Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "Terminal.h"
00004 #define MaxNo_Menu 5
00006 Terminal term(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
00008 char *menu_list1[MaxNo_Menu] = { "Apple", "Pear", "Banana", "Kiwi", "Plum" };
00009 char *menu_list2[MaxNo_Menu] = { "Orange", "Peach", "Strawberry", "Blueberry", "Grapes" };
00010 int ypos[MaxNo_Menu] = { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 };
00012 void InitScreen(void){        //Print all the fruits on the screen
00014     term.background(0xFF0000);
00015     term.foreground(0xFFFFFF);
00016     for(int i=0; i< MaxNo_Menu; i++){             
00017         term.locate(5, ypos[i]);
00018         term.printf("%s",menu_list1[i]);
00019         term.locate(15, ypos[i]);
00020         term.printf("%s",menu_list2[i]);
00021     }  
00022 }
00024 void UpdateScreen(int LastIndex, int LastColumn, int Index, int Column){    //Just update the fuits that has changed
00026      term.background(0xFFFFFF);                                //Highlight the new fruit
00027      term.foreground(0xFF0000);
00028      if(Column==0){
00029          term.locate(5, ypos[Index]);
00030          term.printf("%s",menu_list1[Index]);
00031      }
00032      else{
00033          term.locate(15, ypos[Index]);
00034          term.printf("%s",menu_list2[Index]);
00035      }  
00037      term.background(0xFF0000);                                //Black out the old fruit
00038      term.foreground(0xFFFFFF);
00039      if(LastColumn==0){
00040          term.locate(5, ypos[LastIndex]);
00041          term.printf("%s",menu_list1[LastIndex]);
00042      }
00043      else{
00044          term.locate(15, ypos[LastIndex]);
00045          term.printf("%s",menu_list2[LastIndex]);
00046      } 
00047 }
00049 int main() {
00051     int Key;
00052     int Index=0, Column=0, LastIndex=0, LastColumn=1;
00054     term.background(0xFF0000);
00055     term.foreground(0xFFFFFF);
00056     term.cls();
00057     term.locate(15,1);
00058     term.printf("What is your favourite fruit?");
00059     InitScreen();
00060     UpdateScreen(LastIndex, LastColumn,Index, Column);    
00063     while(1){   
00064        Key=term.getc();                                //Get the keypad pressed
00065             if((Key>=0x30)&&(Key<=0x39)){              //See if it's a number (0-9)
00066             }
00067             else if(Key==0x1B){                        //If the keypress was an arrow key                                                  
00068                 Key = term.getc();                     //Check again!                  
00069                 if (Key == 0x5B){
00070                     Key = term.getc(); 
00071                     LastIndex=Index;
00072                     LastColumn=Column;
00073                     switch(Key){                          //Check to see which arrow key...
00074                         case 0x41:                        //It was the UP arrow key...
00075                             Index--;
00076                             if(Index<0)
00077                                 Index = MaxNo_Menu - 1;
00078                             break;
00079                         case 0x42:                        //It was the DOWN arrow key...
00080                             Index++;
00081                             if(Index >= MaxNo_Menu)
00082                                 Index = 0;
00083                             break;
00084                         case 0x43:                        //It was the RIGHT arrow key...
00085                             Column++;
00086                             if(Column>1)
00087                                 Column=0;
00088                             break;
00089                         case 0x44:                        //It was the LEFT arrow key...
00090                             Column--;
00091                             if(Column<0)
00092                                 Column=1;
00093                             break;
00094                     }
00095                     UpdateScreen(LastIndex, LastColumn,Index, Column);   
00096                 }  
00097             }
00098             else if(Key>=0x0D){                        //See if it was ENTER
00099                 term.locate(15,18);
00100                 if(Column==0)
00101                     term.printf("Your favourite fruit is %s       ",menu_list1[Index]);
00102                 else
00103                     term.printf("Your favourite fruit is %s       ",menu_list2[Index]);
00104             }
00105     }
00106 }