mag niet van hendrik D:

Dependencies:   mbed MatrixMath QEI HIDScope Matrix biquadFilter MODSERIAL FastPWM

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Oct 14 08:50:26 2019 +0000
Commit message:
State machine en PID controller

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 04 13:28:00 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 14 08:50:26 2019 +0000
@@ -5,121 +5,248 @@
 #include "HIDScope.h"
 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
-// ENC1A --> D13
-// ENC1B --> D12
-// POT1 --> A0
-// LED1 --> D3
-// BUT1 --> D1
-// BUT2 --> D0
-Ticker      ControlMotor1;
-AnalogIn    theta_ref(A0);
-DigitalOut  PWM_motor_1(D6);
+// Pins
+InterruptIn stepresponse(D0);
+FastPWM     PWM_motor_1(D6);
 DigitalOut  direction_motor_1(D7);
-HIDScope scope(2);
-QEI encoder(D12,D13,NC,64,QEI::X4_ENCODING);
-Ticker RW_scope;
+InterruptIn button_1(SW2);
+InterruptIn button_2(SW3);
 // variables
-float duty_cycle_motor_1;
-volatile int on_time_ms; // The time the LED should be on, in microseconds
-volatile int off_time_ms;
-float theta = 0;
-volatile double x_0;
-volatile double x_prev_0 = 0;
-volatile double y_0;
-volatile double x_1;
-volatile double x_prev_1 = 0;
-volatile double y_1; 
+Ticker          TickerStateMachine;
+Ticker          ControlMotor1;
+Ticker          RW_scope;
+Timer           sinus_time;
+enum    states  {start, motor_calibration, demo_mode, emg_calibration, vertical_movement, horizontal_movement};
+states  CurrentState = start;
+bool    StateChanged = true;
+bool    demo    = false;
+bool    emg     = false;
+bool    next    = false;
+HIDScope scope(3);
+QEI encoder(D12,D13,NC,8400,QEI::X4_ENCODING);
+volatile double theta;
+float   theta_error;
+volatile float theta_reference;
+float K     = 1;
+float ti    = 0.1;
+float td    = 10;
+float Kp    = K*(1+td/ti);
+float Ki    = K/ti;
+float Kd    = K*td;
+float Ts    = 0.001;
-float omega;
-float torque;
-float torque_p;
-float torque_i;
-float torque_d;
-float velocity;
-float theta_error;
+// functies
+float CalculateError()
+    theta_error = theta_reference-theta;
+    return theta_error;
-float Kp = 5;
-float Ki = 3;
-float Kd = 3;
-float Ts = 1;
-// functions
-float CalculateError(){
-    //theta_error = (360*;
-    theta_error = 180;
-    return theta_error;}
-float Controller(float theta_error){
-    //static float error_integral = 0;
-    //static float error_prev = 0;
-    //static BiQuad LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
+float Controller(float theta_error)
+    static float error_integral = 0;
+    static float error_prev = 0;
+    static BiQuad LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
     // Proportional part:
     float torque_p = Kp * theta_error;
     // Integral part:
-    //error_integral = error_integral + theta_error * Ts;
-    //float torque_i = Ki * error_integral;
+    error_integral = error_integral + theta_error * Ts;
+    float torque_i = Ki * error_integral;
     // Derivative part:
-    //float error_derivative = (theta_error - error_prev)/Ts;
-    //float filtered_error_derivative = LowPassFilter.step(error_derivative);
-    //float torque_d = Kd * filtered_error_derivative;
-    //float torque_d = Kd*error_derivative;
-    //error_prev = theta_error;
+    float error_derivative = (theta_error - error_prev)/Ts;
+    float filtered_error_derivative = LowPassFilter.step(error_derivative);
+    float torque_d = Kd * filtered_error_derivative;
+    error_prev = theta_error;
     // Sum all parts and return it
-    //float torque = torque_p + torque_i + torque_d;
-    return torque_p;}
+    float torque = torque_p + torque_i + torque_d;
+    return torque;
-void CalculateDirectionMotor1() {
-    if (theta_error >= 0) {
-        direction_motor_1 = 1;}
-    else {
-        direction_motor_1 = 0;}}
+void CalculateDirectionMotor1() 
+    direction_motor_1 = Controller(CalculateError()) <= 0.0f ;
-//float CalculateVelocityMotor1() {
-//    return theta_error/Ts;}
+void WriteScope()
+    scope.set(0,theta);
+    //scope.set(1,Controller(CalculateError()));
+    scope.set(1,CalculateError());
+    scope.set(2,theta_reference);
+    scope.send();
-void PulseWidthModulation() // Bepaalt de duty cycle gebaseerd op de potentiometer en zet de motor dan op die snelheid mbh PWM
-{   on_time_ms = (int) (duty_cycle_motor_1*(1/1e2)*1e3);    // Deze variable maken
-    off_time_ms = (int) ((1-duty_cycle_motor_1)*(1/1e2)*1e3);
-    PWM_motor_1 = 1;
-    wait_ms(on_time_ms);
-    PWM_motor_1 = 0;
-    wait_ms(off_time_ms);}
-void MotorDirection(){
+void ReadEncoder(){
+    theta = ((360.0f/64.0f)*(float)encoder.getPulses())/131.25f; // 360/64 voor de 64 CPR Encoder, 131.25 omdat de gear ratio 131.25:1 is. Hiermee is 1 omwenteling 360.
-void ReadEncoderAndWriteScope(){
-    theta = ((360/64)*encoder.getPulses())/131.25; // 360/64 voor de 64 CPR Encoder, 131.25 omdat de gear ratio 131.25:1 is. Hiermee is 1 omwenteling 360.
-    x_0 = theta;
-    y_0 = (x_prev_0 + x_0)/2.0;
-    scope.set(0,y_0);
-    x_prev_0 = x_0;
-    y_1 = (x_0 - x_prev_0)/Ts;
-    scope.set(1,y_1);
-    scope.send();}
+void Motor_1() {
+    ReadEncoder();
+    theta_reference = 360*sin(0.1f**2*3.14f);
+    CalculateDirectionMotor1();
+    PWM_motor_1.write(fabs(Controller(CalculateError())/360.0f));
+void go_next_1()
+    demo = !demo;
+void go_next_2()
+    emg = !emg;
+    next = emg;
+void while_start()
+    // Do startup stuff
+    CurrentState = motor_calibration;
+    StateChanged = true;
+void while_motor_calibration()
+    // Do motor calibration stuff
+    if (demo)   // bool aanmaken voor demo (switch oid aanmaken)
+    {
+        CurrentState = demo_mode;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
+    if (emg)    // bool aanmaken voor EMG (switch oid aanmaken)
+    {
+        CurrentState = emg_calibration;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
+void while_demo_mode()
+    // Do demo mode stuff
+    if (!demo)  // bool aanmaken voor demo (switch oid)
+    {
+        emg = true;
+    }
+    if (emg)    // bool aanmaken voor EMG (switch oid aanmaken)
+    {
+        CurrentState = emg_calibration;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
+void while_emg_calibration()
+    // Do emg calibration stuff
+    if (!emg)   // bool aanmaken voor EMG (switch)
+    {
+        CurrentState = vertical_movement;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
+void while_vertical_movement()
+    // Do vertical movement stuff
+    if (next)  // EMG gebaseerde threshold aanmaken
+    {
+        CurrentState = horizontal_movement;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
-//void doeietsnuttigs(){
-  //  Controller(CalculateError());}
+void while_horizontal_movement()
+    // Do horizontal movement stuff
+    if (!next) // EMG gebaseerde threshold aanmaken
+    {
+        CurrentState = vertical_movement;
+        StateChanged = true;
+    }
+void StateTransition()
+    if (StateChanged)
+    {
+        if (CurrentState == start)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating start.\n\r");
+        }
+        if (CurrentState == motor_calibration)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating motor_calibration.\n\r");
+        }
+        if (CurrentState == demo_mode)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating demo_mode.\n\r");
+        }
+        if (CurrentState == emg_calibration)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating emg_calibration.\n\r");
+        }
+        if (CurrentState == vertical_movement)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating vertical_movement.\n\r");
+        }
+        if (CurrentState == horizontal_movement)
+        {
+            pc.printf("Initiating horizontal_movement.\n\r");
+        }
+        StateChanged = false;
+    }
+void StateMachine()
+    switch(CurrentState)
+    {
+        case start:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_start();
+            break;
+        case motor_calibration:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_motor_calibration();
+            break;
+        case demo_mode:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_demo_mode();
+            break;
+        case emg_calibration:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_emg_calibration();
+            break;
+        case vertical_movement:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_vertical_movement();
+            break;
+        case horizontal_movement:
+            StateTransition();
+            while_horizontal_movement();
+            break;
+        default:
+            pc.printf("Unknown or unimplemented state reached!\n\r");
+    }
 // main
-int main()
+int main(){
     pc.printf("Hello World!\n\r");
-    //ControlMotor1.attach(&ReadEncoderAndWriteScope, Ts);
-    //ControlMotor1.attach(&doeietsnuttigs, Ts);
-    while(1) {
-        pc.printf("%f \n\r",Controller(CalculateError()));
-        wait(1);
-    }
+    button_1.fall(go_next_1);
+    button_2.fall(go_next_2);
+    sinus_time.start();
+    PWM_motor_1.period_ms(10);
+    ControlMotor1.attach(&Motor_1, Ts);
+    RW_scope.attach(&WriteScope, 0.1);
+    //TickerStateMachine.attach(StateMachine,1.00f);
+    while(true) {
+        StateMachine();
+    }
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--- a/mbed.bld	Fri Oct 04 13:28:00 2019 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon Oct 14 08:50:26 2019 +0000
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