test menu

Dependencies:   Menu RPG SMARTGPU TextLCD Ton mbed

Fork of lcd_menu by Peihsun Yeh

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed May 13 11:42:42 2015 +0000
Commit message:
new LCDmenuV2

Changed in this revision

Menu.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SMARTGPU.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Ton.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Menu.lib	Tue Mar 05 22:16:35 2013 +0000
+++ b/Menu.lib	Wed May 13 11:42:42 2015 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SMARTGPU.lib	Wed May 13 11:42:42 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Ton.lib	Wed May 13 11:42:42 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Mar 05 22:16:35 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 13 11:42:42 2015 +0000
@@ -1,23 +1,173 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "TextLCD.h"
+// #include "TextLCD.h"
 #include "RPG.h"
 #include "Selection.h"
 #include "Menu.h"
 #include "Navigator.h"
 #include <vector>
 #include <string>
+#include "SMARTGPU.h"
+#include "Ton.h"
+Ton t1(11000);
+Ton t2(60000);
+Ton t3(840000);
+char Rtions[5];
+char p;
+DigitalOut Out1(LED1);
+DigitalOut Out2(LED2);
+DigitalOut out3(LED3);
+DigitalOut Out4(LED4);
+InterruptIn pb(p24);
+InterruptIn bt1(p26);
+InterruptIn bt2(p28);
+int waiting=0; 
+int n;
+//int MTR = 0;
+DigitalOut MTR(p19);
+int volatile countT=0;
+char counter = 0;
+//const char Cpass[10]= {0x00};
+char Cpass[10];
+//int volatile old=0;
+int  old = 0;
+int  bt1o = 1;
+int oldbt2=1;
+int Mn1 = 1;
+int Mn2 = 3;
+void pb_hit_interrupt (void) {
+    countT++;
+    if( (old==0 ) & (waiting == 0) &( oldbt2 == 0)&(  bt1o == 0)   )    {
+      MTR = 1;
+     Out4 = !Out4;
+      Out1=1;
+      old = 1;
+      }
+      }
+void bt1_hit_interrupt (void) {
+   if( (bt1o==0 )& (old == 0)    )    {
+     bt1o = 1;
+    }  
+     } 
+void bt2_hit_interrupt (void) {
+   if( (oldbt2==0 )& (old == 0) )    {
+   oldbt2 =1;
+     }}    
+//#include "rpc.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+SMARTGPU lcd(p13,p14,p15);        //(TX,RX,Reset);
 DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2), led3(LED3), led4(LED4);
-TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20); // rs, e, d4-d7
+//TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20); // rs, e, d4-d7
 RPG rpg(p21,p22,p23); 
+int oldpass;
+int pass;
+int oldCons;
+int Cons;
+int oldcourbe;
+int courbe;
+int oldHor;
+int Hor;
+int oldJour;
+int Jour;
 using namespace std;
+int prevpass;
+char bufCons[3];
+char oldbufCons[3];
+char bufPass[1];
+char oldbufpass[1];
+char bufcourbe[1];
+char oldbufcourbe[1];
+char bufJour[1];
+char oldbufJour[1];
+char bufHor[1];
+char oldbufHor[1];
 // some functions to tie to selections
 void toggleLED1() { led1 = !led1; }
 void toggleLED2() { led2 = !led2; }
 void toggleLED3() { led3 = !led3; }
 void toggleLED4() { led4 = !led4; }
+void incpass() { 
+oldpass = pass;
+sprintf(bufPass, "%d", pass);
+void decpass() { 
+oldpass = pass;
+sprintf(bufPass, "%d", pass);
+ }
+void incCons() { 
+oldCons = Cons;
+sprintf(bufCons, "%d", Cons);
+ }
+void decCons() { 
+oldCons = Cons;
+sprintf(bufCons, "%d", Cons);
+ }
+// Horaire
+void incHor() { 
+oldHor = Hor;
+sprintf(bufHor, "%d", Hor);
+ }
+ void decHor() { 
+oldHor = Hor;
+sprintf(bufHor, "%d", Hor);
+ }
+ // Jour
+void incJour() { 
+oldJour = Jour;
+sprintf(bufJour, "%d", Jour);
+ }
+void decJour() { 
+oldJour = Jour;
+sprintf(bufJour, "%d", Jour);
+ }
+ // Courbe
+void incCourbe() { 
+oldcourbe = courbe;
+sprintf(bufcourbe, "%d", courbe);
+ }
+void decCourbe() { 
+oldcourbe = courbe;
+sprintf(bufcourbe, "%d", courbe);
+ }
 void resetLED()
     led1 = 0;
@@ -27,14 +177,40 @@
 int main() {
+        Cons = 0;
+          pass = 2;
+          Hor = 1;
+          courbe = 3;
+          Jour = 7;
+     lcd.reset();                    //physically reset SMARTGPU
+     lcd.start();                    //initialize the SMARTGPU processor
+ toggleLED2();
+ pass = 1;
+ set_time(1309776930); 
+ Rtions[2]=12;
+ Rtions[3]=13;
+ Rtions[4]=14;
+ time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
     // In using this library, the user declares "Menus", which are essentially arrays of "Selections".
     // Selections describe each individual selectable item. 
     // Selections can be tied to functions. Functions must output void and take in no arguments.
     // Selections can also have references to child menus.
     // It makes sense to declare a root menu first, but you don't have to. 
     // Menus should have an identifier (the argument in constructor). 
-    Menu rootMenu("root"); 
+       Menu rootMenu("Menu Principale"); 
     // Selections are added to menus through the Menu's "add" method.
     // If a function is to be executed when the RPG is depressed, make a REFERENCE to it. Otherwise null.
@@ -42,30 +218,198 @@
     // The last is the text to display. *INCLUDE A SPACE IN THE BEGINNING, this is where the cursor goes. 
     // *This means the text is limited to 14 characters (not counting the space) with this display. 
     // **It is 14 not 15 for reasons pertaining to the implementation of the TextLCD library. 
-    Menu ledMenu("LED menu"); 
-    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED1, 0, NULL, " Toggle LED1")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
-    ledMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Toggle LED2"));        // It can also be set to NULL temporarily and changed later.
-    ledMenu.selections[1].fun = &toggleLED2;                      // Useful for when functions are methods in other classes.
+    Menu ledMenu("Options"); 
+    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED1, 0, NULL," Toggle LED1")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
+    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED2, 1, NULL, " Toggle LED2"));  
     ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED3, 2, NULL, " Toggle LED3"));
-    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED4, 3, NULL, " Toggle LED4"));
-    ledMenu.add(Selection(&resetLED, 4, &rootMenu, " Go back"));  // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
+    ledMenu.add(Selection(&resetLED, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    ledMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Options"));  // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
+    Menu AlimMenu("Alimenter"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    AlimMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, " Voir Courbe"));
+    AlimMenu.add(Selection(&incpass, 1, NULL, " Augmenter"));
+    AlimMenu.add(Selection(&decpass, 2, NULL, " Diminuer"));
+    AlimMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    AlimMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Alimenter"));
+    Menu ledCourbe("Courbe"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    ledCourbe.add(Selection(&incCourbe, 1, NULL, " Augmenter"));
+    ledCourbe.add(Selection(&decCourbe, 2, NULL, " Diminuer"));
+    ledCourbe.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " "));
+    ledCourbe.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    ledCourbe.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Courbe"));
-    Menu aboutMenu("About Menu"); // about menu crediting us :)
-    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, " Authors:"));
-    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Ben Y & Tony T"));
-    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " ECE4180"));
-    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Go back"));
+    Menu ledHoraire("Horaire"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    ledHoraire.add(Selection(&incHor, 1, NULL, " Augmenter"));
+    ledHoraire.add(Selection(&decHor, 2, NULL, " Diminuer"));
+    ledHoraire.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " "));
+    ledHoraire.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    ledHoraire.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Horaire"));
+    Menu ledJour("Jour"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    ledJour.add(Selection(&incJour, 1, NULL, " Augmenter"));
+    ledJour.add(Selection(&decJour, 2, NULL, " Diminuer"));
+    ledJour.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " "));
+    ledJour.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    ledJour.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Jour"));
-    // Selections to the root menu should be added last
-    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &ledMenu, " LED MENU"));
-    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Dummy menu 1"));  // a dummy menu, doesn't do anything
-    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, &aboutMenu, " About menu"));   
+    Menu GestMenu("Gestation"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    GestMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0,&ledCourbe, " Courbe"));
+    GestMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &ledHoraire, " Horaire"));
+    GestMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, &ledJour, " Journee Depart"));
+    GestMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    GestMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Gestation"));
+    Menu ledCons("Consom"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    ledCons.add(Selection(&incCons, 1, NULL, " Augmenter"));
+    ledCons.add(Selection(&decCons, 2, NULL, " Diminuer"));
+    ledCons.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " "));
+    ledCons.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    ledCons.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Consom"));
+    Menu MBMenu("Mise Bas"); // about menu crediting us :)
+    MBMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, " Courbe Parite"));
+    MBMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Courbe Horaire"));
+    MBMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " Journee Depart"));
+    MBMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Retour"));
+    MBMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Mise Bas"));
+    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &AlimMenu, " Alimenter"));
+    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &GestMenu, " Gestation"));  // a dummy menu, doesn't do anything
+    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, &MBMenu, " Mise Bas "));   
+     rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &ledMenu, " Options "));
+ //  rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, &ledCourbe, " Courbe "));
+  // rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, &ledHoraire, " Horaire "));
+  // rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 6, &ledJour, " Jour "));
+//  rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 7, &ledCons, " Consom "));
+    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Menu Principale"));
     // Here is the heart of the system: the navigator. 
     // The navigator takes in a reference to the root, an interface, and a reference to an lcd
     Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, rpg, &lcd);
+  prevpass = 0; 
+  //       navigator.poll();
+        Out2=1;
+if ( bt1o == 1){
+//++menu   if menu > 4 then menu = 0;
+            Mn1 = ++ Mn1 % 9;
+//            Mn1 = Menu1(Mn1);
+            wait(.1);
+            bt1o = 0;
+if ( oldbt2 == 1){
+//++menu   if menu2 > 4 then menu2 = 0;
+             Mn2 = ++ Mn2 % 5;
+//             Mn2=Menu2(Mn2);
+             wait(.1);
+            oldbt2 = 0;
+         //  lcd.locate(0,1);
+         //     lcd.printf("  bp out5\n"); 
+         //     wait(.5); 
+if( (out3==1) &  (waiting == 840)     ){
+           Out1=0;
+//           lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Out3-1\n");
+            wait(1);
+   if(   t3         ){
+  //          navigator.poll();
+           t3=0;                                                                  
+ //           lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("Out3wa\n");
+            //   wait(1);
+       out3=0;
+       waiting = 0;
+        counter = 0;
+if((Out1==1) & (waiting ==11)){
+//       lcd.locate(0,1); 
+//       lcd.printf("Alimente      \n");
+        wait(.1);
+  if(   t1          ){
+       Out1=0;
+       t1=0;
+       MTR=0;
+            //lcd.locate(0,1); 
+            //lcd.printf("Out11wait11E   \n");
+              wait(.1);
+       waiting = 60;
+        t2=1;
+      old=0;
+       counter ++;
+        Rtions[p]--;
+if (   (old==1)&(MTR==1)  & (waiting == 0) )  {
+//                     lcd.locate(0,1);
+ //                     lcd.printf("alimente   \n");
+                       wait( 1);
+           rawtime = time(NULL);
+        waiting = 11;
+        t1=1;
+                     //  lcd.locate(0,1);
+                     //   lcd.printf("nwait w1     \n");
+                         wait( 1);
+         if (counter >= 6) {
+            out3=1;
+            waiting = 840;t3=1;
+              }
+       }
+if((Out1==0) & (waiting ==60)){
+          out3=1; 
+//                  lcd.locate(0,1); 
+//                  lcd.printf("Attend 60 sec  "); 
+                  wait(61);
+  if(   t2         ){
+       out3=0;
+         t2=0;  
+//        lcd.locate(0,1); 
+//         lcd.printf("             "); 
+          wait(1);
+       waiting = 0;
+    //  old=0;
+ // lcd.locate(0,1); lcd.printf("apres old-0    \n"); 
+ // wait(1);
+  //            lcd.string(100,200,300,220,WHITE,FONT6,TRANS," ");  //
+     //    oldHor = Hor;  oldJour = Jour;  oldcourbe = courbe;
+   if (  (oldpass != pass)| ( oldCons != Cons) | ( oldHor != Hor) | ( oldcourbe != courbe) | ( oldJour != Jour)){
+        n=sprintf (Cpass, "Pa:%d Cs:%d H:%d Cb:%d Jr:%d", pass,Cons,Hor,courbe,Jour);
+        lcd.string(15,210,300,220,WHITE,FONT3,TRANS,Cpass); 
+        oldCons = Cons;
+          oldpass = pass;
+          oldHor = Hor;
+          oldcourbe = courbe;
+          oldJour = Jour;
+       }
+  //              lcd.string(100,200,300,220,WHITE,FONT6,TRANS,bufPass);  //
+             //   lcd.string(100,200,300,220,WHITE,FONT6,TRANS,bufPass);  //
+    //          lcd.string(150,200,300,220,WHITE,FONT6,TRANS,bufPass);  //
         navigator.poll(); // In a loop, call navigator's poll method to determine if the user is interacting with the rpg. 
\ No newline at end of file