Wiznet W5500 driver and TCP/UDP loopback

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WIZCHIP I/O functions

WIZCHIP I/O functions

This supports the basic I/O functions for WIZCHIP register. More...


 Basic I/O function

These are basic input/output functions to read values from register or write values to register.

 Common register access functions

These are functions to access common registers.

 Socket register access functions

These are functions to access socket registers.

Detailed Description

This supports the basic I/O functions for WIZCHIP register.

  • Common register access functions
    1. Mode
      getMR(), setMR()
    2. Interrupt
      getIR(), setIR(), getIMR(), setIMR(), getSIR(), setSIR(), getSIMR(), setSIMR(), getINTLEVEL(), setINTLEVEL()
    3. Network Information
      getSHAR(), setSHAR(), getGAR(), setGAR(), getSUBR(), setSUBR(), getSIPR(), setSIPR()
    4. Retransmission
      getRCR(), setRCR(), getRTR(), setRTR()
    5. PPPoE
      getPTIMER(), setPTIMER(), getPMAGIC(), getPMAGIC(), getPSID(), setPSID(), getPHAR(), setPHAR(), getPMRU(), setPMRU()
    6. ICMP packet
      getUIPR(), getUPORTR()
    7. etc.
      getPHYCFGR(), setPHYCFGR(), getVERSIONR()

  • Socket register access functions
    1. SOCKET control
      getSn_MR(), setSn_MR(), getSn_CR(), setSn_CR(), getSn_IMR(), setSn_IMR(), getSn_IR(), setSn_IR()
    2. SOCKET information
      getSn_SR(), getSn_DHAR(), setSn_DHAR(), getSn_PORT(), setSn_PORT(), getSn_DIPR(), setSn_DIPR(), getSn_DPORT(), setSn_DPORT() getSn_MSSR(), setSn_MSSR()
    3. SOCKET communication
      getSn_RXBUF_SIZE(), setSn_RXBUF_SIZE(), getSn_TXBUF_SIZE(), setSn_TXBUF_SIZE()
      getSn_TX_RD(), getSn_TX_WR(), setSn_TX_WR()
      getSn_RX_RD(), setSn_RX_RD(), getSn_RX_WR()
      getSn_TX_FSR(), getSn_RX_RSR(), getSn_KPALVTR(), setSn_KPALVTR()
    4. IP header field
      getSn_FRAG(), setSn_FRAG(), getSn_TOS(), setSn_TOS()
      getSn_TTL(), setSn_TTL()