this version has all of Jim's fixes for reading the GPS and IMU data synchronously

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL SDFileSystem mbed SDShell CRC CommHandler FP LinkedList LogUtil

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jun 21 04:47:32 2013 +0000
Commit message:
some changes by jek before sg comments

Changed in this revision

PCMessaging.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/PCMessaging.h	Thu Jun 20 15:33:38 2013 +0000
+++ b/PCMessaging.h	Fri Jun 21 04:47:32 2013 +0000
@@ -223,11 +223,15 @@
             // Elapsed time since last known GPS position
             //PPSTimeOffset is a result of possibly missing a prior GPS position message
-            // is always the time from the moset recent 1PPS
+            // is always the time from the most recent 1PPS
             double elTime = (double)PPSTimeOffset +;
-            // Position time -- GPSTime is the time of the last valid GPS position message
-            double posTime = GPSTimemsecs/1000 + elTime;
+             //this is the best estimate of the GPS time of the requested POSVEL data
+            double posTime = GPSTimemsecs/1000.0 + elTime;
+            // Position time -- posMsgTime is the time of the last valid GPS position message
+            // this time may differ from GPSTimemsecs if the last position message (42) was missed due to CRC error 
+            double posMsgTime = posMsg.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs/1000.0;
             //toPC.printf(" elTime = %6.3f PPSimeOffset = %6.3f \n", elTime, PPSTimeOffset);
             //toPC.printf(" latRateFac = %10.3f  lonRateFac = %10.3f \n", latRateFac, lonRateFac);
@@ -238,8 +242,8 @@
             //double latPos = posMsg.latitude  + (nVel/latMetersPerDeg)*elTime;
             //double lonPos = posMsg.longitude + (eVel/lonMetersPerDeg)*elTime;
-            double latPos = posMsg.latitude  + (nVel/latRateFac)*elTime;
-            double lonPos = posMsg.longitude + (eVel/lonRateFac)*elTime;            
+            double latPos = posMsg.latitude  + (nVel/latRateFac)*(posTime - posMsgTime);
+            double lonPos = posMsg.longitude + (eVel/lonRateFac)*(posTime - posMsgTime);            
             double htPos  = posMsg.height    + velMsg.verticalSpeed/(60*1852)*elTime;
             char solReady = 'N';
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jun 20 15:33:38 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jun 21 04:47:32 2013 +0000
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
         if(fireTrigger)  //comes from a PC request message
-            unsigned long triggerTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000 + timeFromPPS.read_us()/1000.0;
+            unsigned long triggerTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000.0 + timeFromPPS.read_us()/1000.0;
             toPC.printf("WMsg TRIGGERTIME %10d \n", triggerTime);
             //pre-fire the trigger using the mid-body 2.5mm connection (T2i)
             pre_fire = 0;  //pin30 (midbody of connector) set to zero
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
         //there are three potential messages and all messages have a header
         if (completeMessageAvailable && !IMUDataReady)
+            //must unpack header first to get the message length
             msgHdr = *((MESSAGEHEADER*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
             //these times are used to tag the IMU sample time. PPSTimeOffset increments by 1 exactly at the 1PPS event (in the 1PPS ISR)
@@ -320,19 +320,14 @@
             //Thus GPSTimemsecs increments by 1 here while GPSTimemsecs effectively decrements by 1.
             //This handles IMU time tagging between the 1PPS event and the first receipt of a new GPS time.
             //message header length is 28 -- right side is pointer to the receiver-computed CRC for this record 
+            //CRC is computed while reading in the GPS bytes
             unsigned long msgCRC = *((unsigned long*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] + 28 + msgHdr.messageLength]);
             //toPC.printf("tmeFrom1PPS= %5d  ID= %3d Ln = %3d computedCRC= %08x msgCRC= %08x msgCntr = %3d CRCerr=%4d\n", 
             //    timeFromPPS.read_us(), msgHdr.messageID, msgHdr.messageLength, computedCRC, msgCRC, savedMessageCounter, TotalBadCRCmatches);
-            if ( msgCRC != computedCRC)  //computedCRC is performed as we read each bvyte
-            {
-                toPC.printf("WMsg bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
-                    msgHdr.messageLength, TotalBadCRCmatches++);
-            }
-            else
+            if ( msgCRC == computedCRC)  //computedCRC is performed as we read each bvyte
                 //if the CRC check is valid -- then get the time from the header
                 //we get three messages each sec -- does it matter that we do this three times?
@@ -340,34 +335,48 @@
                 //the PPSTimeOffset accounts for the occurrence where we do not get any GPS messages over a sec -- but PPS is still operative
                 PPSTimeOffset = 0;                    //incremented by 1 in the PPS ISR
-            }
+                //We need the pos and vel messages to pass back data to the PC -- error cases that can occur:
+                //  (1) missed 42 (POS)  -- use last good pos and extrapolate using last good vel
+                //  (2) missed 99 (VEL)  -- use the last good vel since likely not changed much
+                //  (3) missed both 42 and 99  -- must use last good position and extrapolae using last good velocity
+                //  GPS time used to time-tag the IMU data and to do the extrapolttion from last good position to send to PC
+                // in the position extrapolation, we will use the GPS time that is kept in the header of the POS msg (42)
+                // see the procedure:   sendPosVelMessageToPC()
-            if      (msgHdr.messageID == 42) //this is the position message (lat, lon, alt)
-            {
-                //map the starting record byte index to the record structure
-                curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
-                posMsg = curPos;
-                if (streamPos)  // we no longer use this functionality
+                if      (msgHdr.messageID == 42) //this is the position message (lat, lon, alt)
-                        toPC.printf("BESTPOS %5d %1d %8.6lf %9.6lf %5.3lf %d %d\n",
-                                          curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,  curPos.solStatus,
-                                          curPos.latitude, curPos.longitude, curPos.height,
-                                          curPos.numSV, curPos.numSolSV);
+                    //map the starting record byte index to the record structure
+                    curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
+                    posMsg = curPos;
+                    if (streamPos)  // we no longer use this functionality
+                    {
+                            toPC.printf("BESTPOS %5d %1d %8.6lf %9.6lf %5.3lf %d %d\n",
+                                              curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,  curPos.solStatus,
+                                              curPos.latitude, curPos.longitude, curPos.height,
+                                              curPos.numSV, curPos.numSolSV);
+                    }
+                } 
+                else if (msgHdr.messageID == 99)  //this is the velocity message
+                {
+                    curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[ messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] ]);
+                    //toPC.printf("BESTVEL  vel: horizontalSpeed= %5.3f heading=%5.1f verticalSpeed=%4.2f \n", 
+                    //    curVel.horizontalSpeed,  curVel.heading,  curVel.verticalSpeed );
+                    velMsg = curVel;
-            } 
-            else if (msgHdr.messageID == 99)  //this is the velocity message
+                //below is set to true when we detect that we have received a complete GPS message
+                completeMessageAvailable = false;
+            }
+            else  // do this if we do not pass the CRC
-                curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[ messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] ]);
-                //toPC.printf("BESTVEL  vel: horizontalSpeed= %5.3f heading=%5.1f verticalSpeed=%4.2f \n", 
-                //    curVel.horizontalSpeed,  curVel.heading,  curVel.verticalSpeed );
-                velMsg = curVel;
+                toPC.printf("WMsg bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
+                msgHdr.messageLength, TotalBadCRCmatches++);
-            //below is set to true when we detect that we have received a complete GPS message
-            completeMessageAvailable = false;
         //write the GPS data to the SD card
         //NOTE:  this is valid only for a once-per-sec GPS message
@@ -435,6 +444,7 @@
      toPC.printf("WMsg totalBytesWritten  %5d \n", totalBytesWritten);
+     //send the nav file to the PC
      //rxMsg = txMsg = 0;  // just indicate that we're in here
      // to exit this function the HOST (ie: computer or PC app) must send "exit" otherwise the mbed will act