Wiznet W5500 driver and TCP/UDP loopback

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00001 /* Wiznet W5500 Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013, WIZnet Co., LTD.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 /**
00018  * @defgroup WIZnet_socket_APIs 1. WIZnet socket APIs
00019  * @brief WIZnet socket APIs are based on Berkeley socket APIs,  thus it has much similar name and interface.
00020  *        But there is a little bit of difference.
00021  * @details
00022  * <b> Comparison between WIZnet and Berkeley SOCKET APIs </b>
00023  * <table>
00024  *    <tr>   <td><b>API</b></td> <td><b>WIZnet</b></td> <td><b>Berkeley</b></td>   </tr>
00025  *    <tr>   <td>socket()</td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00026  *    <tr>   <td><b>bind()</b></td> <td>X</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00027  *    <tr>   <td><b>listen()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00028  *    <tr>   <td><b>connect()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00029  *    <tr>   <td><b>accept()</b></td> <td>X</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00030  *    <tr>   <td><b>recv()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>    </tr>
00031  *    <tr>   <td><b>send()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00032  *    <tr>   <td><b>recvfrom()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00033  *    <tr>   <td><b>sendto()</b></td> <td>O</td> <td>O</td>    </tr>
00034  *    <tr>   <td><b>closesocket()</b></td> <td>O<br>close() & disconnect()</td> <td>O</td>   </tr>
00035  * </table>
00036  * There are @b bind() and @b accept() functions in @b Berkeley SOCKET API but,
00037  * not in @b WIZnet SOCKET API. Because socket() of WIZnet is not only creating a SOCKET but also binding a local port number,
00038  * and listen() of WIZnet is not only listening to connection request from client but also accepting the connection request. \n
00039  * When you program "TCP SERVER" with Berkeley SOCKET API, you can use only one listen port.
00040  * When the listen SOCKET accepts a connection request from a client, it keeps listening.
00041  * After accepting the connection request, a new SOCKET is created and the new SOCKET is used in communication with the client. \n
00042  * Following figure shows network flow diagram by Berkeley SOCKET API.
00043  * @image html Berkeley_SOCKET.jpg "<Berkeley SOCKET API>"
00044  * But, When you program "TCP SERVER" with WIZnet SOCKET API, you can use as many as 8 listen SOCKET with same port number. \n
00045  * Because there's no accept() in WIZnet SOCKET APIs, when the listen SOCKET accepts a connection request from a client,
00046  * it is changed in order to communicate with the client.
00047  * And the changed SOCKET is not listening any more and is dedicated for communicating with the client. \n
00048  * If there're many listen SOCKET with same listen port number and a client requests a connection,
00049  * the SOCKET which has the smallest SOCKET number accepts the request and is changed as communication SOCKET. \n
00050  * Following figure shows network flow diagram by WIZnet SOCKET API.
00051  * @image html WIZnet_SOCKET.jpg "<WIZnet SOCKET API>"
00052  */
00053 #ifdef __cplusplus
00054 extern "C" {
00055 #endif
00057 #ifndef _SOCKET_H_
00058 #define _SOCKET_H_
00060 #include "Ethernet/wizchip_conf.h"
00062 #define SOCK_OK               1        ///< Result is OK about socket process.
00063 #define SOCK_BUSY             0        ///< Socket is busy on processing the operation. Valid only Non-block IO Mode.
00064 #define SOCK_FATAL            -1000    ///< Result is fatal error about socket process.
00066 #define SOCK_ERROR            0        
00067 #define SOCKERR_SOCKNUM       (SOCK_ERROR - 1)     ///< Invalid socket number
00068 #define SOCKERR_SOCKOPT       (SOCK_ERROR - 2)     ///< Invalid socket option
00069 #define SOCKERR_SOCKINIT      (SOCK_ERROR - 3)     ///< Socket is not initialized
00070 #define SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED    (SOCK_ERROR - 4)     ///< Socket unexpectedly closed.
00071 #define SOCKERR_SOCKMODE      (SOCK_ERROR - 5)     ///< Invalid socket mode for socket operation.
00072 #define SOCKERR_SOCKFLAG      (SOCK_ERROR - 6)     ///< Invalid socket flag
00073 #define SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS    (SOCK_ERROR - 7)     ///< Invalid socket status for socket operation.
00074 #define SOCKERR_ARG           (SOCK_ERROR - 10)    ///< Invalid argrument.
00075 #define SOCKERR_PORTZERO      (SOCK_ERROR - 11)    ///< Port number is zero
00076 #define SOCKERR_IPINVALID     (SOCK_ERROR - 12)    ///< Invalid IP address
00077 #define SOCKERR_TIMEOUT       (SOCK_ERROR - 13)    ///< Timeout occurred
00078 #define SOCKERR_DATALEN       (SOCK_ERROR - 14)    ///< Data length is zero or greater than buffer max size.
00079 #define SOCKERR_BUFFER        (SOCK_ERROR - 15)    ///< Socket buffer is not enough for data communication.
00081 #define SOCKFATAL_PACKLEN     (SOCK_FATAL - 1)     ///< Invalid packet length. Fatal Error.
00083 /*
00084  * SOCKET FLAG
00085  */
00086 #define SF_ETHER_OWN           (Sn_MR_MFEN)        ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Receive only the packet as broadcast, multicast and own packet
00087 #define SF_IGMP_VER2           (Sn_MR_MC)          ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP with \ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE, Select IGMP version 2.   
00088 #define SF_TCP_NODELAY         (Sn_MR_ND)          ///< In \ref Sn_MR_TCP, Use to nodelayed ack.
00089 #define SF_MULTI_ENABLE        (Sn_MR_MULTI)       ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP, Enable multicast mode.
00091 #define SF_BROAD_BLOCK         (Sn_MR_BCASTB)   ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP or \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block broadcast packet. Valid only in W5500
00092 #define SF_MULTI_BLOCK         (Sn_MR_MMB)      ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block multicast packet. Valid only in W5500
00093 #define SF_IPv6_BLOCK          (Sn_MR_MIP6B)    ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block IPv6 packet. Valid only in W5500
00094 #define SF_UNI_BLOCK           (Sn_MR_UCASTB)   ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP with \ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE. Valid only in W5500
00096 #define SF_IO_NONBLOCK           0x01              ///< Socket nonblock io mode. It used parameter in \ref socket().
00098 /*
00099  * UDP & MACRAW Packet Infomation
00100  */
00101 #define PACK_FIRST               0x80              ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to start receiving a packet.
00102 #define PACK_REMAINED            0x01              ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to remaine a packet to be received.
00103 #define PACK_COMPLETED           0x00              ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to complete to receive a packet.
00105 /**
00106  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00107  * @brief Open a socket.
00108  * @details Initializes the socket with 'sn' passed as parameter and open.
00109  *
00110  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00111  * @param protocol Protocol type to operate such as TCP, UDP and MACRAW.
00112  * @param port Port number to be bined.
00113  * @param flag Socket flags as \ref SF_ETHER_OWN, \ref SF_IGMP_VER2, \ref SF_TCP_NODELAY, \ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE, \ref SF_IO_NONBLOCK and so on.\n
00114  *             Valid flags only in W5500 : @ref SF_BROAD_BLOCK, @ref SF_MULTI_BLOCK, @ref SF_IPv6_BLOCK, and @ref SF_UNI_BLOCK.
00115  * @sa Sn_MR
00116  *
00117  * @return @b Success : The socket number @b 'sn' passed as parameter\n
00118  *         @b Fail    :\n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM     - Invalid socket number\n
00119  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE    - Not support socket mode as TCP, UDP, and so on. \n
00120  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKFLAG    - Invaild socket flag.
00121  */
00122 int8_t  socket(uint8_t sn, uint8_t protocol, uint16_t port, uint8_t flag);
00124 /**
00125  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00126  * @brief Close a socket.
00127  * @details It closes the socket  with @b'sn' passed as parameter.
00128  *
00129  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00130  *
00131  * @return @b Success : @ref SOCK_OK \n
00132  *         @b Fail    : @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number
00133  */
00134 int8_t  close(uint8_t sn);
00136 /**
00137  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00138  * @brief Listen to a connection request from a client.
00139  * @details It is listening to a connection request from a client.
00140  * If connection request is accepted successfully, the connection is established. Socket sn is used in passive(server) mode.
00141  *
00142  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00143  * @return @b Success : @ref SOCK_OK \n
00144  *         @b Fail    :\n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKINIT   - Socket is not initialized \n
00145  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED - Socket closed unexpectedly.
00146  */
00147 int8_t  listen(uint8_t sn);
00149 /**
00150  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00151  * @brief Try to connect a server.
00152  * @details It requests connection to the server with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter.\n
00153  * @note It is valid only in TCP client mode. 
00154  *       In block io mode, it does not return until connection is completed.
00155  *       In Non-block io mode, it return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly.
00156  *
00157  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00158  * @param addr Pointer variable of destination IP address. It should be allocated 4 bytes.
00159  * @param port Destination port number.
00160  *
00161  * @return @b Success : @ref SOCK_OK \n
00162  * @b Fail    :\n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM   - Invalid socket number\n
00163  *                @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE  - Invalid socket mode\n
00164  *                @ref SOCKERR_SOCKINIT  - Socket is not initialized\n
00165  *                @ref SOCKERR_IPINVALID - Wrong server IP address\n
00166  *                @ref SOCKERR_PORTZERO  - Server port zero\n
00167  *                @ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT   - Timeout occurred during request connection\n
00168  *                @ref SOCK_BUSY         - In non-block io mode, it returned immediatly\n 
00169  */
00170 int8_t  connect(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * addr, uint16_t port);
00172 /**
00173  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00174  * @brief Try to disconnect a connection socket.
00175  * @details It sends request message to disconnect the TCP socket 'sn' passed as parameter to the server or client.
00176  * @note It is valid only in TCP server or client mode. \n
00177  *       In block io mode, it does not return until disconnection is completed. \n
00178  *       In Non-block io mode, it return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly. \n
00180  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00181  * @return @b Success :   @ref SOCK_OK \n
00182  *         @b Fail    :\n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM  - Invalid socket number \n
00183  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \n
00184  *                        @ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT  - Timeout occurred \n
00185  *                        @ref SOCK_BUSY        - Socket is busy.
00186  */
00187 int8_t  disconnect(uint8_t sn);
00189 /**
00190  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00191  * @brief   Send data to the connected peer in TCP socket.
00192  * @details It is used to send outgoing data to the connected socket.
00193  * @note    It is valid only in TCP server or client mode. It can't send data greater than socket buffer size. \n
00194  *          In block io mode, It doesn't return until data send is completed - socket buffer size is greater than data. \n
00195  *          In non-block io mode, It return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly when socket buffer is not enough. \n
00196  * @param sn Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00197  * @param buf Pointer buffer containing data to be sent.
00198  * @param len The byte length of data in buf.
00199  * @return  @b Success : The sent data size \n
00200  *          @b Fail    : \n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS - Invalid socket status for socket operation \n
00201  *                          @ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT    - Timeout occurred \n
00202  *                          @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE   - Invalid operation in the socket \n
00203  *                          @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM    - Invalid socket number \n
00204  *                          @ref SOCKERR_DATALEN    - zero data length \n
00205  *                          @ref SOCK_BUSY          - Socket is busy.
00206  */
00207 int32_t send(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len);
00209 /**
00210  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00211  * @brief   Receive data from the connected peer.
00212  * @details It is used to read incoming data from the connected socket.\n
00213  *          It waits for data as much as the application wants to receive.
00214  * @note    It is valid only in TCP server or client mode. It can't receive data greater than socket buffer size. \n
00215  *          In block io mode, it doesn't return until data reception is completed - data is filled as <I>len</I> in socket buffer. \n
00216  *          In non-block io mode, it return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly when <I>len</I> is greater than data size in socket buffer. \n
00217  *
00218  * @param sn  Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00219  * @param buf Pointer buffer to read incoming data.
00220  * @param len The max data length of data in buf.
00221  * @return  @b Success : The real received data size \n
00222  *          @b Fail    :\n
00223  *                     @ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS - Invalid socket status for socket operation \n
00224  *                     @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE   - Invalid operation in the socket \n
00225  *                     @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM    - Invalid socket number \n
00226  *                     @ref SOCKERR_DATALEN    - zero data length \n
00227  *                     @ref SOCK_BUSY          - Socket is busy.
00228  */
00229 int32_t recv(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len);
00231 /**
00232  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00233  * @brief   Sends datagram to the peer with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter.
00234  * @details It sends datagram of UDP or MACRAW to the peer with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter.\n
00235  *          Even if the connectionless socket has been previously connected to a specific address,
00236  *          the address and port number parameters override the destination address for that particular datagram only.
00237  * @note    In block io mode, It doesn't return until data send is completed - socket buffer size is greater than <I>len</I>.
00238  *          In non-block io mode, It return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly when socket buffer is not enough.
00239  *
00240  * @param sn    Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00241  * @param buf   Pointer buffer to send outgoing data.
00242  * @param len   The byte length of data in buf.
00243  * @param addr  Pointer variable of destination IP address. It should be allocated 4 bytes.
00244  * @param port  Destination port number.
00245  *
00246  * @return @b Success : The sent data size \n
00247  *         @b Fail    :\n @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM     - Invalid socket number \n
00248  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE    - Invalid operation in the socket \n
00249  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS  - Invalid socket status for socket operation \n
00250  *                        @ref SOCKERR_DATALEN     - zero data length \n
00251  *                        @ref SOCKERR_IPINVALID   - Wrong server IP address\n
00252  *                        @ref SOCKERR_PORTZERO    - Server port zero\n
00253  *                        @ref SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED  - Socket unexpectedly closed \n
00254  *                        @ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT     - Timeout occurred \n
00255  *                        @ref SOCK_BUSY           - Socket is busy. 
00256  */
00257 int32_t sendto(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len, uint8_t * addr, uint16_t port);
00259 /**
00260  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00261  * @brief Receive datagram of UDP or MACRAW
00262  * @details This function is an application I/F function which is used to receive the data in other then TCP mode. \n
00263  *          This function is used to receive UDP and MAC_RAW mode, and handle the header as well. 
00264  *          This function can divide to recevie the packet data.
00265  *          On the MACRAW SOCKET, the addr and port parameters are ignored.
00266  * @note    In block io mode, it doesn't return until data reception is completed - data is filled as <I>len</I> in socket buffer
00267  *          In non-block io mode, it return @ref SOCK_BUSY immediatly when <I>len</I> is greater than data size in socket buffer.
00268  *
00269  * @param sn   Socket number. It should be <b>0 ~ @ref \_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_</b>.
00270  * @param buf  Pointer buffer to read incoming data.
00271  * @param len  The max data length of data in buf. 
00272  *             When the received packet size <= len, receives data as packet sized.
00273  *             When others, receives data as len.
00274  * @param addr Pointer variable of destination IP address. It should be allocated 4 bytes.
00275  *             It is valid only when the first call recvform for receiving the packet.
00276  *             When it is valid, packinfo[7] should be set as '1'.  
00277  * @param port Pointer variable of destination port number.
00278  *             It is valid only when the first call recvform for receiving the packet.
00279  *             When it is valid, packinfo[7] should be set as '1'.  
00280  * @param packinfo Notify whether the packet is received completely or not. 
00281  *                 When it completed to receive the packet data in socket buffer, packinfo[0] set as '0'. @ref PACK_FIRST
00282  *                 When it Remained packet data that receives not yet but remained in socket buffer, packinfo[1] set as '1'. @ref PACK_COMPLETED
00283  *
00284  * @return  @b Success : This function return real received data size for success.\n
00285  *          @b Fail    : @ref SOCKERR_DATALEN    - zero data length \n
00286  *                       @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE   - Invalid operation in the socket \n
00287  *                       @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM    - Invalid socket number \n
00288  *                       @ref SOCKBUSY           - Socket is busy.
00289  */
00290 int32_t recvfrom(uint8_t sn, uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len, uint8_t * addr, uint16_t *port, uint8_t* packinfo);
00293 /////////////////////////////
00295 /////////////////////////////
00296 #define SOCK_IO_BLOCK         0  ///< Socket Block IO Mode in @ref setsockopt().
00297 #define SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK      1  ///< Socket Non-block IO Mode in @ref setsockopt().
00299 /**
00300  * @defgroup DATA_TYPE DATA TYPE
00301  */
00303 /**
00304  * @ingroup DATA_TYPE
00305  * @brief The kind of Socket Interrupt.
00306  * @sa Sn_IR, Sn_IMR, setSn_IR(), getSn_IR(), setSn_IMR(), getSn_IMR()
00307  */
00308 typedef enum
00309 {
00310    SIK_CONNECTED     = (1 << 0),    ///< conntected
00311    SIK_DISCONNECTED  = (1 << 1),    ///< disconnected
00312    SIK_RECEIVED      = (1 << 2),    ///< data received
00313    SIK_TIMEOUT       = (1 << 3),    ///< timeout occured
00314    SIK_SENT          = (1 << 4),    ///< send ok
00315    SIK_ALL           = 0x1F,        ///< all interrupt
00316 }sockint_kind;
00318 /**
00319  * @ingroup DATA_TYPE
00320  * @brief The type of @ref ctlsocket().
00321  */
00322 typedef enum
00323 {
00324    CS_SET_IOMODE,          ///< set socket IO mode with @ref SOCK_IO_BLOCK or @ref SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK
00325    CS_GET_IOMODE,          ///< get socket IO mode
00326    CS_GET_MAXTXBUF,        ///< get the size of socket buffer allocated in TX memory
00327    CS_GET_MAXRXBUF,        ///< get the size of socket buffer allocated in RX memory
00328    CS_CLR_INTERRUPT,       ///< clear the interrupt of socket with @ref sockint_kind
00329    CS_GET_INTERRUPT,       ///< get the socket interrupt. refer to @ref sockint_kind
00330    CS_SET_INTMASK,         ///< set the interrupt mask of socket with @ref sockint_kind
00331    CS_GET_INTMASK          ///< get the masked interrupt of socket. refer to @ref sockint_kind
00332 }ctlsock_type;
00335 /**
00336  * @ingroup DATA_TYPE
00337  * @brief The type of socket option in @ref setsockopt() or @ref getsockopt()
00338  */ 
00339 typedef enum
00340 {
00341    SO_FLAG,           ///< Valid only in getsockopt(), For set flag of socket refer to <I>flag</I> in @ref socket().
00342    SO_TTL,              ///< Set/Get TTL. @ref Sn_TTL  ( @ref setSn_TTL(), @ref getSn_TTL() )
00343    SO_TOS,              ///< Set/Get TOS. @ref Sn_TOS  ( @ref setSn_TOS(), @ref getSn_TOS() )
00344    SO_MSS,              ///< Set/Get MSS. @ref Sn_MSSR ( @ref setSn_MSSR(), @ref getSn_MSSR() )
00345    SO_DESTIP,           ///< Set/Get the destination IP address. @ref Sn_DIPR ( @ref setSn_DIPR(), @ref getSn_DIPR() )
00346    SO_DESTPORT,         ///< Set/Get the destionation Port number. @ref Sn_DPORT ( @ref setSn_DPORT(), @ref getSn_DPORT() )
00347    SO_KEEPALIVESEND,    ///< Valid only in setsockopt. Manually send keep-alive packet in TCP mode
00348    SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO, ///< Set/Get keep-alive auto transimittion timer in TCP mode
00349    SO_SENDBUF,          ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the free data size of Socekt TX buffer. @ref Sn_TX_FSR, @ref getSn_TX_FSR()
00350    SO_RECVBUF,          ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the received data size in socket RX buffer. @ref Sn_RX_RSR, @ref getSn_RX_RSR()
00351    SO_STATUS,           ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the socket status. @ref Sn_SR, @ref getSn_SR()
00352    SO_REMAINSIZE        ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the remaind packet size in other then TCP mode.
00353 }sockopt_type;
00355 /**
00356  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00357  *  @brief Control socket.
00358  *  @details Control IO mode, Interrupt & Mask of socket and get the socket buffer information.
00359  *           Refer to @ref ctlsock_type.
00360  *  @param sn socket number
00361  *  @param cstype type of control socket. refer to @ref ctlsock_type.
00362  *  @param arg Data type and value is determined according to @ref ctlsock_type. \n
00363  *             <table>
00364  *                  <tr> <td> @b cstype </td> <td> @b data type</td><td>@b value</td></tr>
00365  *                  <tr> <td> @ref CS_SET_IOMODE \n @ref CS_GET_IOMODE </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td>@ref SOCK_IO_BLOCK @ref SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK</td></tr>
00366  *                  <tr> <td> @ref CS_GET_MAXTXBUF \n @ref CS_GET_MAXRXBUF </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 16K </td></tr>
00367  *                  <tr> <td> @ref CS_CLR_INTERRUPT \n @ref CS_GET_INTERRUPT </td> <td> @ref sockint_kind </td><td> @ref SIK_CONNECTED, etc.  </td></tr>
00368  *                  <tr> <td> @ref CS_CLR_INTERRUPT \n @ref CS_GET_INTERRUPT \n @ref CS_SET_INTMASK \n @ref CS_GET_INTMASK </td> <td> @ref sockint_kind </td><td> @ref SIK_CONNECTED, etc.  </td></tr> 
00369  *             </table>
00370  *  @return @b Success @ref SOCK_OK \n
00371  *          @b fail    @ref SOCKERR_ARG         - Invalid argument\n
00372  */
00373 int8_t  ctlsocket(uint8_t sn, ctlsock_type cstype, void* arg);
00375 /** 
00376  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00377  *  @brief set socket options
00378  *  @details Set socket option like as TTL, MSS, TOS, and so on. Refer to @ref sockopt_type.
00379  *               
00380  *  @param sn socket number
00381  *  @param sotype socket option type. refer to @ref sockopt_type
00382  *  @param arg Data type and value is determined according to <I>sotype</I>. \n
00383  *             <table>
00384  *                  <tr> <td> @b sotype </td> <td> @b data type</td><td>@b value</td></tr> 
00385  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_TTL </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> 0 ~ 255 </td> </tr>
00386  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_TOS </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> 0 ~ 255 </td> </tr>
00387  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_MSS </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 65535 </td> </tr>
00388  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_DESTIP </td> <td> uint8_t[4] </td><td>  </td></tr> 
00389  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_DESTPORT </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 65535 </td></tr> 
00390  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_KEEPALIVESEND </td> <td> null </td><td> null </td></tr> 
00391  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> 0 ~ 255 </td></tr> 
00392  *             </table>
00393  * @return 
00394  * - @b Success : @ref SOCK_OK \n
00395  * - @b Fail 
00396  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM     - Invalid Socket number \n
00397  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE    - Invalid socket mode \n
00398  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKOPT     - Invalid socket option or its value \n
00399  *  - @ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT     - Timeout occured when sending keep-alive packet \n
00400  */
00401 int8_t  setsockopt(uint8_t sn, sockopt_type sotype, void* arg);
00403 /** 
00404  * @ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
00405  *  @brief get socket options
00406  *  @details Get socket option like as FLAG, TTL, MSS, and so on. Refer to @ref sockopt_type
00407  *  @param sn socket number
00408  *  @param sotype socket option type. refer to @ref sockopt_type
00409  *  @param arg Data type and value is determined according to <I>sotype</I>. \n
00410  *             <table>
00411  *                  <tr> <td> @b sotype </td> <td>@b data type</td><td>@b value</td></tr>
00412  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_FLAG </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> @ref SF_ETHER_OWN, etc... </td> </tr>
00413  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_TOS </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> 0 ~ 255 </td> </tr>
00414  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_MSS </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 65535 </td> </tr>
00415  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_DESTIP </td> <td> uint8_t[4] </td><td>  </td></tr> 
00416  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_DESTPORT </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td>  </td></tr> 
00417  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> 0 ~ 255 </td></tr> 
00418  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_SENDBUF </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 65535 </td></tr>  
00419  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_RECVBUF </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0 ~ 65535 </td></tr>  
00420  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_STATUS </td> <td> uint8_t </td><td> @ref SOCK_ESTABLISHED, etc.. </td></tr>  
00421  *                  <tr> <td> @ref SO_REMAINSIZE </td> <td> uint16_t </td><td> 0~ 65535 </td></tr>  
00422  *             </table>
00423  * @return 
00424  * - @b Success : @ref SOCK_OK \n
00425  * - @b Fail 
00426  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM     - Invalid Socket number \n
00427  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKOPT     - Invalid socket option or its value \n
00428  *  - @ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE    - Invalid socket mode \n
00429  */
00430 int8_t  getsockopt(uint8_t sn, sockopt_type sotype, void* arg);
00432 #endif   // _SOCKET_H_
00434 #ifdef __cplusplus
00435 }
00436 #endif