We connected an OLED to I2C of weather:bit.

Dependencies:   BME280 SSD1308_128x64_I2C microbit

Fork of mbed_oled by Wim Huiskamp


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Dec 15 06:38:28 2017 +0000
Commit message:
1st release

Changed in this revision

BME280.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
microbit.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BME280.lib	Fri Dec 15 06:38:28 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 01 17:54:33 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Dec 15 06:38:28 2017 +0000
@@ -1,397 +1,54 @@
-/* mbed Seeed 128x64 OLED Test
- * http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove-oled-display-12864-p-781.html?cPath=163_167
+ * micro:bit weather:bit + SSD1306 OLED 128x64 OLED Test program
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Wim Huiskamp
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Kazuhiro Ouchi (@kanpapa)
  * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
- * version 0.2 Initial Release
+ * version 0.1 Initial Release
-#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MicroBit.h"
 #include "mbed_logo.h"
-#include "SSD1308.h"
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-//Pin Defines for I2C Bus
-//#define D_SDA                  p9
-//#define D_SCL                  p10
-#define D_SDA                  p28
-#define D_SCL                  p27
-#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-#define D_SDA                  PB_9
-#define D_SCL                  PB_8
+#include "SSD1308.h"  // https://os.mbed.com/users/wim/code/SSD1308_128x64_I2C/
+#include "BME280.h"   // https://os.mbed.com/users/MACRUM/code/BME280/
-#if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
-// I2C for KL25Z
-#define D_SCL                  PTE1
-#define D_SDA                  PTE0
-I2C i2c(D_SDA, D_SCL);
+MicroBit uBit;
+MicroBitI2C i2c(I2C_SDA0, I2C_SCL0); 
-//Host PC Baudrate (Virtual Com Port on USB)
-#define D_BAUDRATE            9600
-//#define D_BAUDRATE            57600
-// mbed Interface Hardware definitions
-DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
-DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
-DigitalOut myled3(LED3);
-DigitalOut heartbeatLED(LED4);
-// Host PC Communication channels
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
-// Instantiate OLED
+// Instantiate OLED SSD1306
+// I2C address 0x78
 SSD1308 oled = SSD1308(i2c, SSD1308_SA0);
-void show_menu() {
-    pc.printf("0: Exit\r");
-    pc.printf("1: Show Menu\r");    
-    pc.printf("2: Send Message\r"); 
-    pc.printf("3: Fill Display\r");
-    pc.printf("4: Display cleared\r");        
-    pc.printf("5: Display off\r");            
-    pc.printf("6: Display on\r");                
-    pc.printf("7: Display Invert\r");                    
-    pc.printf("8: Display Normal\r");                
-    pc.printf("9: Display Bitmap\r");                    
-    pc.printf("A: Brightness Ramp\r");                    
-    pc.printf("B: Send Inverted Message\r");  
-    pc.printf("C: Flip and Mirror\r");                      
-    pc.printf("D: Blink\r");   
-    pc.printf("E: Big Chars\r");                       
-    pc.printf("F: Progress Scale\r");    
-    pc.printf("G: Scroll\r");        
-    pc.printf("H: Hor Scroll\r");    
-    pc.printf("V: Ver and Hor Scroll\r");    
-//    pc.printf("\n\r");                
+// I2C address 0x76(default)
+// Instantiate BME280 sensor
+BME280 sensor = BME280(i2c);
-void oled_Test() {
-  pc.printf("OLED test start\r"); 
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-  pc.printf("\r\nHello World from LPC1768\r\n");
-#if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
-  pc.printf("\r\nHello World from KL25Z\r\n");
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC812)
-  pc.printf("\r\nHello World from LPC812\r\n");
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1549)
-  pc.printf("Hello World from LPC1549\n\r");    
-#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
-  pc.printf("Hello World from ST32F401RE\n\r");    
-#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F103RB)
-  pc.printf("Hello World from ST32F103RB\n\r");    
-//  oled.writeString(0, 0, 13, "Hello World !");
-  oled.writeString(0, 0, "Hello World !");  
-  pc.printf("Printed something\r");    
-  wait(3);
+int main() {
+    // Initialise the micro:bit runtime.
+    uBit.init();
-//  oled.writeString(1, 0, 8, "baz quux");
-  oled.writeString(1, 0, "baz quux");  
-  pc.printf("Printed something\r");  
-  wait(3);
+    // micro:bit LED test
+    uBit.display.scroll("HELLO WORLD! :)");
-//  oled.writeString(4, 0, 272, "a long, rather lengthy, extended string passage thing, eh, that just goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, yes, further, continuing, extending, expanding beyond all reason or sanity!!!!! and yet, there's more!  so much more!  for ever and ever, oh yeah");
-//  pc.printf("Printed something\r");
-//  wait(3);
-  oled.fillDisplay(0xAA);
-  pc.printf("Display filled\r");      
-  wait(3);
-  oled.setDisplayOff();
-  pc.printf("Display off\r");          
-  wait(0.5);
-  oled.setDisplayOn();
-  pc.printf("Display on\r");          
-  wait(0.5);  
-  oled.clearDisplay();
-  pc.printf("Display cleared\r");        
-  wait(0.5);
-//  oled.writeString(0, 0, 11, "Bye World !");
-  oled.writeString(0, 0, "Bye World !");  
-  pc.printf("Printed something\r");    
-  wait(3);
-  pc.printf("OLED test done\r");  
-// Variables for Heartbeat and Status monitoring
-Ticker heartbeat;
-bool heartbeatflag=false;
-// Local functions
-void clear_screen() {
-//ANSI Terminal Commands
-    pc.printf("\x1B[2J");
-    pc.printf("\x1B[H");
-void init_interfaces() {
-    // Init Host PC communication, default is 9600
-    pc.baud(D_BAUDRATE);
-    // Init I/F hardware
-//    i2c.frequency(100000);
-    i2c.frequency(400000); // according to the spec the max bitrate for the SSD1308 is 400 kbit/s
-// Heartbeat monitor
-void pulse() {
-  heartbeatLED = !heartbeatLED;
-void heartbeat_start() {
-  heartbeat.attach(&pulse, 0.5);
-void heartbeat_stop() {
-  heartbeat.detach();
-int main() {
-    bool running=true;
-    bool left = true;
-    bool down = true;
+    // OLED test
+    oled.writeString(0, 0, "Hello World !");
-    char command;
-    init_interfaces();
+    oled.fillDisplay(0xAA);
+    oled.setDisplayOff();
+    wait(1);   
+    oled.setDisplayOn();
+    // weather info display
+    while (1) {
+        oled.clearDisplay();
+        oled.setDisplayInverse();
+        wait(0.5);
+        oled.setDisplayNormal();                                         
+        oled.writeBitmap((uint8_t*) mbed_logo);
+        wait(1);
-    heartbeat_start();
-    clear_screen(); 
-    pc.printf("Hello World!\r");
-// Quick test
-    oled_Test(); 
-    while(1) {
-        myled1 = 1;
-        wait(0.2);       
-        myled1 = 0;
-        wait(0.2);     
-        pc.printf("*");
+        oled.clearDisplay();
+        oled.printf("%2.2f degC, %04.2f hPa, %2.2f %%\n", sensor.getTemperature(), sensor.getPressure(), sensor.getHumidity());
+        wait(10);
-// Interactive Test
-    show_menu();
-    while(running) {
-       if(pc.readable()) {
-         command = pc.getc();       
-         //pc.printf("command= %c \n\r", command);         
-         pc.printf("\r");         
-         switch (command) {
-          case '0' :
-                     pc.printf("Done\r");                    
-                     running = false;  
-                     break;
-          case '1' :
-                     show_menu();
-                     break;
-          case '2' :
-                     pc.printf("Hello World!\r");  
-                     oled.writeString(0, 0, "Hello World !");   
-                     break;
-          case '3' :
-                     pc.printf("Fill part of Display 0xA5\r");            
-//                     oled.fillDisplay(0xA5);
-                     oled.fillDisplay(0xA5, 2, 5, 0, 63);                     
-                     break;
-          case '4' :
-                     pc.printf("Display cleared\r");                  
-                     oled.clearDisplay();
-                     break;
-          case '5' :
-                     pc.printf("Display off\r");                
-                     oled.setDisplayOff();                  
-                     break;
-          case '6' :
-                     pc.printf("Display on\r");          
-                     oled.setDisplayOn();                     
-                     break;
-          case '7' :
-                     pc.printf("Display Invert\r");          
-                     oled.setDisplayInverse();
-                     break;
-          case '8' :
-                     pc.printf("Display Normal\r");
-                     oled.setDisplayNormal();                                         
-                     break;
-          case '9' :
-                     pc.printf("Display bitmap\r");          
-                     oled.writeBitmap((uint8_t*) mbed_logo);
-                     break;
-          case 'A' :
-                     pc.printf("Brightness Ramp Down\r");          
-                     for (int contrast=0x7F; contrast >= 0x10; contrast--) { 
-                        oled.setContrastControl(contrast);
-                        wait(0.05);
-                     }                   
-                     wait(1);
-                     pc.printf("Brightness Ramp Up\r");          
-                     for (int contrast=0x10; contrast <= 0x7F; contrast++) { 
-                        oled.setContrastControl(contrast);
-                        wait(0.05);
-                     }                   
-                     pc.printf("Brightness Ramp Done\r");                              
-                     break;
-          case 'B' :
-                     pc.printf("Send Inverted Message\r");
-                     oled.setInverted(true);                     
-//                     oled.writeString(0, 0, 13, "Hello World !");                                                 
-                     oled.writeString(0, 0, "Hello World !");                                                                      
-                     oled.setInverted(false);                                          
-                     oled.printf(" Result is %d", 12345);                                                 
-                     break;
-          case 'C' :
-                     pc.printf("Flip and Mirror (Rewrite display to show horizontal effect)\r");
-                     left = !left;
-                     down = !down;
-                     oled.setDisplayFlip(left, down);                     
-                     break;
-          case 'D' :                     
-                     pc.printf("D: Blink and Fade (not supported)\r");
-//                     oled.setDisplayBlink(true);
-//                     wait(4);
-//                     oled.setDisplayBlink(false);
-                     oled.setDisplayFade(true);
-                     wait(4);
-                     oled.setDisplayFade(false);
-                     pc.printf("D: Blink done\r");
-                     break;                       
-          case 'E' :                     
-                     pc.printf("E: Big Chars\r");
-                     oled.writeBigChar(0,  0, '+');
-                     oled.writeBigChar(0, 16, '7');
-                     oled.writeBigChar(0, 32, '8');
-                     oled.writeBigChar(0, 48, '9');                                          
-                     pc.printf("E: Big Chars done\r");
-                     break;   
-          case 'F' :                     
-                     pc.printf("F: Progress Scale\r");
-                     for (int percentage=0; percentage <= 100; percentage++) { 
-                       oled.writeProgressBar(2, 0, percentage); 
-                       oled.printf(" %3d%%", percentage);                                           
-                       oled.writeProgressBar(4, 0, 100 - percentage);                        
-                       oled.printf(" %3d%%", 100 - percentage);                                                                  
-                       oled.writeLevelBar(6, 0, percentage);                        
-                       oled.printf(" %3dmV", percentage);                                                                  
-                       wait(0.05);
-                     }                   
-                     pc.printf("F: Progress Scale done\r");                   
-                     break;   
-          case 'G' :                     
-                     pc.printf("G: Scroll\r");
-                     for (int line=0; line < ROWS; line++) { 
-                       oled.setDisplayStartLine(line);                        
-                       wait(0.05);
-                     }                   
-                     oled.setDisplayStartLine(0);                                            
-                     pc.printf("G: Scroll done\r");                   
-                     break;   
-          case 'H' :                     
-//                     pc.printf("H: Hor Scroll\r");
-                     pc.printf("H: Hor Scroll (Page 0-3)\r");
-//                     oled.setContinuousHorizontalScroll(true, PAGE0, PAGE7, SCROLL_INTERVAL_25_FRAMES);                     
-                     oled.setContinuousHorizontalScroll(true, PAGE0, PAGE3, SCROLL_INTERVAL_25_FRAMES);                                          
-                     oled.setDisplayScroll(true);
-                     wait(5);                     
-                     oled.setDisplayScroll(false);
-                     pc.printf("H: Hor Scroll done\r");                   
-                     break;   
-          case 'V' :                     
-                     pc.printf("V: Ver and Hor Scroll (Page 0-7)\r");
-                     oled.setContinuousVerticalAndHorizontalScroll(true, PAGE0, PAGE7, 0x01, SCROLL_INTERVAL_25_FRAMES);
-                     oled.setVerticalScrollArea(20, 20); 
-                     oled.setDisplayScroll(true);
-                     wait(5);                     
-                     oled.setDisplayScroll(false);
-                     pc.printf("V: Ver and Hor Scroll done\r");                   
-                     break;   
-        } //switch
-      }//if
-    }//while
-    pc.printf("Bye World!\n\r");                       
+} //main    
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mbed.bld	Thu Jan 01 17:54:33 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/microbit.lib	Fri Dec 15 06:38:28 2017 +0000
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