This is Webservice SDK for mbed. LPCXpresso1769/LPC1768/FRDM-K64F/LPC4088

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00001 #pragma once
00002 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00003 // NetConfig.h
00004 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00006 #include "NyLPC_net.h"
00007 #include "IpAddr.h"
00010 namespace MiMic
00011 {
00012     class IpAddr;
00013     /**
00014      * Network configulation class.
00015      * The class is used by Net constructor.
00016      */
00017     class NetConfig
00018     {
00019     private:
00020         /**service record*/
00021         NyLPC_TcNetConfig_t _inst;
00022         struct NyLPC_TMDnsServiceRecord _srv_record;
00023         void _syncServiceInfo();
00024         struct NyLPC_TDnsRecord _dns_record;
00025         struct NyLPC_TUPnPDevDescDevice _upnp_desc;
00026         struct NyLPC_TUPnPDevDescIcon _upnp_icon;
00027         const struct NyLPC_TDnsRecord* _ref_custom_dns_record;
00028         const struct NyLPC_TUPnPDevDescDevice* _ref_custom_upnp_desc;
00029         char _udn[42];//uuid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000+'\0'
00030     public:
00031         /** wrapped base LPC class.*/
00032         NyLPC_TcNetConfig_t* refBaseInstance(){return &this->_inst;}
00033         /** internal UPnP description*/
00034         const struct NyLPC_TUPnPDevDescDevice* refUPnPDevDesc()const;
00035         /** internal dns record*/
00036         const struct NyLPC_TDnsRecord* refMdnsRecord()const;
00037         /** Thi sfunction returnes recommended HTTP service port number.*/
00038         unsigned short getHttpPort()const{return this->;}
00039     public:
00040         /**
00041          * The constructor.
00042          * This function initializes instance by onchip configulation data.
00043          * @param i_is_factory_default
00044          * Factory default flag.
00045          * <ul>
00046          * <li>true - The function sets factory default setting.
00047          * <li>false -The function sets onchip memory configulation (default)
00048          * </ul>
00049          */
00050         NetConfig(bool i_is_factory_default=false);
00051         virtual ~NetConfig();        
00052         /**
00053          * Set IPv4 ip address to instance.
00054          */
00055         void setIpAddr(unsigned char ip4,unsigned char ip3,unsigned char ip2,unsigned char ip1);
00056         void setIpAddr(const IpAddr& i_addr);
00057         /**
00058          * Set IPv4 network mask value to instance.
00059          */
00060         void setNetMask(unsigned char ip4,unsigned char ip3,unsigned char ip2,unsigned char ip1);
00061         void setNetMask(const IpAddr& i_mask);
00062         /**
00063          * Set IPv4 default gateway address to instance.
00064          */
00065         void setGateway(unsigned char ip4,unsigned char ip3,unsigned char ip2,unsigned char ip1);
00066         void setGateway(const IpAddr& i_addr);
00067         /**
00068          * Set Zero configuration enable flag.
00069          * @param v
00070          * True, Zero configuration mode. The mimic will try DHCP and AutoIP configuration.
00071          * ipaddress,netmask,gateway are ignored.
00072          * False, Manual mode. The mimic will set ip address from on chip data.
00073          */
00074         void setZeroconf(bool v);
00075         /**
00076          * This function set a recommended HTTP port number to the application.
00077          */
00078         void setSrvHttpPort(unsigned short port);
00079         /**
00080          * Set mDNS operation flag.
00081          * This function recommends to the application to provide mDNS service to network.
00082          */
00083         void setSrvMdns(bool i_enable);
00084         /**
00085          * Set UPnP operation flag.
00086          * This function recommends to the application to provide UPnP service to network.
00087          */
00088         void setSrvUPnP(bool i_enable);
00089         /**
00090          * This function sets host name for mDNS.
00091          * This value has effect to the mDNS a record.
00092          * @param i_hostname
00093          * host name.
00094          * NULL terminated string.
00095          */
00096         void setHostName(const char* i_hostname);
00097         /**
00098          * This function sets host name for mDNS.
00099          * This is effective for mDNS a record.
00100          * @param i_hostname
00101          * host name.
00102          * @param i_len
00103          * length of host name.
00104          * maximum length is NyLPC_TcNetConfig_HOSTNAME_LEN-1
00105          */
00106         void setHostName(const char* i_hostname,int len);
00107         const char* getHostName();
00108         /**
00109          * Set ethernet mac address to instance.
00110          */
00111         void setEmac(unsigned char ip6,unsigned char ip5,unsigned char ip4,unsigned char ip3,unsigned char ip2,unsigned char ip1);
00112         /**
00113          * Set FrendlyName to instance.
00114          * This value has effect to the mDNS name and UPnP frendlyName.
00115          */
00116         void setFriendlyName(const char* i_name);
00117         void setUPnPManufactur(const char* i_name,const char* i_url);
00118         void setUPnPModel(const char* i_name,const char* i_number,const char* i_url,const char* i_description);
00119         void setUPnPSerialNumber(const char* i_number);
00120         void setUPnPPresentationURL(const char* i_url);
00122         /**
00123          * Set Time base UDN value.
00124          * UDN is expressed as follows.
00125          * The value of the UDN, must be different for each device.
00126          * [i_time_l]-[i_time_m]-[i_time_h|0x80]-[i_sq&0x3F|0x80]-[MAC ADDRESS]
00127          */
00128         void setUPnPUdn(unsigned long i_time_l,unsigned short i_time_m,unsigned short i_time_h,unsigned short i_sq);
00129         void setUPnPIcon(unsigned short i_width,unsigned short i_height,unsigned short i_depth,const char* i_mimetype,const char* i_url);
00130         /**
00131          * This function sets a custom UPnP device description to instance.
00132          * All UPnP description will be overwritten if set it.
00133          * @param i_ref_description
00134          * Perfect description structure.
00135          */
00136         void setCustomUPnPDescription(const struct NyLPC_TUPnPDevDescDevice* i_ref_description);
00137         /**
00138          * This function sets a custom mDNS record to instance.
00139          * All mDNS record will be overwritten if set it.
00140          * @param i_ref_record
00141          * Perfect DNS record structure.
00142          */
00143         void setCustomMdnsRecord(const struct NyLPC_TDnsRecord* i_ref_record);
00147         /**
00148          * Load configulation from text file.
00149          * <p>File format example
00150          * <pre>
00151          * macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
00152          * host=MiMic01
00153          * ipaddr=
00154          * netmask=
00155          * gateway=
00156          * srv_http_port=80
00157          * srv_mdns=yes
00158          * </pre>
00159          * <p>Keys
00160          * <ul>
00161          * <li>macaddr=[:macaddr:] - 48bit ethernet mac address that are separated by ':'</li>
00162          * <li>ipaddr=[:ip:] || AUTO
00163          * - 32 bit IP address or auto detection. AUTO will be to try DHCP and AUTOIP.
00164          * </li>
00165          * <li>netmask=[:ip:]- 32 bit network mask value.</li>
00166          * <li>gateway=[:ip:] - 32 bit default gateway address.</li>
00167          * <li>srv_http_port=[:UINT16:] - 16bit http service port number(not ZERO)</li>
00168          * <li>srv_mdns=[yes|no] - mDNS service flag.</li>
00169          * </ul>
00170          * </p>
00171          * <p>Default setting
00172          * <ul>
00173          * <li>macaddr=02:01:02:03:04:05 (In case of mbed it is preset value.)
00174          * <li>host=MiMic020102030405
00175          * <li>ipaddr =
00176          * <li>netmask=
00177          * <li>gateway=
00178          * <li>srv_http_port=80
00179          * <li>srv_mdns=yes</li>
00180          * </ul>
00181          * </p>
00182          * Maximum line length is 31.
00183          * Specified values are override on-chip setting value.
00184          * If the same value appeared, then the last one is enabled.
00185          * In case of ipaddr=AUTO, gateway and netmask are ignored.
00186          * </p>
00187          * @return
00188          * true if file read. false is not read.
00189          */
00190          bool loadFromFile(const char* i_file);
00191    };
00192 }