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00001 #ifndef HTTPSTATICPAGE_H
00002 #define HTTPSTATICPAGE_H
00004 #include "HTTPServer.h"
00006 /**
00007  * A datastorage helper for the HTTPStaticPage class.
00008  * Stores only the left upload size.
00009  */
00010 class HTTPStaticPageData : public HTTPData {
00011   public: int left;
00012 };
00014 /**
00015  * This class Provide a Handler to send Static HTTP Pages from the bin file.
00016  */
00017 class HTTPStaticPage : public HTTPHandler {
00018   public:
00019     /**
00020      * Constructer takes the pagename and the pagedata.
00021      * As long as the pagedata is NULL terminated you have not to tell the data length.
00022      * But if you want to send binary data you should tell us the size.
00023      */
00024     HTTPStaticPage(const char *path, const char *page, int length = 0)
00025      : HTTPHandler(path), _page(page) {
00026       _size = (length)?length:strlen(_page);
00027     }
00029   private:
00030     /**
00031      * A this Static Page is requested!
00032      * Prepare a datastorage helper "HTTPStaticPageHelper" to store the left data size.
00033      * And return HTTP_OK
00034      */
00035     virtual HTTPStatus init(HTTPConnection *con) const {
00036       HTTPStaticPageData *data = new HTTPStaticPageData();
00037       req->data = data;
00038       data->left = _size;
00039       req->setLength(_size);
00040       return HTTP_OK;
00041     }
00043     /**
00044      * Send the maximum data out to the client. 
00045      * If the file is complete transmitted close connection by returning HTTP_SuccessEnded
00046      */
00047     virtual HTTPHandle send(HTTPRequest *req, int maximum) const {
00048       HTTPStaticPageData *data = static_cast<HTTPStaticPageData *>(con->request_data);
00049       int len = min(maximum, data->left);
00050       err_t err;
00052       do {
00053         err = con->write((void*)&_page[_size - data->left], len, 1);
00054         if(err == ERR_MEM) {
00055           len >>= 1;
00056         }
00057       } while(err == ERR_MEM && len > 1);
00058       if(err == ERR_OK) {
00059         data->left -= len;
00060       }
00062       return (data->left)? HTTP_Success : HTTP_SuccessEnded;
00063     }
00065     /** Pointer to the page data */
00066     const char *_page;
00068     /** page data size*/
00069     int   _size;
00070 };
00072 #endif