICE_I2C              1
+#define DEVICE_I2CSLAVE         1
+#define DEVICE_SPI              1
+#define DEVICE_SPISLAVE         1
+#define DEVICE_CAN              0
+#define DEVICE_RTC              1
+#define DEVICE_ETHERNET         1
+#define DEVICE_PWMOUT           1
+#define DEVICE_SEMIHOST         0
+#define DEVICE_ID_LENGTH       32
+#define DEVICE_MAC_OFFSET      20
+#define DEVICE_SLEEP            1
+#include "objects.h"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4337/PinNames.h	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define BOARD_REV_B
+#include "cmsis.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+} PinDirection;
+#define PORT_SHIFT  5
+#define NO_GPIO     15
+// On the LPC43xx the MCU pin name and the GPIO pin name are not the same.
+// Encode SCU and GPIO offsets as a pin identifier
+#define MBED_PIN(group, num, port, pin)  ((SCU_OFF(group,num) << 16) + GPIO_OFF(port,pin))
+// Decode pin identifier into register, port and pin values
+#define MBED_GPIO_REG(MBED_PIN)  (LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE + 0x2000 + ((MBED_PIN >> (PORT_SHIFT - 2)) & 0x0000003C))
+#define MBED_GPIO_PORT(MBED_PIN) ((MBED_PIN >> PORT_SHIFT) & 0x0000000F)
+#define MBED_GPIO_PIN(MBED_PIN)  (MBED_PIN & 0x0000001F)
+typedef enum {
+    // LPC43xx Pin Names
+    // All pins defined. Package determines which are available.
+    //          LBGA256  TFBGA180 TFBGA100 LQFP208  LQFP144
+    // GPIO0    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:6]   [15:0]   [15:0]
+    //                            [4:0]
+    // GPIO1    [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]   [15:0]
+    // GPIO2    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [15:0]
+    // GPIO3    [15:0]   [15:0]   [7]      [15:0]   [15:0]
+    //                            [5:3]
+    //                            [1:0]
+    // GPIO4    [15:0]   [15:0]            [15:0]   [11]
+    // GPIO5    [26:0]   [26:0]   [11:0]   [25:0]   [18]
+    //                                              [16:0]
+    // GPIO6    [30:0]   [30:28]           [30:20]
+    //                   [26:25]           [5:0]
+    // GPIO7    [25:0]   [4:0]             [25:23]
+    //                                     [21:17]
+    //          ---      ---      ---      ---      ---
+    // Total    164      117      49       131      83
+    // Groups 0x00 - 0x0F : Digital pins
+    // * Digital pins support up to 8 functions
+    //   Use func=0 for GPIO0-GPIO4, func=4 for GPIO5-GPIO7
+    // * High-drive pins default to 4 mA but can support 8, 14, 20 mA
+    P0_0  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 0, 0, 0),    // GPIO0[0]
+    P0_1  = MBED_PIN(0x00, 1, 0, 1),    // GPIO0[1]
+    P1_0  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 0, 0, 4),    // GPIO0[4]
+    P1_1  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 1, 0, 8),    // GPIO0[8]
+    P1_2  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 2, 0, 9),    // GPIO0[9]
+    P1_3  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 3, 0, 10),   // GPIO0[10]
+    P1_4  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 4, 0, 11),   // GPIO0[11]
+    P1_5  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 5, 1, 8),    // GPIO1[8]
+    P1_6  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 6, 1, 9),    // GPIO1[9]
+    P1_7  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 7, 1, 0),    // GPIO1[0]
+    P1_8  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 8, 1, 1),    // GPIO1[1]
+    P1_9  = MBED_PIN(0x01, 9, 1, 2),    // GPIO1[2]
+    P1_10 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 10, 1, 3),   // GPIO1[3]
+    P1_11 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 11, 1, 4),   // GPIO1[4]
+    P1_12 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 12, 1, 5),   // GPIO1[5]
+    P1_13 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 13, 1, 6),   // GPIO1[6]
+    P1_14 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 14, 1, 7),   // GPIO1[7]
+    P1_15 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 15, 0, 2),   // GPIO0[2]
+    P1_16 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 16, 0, 3),   // GPIO0[3]
+    P1_17 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 17, 0, 12),  // GPIO0[12] high-drive
+    P1_18 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 18, 0, 13),  // GPIO0[13]
+    P1_19 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 19, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P1_20 = MBED_PIN(0x01, 20, 0, 15),  // GPIO0[15]
+    P2_0  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 0, 5, 0),    // GPIO5[0]
+    P2_1  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 1, 5, 1),    // GPIO5[1]
+    P2_2  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 2, 5, 2),    // GPIO5[2]
+    P2_3  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 3, 5, 3),    // GPIO5[3]  high-drive
+    P2_4  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 4, 5, 4),    // GPIO5[4]  high-drive
+    P2_5  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 5, 5, 5),    // GPIO5[5]  high-drive
+    P2_6  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 6, 5, 6),    // GPIO5[6]
+    P2_7  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 7, 0, 7),    // GPIO0[7]
+    P2_8  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 8, 5, 7),    // GPIO5[7]
+    P2_9  = MBED_PIN(0x02, 9, 1, 10),   // GPIO1[10]
+    P2_10 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 10, 0, 14),  // GPIO0[14]
+    P2_11 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 11, 1, 11),  // GPIO1[11]
+    P2_12 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 12, 1, 12),  // GPIO1[12]
+    P2_13 = MBED_PIN(0x02, 13, 1, 13),  // GPIO1[13]
+    P3_0  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P3_1  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 1, 5, 8),    // GPIO5[8]
+    P3_2  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 2, 5, 9),    // GPIO5[9]
+    P3_3  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 3, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P3_4  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 4, 1, 14),   // GPIO1[14]
+    P3_5  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 5, 1, 15),   // GPIO1[15]
+    P3_6  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 6, 0, 6),    // GPIO0[6]
+    P3_7  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 7, 5, 10),   // GPIO5[10]
+    P3_8  = MBED_PIN(0x03, 8, 5, 11),   // GPIO5[11]
+    P4_0  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 0, 2, 0),    // GPIO2[0]
+    P4_1  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 1, 2, 1),    // GPIO2[1]
+    P4_2  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 2, 2, 2),    // GPIO2[2]
+    P4_3  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 3, 2, 3),    // GPIO2[3]
+    P4_4  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 4, 2, 4),    // GPIO2[4]
+    P4_5  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 5, 2, 5),    // GPIO2[5]
+    P4_6  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 6, 2, 6),    // GPIO2[6]
+    P4_7  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 7, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P4_8  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 8, 5, 12),   // GPIO5[12]
+    P4_9  = MBED_PIN(0x04, 9, 5, 13),   // GPIO5[13]
+    P4_10 = MBED_PIN(0x04, 10, 5, 14),  // GPIO5[14]
+    P5_0  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 0, 2, 9),    // GPIO2[9]
+    P5_1  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 1, 2, 10),   // GPIO2[10]
+    P5_2  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 2, 2, 11),   // GPIO2[11]
+    P5_3  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 3, 2, 12),   // GPIO2[12]
+    P5_4  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 4, 2, 13),   // GPIO2[13]
+    P5_5  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 5, 2, 14),   // GPIO2[14]
+    P5_6  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 6, 2, 15),   // GPIO2[15]
+    P5_7  = MBED_PIN(0x05, 7, 2, 7),    // GPIO2[7]
+    P6_0  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P6_1  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 1, 3, 0),    // GPIO3[0]
+    P6_2  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 2, 3, 1),    // GPIO3[1]
+    P6_3  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 3, 3, 2),    // GPIO3[2]
+    P6_4  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 4, 3, 3),    // GPIO3[3]
+    P6_5  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 5, 3, 4),    // GPIO3[4]
+    P6_6  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 6, 0, 5),    // GPIO0[5]
+    P6_7  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 7, 5, 15),   // GPIO5[15]
+    P6_8  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 8, 5, 16),   // GPIO5[16]
+    P6_9  = MBED_PIN(0x06, 9, 3, 5),    // GPIO3[5]
+    P6_10 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 10, 3, 6),   // GPIO3[6]
+    P6_11 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 11, 3, 7),   // GPIO3[7]
+    P6_12 = MBED_PIN(0x06, 12, 2, 8),   // GPIO2[8]
+    P7_0  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 0, 3, 8),    // GPIO3[8]
+    P7_1  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 1, 3, 9),    // GPIO3[9]
+    P7_2  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 2, 3, 10),   // GPIO3[10]
+    P7_3  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 3, 3, 11),   // GPIO3[11]
+    P7_4  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 4, 3, 12),   // GPIO3[12]
+    P7_5  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 5, 3, 13),   // GPIO3[13]
+    P7_6  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 6, 3, 14),   // GPIO3[14]
+    P7_7  = MBED_PIN(0x07, 7, 3, 15),   // GPIO3[15]
+    P8_0  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, 4, 0),    // GPIO4[0]  high-drive
+    P8_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 1),    // GPIO4[1]  high-drive
+    P8_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 2),    // GPIO4[2]  high-drive
+    P8_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 3),    // GPIO4[3]
+    P8_4  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 4, 4, 4),    // GPIO4[4]
+    P8_5  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 5, 4, 5),    // GPIO4[5]
+    P8_6  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 6, 4, 6),    // GPIO4[6]
+    P8_7  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 7, 4, 7),    // GPIO4[7]
+    P8_8  = MBED_PIN(0x08, 8, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    P9_0  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 0, 4, 12),   // GPIO4[12]
+    P9_1  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 1, 4, 13),   // GPIO4[13]
+    P9_2  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 2, 4, 14),   // GPIO4[14]
+    P9_3  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 3, 4, 15),   // GPIO4[15]
+    P9_4  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 4, 5, 17),   // GPIO5[17]
+    P9_5  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 5, 5, 18),   // GPIO5[18]
+    P9_6  = MBED_PIN(0x09, 6, 4, 11),   // GPIO4[11]
+    PA_0  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PA_1  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 1, 4, 8),    // GPIO4[8]  high-drive
+    PA_2  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 2, 4, 9),    // GPIO4[9]  high-drive
+    PA_3  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 3, 4, 10),   // GPIO4[10] high-drive
+    PA_4  = MBED_PIN(0x0A, 4, 5, 19),   // GPIO5[19]
+    PB_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 0, 5, 20),  // GPIO5[20]
+    PB_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 1, 5, 21),  // GPIO5[21]
+    PB_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 2, 5, 22),  // GPIO5[22]
+    PB_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 3, 5, 23),  // GPIO5[23]
+    PB_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 4, 5, 24),  // GPIO5[24]
+    PB_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 5, 5, 25),  // GPIO5[25]
+    PB_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0B, 6, 5, 26),  // GPIO5[26]
+    PC_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PC_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 1, 6, 0),   // GPIO6[0]
+    PC_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 2, 6, 1),   // GPIO6[1]
+    PC_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 3, 6, 2),   // GPIO6[2]
+    PC_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 4, 6, 3),   // GPIO6[3]
+    PC_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 5, 6, 4),   // GPIO6[4]
+    PC_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 6, 6, 5),   // GPIO6[5]
+    PC_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 7, 6, 6),   // GPIO6[6]
+    PC_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 8, 6, 7),   // GPIO6[7]
+    PC_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 9, 6, 8),   // GPIO6[8]
+    PC_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 10, 6, 9),  // GPIO6[9]
+    PC_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 11, 6, 10), // GPIO6[10]
+    PC_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 12, 6, 11), // GPIO6[11]
+    PC_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 13, 6, 12), // GPIO6[12]
+    PC_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0C, 14, 6, 13), // GPIO6[13]
+    PD_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 0, 6, 14),  // GPIO6[14]
+    PD_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 1, 6, 15),  // GPIO6[15]
+    PD_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 2, 6, 16),  // GPIO6[16]
+    PD_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 3, 6, 17),  // GPIO6[17]
+    PD_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 4, 6, 18),  // GPIO6[18]
+    PD_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 5, 6, 19),  // GPIO6[19]
+    PD_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 6, 6, 20),  // GPIO6[20]
+    PD_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 7, 6, 21),  // GPIO6[21]
+    PD_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 8, 6, 22),  // GPIO6[22]
+    PD_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 9, 6, 23),  // GPIO6[23]
+    PD_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 10, 6, 24), // GPIO6[24]
+    PD_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 11, 6, 25), // GPIO6[25]
+    PD_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 12, 6, 26), // GPIO6[26]
+    PD_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 13, 6, 27), // GPIO6[27]
+    PD_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 14, 6, 28), // GPIO6[28]
+    PD_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 15, 6, 29), // GPIO6[29]
+    PD_16  = MBED_PIN(0x0D, 16, 6, 30), // GPIO6[30]
+    PE_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 0, 7, 0),   // GPIO7[0]
+    PE_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 1, 7, 1),   // GPIO7[1]
+    PE_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 2, 7, 2),   // GPIO7[2]
+    PE_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 3, 7, 3),   // GPIO7[3]
+    PE_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 4, 7, 4),   // GPIO7[4]
+    PE_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 5, 7, 5),   // GPIO7[5]
+    PE_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 6, 7, 6),   // GPIO7[6]
+    PE_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 7, 7, 7),   // GPIO7[7]
+    PE_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 8, 7, 8),   // GPIO7[8]
+    PE_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 9, 7, 9),   // GPIO7[9]
+    PE_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 10, 7, 10), // GPIO7[10]
+    PE_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 11, 7, 11), // GPIO7[11]
+    PE_12  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 12, 7, 12), // GPIO7[12]
+    PE_13  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 13, 7, 13), // GPIO7[13]
+    PE_14  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 14, 7, 14), // GPIO7[14]
+    PE_15  = MBED_PIN(0x0E, 15, 7, 15), // GPIO7[15]
+    PF_0   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PF_1   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 1, 7, 16),  // GPIO7[16]
+    PF_2   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 2, 7, 17),  // GPIO7[17]
+    PF_3   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 3, 7, 18),  // GPIO7[18]
+    PF_4   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 4, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    PF_5   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 5, 7, 19),  // GPIO7[19]
+    PF_6   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 6, 7, 20),  // GPIO7[20]
+    PF_7   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 7, 7, 21),  // GPIO7[21]
+    PF_8   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 8, 7, 22),  // GPIO7[22]
+    PF_9   = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 9, 7, 23),  // GPIO7[23]
+    PF_10  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 10, 7, 24), // GPIO7[24]
+    PF_11  = MBED_PIN(0x0F, 11, 7, 25), // GPIO7[25]
+    // GPIO pins from MCU pins
+    GPIO0_0 = P0_0,
+    GPIO0_1 = P0_1 ,
+    GPIO0_2 = P1_15,
+    GPIO0_3 = P1_16,
+    GPIO0_4 = P1_0,
+    GPIO0_5 = P6_6,
+    GPIO0_6 = P3_6,
+    GPIO0_7 = P2_7,
+    GPIO0_8 = P1_1,
+    GPIO0_9 = P1_2,
+    GPIO0_10 = P1_3,
+    GPIO0_11 = P1_4,
+    GPIO0_12 = P1_17,
+    GPIO0_13 = P1_18,
+    GPIO0_14 = P2_10,
+    GPIO0_15 = P1_20,
+    GPIO1_0 = P1_7,
+    GPIO1_1 = P1_8,
+    GPIO1_2 = P1_9,
+    GPIO1_3 = P1_10,
+    GPIO1_4 = P1_11,
+    GPIO1_5 = P1_12,
+    GPIO1_6 = P1_13,
+    GPIO1_7 = P1_14,
+    GPIO1_8 = P1_5,
+    GPIO1_9 = P1_6,
+    GPIO1_10 = P2_9,
+    GPIO1_11 = P2_11,
+    GPIO1_12 = P2_12,
+    GPIO1_13 = P2_13,
+    GPIO1_14 = P3_4,
+    GPIO1_15 = P3_5,
+    GPIO2_0 = P4_0,
+    GPIO2_1 = P4_1,
+    GPIO2_2 = P4_2,
+    GPIO2_3 = P4_3,
+    GPIO2_4 = P4_4,
+    GPIO2_5 = P4_5,
+    GPIO2_6 = P4_6,
+    GPIO2_7 = P5_7,
+    GPIO2_8 = P6_12,
+    GPIO2_9 = P5_0,
+    GPIO2_10 = P5_1,
+    GPIO2_11 = P5_2,
+    GPIO2_12 = P5_3,
+    GPIO2_13 = P5_4,
+    GPIO2_14 = P5_5,
+    GPIO2_15 = P5_6,
+    GPIO3_0 = P6_1,
+    GPIO3_1 = P6_2,
+    GPIO3_2 = P6_3,
+    GPIO3_3 = P6_4,
+    GPIO3_4 = P6_5,
+    GPIO3_5 = P6_9,
+    GPIO3_6 = P6_10,
+    GPIO3_7 = P6_11,
+    GPIO3_8 = P7_0,
+    GPIO3_9 = P7_1,
+    GPIO3_10 = P7_2,
+    GPIO3_11 = P7_3,
+    GPIO3_12 = P7_4,
+    GPIO3_13 = P7_5,
+    GPIO3_14 = P7_6,
+    GPIO3_15 = P7_7,
+    GPIO4_0 = P8_0,
+    GPIO4_1 = P8_1,
+    GPIO4_2 = P8_2,
+    GPIO4_3 = P8_3,
+    GPIO4_4 = P8_4,
+    GPIO4_5 = P8_5,
+    GPIO4_6 = P8_6,
+    GPIO4_7 = P8_7,
+    GPIO4_8 = PA_1,
+    GPIO4_9 = PA_2,
+    GPIO4_10 = PA_3,
+    GPIO4_11 = P9_6,
+    GPIO4_12 = P9_0,
+    GPIO4_13 = P9_1,
+    GPIO4_14 = P9_2,
+    GPIO4_15 = P9_3,
+    GPIO5_0 = P2_0,
+    GPIO5_1 = P2_1,
+    GPIO5_2 = P2_2,
+    GPIO5_3 = P2_3,
+    GPIO5_4 = P2_4,
+    GPIO5_5 = P2_5,
+    GPIO5_6 = P2_6,
+    GPIO5_7 = P2_8,
+    GPIO5_8 = P3_1,
+    GPIO5_9 = P3_2,
+    GPIO5_10 = P3_7,
+    GPIO5_11 = P3_8,
+    GPIO5_12 = P4_8,
+    GPIO5_13 = P4_9,
+    GPIO5_14 = P4_10,
+    GPIO5_15 = P6_7,
+    GPIO5_16 = P6_8,
+    GPIO5_17 = P9_4,
+    GPIO5_18 = P9_5,
+    GPIO5_19 = PA_4,
+    GPIO5_20 = PB_0,
+    GPIO5_21 = PB_1,
+    GPIO5_22 = PB_2,
+    GPIO5_23 = PB_3,
+    GPIO5_24 = PB_4,
+    GPIO5_25 = PB_5,
+    GPIO5_26 = PB_6,
+    GPIO6_0 = PC_1,
+    GPIO6_1 = PC_2,
+    GPIO6_2 = PC_3,
+    GPIO6_3 = PC_4,
+    GPIO6_4 = PC_5,
+    GPIO6_5 = PC_6,
+    GPIO6_6 = PC_7,
+    GPIO6_7 = PC_8,
+    GPIO6_8 = PC_9,
+    GPIO6_9 = PC_10,
+    GPIO6_10 = PC_11,
+    GPIO6_11 = PC_12,
+    GPIO6_12 = PC_13,
+    GPIO6_13 = PC_14,
+    GPIO6_14 = PD_0,
+    GPIO6_15 = PD_1,
+    GPIO6_16 = PD_2,
+    GPIO6_17 = PD_3,
+    GPIO6_18 = PD_4,
+    GPIO6_19 = PD_5,
+    GPIO6_20 = PD_6,
+    GPIO6_21 = PD_7,
+    GPIO6_22 = PD_8,
+    GPIO6_23 = PD_9,
+    GPIO6_24 = PD_10,
+    GPIO6_25 = PD_11,
+    GPIO6_26 = PD_12,
+    GPIO6_27 = PD_13,
+    GPIO6_28 = PD_14,
+    GPIO6_29 = PD_15,
+    GPIO6_30 = PD_16,
+    GPIO7_0 = PE_0,
+    GPIO7_1 = PE_1,
+    GPIO7_2 = PE_2,
+    GPIO7_3 = PE_3,
+    GPIO7_4 = PE_4,
+    GPIO7_5 = PE_5,
+    GPIO7_6 = PE_5,
+    GPIO7_7 = PE_7,
+    GPIO7_8 = PE_8,
+    GPIO7_9 = PE_9,
+    GPIO7_10 = PE_10,
+    GPIO7_11 = PE_11,
+    GPIO7_12 = PE_12,
+    GPIO7_13 = PE_13,
+    GPIO7_14 = PE_14,
+    GPIO7_15 = PE_15,
+    GPIO7_16 = PF_1,
+    GPIO7_17 = PF_2,
+    GPIO7_18 = PF_3,
+    GPIO7_19 = PF_5,
+    GPIO7_20 = PF_6,
+    GPIO7_21 = PF_7,
+    GPIO7_22 = PF_8,
+    GPIO7_23 = PF_9,
+    GPIO7_24 = PF_10,
+    GPIO7_25 = PF_11,
+    // Map mbed pin names to LPC43xx board signals
+    // Group 0x18 : CLKn pins
+    SFP_CLK0  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 0, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK1  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 1, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK2  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 2, 0, 0),
+    SFP_CLK3  = MBED_PIN(0x18, 3, 0, 0),
+    // Group 0x19 : USB1, I2C0, ADC0, ADC1
+    SFP_USB1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 0, 0, 0),
+    SFP_I2C0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 1, 0, 0),
+    SFP_AIO0  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 0), // ADC0 function select register
+    SFP_AIO1  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 0, 0), // ADC1 function select register
+    SFP_AIO2  = MBED_PIN(0x19, 4, 0, 0), // Analog function select register
+    SFP_EMCD  = MBED_PIN(0x1A, 0, 0, 0), // EMC clock delay register
+    SFP_INS0  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 0, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 0 to 3
+    SFP_INS1  = MBED_PIN(0x1C, 1, 0, 0), // Interrupt select for pin interrupts 4 to 7
+#define MBED_ADC_NUM(MBED_PIN)   ((MBED_PIN >> 5) & 0x0000000F)
+#define MBED_ADC_CHAN(MBED_PIN)  (MBED_PIN & 0x0000001F)
+    // Use pseudo-pin ID also for ADCs, although with special handling
+    SFP_ADC0_0 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 0), // ADC0_0
+    SFP_ADC0_1 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 1), // ADC0_1
+    SFP_ADC0_2 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 2), // ADC0_2
+    SFP_ADC0_3 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 3), // ADC0_3
+    SFP_ADC0_4 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 4), // ADC0_4
+    SFP_ADC0_5 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 5), // ADC0_5
+    SFP_ADC0_6 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 2, 0, 6), // ADC0_6
+    SFP_ADC1_0 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 0), // ADC1_0
+    SFP_ADC1_1 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 1), // ADC1_1
+    SFP_ADC1_2 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 2), // ADC1_2
+    SFP_ADC1_3 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 3), // ADC1_3
+    SFP_ADC1_4 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 4), // ADC1_4
+    SFP_ADC1_5 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 5), // ADC1_5
+    SFP_ADC1_6 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 6), // ADC1_6
+    SFP_ADC1_7 = MBED_PIN(0x19, 3, 1, 7), // ADC1_7
+    // Dedicated pin (no GPIO)
+    P_DED = MBED_PIN(0, 0, NO_GPIO, 0),
+    // Not connected
+    NC = (int)0xFFFFFFFF,
+    // ---------- LPCXpresso 4337 pins ----------
+#ifdef BOARD_REV_A // for Rev.A
+    D0  = P2_1,
+    D1  = P2_0,
+    D2  = P1_20,
+    D3  = P1_18,
+    D4  = P1_16,
+    D5  = P1_15,
+    D6  = P1_4,
+    D7  = P2_2,
+    D8  = P1_0,
+    D9  = P1_3,
+    D10 = P1_5,
+    D11 = P0_1,
+    D12 = P0_0,
+    D13 = P1_19,
+    SDA = P2_3,
+    SCL = P2_4,
+    A0  = P4_3,
+    A1  = P4_1,
+    A2  = PF_8,
+    A3  = P7_5,
+    A4  = P1_14,
+    A5  = P2_5,
+    LED_GREEN = GPIO0_14,
+    LED_RED   = GPIO3_7,
+    LED_BLUE  = GPIO3_5,
+    // Serial pins
+    UART0_TX = P2_0,
+    UART0_RX = P2_1,
+    USBTX = UART0_TX,
+    USBRX = UART0_RX,
+#else // for Rev.B
+    D0  = P1_14,
+    D1  = P3_4,
+    D2  = P2_13,
+    D3  = P1_8,
+    D4  = P2_6,
+    D5  = P1_7,
+    D6  = P2_9,
+    D7  = P2_2,
+    D8  = P3_5,
+    D9  = P1_2,
+    D10 = P1_5,
+    D11 = P1_4,
+    D12 = P1_3,
+    D13 = PF_4,
+    SDA = P2_3,
+    SCL = P2_4,
+    A0  = P4_3,
+    A1  = P4_1,
+    A2  = PF_8,
+    A3  = P7_5,
+    A4  = P2_11,
+    A5  = P2_5,
+    LED_GREEN = P2_10,
+    LED_RED   = P6_11,
+    LED_BLUE  = P6_9,
+    // Serial pins
+    UART0_TX = P6_4,
+    UART0_RX = P2_1,
+    UART1_TX = D1,
+    UART1_RX = D0,
+    USBTX = UART0_TX,
+    USBRX = UART0_RX,
+    I2C_SDA = SDA,
+    I2C_SDL = SCL,
+    LED1 = LED_RED,
+    LED2 = LED_BLUE,
+    LED3 = LED_GREEN,
+    LED4 = LED_RED,
+//    UART1_TX = P5_6,
+//    UART1_RX = P1_14,
+//    UART2_TX = P2_10,
+//    UART2_RX = P2_11,
+//    UART3_TX = P2_3,
+//    UART3_RX = P2_4,
+    // Analog pins
+    ADC4 = P4_3,
+    ADC2 = P4_1,
+    ADC0 = P7_4,
+    ADC1 = P7_5,
+    ADC3 = P7_7,
+    DAC0 = P4_4,
+    // USB pins
+    //P_USB0_TX = SFP_USB1,
+    //P_USB0_RX = SFP_USB1,
+    // PWM pins
+    //                   210E    210     200E    200
+    //                   ----    ----    ----    ----
+    PWM1 = P1_7,      // J9-3    J9-3    S2-3    S2-3
+    PWM2 = P7_6,      // J9-8    J9-8    S4-6    S4-6
+	PWM3 = P6_12,     // J10-1   J10-1   S10-3   n/p
+    PWM4 = P4_6,      // J10-3   J10-3   S2-6    S2-6
+    PWM5 = P7_5,      // J8-2    J8-2    S4-4    S4-4
+    PWM6 = P4_1,      // J8-3    J8-3    S3-4    S3-4
+    PWM7 = P7_7,      // J8-4    J8-4    S4-5    S4-5
+    PWM8 = P2_8,      // J12-4   n/p     S8-3    n/p
+    PWM9 = P2_9,      // J12-6   n/p     S9-3    n/p
+    PWM10 = P7_1,     // J13-5   n/p     S9-8    n/p
+    PWM11 = P7_0,     // J13-6   n/p     S9-9    n/p
+    PWM12 = P1_5,     // J14-7   n/p     S10-6   n/p
+    // ---------- End of LPCXpresso 4337 pins ----------
+} PinName;
+typedef enum {
+    PullUp = 0,
+    PullDown = 3,
+    PullNone = 2,
+    Repeater = 1,
+    OpenDrain = 4,
+    PullDefault = PullDown
+} PinMode;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/TARGET_LPC4337/device.h	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef MBED_DEVICE_H
+#define MBED_DEVICE_H
+#define DEVICE_PORTIN           1
+#define DEVICE_PORTOUT          1
+#define DEVICE_PORTINOUT        1
+#define DEVICE_INTERRUPTIN      1
+#define DEVICE_ANALOGIN         1
+#define DEVICE_ANALOGOUT        1
+#define DEVICE_SERIAL           1
+#define DEVICE_I2C              1
+#define DEVICE_I2CSLAVE         1
+#define DEVICE_SPI              1
+#define DEVICE_SPISLAVE         1
+#define DEVICE_CAN              0
+#define DEVICE_RTC              1
+#define DEVICE_ETHERNET         1
+#define DEVICE_PWMOUT           1
+#define DEVICE_SEMIHOST         0
+#define DEVICE_ID_LENGTH       32
+#define DEVICE_MAC_OFFSET      20
+#define DEVICE_SLEEP            1
+#define DEVICE_ERROR_RED        1
+#include "objects.h"
--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/analogout_api.c	Thu Sep 11 13:15:08 2014 +0100
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/analogout_api.c	Thu Sep 11 14:15:10 2014 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@
 #include "gpio_api.h"
 static const PinMap PinMap_DAC[] = {
+#ifdef TARGET_LPC4337
+    {P4_3, DAC_0, 0},
     {P4_4, DAC_0, 0},
     {NC,   NC,    0}
--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_NXP/TARGET_LPC43XX/device.h	Thu Sep 11 13:15:08 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* mbed Microcontroller Library
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef MBED_DEVICE_H
-#define MBED_DEVICE_H
-#define DEVICE_PORTIN           1
-#define DEVICE_PORTOUT          1
-#define DEVICE_PORTINOUT        1
-#define DEVICE_INTERRUPTIN      1
-#define DEVICE_ANALOGIN         1
-#define DEVICE_ANALOGOUT        1
-#define DEVICE_SERIAL           1
-//#define DEVICE_SERIAL_FC        1
-#define DEVICE_I2C              1
-#define DEVICE_I2CSLAVE         1
-#define DEVICE_SPI              1
-#define DEVICE_SPISLAVE         1
-#define DEVICE_CAN              0
-#define DEVICE_RTC              1
-#define DEVICE_ETHERNET         1
-#define DEVICE_PWMOUT           1
-#define DEVICE_SEMIHOST         0
-#define DEVICE_ID_LENGTH       32
-#define DEVICE_MAC_OFFSET      20
-#define DEVICE_SLEEP            1
-#include "objects.h"