iOSのBLEコントローラアプリ「RCBController」とmbed HRM1017を接続し、RCサーボモータを操作するテストプログラムです。

Dependencies:   BLE_API_Native_IRC Servo mbed

Fork of BLE_RCBController by Junichi Katsu

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hci_transport.h File Reference

hci_transport.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  hci_transport_evt_t
 Struct containing events from the Transport layer. More...


typedef void(* hci_transport_event_handler_t )(hci_transport_evt_t event)
 Transport layer generic event callback function type.
typedef void(* hci_transport_tx_done_handler_t )(hci_transport_tx_done_result_t result)
 Transport layer TX done event callback function type.


enum  hci_transport_evt_type_t { HCI_TRANSPORT_RX_RDY, HCI_TRANSPORT_EVT_TYPE_MAX }

Generic event callback function events.

enum  hci_transport_tx_done_result_t { HCI_TRANSPORT_TX_DONE_SUCCESS, HCI_TRANSPORT_TX_DONE_FAILURE }

TX done event callback function result codes.



uint32_t hci_transport_evt_handler_reg (hci_transport_event_handler_t event_handler)
 Function for registering a generic event handler.
uint32_t hci_transport_tx_done_register (hci_transport_tx_done_handler_t event_handler)
 Function for registering a handler for TX done event.
uint32_t hci_transport_open (void)
 Function for opening the transport channel and initializing the transport layer.
uint32_t hci_transport_close (void)
 Function for closing the transport channel.
uint32_t hci_transport_tx_alloc (uint8_t **pp_memory)
 Function for allocating tx packet memory.
uint32_t hci_transport_tx_free (void)
 Function for freeing tx packet memory.
uint32_t hci_transport_pkt_write (const uint8_t *p_buffer, uint32_t length)
 Function for writing a packet.
uint32_t hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract (uint8_t **pp_buffer, uint32_t *p_length)
 Function for extracting received packet.
uint32_t hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume (uint8_t *p_buffer)
 Function for consuming extracted packet described by p_buffer.

Detailed Description

Definition in file hci_transport.h.